InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight's Son ❯ Prophecy ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3- Prophecy
"Woman I have no idea what you are talking about. Please just let me be." Kagome spoke, she tried to move but her legs would not work. The started to move forward.
"What are you doing to me?" Kagome screeched.
"I'm sorry, chosen one. You have to come and see the prophecy. It has to be full filled."
Kagome and the old woman walked into the room behind the curtain. "Please, sit down, m'lady. I will get us the book we need."
The woman walked over to her bookshelf. "There we go the diary of the Midoriko the prophet." (Is that what you call someone when he/she makes prophecies?)
To Whom It May Concern,
My name is Midoriko. In a dream, I saw her face, the face that will save the world in the future. She will be an angel, your savoir. She will come looking for a bloody fang. Give it to her, for it needs to be giving to the one who overrules all beings. Be aware of the monster being who seeks out the forbidden jewel, my jewel. He will become of a being that is like no other. Whoever is reading this protect the chosen one from the man in black. I cannot give you any further details of this man. He just wears black, this could be anyone be he also is searching for the jewel. Protect both the chosen on and the jewel. I had dreams of what was to become of the future. Your future has no future, unless the chosen one…
Kagome looked up towards the old woman. "Why did you stop?"
"There is no more m'lady. The rest burned. However, she drew a picture, of what the chosen one looked like. Please take a look."
Kagome reached out for the book. Scared that she was going to break it, it was so frail. "Turn the page my dear."
Kagome delicately turned the page; she dropped the book in shock. "That's, That's me!" She said in shocked.
"Yes child, now you know who you were born to be. Please come with me, you need to find the one who overrules all, and give this to him." She handed her the red fang. "Be gone m'lady, you cannot stay here much longer."
"But where do I go? What do I do?"
"Go up north to Birmingham, to my sister. She will help you on your quest. She knows more about this than I do. Please go, evil is coming. Go asked around for Kikyo, once you find her, show her the fang, and tell her that her sister Kaede sent you. Go m'lady, you are no longer safe in London. Go!" The old woman begged. Kagome rushed out of the store. Running towards the cars.
Darkness flew overhead. She screamed once she saw men bounding down from the rooftops. Rushing to her car, she heard screams as the men broke into the mall. Kagome felt sorry for the old woman, she stumbled to get in her car, fumbling with her keys she drove off to her apartment.

The old woman grabbed a lighter and grabbed Midoriko diary, and set it a flame. "I sent your message m'lady. My time in this world as a priestess is now over. My job is complete. Thank m'lady, and goodbye."
The whole store was set up in flame leaving nothing but ashes, no trace of Midoriko's possessions. Kaede smiled. "I'm sorry evil lord you cannot have them. They are safe for now." The woman smiled, as the fire set her up in flames.
Kagome rushed into her apartment to find Sango there, waiting. "Hi, Kagome, What's the matter?"
She looked at Kagome; her face was a flushed, with fear. "Sango. We have to leave, we are not safe here."Kagome gasped.
"Kagome, what's the matter?" Sango asked looking worried.
"No time to explain he have to leave." Kagome practically screamed.
"Ok, ok. Let's get packed."
They rushed around there apartment. "Kagome where are going?"
"Birmingham, let's get to the train station. Sango, you ready?"
"Yes, Kagome."
"Forgot about everything else. I will get my mother to take care of it. We are never coming back here, Sango."
"Kagome what are you talking about?" Sango questioned.
"Sango, please I'll explain everything to you once we are on the train. Just lease hurry up." Kagome rushed Sango out the door.
"Two tickets to Birmingham, please?" Kagome asked the teller.
"Ok, you leave inten minutes." The teller replied.
"Kagome?" Sango asked patiently.
"Ok, Sango..."

Inuyasha sniffed the ground trying to find the scent of whoever killed these two people. He heard something, whipping his head around; his eyes lied on a man, standing in front of him. "Who are you?" He huffed.
"Poor half-breed, so alone in this world nobody to help him. So alone because of what you are." The man laughed, showing his fangs. "So you're a vampire?" Inuyasha smirked. "Did you kill those people?"
"Actually no, that was my brother." The man smirked. "Welcome home, Inuyasha. Welcome to the world you never knew. You bitch of a Mother betrayed us vampires, you know. She left the pack, and mated with him." He said in disgust.
"My name's Hiten, and my brother Manten who was the one who killed those people. Come let me show you to the pack."
"Why should I come with you?" Inuyasha sneered.
"You wanted to come here looking for answers have you not?" Inuyasha nodded.
"Well please come and let me show you are pack. Be aware that you are looked at as a filthy half-breed, a bastard."
"A half-breed, what are you talking about?"
"Oh, you don't know. You are part werewolf and vampire, Inuyasha."
"But I don't have any wolf features..."
"Of course you don't. Your Mother hid it from everyone. Only she can undue it. But..."
"My Mother? You mean my biological Mother?"
"Yes, but she is no longer in this world. She died."
"Come on we have to get you going."

"So you're an angel?" Sango asked.
"Well I'm not sure... Kaede never really explained it to me. She told me to come to her sister, Kikyo, in Birmingham."
"Oh, well we are here let's go."
Kagome and Sango hopped off the train, and walked around Birmingham. We look at signs and the people, seeing if we could find somebody who could help us. Kagome rushed over towards a man, “Excuse me?”
The man looked up, "Kagome?"
"Kouga?" He smirked.
"How are you, Kouga?" Kagome asked.
"I'm good." He looked at her, she was fiddling with it. The red fang. `So she knows'
"Um... I was wondering if you could tell me where Kikyo is. But I guess you may not know..."
"Actually, I do. Please follow me. Is that your friend running this way?"
"Oh yah, Sango. This way, meet Kouga, we met at our apartment."
"Good day m'lady." Kouga bowed. Sango glared at him.
This way ladies. He pointed forward.
They walked over to a house. The house was that big, but it was large. Kouga rang the doorbell. A little girl came to the door. She looked so cute; she had silver hair and onyx colour eyes. "Good morning, Kouga."
"Hello, Lady Kanna. Is your Mother home?"
"Yes, hold on. MOTHER!" Kanna screamed.
"I'm coming Kanna. Who's at the door sweetie?"
"Kouga, and two ladies."
Kagome stood back in awe. "You know them, Kouga?"
"If course, I do. Their close family friend. That's why I'm in Birmingham."
"Oh," Kagome muttered.
Kikyo came rushing to the door. "What brings you here Kouga, and who's these lovely ladies?"
"Kagome, and Sango. Their here for it."
Kagome looked at Kouga, then Kikyo, then back to Kouga. "You know?"
"As I said m'love, there are family friends. I know you were the chosen one. I know what you are here for I know what is to become of you."
Kouga nodded, and walked in to Kikyo's house with Kagome and Sango following suit...