InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight's Son ❯ Differences ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Note - There is other demons in this story. But the ones that up everyone else, is Werewolves, and Vampires.
Chapter 5 - Differences
“I'm going to go to the bathroom, be right back.”
Kagome nodded as Sango walked to the back of the plane. It has been over a day since they left Kikyo. They gathered all of their things, and were on their way to France to meet up with Kouga.
Kagome looked out the window, watching the greyish puff float on by. She heard shuffling behind her and turned around to face Sango, “Might as well get some rest, we still have a long ride ahead of us.”
“Yes, a long ride,” Kagome, mumbled to herself. She lay back, and looked out the window again, “I hate being different,” She mumbled and fell asleep.
Kagome woke up to Sango whispering into her ear, “Wake up Kagome, we're here.”
She composed herself and walked off the plane, she looked around, “Paris, France.” She mumbled as she walked off the stairs of the plane.

Sango, and Kagome walked into the airport centre looking around for a sign or someone they recognized, well that's what Kouga told them to do. Kagome eyes lay on a familiar person, he stood there with a sign that said.
Kagome Higurashi
Sango Taishio
She looked over towards Sango, “Over there in the corner,” Sango nodded and both of them walked over towards the man.
“Kagome, Sango” He nodded, “I'm Ginta, and we met in the elevator.” Kagome nodded in recognition.
“Please follow me, Kouga is waiting.” Both of them followed him down the hallway.
“But what about our things?” Sango asked.
“Don't worry Hakkaku, has already collected your things.” He opened the door to the black Honda.
Within minutes they appeared before a Victorian house. It actually looked really creepy, it stood up against a forest with the shutters closed, they looked all ragged, and tormented. The deep blue colour set it out from the rest of the place.
The car slowed down to a stop, they opened their doors and walked out onto the grounds of the house. Stepping up onto the porch, the door opened and their stood a green man about 4 feet tall, he looked like a turtle, then he spoke, “Welcome, please follow me.”
“That's Jaken,” Ginta said, “He's the butler,”
“Okay…Why is he green? Is he a frog?” Kagome asked plainly dumbfounded.
“He's a frog demon,” He laughed. (Is Jaken a frog demon? If he isn't, he is now)
“Please wait here,” He spoke, and disappeared behind the door.
“So exactly where are we?” Sango asked.
“This is Lord Sesshomaru's house.”
“Yes, he technically is our master some what. He controls most of us, Kouga is the master of us, but Lord Sesshomaru, is a higher rank than Kouga. Something like that.”
The door opened again, “Please proceed.” Jaken spoke, and let them through the door.
“Please take a seat,” A deep voice called out from behind the chair.
They sat down, and the chair turned around.
“So you are the chosen one?”
Inuyasha woke up to a little boy jumping up and down on his bed. He groaned and hit whoever it was.
The little puffball flew across the room, and then there was a thump. “Ow! Miroku!!!! Inuyasha hurt me!” The little thing whined.
“Well you shouldn't have woken me up. Little brat.”
Miroku groaned at the two bickering. “Shippou, it is impolite to wake people up. Don't do it again.”
Shippou huffed and walked out of the room. “Stupid little brat.” Inuyasha muttered.
His silver hair cascaded down behind his back. His deep golden eyes pierced the coldness in the room. The strange markings on his face, looks so familiar. Kagome bit back a gasp.
She never had seen someone… at all like this.
He stared deeply at her.
“Oh… Yes. Yeah… From what I know…”
The little toad started to laugh. “She doesn't even know.”
She shot him a glare, and he shut up.
“Jaken, excuse us.” He waved off, and he walked out.
The man looked around the room, “Kouga, Ginta” He nodded, and Kouga and Ginta kneeled down in recognition of a higher authority. He looked over at Sango, and looked at disgust. And then back to Kagome.
“I am Sesshomaru, leader of the wolf tribe. Welcome,”
I'm Kagome, and this is my friend Sango.” Kagome pointed to Sango. He nodded.
“Enough introductions, lets get down to business, shall we?”
She slowly nodded, and he continued on speaking.
“So what exactly do you know about yourself chosen one?”
“Um… I know I'm seeking for one who overrules all, and giving him this.” She pointed to her pendent. “Also, I know that I have to protect this,” She pointed to the jewel around her neck.
His face darkened. “Nothing more?”
“No, I'm afraid not.”
He sighed, and placed his head into his hands. “So you don't even know anything. Kagome, that pendent and the jewel you hold, do you know how much power they hold?” She shook her head.
“Kagome, right now you are the main target in all of the world. You hold the jewel to grant anyone wishes. That pendent, no one knows what it's for, other than Midoriko, and there's no way to find out.”
“The only thing that people know that it took the maker, years to create this, and that they died afterwards. It was under hands of Midoriko afterwards. She protected it until she died. We don't even know how they created it, and we don't know who it was.”
“I've tried to figure out who the person you seek, that you have to give this pendent to. No clues were given. But I assume that once you find that person, you will know. The power of the pendent will be drawn to it.”
“Kagome, that is all I know. I would assume that this person you seek is around. I will have you escorted with my men. Kouga, Ginta, Hakkaku, among others will guide you to find this person.”
“Guards?” Sango asked.
“Yes, people will come after it demons, among us. You will need protection. I don't know who will seek after your possessions but I assume they would be attracted to your aura, and among other things.”
He nodded, and waved you away. Kouga, and Ginta stood up, Sango, and Kagome followed them out, of the door. Jaken appeared immediately, and walked them out of the house.
Once they got to the car. Kagome spoke up. “Who will be the other guards?”
“I don't know, we'll figure out tomorrow. Right now it's just Ginta, Hakkaku, and I,” Kouga said.
“Where to boss?” Ginta asked.
“To the airport.” He ordered, and they were off.
Inuyasha walked around aimlessly being bored. He memorized the place from top to bottom. But he kept hearing a piano playing. He wanted to find it. He was getting frustrated; he couldn't find the god damn piano.
Muttering to himself, he kept following the sound. The loudest spot was against a wall on the 4th floor, but there was absolutely no door whatsoever, he kicked the wall, in frustration. He made a little hole; the light was shinning through the hole. He kicked it again.
The hole became bigger and bigger, he was the black grand piano sitting there. He manoeuvred his was into the room. He looked around, it was quite empty, there was no door, the only thing in there was a piano, and the walls were a bland grey.
He kept looking around, trying to find a way on how he heard the music playing. He sighed, and brought himself to the piano.
Sitting down, he played a note. The C played in perfect key. It was still in tune. He played a couple scales, and smiled.
A couple more notes, and he started to play a song he created. The melody drifted in and out of his music. He was completely unaware of the eyes watching him. He finished his piece, and sighed.
He heard the footsteps coming closer to him. He turned around. A woman smiled. “I'm surprised you found this. It was your mother's you know.” She glided her hand over the piano, dust built up on her fingertips.
“My, you've grown, Inuyasha.” She looked him up and down. “Last time I saw you, you were in my arms, when your mother fell asleep giving birth to you.” She smiled.
He stood back, and asked. “Um… Who are you?”
“Oh, yes, yes. Sorry, I'm Tsubaki. I was your mother's best friend.” She smiled. “I knew you never did die.” He grey hair moved from behind her ear. “I would assume we would have to place up another door into this place, if you're going to use it.”
“I get them to work on it,” She muttered to herself. “It was nice seeing you again.”
She huffed and placed her luggage down on the cart. “Too much traveling.” Kouga laughed. “Sango, you better get used to it, we travel a lot.”
“Yeah, yeah.” She muttered.
They were boarding the plane to get to Romania, to find some vampire hunters. Kouga said some of them would be more guards.
Sitting up against the window seat Kagome stared out into the sky. A voice interrupted her thoughts, “Please buckle your seatbelts, we are about to take off.” A lady with a soft voice spoke.
She buckled the belt, and stared back out into the window. The clouds came into view; she saw the clouds move around, shapes formed in front of her eyes. A vision struck her as a cloud in shape of a dog flew by.
She stared at him awe, gasping, his white fuzzy ears flicked across his head, his silver mane running down past his back. His golden orbs burned into hers. He smiled, and showed off his fangs.
She gasped, when she was brought back to reality. “Dog ears.”
Kouga looked at her, “Dog ears?”
She just looked at him, “Never mind.”
Inuyasha kicked the punching bag, and saw the sand pour out of the poor thing. “Useless,” He muttered. “I need some real competition!” He said braggingly.
Suikotsu! Me and you in a match, NOW!” Inuyasha screamed across the weight room.
Suikotsu laughed, and sauntered over to Inuyasha. “I won't go easy on you.” He barked.
Inuyasha was already pouncing back in forth on the mat. “Give me your best shot.” He snarled.
Suikotsu swung out his arm to punch him, and Inuyasha dodged the shot. Inuyasha kicked up high, and shot out for Suikotsu face, and nailed him in the left cheek.
Suikotsu laughed, “That's going to leave a mark.” And went in to his Inuyasha again. He punched him in the nose, and blood spurted out, Inuyasha licked his lips, when the blood poured down. He growled.
Suikotsu spoke up, “Alright Inuyasha, enough. I'm hungry.”
A flashed of red, and silver, and his back was up against the wall. “Not enough.” He grunted. His eyes flickered red.
“Inuyasha, calm down.” Suikotsu said calmly. “Shippou, get Miroku!”
Shippou bounded across the hall. "Miroku! Miroku!" Miroku's head popped out of a room, “Yes?”
“Inuyasha, has Suikotsu pinned up against the wall, and he won't let him go!”
Miroku ran across the hall to the weight room. Inuyasha back was facing him and his hair was floating, and immense power invaded the room.
He bounded over to Inuyasha, “Inuyasha… Look at me.” He grunted and growled.
His hand whipped across to his Miroku in the chest, he flung him across the room. “Need… More.” He snarled, and face Miroku and slowly walked over to where Miroku was laying.
Miroku backed up against the wall. His eyes… They're red… Like…Blood. He snarled at Miroku, and picked him up. Miroku brought his hand into his robe, and pulled out a sutra and flung it on Inuyasha chest.
He billowed over, and cried out in pain. His ears flattened against his head. He ripped his claws into his skin, piercing the blood flowing inside of him. His eyes flickered back and forth between red, and yellow.
He finally slumped down onto the ground, and panted. Looking up at Miroku, and everyone else staring at him. “What… What happened?”
All four of them walked off the plane, and settled in the airport. Kouga spoke up, “Lord Sesshomaru said that we would find some more guards a little bit up north from here.”
They hauled over a taxi, and told him to drive out to the forest. The drive was silent but it was quick. When they all got there. Kouga stopped them.
“Alright, we are going to split up, Kagome you're with me. Sango, Ginta, Hakkaku, you'll be all right together. Ginta, and Hakkaku you know whom you're looking for, let's get going.”