InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonbeams and Night Kisses ❯ Moonbeams and Night Kisses ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“Let's stop here for the night,” Inuyasha said, pointing to a small clearing in the woods. “I can sense water not far off, and I don't smell any demons.”
“It's perfect!” cried Kagome, who was already in love with the place. The moonlight streamed through the leaves and in one place a full moonbeam shone through. The clearing reminded Kagome of a stage. She stepped under the moonbeam and felt like an actor in the spotlight.
“It is very pretty,” said Sango.
“All right the, let's set up camp!” Miroku laid the futons out. “Are you girls going to bathe tonight or in the morning?”
Sango glared at the lecher, just imagining why he would ask such a question.
Kagome didn't seem to notice and yawned. “I think I'll bathe in the morning. I'm tired, and it's too dark out.”
Sango agreed, and the five weary travelers got settled into their individual futons. Soon everybody except Kagome was sound asleep.
`I just can't sleep here. It's too pretty to waste on shut-eye.' She sat up and looked around the camp. Her eyes found the one they had searched for, and she watched his chest rise and fall.
`He looks so peaceful.' Quietly, she crawled around the other futons and sat down next to his. Her eyes fell to his lips and she sighed.
Inuyasha sat quietly. He wanted tosee what Kagome would do. Did she really think that he was asleep? He rarely slept, and when he did, it was just a light doze, never a deep sleep. He smiled inwardly. Kagome could be such a ditz at times.
`How I love you Inuyasha! If only you knew.' She leaned forward and stroked his cheek. He shifted in his `sleep', and she quickly withdrew her hand.
With demonic speed, he reached out and pulled her hand back to his face. He kissed her fingertips one by one, his boldness caused by the fact that he could always deny it in the morning.
Kagome's breath caught in her throat, and she pulled her hand back again. Inuyasha growled, but he didn't do anything more. Kagome stared at her fingers in shock, her body still tingling from the feel of his lips on her skin.
“Kagome,” Inuyasha muttered in his `sleep'. He reached out once more, but this time his hands found her waist. He wrapped them around her and pulled gently. When she didn't move, he pulled harder. Kagome lost her balance and toppled onto his sleeping form. She cringed and squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for his harsh words. When she didn't hear any, she opened her eyes slowly.
`He's still asleep!' she thought with surprise evident on her face. Only then did she realize her position on top of him. She blushed a deep crimson but didn't move, for fear of waking him. She looked at his lips again, and in a moment of lust decided it didn't matter if he woke up. She leaned down and brushed her lips against his. Inuyasha moaned and kissed Kagome back with a passion that surprised her.
Kagome never knew exactly when Inuyasha woke up, but she opened her eyes to find his golden ones staring at her in shock. She let out a little yelp and fell back onto the ground.
Inuyasha stared at her for a minute, taking in her messed-up hair, swollen lips, and eyes that were filled with fear and hunger. Before he knew what he was doing, Inuyasha had taken Kagome in his arms and was kissing her again.
Kagome smiled and put her hands on his chest. Gently, she pushed him away and looked into his eyes. She leaned forward and whispered into his ear, “As much as I want you, Yasha, I don't think right now is the time.”
Inuyasha looked at her with pain in his eyes and asked, “Why not?”
Kagome cleared her throat and looked over Inu's shoulder. He turned around, and gaped open-mouthed at the demon in front of him.
Kagome just sighed and said, “That's why.”
Inuyasha jumped to his feet and started growling. “What the fuck are you doing here, Kouga?”
Kouga stood there with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. “I came to check on my woman, mutt. Obviously I was wrong to think that you could keep your hands off of my treasure.”
`His treasure?!?' Kagome thought.
“I don't know how much you saw, Kouga, but SHE was fucking molesting me in my sleep! What's obvious around here is that Kagome is MY woman, and not yours!”
Kagome's face turned red in her anger and she practically screamed, “SIT! Just shut up you two! I'm tired of your petty arguments!”
By now Sango, Miroku, and Shippo had woken up, and they were all wondering what exactly was going on.
Kagome walked over to Kouga. “I think you should leave now,” she said quietly, not daring to look him in the eye.
Kouga reached out and took Kagome's hand. “If I go, I'm taking you with me.”
“Oh no you don't!” Inuyasha managed to pull himself from the sit in time to grab Kagome out of Kouga's arms.
Kagome felt like she was a rag doll being fought over by three year old girls.
Inuyasha let his insecurities go and told it like it was. “Kagome is staying here, and you just need to get over it, Kouga. She doesn't love you, she loves me. You don't love her, I do. So stick your little tail between your legs and run off like the mangy wolf that you are.” Kouga and Kagome both stared at Inuyasha, shocked. Inuyasha growled at Kouga when he didn't move, and quickly set Kagome on the ground so he could take out the Tetsusaiga. “I said LEAVE!!” He lunged at Kouga and was pleased to see the wolf yelp and quickly jump away.
Kouga glared at Inuyasha, not willing to be bossed around like this. He was ready to fight back when Kagome once more broke in.
“Inuyasha's right Kouga. I don't love you, and I've tried to tell you this a thousand times. You really need to accept this and find another girl… like Ayame.” Kagome walked towards him and pushed his hands back down to his side, loosening his defensive posture. She then turned to Inuyasha and moved his hand to put Tetsusaiga away. “There. Now I want you to leave Kouga. I'm not going to ask you to never come back because I still like you as a friend and I've seen that you can be useful in battle, but I need you to not start fights with Inuyasha anymore.” Kouga nodded slowly, hurt evident in his eyes. He turned and in a tornado of wind he ran back to his home.
Kagome turned to Inuyasha and stared deep into his golden eyes. “Did you mean it, Inu? Do you really love me?”
Inuyasha blushed, but didn't look away. He fidgeted, but didn't deny it. Unable to speak, he gave Kagome a quick, sharp nod.
Kagome laughed and jumped into his arms, wrapping her own arms around his neck. “I love you too, Inuyasha.”
A/N: So, what do you think? ^_^ Please review! I might have to change the name of the story. I don't know if I like it. :-/