InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight Princess ❯ I wish! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I wish!
A/N: If you don't like original characters. Please don't read. Most will not recognize who this is. That's because I have not written her story. The short summary is. She's Princess Serenity Moon of the moon. She's the Princess of the moon and cosmos. Also Princess of Light, Purity and Innocence. She's also Sailor Teen Moon but in here . . . just Sailor Moon. She has also taken the place of Kagome. I am a Kagome fan so no flames. Please. She's also a half dog demon in this story. She just had a spell cast on her to make her human. But that's another story. I really hope you like it. Enjoy.
Warnings: Fluffy. Adult situations. Rena acting like a school girl. Demons, time warping, aliens. Also the author is insane. Anything else? Nope.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inu yasha or Sailor Moon. But Rena is mine. No taking.
One week had passed since that night. They were on their way back to village with Inu yasha complaining about not getting anything done the whole way. Rena smiled as she watched Shippo and Kirara playing together a little ahead of them. She looked up and realized that sunset was approaching. She turned back to the road and saw so was the village.
“It's been a week and tomorrow night is the first night of the festival. Now . ... How am I going to ask Inu yasha to go with me without him thinking of it as a date?” She thought, frowning.
When they reached the edge of the village she watched Inu yasha bound straight into the forest. She sighed and watched the others walk away before nodding and turning toward the forest. She ran after him and upon arriving at his favorite tree called out. “INU YASHA” “Feh. What?!” He called back annoyed.
Rena gave an annoyed huff and shouted. “Come down!! I want to ask you something!!” He leapt down and gave her a glare barking a “Well?! She glared but then steeled herself and said. “Tomorrow is the festival.”
“I know that! Isn't that one of the reasons we came back?!” He replied angrily. Rena gave a sigh of frustration. “I was thinking . . . That . . . . . maybe you and I could go to the festival. . . . You know together.” She said nervously blushing.
Inu yasha raised an eyebrow at her. “We are going together. Miroku, Sango, Shippo, you and me. Did ya forget?” He said giving her an amused look. She blinked and then sighed. “I should have known! I didn't want him to suspect anything but . ... This is just too much! He's really dense, even more than I am! Or maybe he just doesn`t want to go with me.” She thought sadly.
Never mind. Just forget I said any of that. I was just being stupid.” She said quickly. With that she swiftly turned around and leapt away leaving a confused and curious Inu yasha. She sighed as the trees sped by. “Idiot” She thought sadly.
Later that night she and Sango were taking a bath at the hot springs. “He's so dense. I'm glad he didn't catch on . . . . . But I wanted him to at least be interested in going with me.” She finished miserably.
Sango smiled softly. “Don't worry about it. All men are like that. Now remember the first two nights everyone has to wear masks. Though Inu yasha will know it's you anyway, you'll still be irresistible.” She said cheerfully. Rena smiled and murmured. “Thanks Sango”
Rena sighed as she looked into the mirror. She was wearing a pink kimono with light pink cherry blossoms swaying in the breeze. She had half her hair up in a clamp making it spill over the clamp while the rest of her fell down her back. She had a light pink mask on that had the edges dipped in silver.
It made her eyes stand out and she also had on pink lipstick. Just then Sango came through the door and looked up and down. “You look so beautiful! Inu yasha will defiantly notice!” She said smiling. Rena just blushed and asked. “Think so?” She nodded and then Rena got a sly grin. “And Miroku is sure to notice you Sango. Especially since you're wearing his favorite color.” She said grinning while Sango turned bright red.
She was wearing a purple kimono with lavender leaves decorating it with a lavender mask. She had her hair down and had on a darker shade of pink lipstick than her. Sango smiled while she grinned. Then the bell for the first night of the festival rang.
Rena gave a soft sigh as she sat there. The partnering ceremony had already started and Miroku had picked Sango right away.
The ceremony was for the men to pick their partners for the next three days and maybe even their future wives. “But where is Inu yasha? Maybe he didn't come . . . . He doesn't really like crowds. But I wanted him to come.” She thought sadly.
Someone stepped in front of her and she looked up to Inu yasha wearing his usual kimono but with a dark red mask making his golden eyes almost glow. “Will you be my partner?” He asked holding out his hand. She blushed but smiled softly. “I will” said Rena taking his hand.
He led her to where the others were dancing. Sango gave her a bright smile and Rena returned it as Inu yasha drew her close causing her to blush. “I can't believe I'm dancing with Inu yasha. . .He's holding me so close.. . She thought trailing off, and leaning her head on Inu yasha's shoulder.
After awhile Inu yasha led her away stopping only to get a few mochi, he then headed toward a tree and sat down.
She sat down next to him as he handed her one. They sat in silence eating but after awhile Inu yasha spoke up. “I thought you would have had others who would have loved to be your partner.” He said softly. Rena smiled and replied lowly. “Maybe I was waiting for the one I wanted.” He turned toward her blushing. “R . . .Really?” He asked.
She blushed and nodded, then leaned her head against him. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer. He leaned back against the tree smiling. They just sat there and watched the stars in a comfortable silence.
Then Rena heard the bell and gave a mental sigh. Sango had told her about that bell, when it ranged then the girls who weren't married had to go home. Also during the festival days the girls couldn't interact with their partners.
Inu yasha walked her to the well and even up on the lip of it. “Goodnight” He said blushing lightly. Rena smiled and leaned down kissing him on the cheek. “Goodnight” She whispered against his cheek.
She straightened and disappeared into the well. The last thing she saw before disappearing was a bright red Inu yasha grinning.
She landed with a soft thud and knew she was in her own time once again. She snuck into the house not wanting to wake her Mom. As she entered the bathroom and started to undress she noticed that she had a bright smile on her face.
She giggled as she got into bed and laid there thinking about the night. “I can't wait to see how Miroku is going to handle not being able to be near Sango for the next two days. At least on the last night there's no bell. . . . . . . .I wonder what will happen on the third night . . ” She thought smiling as she fell asleep.
It was the next day and also noon. Sango and she had decided to have a picnic. They had sent Shippo to keep the guys entertained.
She could see Miroku but not Inu yasha although she could feel his eyes on her. She had laughed out loud when she saw a sulking Miroku trailing behind a hyper fox.
They had been talking about what happened the night before when Rena grinned at Sango. “If Miroku asks you to mate with him on the third night, will you?” She asked slyly.
Sango blushed but smiled softly and replied vaguely. “Maybe” then it was turned around on her. “What about you?” asked Sango. Rena blushed. “I think I will.” She said smiling softly. Sango smiled brightly back at her. She just looked up at the clouds smiling. “Tonight is going to be so much fun. I can't wait!” She thought excitedly.
Sakura: Well? I know it's really fluffy and cotton candy filled. I still hoped you liked it. Please R and R!
~Lady Sakura