InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonless Night ❯ Mother ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 8: Mother
“Can we stop for a while?”
“We just stopped like an hour ago!” snarled Inuyasha.
“Well, I'm tired and hungry,” whined Kagome.
“How can you be hungry? All you do is eat!”
“Now, Now, Inuyasha…she has got two babies, plus herself to feed,” said Miroku.
“Alright, I know!” grumbled Inuyasha, “…but I'm carrying you for the rest of the way!”
“Fine!” smiled Kagome as she sat down and munched on an energy bar, “How much farther is it?”
“About 2 days” Inuyasha sighed as Kagome grimaced. They had already been traveling for a month looking for Naraku.
“My supplies aren't going to make it…all I have is one cup of ramen left!”
“Hey Sango? You think Kirara's up to flying?” asked Inuyasha.
“Ya, sure” Sango replied.
“Well, if you guys ride on Kirara, I'll run with Kagome tonight and we might be able to make it there by morning.”
Kirara burst into flames and transformed, “We're ready to go!” called Sango, hopping on her back, followed by Miroku. Shippo took his perch atop Kirara's head and they took off.
Inuyasha hopped from treetop to treetop, followed by Kirara above him, all night. They reached Kaede's the next morning before dawn. Inuyasha laid down Kagome, who had fallen asleep on his back, in the hut. The others also went inside to sleep. Inuyasha perched himself atop the roof, frowning. Kagome would want to go back home for supplies and tell her mother she was pregnant. `Kagome's mother is going to kill me!' he thought.
Sure enough, the next morning, Kagome wanted to go back.
“Are you sure you wanna go back?” Inuyasha asked as his face steadily worked itself into a pout.
“Yeah…why?” asked Kagome cautiously.
“Are you…g…going to tell your mother about the pups?” Inuyasha asked, now pouting pathetically.
“Yeah, I was planning on it…she'd find out soon enough anyway…it's kinda hard to hide two pups growing inside my belly!”
“She is so going to kill me!” Inuyasha mumbled to himself.
“She won't kill you!” Kagome retorted, “She'll probably just be a little disappointed that we're not getting married.”
“Keh! Whatever!” was his reply.
“Mama?” Kagome called as she walked into the house and headed toward the kitchen.
“Hello dear, you're back!” Mrs. Higurashi called, “Did you find anything?”
“Well, you've been gone a month!”
“We went all the way to his old castle, but it's gone and no one's seen anything”
“That's too bad”
“There was something else…” Kagome said cautiously as she sat down at the table across from her mother. Inuyasha stood in the doorway, ready to grab Kagome and make a break for it.
“Yes, dear?”
“I…Inuyasha and I…are…are going to have p…pups” Kagome sputtered out.
“pups?” her mother repeated, looking confused.
“yeah…I'm pregnant with twins.”
“Oh my!” her mother gasped, “…twins? How far along are you?”
“about a month” Kagome blushed.
Mrs. Higurashi finally smiled, “well, I wasn't really expecting grandchildren yet, but I'm happy for you both. I know you love each other and Inuyasha takes good care of you.”
“Thanks Mama!” Kagome sighed with relief.
Mrs. Higurashi got up and waked over to the calendar, “It's April, so, let's see…November is nine months from now”
“Nine months? She'll have the pup weaned by then!” Inuyasha butted in.
“What?!” Kagome gasped.
“for youkai or hanyous like us…it's five months”
“How do you know that?” asked Kagome curiously.
“Myoga told me…” he mumbled, “when I was getting your sword made.”
“Oh…” said Kagome blushing.
“Well…then…July” Mrs. Higurashi finally added, “So what supplies do you need?”
“Don't get too much…we're not leaving right way!” snorted Inuyasha.
“We aren't?” Kagome said, looking slightly shocked.
“No, we aren't!”
“So where are you going, then?”
“Just to Totosai's and back”
“So, why can't I go?”
“Because I'm faster and you have to stay at Kaede's to practice with your sword and watch our son.”
“Oh” Kagome pouted. She did want to try out her sword, though. They had only been attacked a few times by weak demons in their travels. Inuyasha hadn't even needed to draw Tetsusaiga.
After Mrs. Higurashi left for the store, Kagome took Inuyasha outside to show him her Sankontessou. He gave her some pointers as she practiced on logs and before they knew it, Mrs. Higurashi had returned. Kagome packed the groceries into her back and Inuyasha grabbed it before she could. He strode outside towards the well.
“Be careful, dear” said Mrs. Higurashi, “I don't want anything to happen to my grandpups!” she smiled.
Kagome smiled back before hurrying out the door and through the well.
Sesshoumaru watched Kagura in the distance. He had observed her and Rin for the past month. Kagura was so attentive and nurturing to the child. Something he could never do. Rin's new favorite game was to pick flowers and put them in a pile, Kagura would then swirl them in the air with her with while Rin jumped about trying to catch them. Seeing Rin so happy actually brought a smile to Sesshoumaru's face. At night, he and Kagura would sit on the hill while Rin fell asleep on Kagura's lap. They didn't talk much, but there was something about her presence. It was soothing, comforting, yet, it was bringing out a side of him that had long lain dormant. The side of him that was warm and cheerful. Rin running toward him with a bundle of flowers brought him out of his reverie.
“Rin caught these for you, Lord Sesshoumaru!” she grinned.
He took them and didn't even try to hide his smile, even as Kagura strolled up behind her. Kagura raised an eyebrow, as this was the first time she had ever seen him smile. Rin's smile broadened.
“Kagura, would you join me?” Sesshoumaru asked, laying the flowers down carefully and standing up, “Rin, would you like to fishing, with Jaken, for dinner?”
“Yes, Lord Sesshoumaru, and I will give Aun a bath” Rin replied cheerfully and ran off.
“What is it my Lord?” asked Kagura casually.
“Is Sesshoumaru not allowed to ask for company on a stroll?” he smirked.
“Of course…you just seem different today…I have never seen you smile before” Kagura blushed.
“It is always a rare occasion…though, you are right, I feel different with you around.”
“How so?”
“I enjoy watching you and Rin play…she is very happy with you…you are very kind to her even though she is a human.”
“She is a sweet child and I enjoy playing as well…I never had a childhood…I was incarnated as I am now.”
“I see…” Sesshoumaru replied, “Kagura…”
“Yes, my Lord?”
“I enjoy your company as well…your presence is soothing…I invite you to stay as long as you wish…shall we return for dinner?” he said, turning and offering her his right arm.
“Indeed” she said, hooking her arm in his and smiling, “Rin will be worried if we stray too far.”
That night, after sunset, Sesshoumaru and Kagura sat side by side on the hill, gazing at the stars. Rin had fallen asleep after dinner on top of Aun at the riverside. Kagura yawned and Sesshoumaru pulled her into his lap. She looked surprised, but she was smiling. Sesshoumaru kissed her forehead. Kagura cradled his cheek in her hand, leaned up and kissed him. The gentleness of her kiss took him back. Her warmth shot through his body. The passion he felt spread through every one of his veins and into his brain. She awakened a desire from deep within him. Something was suddenly set loose from her embrace. He had never experienced this feeling before. It was a need to be near her and to embrace her. A need that fed upon her very soul. It touched his soul and softened it. She had the ability to transform his heart of stone. Their kiss only intensified as she traced his fangs with her tongue. He caressed her tongue with his and held her tighter as she moaned against him.
“My Lord…” she whispered.
“Kagura…I want to make you my mate” he said, slightly shocked at the bluntness of his own statement.
“Yes, my love…” she agreed.
He claimed her that night under the full moon. He smiled as she laid her head on his chest.
“Would you agree to becoming Rin's mother?” he asked softly.
“You wish to take her as our own?”
“Yes, she has no family and I think it would please her to have a mother and father again.”
“I agree…I will love her as my own…you think you can handle her and the pup?” Kagura laughed.
“Of course, this Sesshoumaru can do anything” he smiled back.
They both slept peacefully that night, wrapped in each other's arms (or arm in Fluffy's case!) Jaken awakened them the next morning.
“My Lord!” he squealed, “I cannot believe that you have claimed th…this woman…this woman of Naraku's flesh, no less! And you have allowed her to carry your most noble pup sire!” he ran back and forth in a panic.
“Jaken…” Sesshoumaru snarled menacingly, Jaken stopped dead and cowered in fear for his life, “I should kill you for this outburst and for questioning my choice to be mother of my pup, but I do not wish to shed blood in front of my mate.”
“Thank you, my Lord…you are most gracious, master!” Jaken squeaked, bowing low many times.
“You shall treat my mate with respect…you shall refer to her as `Lady' or `Mistress'. I am also about to take Rin as my daughter, you shall therefore be kind to her or you will face my wrath, do you understand, Jaken?”
Even Kagura cringed at the look Sesshoumaru was giving Jaken. His servant looked as though he may scream or run off, screaming in terror. Instead, Jaken pulled himself together as best as possible.
“Yes, my Lord…my Lady” he said, bowing to them each, “I will see that breakfast has been prepared.”
“He has had that coming to him for a long time now” Sesshoumaru smiled to Kagura.
Kagura sighed in relief. Sesshoumaru's earlier expression had really frightened her. He was so angry that his servant had disrespected his math that she thought he might lose control of himself. He seemed back to normal now and he took her hand as they walked to the riverside for breakfast. Kagura rubbed her head against the soft fur of Mokomoko-sama.
Rin had prepared a lovely fish breakfast and had picked fresh flowers.
“Rin?” Sesshoumaru said as he threw the last fish bone into the fire.
“Yes, my Lord?” she replied sweetly.
“I have taken Kagura as my mate…and we would like to know if you will have us as your mother and father.”
“Yes, I would like that…Father” Rin replied, positively beaming.
“Come on, Mama!” Rin said, dragging Kagura downstream and smiling ear to ear.
“Father would be proud” Sesshoumaru said to himself before turning to Jaken, “I think it is time Lord Sesshoumaru returned to his castle…see that it is ready, Jaken.”
“Yes, milord!” Jaken said, bowing and hurrying off.
Sesshoumaru picked up a bundle of flowers, `Rin will love the gardens…I am sure they need work' he thought to himself and smiled.
Mokomoko-sama - Sesshoumaru's fluffy