InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight Princess ❯ Once upon a Time ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Once upon a Time!
A/N: If you don't like original characters. Please don't read. Most will not recognize who this is. That's because I have not written her story. The short summary is. She's Princess Serenity Moon of the moon. She's the Princess of the moon and cosmos. Also Princess of Light, Purity and Innocence. She's also Sailor Teen Moon but in here . . . just Sailor Moon. She has also taken the place of Kagome. I am a Kagome fan so no flames. Please. She's also a half dog demon in this story. She just had a spell cast on her to make her human. But that's another story. I really hope you like it. Enjoy.
More An: Thanks to a reviewer. I reread the story and found some mistakes. I hope I corrected them all.
Warnings: Fluffy. Adult situations. Rena acting like a school girl. Demons, time warping, aliens. Also the author is insane. Anything else? Nope.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inu yasha or Sailor Moon. But Rena is mine. No taking.
Rena sighed, as once again she had to listen to Inu yasha's ranting about her going home. The silver haired girl sat stationed on a tree stump. “Inu yasha?” She asked. No response. Then she said the magic word and down Inu yasha went. She crouched near his head. “I'm only going to be gone till tomorrow night.” She said sighing.
His ears twitched and he pulled his head up looking annoyed. “Only a day?” He asked. Rena just nodded smiling then shook her head as the boy sat up. She stood quietly waiting as he pretended to look thoughtful. “Feh. Fine, but if you're not back by then. I'll come and get ya.” Said Inu yasha.
Rena giggled and started walking toward the well. Patting Inu yasha on the head on the way making him growl.
As she walked into her room she sighed and then collapsed on the bed. “Let's see. . .School. Of course. Got toturn in the make up work and get the new stuff. Hmm. Rei will want to talk to me too. Plus I have to get a kimono for the festival next week.” She thought as she heard her Mom calling dinner. She got up smiling and made her way down.
Rena sighed as she closed her locker and walked down the stairs. “I can't believe I have so much make up work. Why do I do the work again? Oh yeah . ...It makes Mom happy.. . .Oh well.” She thought hanging her head as she left the school grounds. Her Mom had decided to pick up her kimono for her and for that Rena was grateful.
She made her way up another pair of shine stairs. A girl with long raven black hair in priestess's robes was sweeping. She raised her hand and shouted. “Hey Rei!” Rei paused turning around and grinning.
It was sunset already and Rena had just gotten out of the well when she heard a loud “Finally!” And turned to see Inu yasha glaring. “Inu yasha?” Asked Rena. “Feh! Who else?!” He replied.
He took the bag she had brought that was filled with the medical supplies Kaede had asked for. “I didn't even askfor him to take it. I should've put it in my sub space pocket but . . . . . maybe part of me wanted to see if he would take it for me.” She thought smiling.
Rei and Rena were sitting in Rei's room at her table. “So this festival is for three nights?” Asked Rei. Rena nodded then Rei asked slyly. “Are you gonna ask Inu yasha to be your date?” She turned a cherry red and murmured a “Maybe”. Rei smiled. “You love him. You should.” She said, nodding. Rena gave a soft smile and said blushing. “Maybe. . . I will”
~End Flashback~
She smiled at the memory. “I can do it. I won't know how he feels until I confess my feelings. If he accepts me then . ... I'll be happiest woman on earth!” She thought blushing. She then took his hand into hers.
He looked at her out of the corner of his eyes and she felt his hand squeeze hers. She gave a soft squeeze back smiling. When they stepped into the hut Sango was waiting for her. She raised an eyebrow at them and Inu yasha let go quickly blushing.
Rena sat down as Shippo came bounding in and upon sighting her jumped into her arms. “Hello Shippo!” She said smiling brightly at the fox kit.
He just smiled back at her happily as Miroku entered. He smiled and said. “Rena, you're back! It was only a day but Inu yasha was still moping around like a dog that lost his bone. Next time take him with you. Do us all a favor.” Rena laughed and replied. “Sure Miroku. I'll keep that in mind.” Inu yasha was behind him looking ready to kill him.
Sango seemed to notice what was about to happen and stood. “Let's go take a bath at the hot springs.” She suggested quickly.
Rena nodded and as they left she heard a cry of pain and a shout of “Inu yasha! It was a joke!!! Don't you have a sense of humor?! Another shout was heard this one saying. “No I don't! Now die you stupid Monk!!” Sango tugged on her hair and she sighed shaking her head.
As they walked Rena couldn't stop thinking about the conversation she had with Rei. When they arrived she stripped and slipped into the hot spring still in thought. Someone tapped her on the shoulder and she looked to see Sango's worried face. “What's wrong?” She asked.
She blinked but replied. “Nothing, just thinking. Sango seemed to be waiting for her to continue so Rena blushed but told her about the talk with Rei.
As she finished Sango's face turned thoughtful. “You know? She right, it's about time you confessed.” She finished. Rena blushed saying. “But I don't know anything about this kind of stuff.” At that Sango smiled brightly. “That I can help with! By the third night he'll be yours!” She replied brightly.
Rena blushed but grinned.
As they walked back Rena was once again lost in thought. “I hope I can do this. The only thing he can do is turn me down . . . right? But if he does . . . I . . . .I . . .I don't know what I'll do. But I have to be ready if it happens.”
She smiled as Shippo came toward with a grin and badly beaten monk. As she entered a smirking half- demon came into her line of sight. “Enjoyed your bath?” He asked still smirking. She nodded blushing and sat next to him. He looked at her strangely for a moment then turned away.
Rena stared at the darkened ceiling. She looked over at Inu yasha; she could tell he was awake. She gave a silent sigh and stood.
She stopped to slip on her black boots then left. She walked slowly to the sacred tree, her black midriff sleeveless turtleneck and black skirt blending almost perfectly with the darkness.
She stopped at the tree and suddenly heard a gruff voice. “Feh, What're ya doin' out here?” Inu yasha asked. She gave a small smile and replied. “Couldn't sleep.” She sat at the foot of the tree and Inu yasha sat next to her.
They sat in a comfortable silence for awhile then Rena blushed and leaned against Inu yasha. She felt him looked down at her and blushed harder. “It's kinda cold.” She murmured. He nodded and wrapped an arm around her.
She smiled softly and leaned even more into him. “He's so . . .warm. I feel so content and happy.” She thought giving a happy mental sigh as she closed her eyes, falling asleep. Inu yasha looked down at her with soft eyes and a smile. He placed his head on top of hers closing his eyes too. Then he joined her in slumber.
Sakura: That's it! Hope you liked it!! Please R and R!
~Lady Sakura