InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Money vs. Booty ❯ GayBob?! ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Goth Kag: Hello!! Thanks for reviews keep it up!! Inu? Where did u go?
Inu: I'm right here *piece of paper hanging from his mouth*
Goth Kag: That better not be what I think it is….
Inu: *glup* no. *runs like hell*
Goth Kag: Spit the review out inu!! Come back here!!
Last time~
Inu…yasha…”she mumbled in her sleep. Is she dreaming about me?
“Stop…no…quit… it.” What the hell am I doing to her in her dreams!?
“You dipshit.” My face fell. Oh thanks raise my hopes then mash them into little bits and pieces. Thanks a lot. I saw her eyes begin to open. Crap what do I do? What do I do?!
Chapter 6~
Oh crap. Oh crap. I tried to move away but it was to late.
“Morning.” She said then got up, “I going to go take a shower. If you're not out of my apartment before I'm done I'm going to be mad.” She walked onto the bathroom and shut the door.
That was weird. I was expecting a bloody lip or even a kick in the crotch or something. I guess I was spared. I turned to the clock on the dresser next to the bed. 11: 45! I ran to the chair in the kitchen where my now dry clothes were hanging. I through on my pants and took off the shirt Sota gave me. I didn't even bother putting my shirt back on; I ran out the apartment with a bare chest while trying to put on my shoes.
Miroku's going to kill me!”
I ran down to the main desk and out the door; luckily the old man was asleep. If I miss the meeting Miroku will have my head! I ran as fast as I could to my house where Miroku was sitting on the marble steps; and if looks could kill he would be the last man on earth.
“Where have you been?” Miroku said towering over me I could almost see lighting in the background. “I….umm…uh…I…”
“You bastard! You made me look like an idiot in front of 21 reporters for the Demons In Diamonds Magazine's! I can't believe you!” I felt the palm off his hand hit the back of head. Hard.
“Mother f- that hurt jack ass! It was your plan-” I stopped talking when I felt someone pull on my pant leg. I looked down and there was Sota with a back pack slung over his shoulder.
“Kagome will be mad if I tell her about you cussing in front of me.” He smirked. I knew that smirk; it was one of my smirks; as if saying `You bet I would too' He looked at Miroku then I saw one eye brow rise.
“Is he gay?” I burst out laughing
“WHAT?!?!” Miroku said his eye twitched
“Yeah he's the farthest thing from it.” I said thinking of all the times he's `copped a feel' on all of his maids.
“Then why is he wearing a light purple muscle shirt, that's pretty gay looking.” I bit my lip trying to hold back laughter. I told him to get rid of that shirt.
“So why are you here, runt?” Miroku said glaring at the little boy obviously he was pissed.
“Kagome kicked me out for saying that Inuyasha and she `did it' last night and that he's not as bad as her other boyfriends. Then she said and I quote `Well if you like him so much why don't you go live with him' and well…here I am.”
“Oh no he is not staying here!” Miroku said obvious that he was still mad.
“Where else can he go? He'll just stay in your room; I sure you won't mind.” I said walking up the marble stairs into the house. “I said NO!” Miroku yelled Sota walked behind me.
“Suck it up, GayBob.” I snickered at the name Sota gave him.
“I have a name you know!” Miroku said running up the stairs behind us.
“Really now and that would be…” Sota said
“It's Miroku.”
“Nah, I like GayBob still.” I could almost hear Miroku growl at him. When we walked in I could see Sota's jaw drop.
“This…is …so… COOL!!” Sota ran round looking at everything one of the maids came down stairs carrying so clean towels. Sadly, Sota wasn't looking where he was going and well…you know…
“Sorry!” Sota said helping the maid off the ground and started picking up the towels. Stupid boy. I walked over to him.
“Hey squirt, why don't I show you your room.” I lead him up the spiral stairs.
“It's not his room! It's MINE!!” Miroku yelled running up the stairs to catch up.
I lead Sota to left hall, the opposite way of my room, and stopped at the second to last door. I opened the room; I saw Sota smiling face drop.
“It's….purple.” He walked into the room and sat on the queen sized bed; he stared at the black sheets and then back at the dark purple walls.
“Hey, purple rocks.” Miroku said panting in front of the door. I guess he got tried running up the stairs. Humans. Their so weak.
“So where is GayBob staying?” Sota said taking off his shoes. I could here Miroku mumble, “I have a name you know.”
“In the guest room.” I smirked at Miroku's face. His face clearly said either `what the?!' or `No way in hell'.
“Wait just a damn minute; I am not a guest he is!” He said pointing to Sota.
“But are you the younger brother of a fine and sexy woman? I think not.”
“But I am her best friend!”
“Want to know something?”
“What?” H looked up at me as if I was going to tell him a secret
“I don't give a shit.” I walked out towards my room. Miroku can be so stupid. I walked into my room and jumped into my silk bed. Then the door bell rang. Then I heard heels going up the stairs then they stopped then two people started coming toward my room.
“Hey dog boy, open up or I'm going to kick the door down.” Said a female voice. It had a soft yet firm tone. Kagome! I tried to run to the door but my silk sheets betrayed me and I was wrapped in them.
“I guess you're going to have to pay for a new door.” My eyes went wide as I struggled out of the sheets. I finally got out and I ran to the door.
&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&& Normal POV &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&
Inuyasha ran to the door, problem is Kagome was getting ready to kick the door down. Inuyasha swung the door open and Kagome kicked. Miroku winced at the scene.
Yes Kagome kicked Inuyasha right in the family jewels. And she kicked him hard. Kagome gasped as Inuyasha fell to his knees. “Oh Inuyasha I'm so sorry.” She kneeled down next to him.
“That had to hurt.” Miroku said to Sota who was now right beside him.
“And it doesn't help that Kagome played soccer since she was 18.” Sota said wincing
“Or that she had heels on…” Miroku stated.
~ After The Incident~
Inuyasha was sitting on the couch with and ice pack between his legs. He tried to move but then winced in pain. Miroku was sitting on the ground with Sota and Kagome was sitting next to Inuyasha.
“So why are you here?” Miroku said as he watched the maid come back with more ice.
“Well the apartment building was getting sprayed for cockroaches and so I have to stay here for a couple of days.” Then there was another knock at the door. One of the maids opened the door then ran back into the TV room where they were sitting.
“Lord Sesshoumaru and Lady Rin is here, Master Inuyasha.” As if on key Sesshoumaru and Rin walked in. Sesshoumaru smirked at the state Inuyasha was in.
“Well, well, little brother, who am I to thank for their excellent aim.” Inuyasha growled at him, and Kagome raised her hand.
“Hello.” Kagome said as she smiled at him, Sesshoumaru gave a nod of approval. Rin winced at the state Inuyasha was in and turned to Kagome.
“How hard do you think you kicked him?”
“Hard enough to kick down a door; I didn't kick as hard as I could so he shouldn't need to go to the hospital.” Everyone except Miroku looked at her. “What?”
“You sent so one to hospital before?” Inuyasha said in disbelief.
“Yeah, see this is what happened…”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flash Back~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“I was an accident I swear.” Said a Miroku about 14 years old he was backed up against a wall and 3 wolf demons surrounded him.
“Shut up monk I'm going to hit you so hard you'll never touch other people's girlfriends again.” Demon #1 said getting ready to hit him; he swung his fist.
Miroku waited for impact.
But there was nothing.
He opened his eyes to see the demons face was flipped over on his back with a bloody nose. Then a girl about a year younger dressed in blue jeans and a red tank top, her black hair was in a pony tail. She stepped up to him.
“You okay?”
“Y-yeah who are you?”
“My names Kagome, you?”
“Hey whore! You're going to pay for that!” Said Demon #2 as he rushed at Kagome but with a swift movement she dodged him and punched him in the stomach knocking the air out of him.
“Idiot.” She said then spit in his face.
“Kagome watch out!” Yelled Miroku
Then Demon #3 came up behind her and wrapped his arm round her neck. “What's the matter little girl? You tired?” He said in mocking tone. She bit his arm, He let go and screamed in pain then she kicked him in the crotch. He fell to his knees, over come by pain, and passed out.
“Yeah I'm tired, tired of kicking your sorry ass.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Of Flash Back ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“…..and the next day he was in the hospital.” Kagome said as she finished her story.
“Yes, our sweet Kagome was once a tomboy.” Said Miroku
“My sis kicked BUTT!!” Sota yelled
“Wow.” Rin said
“Why did you save him? He deserved to get beat up for touching a demons woman.” Inuyasha said as he tried to shift around on the couch.
“I agree. That was very stupid.” Sesshoumaru said from his spot on the bean bag chair.
“The truth was I beat up those guys for two reasons, One : No one beats up Miroku except me. Two : I also found out that they almost raped one of my best friends in the woman's restroom.”
Then the song `slow down' by Bobby Valentino rang from Kagome's black purse. She took her cell phone out and flipped it open.
“Hello?….no I'm at Inuyasha's house….yeah I know…okay…….bye.” Kagome shut her phone.
“Who was that?” Miroku asked
“You remember Hojo?” Miroku nodded
“He's coming over to drop off another present.” Kagome looked down at the floor annoyed.
“Who the hell is Hojo?” Inuyasha growled at Kagome
Ding. Dong.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&a mp;&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&a mp;&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&a mp;
Goth Kag: I am evil! REVIEW!!
Inu: Just shut UP!!
Goth Kag: *sticks her tongue out*