InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight's Son ❯ Revelations ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome stood back in awe. "You know them, Kouga?"
"If course, I do. Their close family friend. That's why I'm in Birmingham."
"Oh," Kagome muttered.
Kikyo came rushing to the door. "What brings you here Kouga, and who's these lovely ladies?"
"Kagome, and Sango. Their here for it."
Kagome looked at Kouga, then Kikyo, then back to Kouga. "You know?"
"As I said m'love, there are family friends. I know you were the chosen one. I know what you are here for I know what is to become of you."
Kouga nodded, and walked in to Kikyo's house with Kagome and Sango following suit...

Chapter 4 - Revelations
“MIROKU!” Hiten screamed when we got to the den.
A flash of purple scurried down towards Hiten. “Inuyasha this is Miroku, he will help you get your features back to normal.” He said to me and then whispered something into Miroku's ear.
His eyes went wide, and then calmed down, and spoke up, “Well, Inuyasha come with me.” He turned and Inuyasha followed suit.

Kikyo spoke softly to her daughter, “Will you get the parchments?” Kanna nodded and walked away.
“Please make yourselves at home. You will be here for awhile.” Kikyo nodded as her daughter came running back in with a couple of parchments.
“Thank you Kanna. Please excuse Mother, and her friends.” Kanna nodded and walked off.
Kagome sat beside Sango, and waited for her to explain. “So you know pretty much most of the things that have happened? Am I correct?” Kagome nodded.
“Alright you must stay here, until I teach you the ways of a miko.” Kikyo said nodding her head.
“A Miko?” Sango questioned, “Isn't that like a priestess?”
“You are very much correct Sango. Well you must be, considering you're a demon slayer. You will stay here also; I will help you even further than what you have already learned. You are the sole protector of Kagome from this point on. Understand?” Kikyo said firmly.
“…Okay.” Sango spoke with uncertainty
“Please she is the only one that can save us. If you do not protect, disaster will befall before everyone. I mean everyone.”
“Inuyasha, please be calm, this may sting a little.” Miroku warned before placing the warm substance over Inuyasha's head.
You could hear the sizzling of the substance burning into his skin. He didn't move an inch. His face distorted, and his grasp on the chair tightening. He could feel some movement from above him, and heard Miroku speak.
“Inuyasha hold still. I'm going to break your ears into place.”
A crack was heard followed by another. The stinging sensation ripped through his body, as his eyes glowed red. He felt different. He felt complete; his whole body was finally there. He was complete.
The ears whipped back and forth hearing more things. He could even hear Hiten speaking to some other person. He's voice sounded familiar. But he couldn't place his finger on it.
“Where is he? Where is Inuyasha?”
“Hold on, Totosai.”
`Totosai? Where have I heard that name before?' He asked himself.
“Inuyasha, are you alright? Can you hear me clearly?” Miroku asked.
He grunted. “Come along then Hiten asked me to show you around.”
Inuyasha followed him down the hall; it was dark and dreary well of course it would be they were in a abandoned warehouse.
“We have many rooms, you'll be sharing with me, and a little kid, named Shippou, he came awhile ago, he's homeless, and he kind of took me in as a parent, I guess. He considers me as a brother really. But we are all brother technically.” He laughed to himself.
“Well this is our room.” He pointed out the door to his left, there were markings all over the door. “Don't mind that, I'll show you the inside later. Come along.”
They continued down the hallway towards an opening. “This is our… let's say this is pretty much where everyone is at. There is no technical name for this room. So yeah, the kitchen is down that hallway there. Pretty much everything is easy to find but if you have any problems just asked me.”
A man came up to us. He was tall and had strange markings faded away on his face. “Miroku, Hiten wants to see Inuyasha right away.” He said nodding towards Inuyasha.
“Alright, Suikotsu.” He nodded, and walked away, “Come along, Inuyasha.”
When they appeared before Hiten, there was an old man beside him. He was looking Inuyasha up and down, “Inuyasha! It's true you're alive! Come we have many things to discuss.” The old man grabbed his hand, and pulled him in a direction unknown. “Don't let him bore you to death. Once he's done speaking to you come on back.” Hiten yelled.
“By the way my name is Totosai. I was a old friend of both your Mother and Father. I have many thing to tell you. I don't have enough time, or your brother will be angry with me. Yup, yup. He'll be very angry.”
“Wait a minute… So down here. You knew my Mother, and Father? I have a brother?” Inuyasha exclaimed in all of the commotion.
“Please you may want to sit down for this. It will be awhile.”
A week later:
“Kagome aim for the arrows!” Kikyo yelled from behind her.
“I'm aiming!” She yelled back.
They have been practicing for over a week now. Kagome has learned how to handle a bow; she's been praying, she has been learning how to cook new medicine to cure deceases, among many other things.
Sango has been pretty much learning a much as she has, but not the things she has. She's learned how to control her Hiraikotsu, which was a bone of a demon, she also learned how to control her anger, which was something very hard considering, and it was Sango.
“Ok Kagome, enough, time for lunch!” She yelled.
Kagome got up and picked up all of the arrows, and walked back into the house. Kouga left for awhile. He said he would be back by 2 days time. He has gotten fairly close to Kagome, and has started consider her as his woman.
It was creeping her out. Kikyo said that he was just posessive and he'll get over it in time. Just don't show him any interest whatsoever. We're pretty much her words.
Both Sango, and Kagome, have been living with Kikyo, and have grown acustom to her. She was very polite to them an is also, very soft-spoken.
It is completely remarkable how much Kikyo and Kagome look alike. But both of them have found differences.
Kanna, looks nothing alike Kikyo, they found out that she is an adopted child, since her family was killed in war. Kikyo has taken her in.
Kikyo, Sango, and Kagome sat down at the table and Kanna came in with the food.
Kikyo spoke up, “Kagome in another weeks time, you will be leaving us.”
“What? Why? I have so much more to learn, everything is just going way too fast.”
“We don't have enough time Kagome, the end is coming near. I still have much to teach you, and you have much to learn. But the end is coming, I only have a little amount of time left. Please after supper come into my study. I have something important to tell you.” Kikyo said softly.
“But… Kikyo.”
“Kagome no buts. Sango you continue to practice. Kanna please help Sango anyway you can. Kagome and I must not be disturbed while I'm in my study. Do not come into the room unless, someone is dying or the house is on fire, understood, Kanna.”
“Yes, Mother.”
She finished her rice, and got up to leave, “Once you are done please come into my study. I'll be waiting.”
Everything was ate in silence afterwards. Once Kagome finished she got up and placed her dishes at the counter, and started to wash them. “No need for that Kagome. Go see what Kikyo wants, I'll do them.”
Kagome dropped her dishes, and looked at Sango tears brimming her eyes. “Everything is just going way to fast, Sango. I hate this. I don't even know exactly what is going on. I'm so confused. Everyone depending on me! I don't want to be depending on! I just want to go back to my old life.” She collapsed, and fell to the ground.
“It will be alright, I promise.”
“Don't promise be that bull shit. Everything won't be alright.”
“Kagome you need to calm down. I'm stuck in this too, and I don't why either, alright. I'm just as confused as you are, we can be confused together. Always together. Forever.”
“Forever.” Kagome mumbled and stood up, “Well I better go see what she wants.”
“Kikyo? Are you in here?” Kagome said opening the door.
“I'm in the back, please close the door,”
The sound of the door closed, the lights darkened. “Do not be frightened my darling.”
“Sit.” She motioned towards the floor.
“As you know, you are the chosen one. But you also have another task to fulfill. That is to carry this, and never let it into the wrong hands.” She brought out a neckless, at the middle of the neckless held a pendant, it was a pink orb, inside of it looked like it was moving.
“You must give this to, the miko, up in Japan. She'll hand it over towards Midoriko. Well her statue anyways, and everything will be complete. The jewel will become purified, and no more evil will come into this earth. Or so it says.”
“What do you mean, the jewel will become purified?”
“This is the Shikon no Tama, it is the jewel of four souls. Inside there is a war going on between 3 demons and Midoriko. This is a very powerful object. It draws many demons, and such. When it falls into the wrong hands, things can happen. The jewel will be embedded into the demon, and will make he or she stronger, if they have the whole jewel who knows what could happened.”
“I have been guarding this jewel for many years, and my time guarding it has come, and now it is for you to hold onto it. Please take care of it, and guard both pendents with your life.”
Kikyo nodded, and stood up, “It is time for bed, darling. You need your sleep.”
She opened the door, and Kagome followed out, and they went to sleep.
Inuyasha laid back on his bed, thinking over what Totosai had told him
“Inuyasha, your Father, was the oldest friend of mine, I trusted him with my life. He sent me off to make him a sword, well for him, and his son, your Brother, Sesshomaru. Well I should say half-brother, he never met your Mother yet. That was still to come.”
“I went in search for my materials, since I already had his fangs, I need my other materials. Among the villages I crossed, there was a war going on in one of them. The house were already burnt down, and you could smell the blood through the air. I rushed down to see what was all the comotion and I found the villagers surrounding on hut. Yelling `Come out! Izayoi! We know your in there.' I rushed over towards them somehow I managed to get into the hut.”
“There lay before me the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Izayoi. Your Mother, I looked at her, she cowered in fear, she was so small then, I moved towards her, and she hissed. `Stay away from me!' She yelled. I told her I was only here to help her, she looked up at me. He red eyes bore into mine. `Why would you want to help me, I'm a vampire!' She screamed. I was taken back, seeing as I was with your Father, your Father being a werewolf. It was kind of a shock.”
“I moved towards her again. `What is your name?' I asked her, she replied, `Izayoi,' `Why have you been tortured.' `Because I killed my brother.' `Izayoi, please follow me, I find a safe place for you to stay,' `I can't go out in the sun! And the villagers will kill me!' She exclaimed.”
“ `We will go out the back way, and you can cover up with cloaks until I find a cave, alright?' She nodded and followed me. It took us til night fall to find a proper cave for us to situate ourselves in it. She was breathing really heavily. I noticed that she had a big gash on her arm, and the blood kept flowing. I didn't know what to do, so I called Inutashio, your Father. I begged him over and over to come quickly he came as fast as he could, appearing about 3 hours later.”
“When he arrived at the cave entry, he saw her, and growled. `A vampire! Totosai! This is a vampire!' I begged him to understand that she was dying, that he needed to save her. He gave her some of his blood, and she lived, but over time, they fell in love. They had everything kept a secret, I was the only one who knew. A couple months after they confessed their love to each other, we had found out that she was pregnant, with you.”
“Your Father started to panic. He didn't know what to do, Izayoi calmed him down by telling him that they would just hide one of the features, which turned out to be, your ears. But it wasn't by choice, they had to. Somehow one of Inutashio adivisdors had found out, he had told more people knew. The news got bigger and worse. A war broke out.”
“Your father sent Izayoi and you away from the war, you lived in the human teritory for the first three years of your life. I fought side by side with your Father. Until one of the men, Naraku, spat at Inutashio and said, `I know where she's hiding, she's not going to survive for long, nor will the baby.' Your Father instructed me to find you and place you under your uncle's care.”
“But when I got there… Izayoi was already dead. You were no where to be found, most people thought you were to be dead, but your Father. He insisted you were alive. For the rest of his days he insisted that you were alive.”
“Does that mean he is still alive?” Inuyasha asked.
“No… He died 5 years ago.”
Inuyasha looked down. “Oh, and my Brother?”
“Oh he is very much alive, he is the leader of the werewolves, and he does not… Lets say care, or want to do anything with you.”
“Basically he hates me?”
“Yeah,” Totosai said, “Anyways, I came here also to give you these,” Totosai handed him a sword, and cloaks. The sword was still in the case, and the cloak were a bright red, and they felt really hard.
“This is your cloak, and your sword your Father gave them to you. The cloak is a fire rat robe, it will protect you from mostly anything, including fire. The sword was made of your Father's fang, it will protect the ones you love, and only them. It can kill 100 men in one swing, the great Tetsusaiga.”
-End Flashback-
He calloused fingers run over the case of the sword, as he brought it out, the shin of the metal reflected against the light.