InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight's Son ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

From the beginning of time, vampires ruled the darkness. They lived in a world of darkness and despair, but the fell in love one by one. But their love was destroyed and so were they. The vampires began to disappear all but one child who stayed in the darkness, born from wedlock. He wandered the streets of London, looking for a place to sleep. A man walked out of a store and locked it up. The child rasped, "Blood... I need..." Then the child collapsed on the ground.
    The man looked at this child, the pool of blood surrounded him. He couldn't leave this poor child on the streets. So the man picked him up and walked home. When he got to his house, his wife opened the door, and looked at the child in his arms. "Honey... Eek! That's... That's."
    "I know, but I couldn't leave him on the street my darling."
    Time went by, and the child forgot whom he was, he thought that the man and women were his parent's, and that he lived a normal life. One night he had a cravings for blood, he ignored this, and went on. But his craving grew stronger and stronger; he tried to resist, so hard, at supper, he would ask for meat, very rare meat. He sat in his room, rocking back and forth, sweat falls down his face as he stares at his pet, the only pet he had ever had.
His precious hamster, His throat went dry, he licked his lips, his only thought was to resist. But his mind collapsed, and hell broke loss. He forgot his resistance and pounced on the helpless pet. His hamster squeaked once he got a hold of him. He licked his lips once again, and held the stomach up to his mouth, blood smeared over his face as he drank his hamster dry.
His sight was blurred by red, his mind fogged, he couldn't feel a thing. A smell clogged his nose, the blood, but his ears kept ringing. Pain shoots through his chest. He crawled towards the noise and looked up. His mother stood at the doorway and stared at him, like he was an animal. She fell to the ground and cried. He came back to his senses and screeched.
That night, he life was changed forever. His father came home that night, finding his child and wife huddled in a corner in the hallway rocking back and forth. Crying and weeping, his child kept saying that he killed him. His wife was in a shock for she didn't notice him standing there. He picked them both up and took his son back to his room. Once he got to the doorway, his son screamed, and his wife started to wail, he looked up from the screeching and found his son's hamster, dried up cold, on the floor lifeless.
He pulled back from the room, and sighed. So his son's fate has come. He walked into his room and placed the two on the bed and walked into his study. The story that has been passed on for years, the vampire's prince and finally awakened.