InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight's Son ❯ Sweet Lullabies ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Six - Sweet Lullabies
Her body bounded through the forest, peering back and forth, seeing her bait seated beneath her. She sniffed, and inhaled the intoxicating scent. She grinned.
Slithering down the tree branch, she watches the girl ever so closely. Her scent a drug. She needed more. She wanted to suck her dry, watch her life darken within her eyes. She wanted to hear her scream, beg for mercy. And then moan in ecstasy.
Her body groaned in thirst for her blood. Her eyes lusted for her sweet intoxicating scent. “It's time.” She whispered to herself.
She bounded down and attacked her precious meal.
Rin seated down being bored out of her mind. There was absolutely nothing to do. She kicked the fire. No hunt, no prey, NOTHING.
A scream came from deeper into the forest. Rin's face lightened. `A victim! SCORE!' She thought to herself. “Fuck them, lazy ass bums. I get the bounty on this one!” She yelled, grabbing her crossbow. She ran into the forest.
Something or rather picked up Kagome from behind. She let out a scream. Kouga looked back to see her half up the tree, attached to a snake like thing dragging her off. “Kagome! Hold on!” He yelled.
He looked around trying to find a way to get a hold of her without hurting her. Suddenly he heard a shot coming through the trees. A bow coming fast hit the snake thing in the side. It screamed out loud, and dropped Kagome. Kouga rushed over a grabbed her. “Kagome are you alright?” She nodded meekly. And buried her face into his chest. “I was so scared.”
The snake came down fast off of the tree. “GIVE HER BACK!” She screamed.
Another shot came out from the trees. Directed at the snake's head. She wailed out in pain. Rustles came from the tree, and a little girl hopped down, and smirked at the snake. “Mistress Centipede, a pleasure to finally kill you.” She smiled again.
The snake flailed her tail and hit the girl straight in the chest. She flung against the tree and grunted. “A little girl like you couldn't possibly kill me.” The snake scoffed.
The girl coughed and got back up. “Likewise, serpent. I'm not a little girl!” She bounded towards the snake and captured her sword in hand and flung it towards the snake. It hit her right between the eyes.
Blood spurted out of her head, and the snake collapsed on the ground with a thump. The girl smiled, and walked over towards the other two figures.
“Name's Rin.” She spoke with ease.
“Kouga, and this here is Kagome.” He replied, and let go of Kagome.
“Oh I know you. You're the one's I'm going to be guarding!” She smiled.
Kagome looked up meekly, and spoke, “Thanks for saving me.”
“Rin, there is other's right?” She nodded, “Follow me.”
Kouga looked up in the air, and howled. In a coupled minutes time, Ginta, Hakkaku, and Sango were by their side.
“This here is Ginta, Hakkaku, and Sango. Guys this is one of our new guards, Rin.” Kouga said.
“Onwards.” She pointed out to the left, and marched forth.
Inuyasha ear's were flat up against his head. He was ashamed. Miroku came into the room and looked sympathetically.
“Inuyasha, you have absolutely no clue on what happened?”
He nodded. Miroku sighed.
“Please tell me, I… Didn't kill anyone right?”
Miroku shook his head. “No one was killed. But, you would of if I didn't get there in time…”
He took a breath. “Inuyasha, you were a demon, a full blown demon, your appearance changed, you had red eyes. You looked like you were about to kill everything in the room.
Inuyasha shook his head. “That's impossible.” He kept shaking his head. His eyes flickering back and forth from red to gold.
“Miroku, I need to go.” He sputtered and jumped out of the window.
“Oh gods, Inuyasha. Don't do anything rash.” Miroku whispered out into the window.
Rin opened the door, to an apartment. “Ah, Un, Ayame! I'm back!” She yelled.
A boy ran into Rin. “RIN! Un won't leave me alone!” He whined. She meekly smiled. “Ah he's your twin, of course he won't leave you alone.”
“But but…” He whined again.
Then a woman with red hair pulled back, smiled. “Come in. I'm Ayame.” She motioned them to come and sit down.
“Welcome, so who are we going to be guarding from now on?” She asked. “Me,” A girl's voice spoke up. Kagome looked up at Ayame. “You'll be protecting me, I'm Kagome.” She stuck out her hand.
They shook. “I'm Kouga, I'm surprised to see that you have children working for you.”
“Actually you're quite wrong. There not children, they're the same age as me. They all have been placed under a curse. The twins, are just immature, so don't mind them. And Rin, is actually a lot older than me. She was just placed under a curse so she wasn't able to fully develop as an adult.” Ayame explained.
Rin huffed. “Thanks for giving us our life story.” She muttered.
“Forgive her. Anyways, when will we be leaving with you?” She inquired.
“Now, if possible. We have to move quickly.” Kouga replied.
“Alright, Ah, Un, Rin, let's pack our stuff.” She smiled at them. “Go on and wait for us outside, we'll only be a couple minutes.”
Kagome trudged down the stairs; she never really thought about how much danger she was in until today. Until that snake attempted to kidnap her, until that snake tried to kill her. She didn't realize what she got into.
She told Kouga, that she was just going to look for a bathroom. She was already on the first floor of the apartments. She walked outside, and let the fresh breeze calm her down.
She walked across the deserted street, the streetlight flickered, and she continued to turn onto the alley. She kept turning corners around almost maze like, and then she hit a dead end and turned around…
He jumped from one apartment to another; so frustrated he didn't understand. He growled to himself.
He stopped suddenly, it wasn't that he didn't want to; it was that he had no choice to. A pulse strained through his body. Growing louder and louder, he shuddered. He followed the pulse on the roofs, grinning. His eyes flickered in sync with a streetlight.
His breath husky, his laugh darkened. He was changing and there was nothing he could do. He toppled over in pain. His mouth opened to scream, but no sound came out. His fangs grew larger. But he could sense everything.
He could feel everything. He growled and looked at himself in the reflection of a window. His pupils dilated and blue surrounded by blood. His fangs curled onto his lips. Purple markings jagged across his cheeks.
He cursed to himself, and smashed the window. His blood dripping ever so slowly down his hand. He pulsed again. His ears flickered to the sound of humming.
He smirked, and followed her sense, her pulse… Her power.
Kagome let out a yelp, when a boy no older than 20 jumped down in front of her. He looked up and smirked. His eyes venturing up and down her body.
Torn into his eyes, he licked his fangs, and came towards her. She backed into the corner. Scared.
“Dog ears…” She whispered.
His hand twisted around her wrist, and pulled her into him. He took in her scent. She stood there in a trance. “Mine.” He nuzzled his face into her shoulder. “Mine.” He said again, without any malice, without any emotion other than kindness.
His fangs pierced her neck. She gasped, and tensed under the pressure onto her. He growled. Slipping his fangs out of her neck. He licked her mark clean. He nuzzled her neck again, and then collapsed, onto her.
“KAGOME, Where the hell did you go!?” A man's voice screamed.
The boy's eyes fluttered, and he looked around. “Where the hell am I?” He groaned.
A girl whimpered underneath of him. He let out a gasp, and jumped up from the ground. She looked so frightened. “Oh gods… What the hell did I do?” He shook his head; he let out a hand to help her up.
Her brown orbs looked at him. Tears brimming her eyes. “Oh gods… Oh gods… I raped you didn't I? Fuck.” He growled to himself.
She shook her head; and grasped onto his sleeve, and clung herself to him. She cried into his chest. Scared.
Poor little girl,
Scared in the corner.
Poor little boy,
Lost and confused.
You have no one to save you now.
No one to save you now,
“Oh gods… I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.”
“Stop!” She scoffed out. “Just stop, and tell me… Who are you?”
He was taken back by her outburst. “Inuyasha… and yourself?”
“Kagome… Inuyasha, why… why did you bite me?”
“I bit you? Where?” He demanded.
She pulled her shirt down showing him the fang marks. He growled. “What the hell are you trying to prove?!” He screamed out.
She pushed him away. “What the hell am I trying to prove! I know you for five minutes and you're blaming me for all of this. YOU'RE THE ONE WHO BIT ME AND STARTED CALLING ME YOURS!” She screamed.
The darkness, changed colours, into black, then red, then overpowering with a pink light. She gasped, taking out her pendent both glowing intensely. “It's you.” Was all she said, before she collapsed into darkness.
She turned around, her body unmoving; she opened her eyes, to see a empty room, all there was a bed, which she was currently in. Confused she tried to call out for help. No answer. Unwillingly her body sat her up.
The door opened and Kouga's head popped through. He looked at Kagome for a couple of seconds and then ran to her side. “Are you alright? What the hell happened? I'm going to kill that mutt if he layed a finger on you!”
Kagome sighed. “Kouga…”
He kept going on. “Kouga, shut up.” She said firmly.
He looked up at her. His eyes saddened.
“Where am I?”
“In the hospital.”
“Where is Inuyasha?” She asked.
”Inuyasha… Wait is that the mutt's name?!” He shouted.
“Kouga tell me where he is now! Or I find him myself.” She stated.
“He's with Hakakku and Ginta. They are still at Ayame's.”
“Get me out of here.” She commanded.
“But Kagome…”
“No buts. I'm perfectly fine. Let me speak to Inuyasha.”
“It's you.” Her voice shuddered, before she collapsed.
He stared at her in shock.
“…Kagome…” A voice called.
“Kagome.” The voice louder this time.
`Oh shit.' He picked her up bridal style, and tried to walk away but the man caught him.
“What the hell did you do to Kagome, you piece of shit!”
“I didn't anything!”
“Then what the hell is she doing, Sleeping?”
“I don't know, she just… just…fell.”
“What the hell did you do to her!” He shouted
They were facing each other and their noses only a little bit apart from each other. “Boys break it up!” A girl's voice called out.
The both looked up a little girl about 10 came over. “Stop arguing and get Kagome into the hospital you dumb shits.” She commanded.
“Rin don't swear like that.”
“I'm older than you so stop treating me like a child.” She screeched.
More people came into the alleyway, and started to argue with each other. “Here let me take her off of your hands.”
A woman's voice softened and looked at him with kindness. “Please believe me… I didn't do anything.”
“It's alright, she probably fainted.” She laughed. “She always used to when she was frightened.” He let Kagome in the woman's hands. “By the way I'm Sango.”
“Thanks… I'm Inuyasha.”
“Who am I, Kagome?” He muttered to himself.
The wooden door opened. Sango stood there. “Kagome has ordered to see you.” She nodded.
Inuyasha followed her out of the room. “Sorry about the whole cell type room. Kouga isn't sure about you.”
“It's ok. I wouldn't be too sure about myself either if I was him.”
The turned around the corner, and in the living room sat Rin, and the others, waiting impatiently.
“Alright let's go.” Rin concluded.
They rounded the corner in the hospital.
“Room 297… 297… Here it is!” Rin shouted in the hallway.
“Shhh!” A woman scoffed from the counter. Rin meekly smiled, and turned and walked into the room.
The whispered voices of a male and female were silenced, when Rin giggled.
Their heads turned and they looked straight at Rin.
Kagome's eyes lit up when she saw Inuyasha. Kouga glared, she hit him, and yelled, for everyone to get out except Inuyasha.
The door closed softly behind Sango, and the room was silence.