InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Monarchy ❯ Cresent Falls ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2: Crescent Falls
Year 1314
“Where the hell am I?” Kagome's repeated. Her voice echoed throughout the forest, scaring birds into flight and chipmunks into hiding.
Looking around frantically in her disoriented mind all she could fathom was that she was just in a dark clearing at night, and it was raining, and now it was sunny, looked like it was practically noon, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Her mind was telling her to turn around and head back in the direction she came and her instincts were telling her to run. Therefore, she ran taking random left and right turns.
When she came to a part of the forest that was so dark she couldn't see she finally let her more logical side calm her down. Now, she knew that she was lost in the dense foliage. Coming to a complete stop she looked around. Trees, trees, and more trees everywhere she looked, trees.
Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, ~I need to relax… I have to figure out where I am and how to get home. I've been through this forest a thousand times. ~ reopening her eyes she examined her new surroundings.
The canopy above her head was so thick she couldn't see the sun. In the darkness of the forest she looked to her left, and then to her right, the only thing that she could see in the shadows was that trees encircled her from every direction. Trying to look through the deep forest she realized that in front of her, through the trees, was a small ray of sunshine.
“Ok if I can make it to a clearing than I can find my way out…” she said wishfully as she started to walk toward the clearing.
Once she walked into the clearing the sun blinded her. When her eyesight returned to her, she was able to see a trail that looked somewhat recently used.
“I don't remember this trail,” she said aloud. Thinking fast she decided to follow the trail hoping that it would lead to the beach. She walked along the trail that over grown with weeds and wild flowers looked like a blanket on the forest floor.
After about five minutes of walking she didn't regret her decision. She was now able to smell and hear the ocean. Going from a walk into a dead sprint she ran. She ran until she burst through the forest line and onto the beach.
She fell to her knees, grabbed two fistfuls of sand, and let them run through her fingers. Watching the sand fall back down to its home on the beach she lifted her head. Looking down the beach there were no signs of civilization. She could only see the forest line meeting the golden sand of the beach. No houses, no smoke, not even another pathway to follow.
“There is no way I ran this far last night,” she said while standing up. With a sigh of defeat she looked toward the sinking sun, the horizon beautiful with its mosaic of color. “At least the sun looks the same.” The water was reflecting a perfect image, making the half circle whole.
With another sigh she brought her eyes back to the water's edge, her eyes grew to the size of saucers.
“A boat!!” Kagome said in disbelief. Ran over and touched it to make sure it was real. Confirming her suspicions she looked inside to see if there were any oars. Sure enough within the boat, under the wooden seats, there was one oar, but that's all she needed.
Pushing the small boat off of the sand and into the water she jumped in and headed to where she thought the port was. After a while she felt a slight tug, pulling her to the east. Fighting it off her continued west, however, the farther away she got the stronger the pull. Not able to take the strain anymore she turned her boat to the east, even though she was almost positive the port was west she just had a gut felling that she needed to go the other way.
She turned her boat around and headed the other way. As she continued she started to recognize some of the land formations, even in what little light she had to work with she could easily recognized the terrain. She had taken pictures of many of them on her little excursions.
After a half hour of rowing she finally saw a cove. Not just any cove, it was one of her personal favorites. She always felt a strange connection to this particular inlet by her home town. It was hard to explain, but she always felt safe and at home in this particular place.
The cove was in the shape of a crescent moon. It had vines hanging and a small waterfall falling from its peak. One thing she didn't recognize was that the water fall she remembered was a small trickle, but it now was roaring with life. Moreover, the vines were longer like curtains draping over a stage.
“Wow, it's even more beautiful than I remember.” With the light diminishing she needed to find shelter and the only place to go was the crescent cove in front of her. “Well… how do I get in?”
In the Cove
On a rock, just on the other side of the waterfall sat a boy. He had on brown pants and a white shirt. He wore no shoes, explaining why his feet are so calloused and tough. On his hands, elongated nails as sharp as daggers adorned his cuticles. His long silver hair blew in the slight breeze the waterfall made. He had pointed canines, almost like fangs. His amber eyes were bright, almost surreal if you hadn't seen them for yourself. His nose twitched as the mist from the falls tickled it. The ears that accessorized the top of his head would turn this way and that, listening to the relaxing sound of falling water.
The moon had taken over the night sky making the cave an eerie green color. The stalagmites and stalactites littered the floor and ceiling. The walls were damp, and the sea came out from under the waterfall and created a little bay.
Just as the boy on the rock was about to fall asleep his nose twitched and he sat up. He took another whiff and growled. He hopped down off the rock and hid behind one of the stalactites.
Kagome had finally made it safely through the waterfall. After twelve tries and getting totally drenched she had found a passage between some of the vines that the waterfall didn't even touch. Now it was completely dark outside with the exception of the full moon.
Rowing the boat into the cove she looked around the bay. She saw a place where she could dock her boat. She paddled over, hopped out in knee high water, and walked the boat to the edge. Tying it securely to a stalactite she climbed out of the water to the solid cave floor.
Kagome turned and gazed at the beautiful cascading water with a look of accomplishment. ~I wonder why the water returned to this place. It's not the rain season so it shouldn't have this much water. ~ Suddenly she felt arms go around her waist, holding her arms tightly to her body, almost painfully tight.
“What the … who the hell are you?” Kagome asked.
“Kikyo didn't expect to see you around here again.” The man behind her said with mock pleasantries.
“Hey dude, I'm not Kikyo. Who the hell are you?”
“Don't play dumb Kikyo, it doesn't suit you. Why did Naraku send you? And you better tell the truth or I will kill you!” the calm voice turning bitter and the once constricting grasp turned into a painful restraint.
“First of all stop calling me Kikyo, my name's Kagome. Second, who's Naraku? And thirdly who the hell are you?”
“Kikyo, this is getting tiring, I might as well kill you now.”
“I'm not Kikyo!”
“Yes you are!”
“No I'm not!”
“Yes you are!”
“I think I'd know my own name jackass.” Kagome replied coldly and who could blame her. She was cold, wet hungry, exhausted, and now thoroughly pissed off. Before the man behind here could retort a voiced echoed from further in the cave.
“Hey mutt-face who are you talking to?” an unexplained voice came from the inside of the cove.
“I'm just dealing with a bitch that's too stupid for her own good. Why?”
“Well bring her back. We need something to do. We're bored!”
“I've got it under control, but thanks.”
“InuYasha, just bring her back here. We'll chain her up and have some fun,” said another mysterious voice.
“Monk stay out of this,” replied her captor.
“Mutt-Face just bring the broad back here,” said the first voice.
“Feh, why should I?”
“Because InuYasha Sesshomaru left me in charge and I say bring her back!”
“Alright wolf if you insist,” was Kagome's only warning. InuYasha threw her over his shoulder and he was off, dashing off to the center of the cove at an inhuman speed. Kagome could do nothing but hold on and hope not to fall off.
The cave began to get darker and darker. Everything went completely dark for about two minutes before they started passing torches that lined the wall. They went on for about another twenty feet before she heard voices getting closer and closer. All in all it took them about five minutes to reach the inner chamber. Her captor suddenly dropped her on her feet and chained her to the wall by her hands, letting her feet dangle, her toes barely touching the cold cave floor.
“Is that Kikyo?” asked the first unexplained voice from before with a nervous hint to his voice.
The man before her was wearing a furry brown skirt and furry brown leg warmers to match. The armor that adorned his chest was made of pure silver. On broad shoulders was armor with fur covering the precious metal. He had a sword at his side a dagger hidden away in his arm shield. The shield that was on his arm was made of the same material as the shoulder pads. A smaller wrist band decorated his right hand as the arm shield adorned his left. His long brown hair pulled tightly into a pony tail on top of his head. He had claws and wore no shoes. His blue eyes seemed to be animalistic. Actually, everything about him seemed to be wild and untamed, down to his mischievous grin.
“Yep, the bitch thought she could sneak in here and kill us in our sleep.” replied the silvered haired man.
“I did not you dumb ass… and stop calling me Kikyo!” Kagome gritted through her teeth trying to control her temper.
“Bitch be quiet!” InuYasha said forcefully. Before Kagome could retaliate the man along the wall interrupted.
“InuYasha are you absolutely positive that this is Kikyo?” asked the other voice in disbelief as he stepped out of the shadows.
He wore indigo and amethyst robes showing his monk status. He had on wooden sandals and carried a staff. His staff was five feet tall and had a circle on the top. There were seven rings on his staff representing the seven chakras. It also had a sharpened tip that would pierce through an enemy's armor if the user wanted. His deep blue eyes held wisdom and knowledge. His face was innocent and gentle; betraying no hint of his natural perverted and battle hardened nature. He was no ordinary monk.
“Of course I'm positive that this is Kikyo!” replied InuYasha.
“No I'm not,” Kagome said under her breathe
“How do you know that it isn't Kikyo?” said Kouga while taking in her scent of cherry blossoms and mangos.
“What wolf your senses failing you at your old age? Can't you smell her scent and look at her,” InuYasha defended himself going over the girl and grabbing her cheeks and turning her face so that it was to the men, “there is no way anyone could look so much like Kikyo.”
“InuYasha, she's not even dressed like Kikyo.” stated Miroku matter of factly.
“Thank you at least someone has a brain.” Kagome said with a sigh of relief.
“It's one of her tricks. She is a sorceress!” retorted InuYasha.
“InuYasha, can you honestly say that Kikyo is so unaware of her surroundings that she would let you go near her? And capture her no less? Not to mention that you just grabbed her face and she didn't even zap you. Plus, this young women's aura is pure, it's not corrupted like Kikyo's”
“I'm going to have to side with Miroku on this one.” Kouga said putting his arms over his chest.
“You… argh this is Kikyo. There is no way she could look and smell so…” InuYasha's tirade got cut short by Kagome speaking up from her spot on the wall.
“Ummm…. Excuse me,” Kagome said in a calm voice. When she had all of the men's attention she continued, “Can I have a word with the idiot” Kagome finished coyly.
“Ya what?” InuYasha asked irritated that his friends didn't believe him and now this wench was taunting him.
“I can't say it out loud.” She said in an exasperated tone.
“Feh, why not?” was his reply before walking forward to stand in front of her.
“Because it's a secret now a little closer please,” she said in a whisper.
He leaned forward until his nose was almost touching hers. He looked her directly in the eyes and said, “What do you want Kikyo?”
Kagome closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and screamed, “My name is not Kikyo dumb ass. It's Kagome. Get that through your thick skull,” and when she was done with her tirade she kicked him hard in the shin.
InuYasha fell backwards, ears smashed to his head, and his hands covered his shin. He rolled around on the floor in agony.
“Well I guess we can safely assume that she's not Kikyo,” Miroku said as he watched his friend roll around in torment on the floor, “Kikyo would never raise her voice even if she was angry,” he continued to talk as his eyes wandered to the steaming girl who presently, even chained to the wall, looked extremely dangerous and stunning.
“Yeah,” said Kouga in a daze. ~Wow that broad has got some spunk; she's beautiful and she just kick dog-breaths ass… she would be a perfect mate. ~
Before Kouga could make his move on the damsel, Miroku stepped over the forgotten InuYasha and walked right over to the mysterious girl. Kagome looked up to the unusual monk.
“My name is Miroku and it is a pleasure to meet someone as beautiful as you, even under the current circumstances.”
“Well thank you, now will you let me go? Please?” she said with a pout.
“I'm sorry but I can't do that until Sesshomaru gets back and questions you.”
“Fine,” she replied with a down cast look.
“What's your name?”
~Beautiful name…~ Miroku thought to himself. “How old are you?” asked Kouga trying to get her mind off of the current situation.
“I'm seventeen.”
~Old enough to get married and such beauty…~ “Where are you from?”
“My family lives in Dorset.”
“You live in Dorset, and you don't know who Kikyo is?” asked Miroku with a look of disbelief.
“Yes, is that bad?”
“Well she is Naraku's right hand man so to speak.”
“Who's Naraku?”
“Well he is the filthy tyrant who is ruining this country, and since his castle is in Dorset, I'm shocked that you don't know who he is. Why are you dressed so strangely?”
“Strangely? No I think you are three are the ones who are dressed weird. You two look like you're in the medieval times festival, and you look like a monk.” She said as she motioned to the three men in front of her.
“What are `medieval times'?” Kouga asked, but his question went unanswered.
“I am a monk.”
“There haven't been monks around here for at least 400 years…” Kagome trailed off. Every piece of the puzzle was coming together; the waterfall, the deserted beach, the strange clothes… in a panic she asked, “What year is this?” frightened to hear the answer.
“It's 1314….” said InuYasha as he picked himself off of the floor his ears still ringing, “and you didn't need to scream so loud wench.”
“I have a name jackass; I would like you to use it. Wait… did you say 1314?” she asked, her face getting deathly pale.
“Yes and I choose not to use your name… bitch.” InuYasha said while taking a step closer to his friends still wary of the little woman chained to the wall.
Kagome didn't hear the last part of InuYasha's answer. ~ If it's 1314 then I went back in time 376 years. Why me? What happened? ~
“Alright you two quiet I need to finish my questioning,” said Miroku as he looked straight into her ice blue depths. “Now Kagome, do you see this?” he asked as he held up his right hand. Kagome looked and noticed that his hand had violet cloth and beads accessorizing it.
“Kagome?” Miroku's voice brought her out of her inspection to look up in his eyes, “this hand was placed under a curse by Naraku. I have a wind tunnel that will suck up anything and everything in my path. Now that may sound like a powerful weapon but it will eventually suck me in and I fear that I will not be able to break the curse in time.”
“O.K.?” she asked warily still shocked that she was in the past and not knowing where he was going with this.
“You see the only way I can get rid of the curse is if Naraku dies. Now if I had an heir I would be at peace and better able to fight knowing that if I don't kill him my heir could carry on the family practice.”
“And how would this involve me?” she asked now listening and not liking where this conversation was going.
“Would you bear me a child?” he asked with hopeful eyes bearing into hers.
Kagome's jaw dropped, “ummm…let me think… mmm gonna have to say no.” ~ Who does this guy think he is? ~
“Well why not,” Miroku asked a little hurt. When she didn't answer he replied, “What say you?”
“I say no, sorry, you're just not my type.”
By now the two men behind the monk were rolling around with laughter. InuYasha was the first to recover.
“Well it looks like she is smarter than I took her for,” he said through his fits of laughter.
“No kidding monk, will you ever learn that isn't how to get a woman in bed with you?” Kouga added.
Miroku turned his back to the damsel on the wall and headed back to the little fire that Kagome had yet to notice. InuYasha and Kouga followed suit badgering him and laughing at their jokes.
Kagome got a whiff of the food on the spit and she realized how hungry she was. ~No not now I have got to get out of here and back to that clearing and find a way home.~
She looked around for something to pick the locks with and remembered she had two bobby pins in her hair. She pulled her self up by her wrist and carefully pulled out one of the bobby pins. She let herself drop with a grunt escaping her mouth. She started working at the locks that held her captive.
Word of The day
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~*~Estel- Thanks for the reviews and keep them coming. By the way I'd like to wish a happy born-day to one of my best guy-friends Mo. I love you dude; I don't know what I'd do with out you. Have a good one, now you can start to count down the days till you can drive. lol don't forget you said you'd take me to the zoo. Anyways, I'll update on April 22. Love, Peace, Chicken Grease!! God Bless.