InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonless Night ❯ The Final Battle ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 11: The Final Battle
The unlikely company landed right in front of Naraku's barrier. Inuyasha let Kagome off his back and strode proudly through the group, stopping within arms length of the barrier. He unsheathed Tetsusaiga, which, upon sensing the barrier, mottled into bright red. He raised the sword above his head.
“KAZE NO KIZU!” he shouted, bringing his sword straight down upon the barrier.
The barrier cracked along its center, it then faded and fell away. They rushed inside the front gate of the castle. Naraku was standing at the top of the castle stairs, apparently lured outside by the fall of his barrier.
“Inuyasha…what a pleasant surprise…you have assembled quite an army” Naraku said, smiling shakily and attempting to look unimpressed as Kikyo swept in from somewhere in the shadows.
“Keh! Guess you didn't see that one, did you Naraku?” Inuyasha smirked.
Naraku glared at him, “It matters not.”
“Where is Kagura?” Sesshoumaru butted in, attempting to keep his voice neutral.
“She is safe inside the castle, I have not harmed her or your pup…yet” Naraku sneered, “I do hope this is not a frivolous rescue attempt.”
“Keh! We came to kick your ass!” Inuyasha goaded.
“Well, I must thank you, Inuyasha…for this assemblage you have brought…several youkai, two mikos and a few hanyous” he said smiling as he walked leisurely down the stairs, “All will make excellent additions to my body!”
All of the sudden, huge, slithering, green appendages sprouted from underneath Naraku. Only his head and torso remained human-like, as parts of youkai bubbled from his lower half. He slithered toward Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru. This was Kouga's cue, he dashed from the back of the group, kicking up dust cyclones as he ran circles around Naraku. Naraku was blinded by the continually renewed tornadoes.
“You think you can distract me and rush in to save the woman! I still hold her heart, remember?” Naraku chided.
“Not likely!” called Inuyasha from somewhere to Naraku's right.
Kagome and Kikyo cocked back an arrow. Sango stood ready with Hiraikotsu, onto which she had fastened Miroku's staff. Tenseiga pulsated. Sesshoumaru stuck Tokijin into the ground and unsheathed his father's sword. Inuyasha stood ready with Tetsusaiga. Naraku was concentrating on trying to pinpoint Kouga and regain his sight.
“IKE!” Kagome shouted.
On this signal, Kouga darted off to the left of Naraku. Kagome and Kikyo shot their arrows, in unison, toward the light of the jewel, embedded in Naraku's back. In a split second, Kagome dropped her bow and drew her sword. Two kaze no kizus ripped toward Naraku, along with a blast of energy from Tenseiga. Hiraikotsu cut off many of Naraku's appendages, which were immediately sucked up by Miroku's kazana. There were no Saimyoushou to hinder him. Sango had set up a huge bonfire of herbs that killed the insects at the entrance to the castle. Kohaku, Shippo and Rin stood there now, wafting the smoke into the castle, as Kirara and Aun stood guard over them.
The energy from the swords swirled and twisted with the energy from the arrows. The arrows hit their mark and shattered the, now almost complete, Shikon no Tama. The kaze no kizu ripped Naraku's body to shreds as Tenseiga's energy released the souls of the youkai he had absorbed and prevented him from regenerating. With a final curse and a shrill scream, Naraku faded into dust.
Kagome bent down and picked up a glittering pink shard, “Here we go again…” she sighed.
“Fortunately, the shards have only spread throughout the castle” Sango reassured her.
Upon hearing Naraku's final words, Kagura had stepped onto the balcony. Sesshoumaru looked up in time to see her striding towards him.
“It's finally over…I have my heart back and I am free!” She said, with a tear in her eye, before throwing her arms around Sesshoumaru's neck and kissing him.
At the same time, Inuyasha had begun stomping over to Kagome, ready to chew her out for splitting the jewel…again. Before he could, Kikyo walked up to him. Kagome watched in silence, ready to pounce if Kikyo tried anything.
“Take good care of your miko and pups” she said solemnly.
“Kikyo…” Inuyasha mumbled.
Before he could say anything else, Kikyo raised her head to the sky and her body faded into dust. Several souls returned to Kagome's body, the rest she had taken floated off into the night sky.
Inuyasha stared silently at the white orbs climbing higher. Miroku came up behind him and placed his unbeaded right hand on Inuyasha's shoulder.
“Her task here is completed” he consoled, “May she forever rest in peace” he finished, raising a hand in front of him in prayer.
“Yo, Kagome!” Kouga said, running up to her, “I'm outta here, but if mutt-face gives you any trouble, you're welcome to lay low at my place!”
“Oi! Wait a second ya mangy wolf!” Inuyasha growled.
“What is it now mutt?”
“We'll be havin' those jewel shards, now!”
“I'm not givin' you anything, but Kagome can have mine because I don't need them anymore!” he retorted, taking out the two jewel shards in his legs and dropping them into Kagome's outstretched hand, “See ya!”
“Our daughter is outside with the other children, go and invite them in” Sesshoumaru told his mate.
“SANGO!” Kagura yelled a few minutes later from outside the castle.
Everyone bolted to the entrance of the castle. Rin and Shippo were sobbing over Kohaku as he clung to life. As Naraku died, the curse he had placed on the jewel shard in Kohaku's back lifted. The shard was beginning to purify and Kohaku was dying…again. Sango ran with tears streaming down her face and pulled Kohaku into her lap.
“No, Kohaku…don't leave me!” she bawled.
“It's okay…Aneue…I remember” he said serenely, “I wanted to tell you, I'm sorry and I love you” and with that, he died in her arms. The jewel shard fell from his back and Miroku prayed silently.
Shippo brought Sango a blanket from inside the castle. Silently, she wrapped Kohaku's body in it and mounted Kirara. Miroku got on behind her and without another word, they flew off to bury him in her village. No one said anything, Kagome though she probably should've, but she nodded and Sango understood. When they were out of sight, Kagome turned to Shippo, on Inuyasha's shoulder, and Rin, in her mother's arms.
“How about a game?” Kagome asked the sniffling youngsters, “Whoever finds the most jewel shards wins!”
Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes as Inuyasha dashed off, as well. Apparently, he decided to include himself in the game.
After two days of searching, the game ended. They had found all of the shards in the castle. Kagome counted the shards and announced that Shippo had won.
“What do I win?” Shippo asked cheerfully as Rin pouted.
Kagome dug in her bag and handed them each a lollipop. Rin, then, had to say goodbye to Shippo and return to the castle with her mother and father.
“Thank you, Kagome” Kagura said earnestly, “Come and stay at the castle on your way back.”
“We will, thank you” Kagome replied as Inuyasha huffed.
It took them over a month to find the remaining shards, which had strayed to the surrounding countryside. Finally, they were able to make the journey home.
The newly rejoined company started traveling southeast to Sesshoumaru's castle. Sango, Miroku an Kirara had joined up with Kagome, Inuyasha and Shippo after burying Kohaku in the demon exterminator's village. Sango didn't talk much at first, but as they traveled, her spirits began to rise. Miroku took this as a sign that he could continue his butt fondling.
SMACK! “Perverted Monk!” Sango yelled, “…And you can't blame it on the curse in your hand anymore!”
“Who ever said the curse in my hand was related to Naraku!” He replied, smiling and rubbing his red cheek fondly.
“Uh! Lecher!” Sango mumbled.
Miroku's eyes lit up as he remembered something. He caught up with Sango and took her hand, “Sango, my dear…do you remember your promise?”
Sango blushed, “And what promise would that be Houshi-sama?” she asked innocently.
“You promised to marry me after we killed Naraku!” he said sweetly.
Sango blushed even redder, “You're right, I did…well, in a few years, we'll be sure he's really gone this time and I'll fulfill my promise” she teased as Miroku stopped, dumbfounded, and she trotted off ahead, giggling.
Kagura and Rin graciously accepted the group into Sesshoumaru's castle. They stayed there, enjoying great feats, until Miroku could stand it no longer. Even Inuyasha was having a good time. He still hated Sesshoumaru and his castle, but he loved food and alone time with Kagome.
They finally said they're goodbyes and headed off toward the temple where Miroku grew up, so he could marry Sango. They were married in the morning, in front of the temple, beside Miroku's father's grave. Inuyasha managed to keep Mushin sober until after the ceremony, which he was performing. Even Hachi showed up (more for the party afterwards, they suspected). After another week there, hey said goodbye to a drunken Mushin and finally headed home.
The going was becoming much slower. Kagome, having twins and only five months to carry them, was getting big quickly. They had to stop often for food and rests. Finally, they reached Kouga's territory, which meant they were almost home. They camped out in his woods and surprisingly, Kouga did not come to see them. Nevertheless, Inuyasha remained on high alert. The next morning, Kagome went into labor.
“Damn it! We almost made it back!” Inuyasha grumbled as he paced outside of Kouga's den.
Sango had insisted that they get her out of the heat and the closest place had been Kouga's den. Kouga had grumbled something about “mutt pups”, but allowed them to use his cave after Ayame glared at him. He, then, took Ginta and Hakkaku out with him on “guard duty”. Sango had shooed Inuyasha and Miroku out of the cave because Inuyasha kept growling at her every time Kagome winced in pain. Ayame, who had already had four of Kouga's pups, had also stayed to help. A few hours later, Inuyasha could hear the cries of his pups. Minutes later, Sango came and let him inside. He crouched down beside Kagome and pushed her bangs out of her sweaty face. Kagome nodded and Ayame handed Inuyasha one of the twins.
“Would you like to name your son? Kagome asked weakly.
“My son…” Inuyasha repeated, staring wide-eyed at the tiny infant in his arms. He had silver hair and little white ears. Inuyasha started at the pup in thought for a while, “Inuryoku…”
“Dog of Power…” Kagome smiled acceptingly.
“What are you going to name him?” asked Inuyasha, averting his attention to the pup in his mate's arms.
Her name is Luna” Kagome corrected.
“What's that mean?”
“Luna is the name of the moon”
`The moon…” he repeated, obviously thinking it over, “Keh! That'll do!” he said mischievously before leaning forward and kissing her.
Inuyasha took his daughter in his other arm, “Get some sleep, woman…I wanna get outta here…don't want my pups smelling like that mangy wolf!” he snorted and walked out of the cave to show Miroku. Kagome smiled and laid down to sleep.
Inuyasha beamed as he showed his sleeping pups to Miroku.
“Your little girl looks just like Kagome, won't she be a beauty!” said Miroku, looking at Luna, who had black hair and ears.
“And you can keep your lecher hands away from her!” Inuyasha said and stomped off toward the river. He sat down on the bank and stared down in wonder at the pups, `I can hardly believe these are mine!'
“You may be hanyous, but you won't have a life like I did…I promise you that!” He said aloud to them.
“Papa…” Shippo whispered as he crept up.
“Shippo…this is your brother, Inuryoku” Inuyasha whispered, nodding to the pup in his right arm, “…and this is your sister, Luna.”
“They're really tiny!” remarked Shippo.
“How much room do you think Kagome has in her belly?” Inuyasha growled back, taking this as an insult.
Just then, Kouga strolled up behind him, “Oi! Let me see the mutts!” he called.
This managed to wake up Luna, who cried loudly and woke up her brother.
“You scared `em, ya mangy wolf!” said Inuyasha and he stormed past him, back towards the cave. The crying awoke Kagome immediately.
“They're hungry” Inuyasha said with flattened ears. He then cleared everyone out of the cave so she could feed them privately.
A few days later, they were able to return to Kaede's village. As promised, Inuyasha immediately set to building them a hut. Many of the men from the village came to help, since Inuyasha had saved them numerous times from youkai. They also built a hut for Sango and Miroku.
When Kagome had regained all her strength, she decided it was time for her to visit home. She carried her son, while Inuyasha carried Luna. Sango and Miroku followed them to the well. Kagome carefully climbed down into the well, while the others watched over the edge. If Inuryoku couldn't go through, Sango would hurry down to get him. Kagome stepped off the ladder and immediately blue and white swirls enveloped her. She looked down and gasped, there was Inuryoku, giggling in her arms. She happily hopped out of the well and moment later, Inuyasha leaped out after her carrying Luna.
“It worked!” Kagome said happily.
Inuyasha nodded and touched Luna's nose with the tip of his claw, making her squeal with delight.
“Mama!” Kagome called, rushing into the house.
Mrs. Higurashi rushed down the stairs to meet her. Kagome introduced her to her grandpups and they told her of all their adventures over dinner. Afterwards, Kagome and Inuyasha returned through the well and hopped into Goshinboku.
“Inuyasha…I've decided what to wish for.”
“What's that?” he asked as he watched her pop the last shard out of her ring and fuse it with the rest of the jewel hanging around her neck.
“I wish all my friends and family could pass through the well freely forever!” she said aloud, squeezing the jewel in her hands.
A light erupted from inside her closed hands and then faded, when she opened them, the jewel had disappeared.”
“Great…you're in charge of keeping Shippo out of candy stores!” Inuyasha teased.
The next day was a new moon. Kagome took the others to meet her family. That night, Grandma Higurashi watched Shippo and the twins, while Sango, Miroku, Kagome and Inuyasha went out for a tour of Tokyo.
A month later, Kagura gave birth to a baby boy, who Sesshoumaru named, Kagirinaibou. Kagura brought Rin to visit Shippo on her feather quite often. Rin was even allowed to visit the modern times that winter when Shippo could wear a coat that covered his tail.
Inuyasha and Kagome had another son. Sesshoumaru and Kagura had two more daughters. Sango and Miroku had six children, five girls and then, finally, one boy. (That's what lechers get!) They all lived happily ever after. THE END!
Hiraikotsu - Sango's boomerang
Ike - means “go”, Kagome says it a lot when shooting her arrows in the Japanese version.
Inu - dog, ryoku - power
Kagirinai - limitless, bou - one