InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight's Son ❯ Wakening ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2- Wakening
16 Years Later
Staring at his sliver pocket watch, memories flood back to his mind. `Father…' Over the past sixteen years he's lived in totally darkness, leaving the only family he'd known, because of what he his, a vampire. Torn between the reality of what he his and his love for his Father. He couldn't bear let his Father burden him no longer, so he left.
He sought out any other vampires left in this world. For the past sixteen years, nothing. He's traveled the world in search of them; he was at the point of giving up. Until this morning, he walked the darkness of the streets of Venice, Italy. Papers rolled across the darkest of streets, but his eye, found something interesting, leaping towards it. Picked it up:
A woman and her child were dead on the sidewalk of Lipscani St. outside Crystal Palace, in Bucharest, Romania. Both the woman and her child seemed to look like they didn't know what hit them, and suck and run, as I would recall, no traces of any fingerprints of some sort. Beware, the dreadful vampires have awakened…
Inuyasha crumpled up the paper and threw it into the wind. Smirking, he knew where he was going to go next, Romania.
“Good morning London, it seems we have some troubling news for you all this early morning. People are being really terrified with what has happened in Bucharest, Romania. Last night 2 people were murdered by a vampire.” The radio DJ announced.
“A vampire you say? I'm going to suck you blood.” A woman's voice was heard on the radio station, mocking the situation.
“Sarah, this is not a laughing matter you know, all of people are freaked.” He chided.
“Awe come on, you really think that this whole thing could be true, it's a prank.” She laughed.
A fist punched the alarm, turning it off. “Five more minutes.” She mumbled into the pillow.
A toothbrush came flying into the room. “SANGO, GET YOUR ASS UP! IT'S 9AM YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!”
“Be late for what Kagome?” A woman appeared out of the bathroom, with a toothbrush in her mouth.
“By god you have forgotten, you know you can't just sleep there all day, you have to pay for this apartment to, that's why we went searching for a job remember, you have a job interview this morning.” Kagome harped, with the toothbrush pointing at Sango.
Yes, MOM!” Sango huffed.
Kagome snickered hearing Sango reply she was halfway out the door so she could get to her class on time. “Bye, Sango!” She yelled from the doorframe.
Nothing could be heard other than mutters. She giggled. Closing the door she walked out to the elevator.
Pressing the button, to go down. She waited at the step, a couple people appeared, when the doors opened, she step in, her head down. She wasn't much of a fan of the area they lived in, downtown London, filled with gangs, prostitutes, a lot of things she wasn't happy about. Well yes she was happy that she got to go the University of London just because that was the only line of where her Father went to, after her Mother and Father had her, he just disappeared. She was always upset that she never got to see her father, tormented by everyone else who has a Father. She wanted to share something between her Father and her. That would be the University. Even though she was born out of wedlock she always wanted to believe that her Father loved her.
The doors opened again, she looked up, not yet on the first floor. Looking over who was coming in, everybody had left her on the elevator alone, three boys came in, in a line order, the left side boy, had gray hair with a black strip down the middle, khaki drab pants, and a simple white shirt. Trying not to look them in the eye, or let them know she was looking, the next man on the right side, had a white Mohawk, he wore black jeans a muscle shirt with a button down dress shirt. She finally moved to the middle, Black hair pulled back in a hair tie, cerulean blue eyes, she seemed drawn to them, a simple back pants and shirt.
He smirked and winked at the girl. She looked down and blushed. Walking over towards her, looking from her face down, ebony hair, full red lips, soft ivory skin, she had on a midnight blue shirt, that just hugged at her frame, a deep horizon colored pants, `perfect' he smirked.
He stood right in front of her, looking up at him, she was lost in his eyes. He smirked. Hello Beauty.” He said in a huskily voice, that sent shivers down her spine. She meekly smiled, and blushed.
“Why, what a beautiful morning, don't you think so?” He questioned.
“Yes, it is.” She mumbled almost a whisper.
Come on don't be shy, m'love. Were not stranger's, well actually we pretty much are. Let me introduce my friends and myself. I'm Kouga. That's Ginta, and Hakkaku. Now you know us, how about you?
My name's Kagome, nice to meet you.” She mumbled.
She couldn't really believe that they are actually talking to her. She blushed again, memorize by Kouga cerulean blue orbs, they were just so memorizing. Looking up as the elevator stopped. “Well this is my stopped, I have to go now. Nice meeting you. Kagome bowed and rushed out the elevator doors.
Kouga smirked once the elevator doors closed. “Boss did you smell it?” Ginta asked
“Of course I did. That woman will be mine. That woman is the chosen one, the one to save us all, that's our savoir angel.” Kouga smiled, as his eye's right blood red. “She will be mine. He growled.
Kagome walked into her English classroom; she sat down and worked on the assignment that was on the board. `Discuss anything that has happened in the media, new, celebrates, accidents, anything that quirks your interest. After you have choosing you piece of work, create it into your own ideas, of what could happened to that scenario. At least 7 pages with double spacing. Rough copy due Next Tuesday. Sorry classes that I can't be there. Mr. Fanjoy'
Kagome stood there in a daze, `what did I listen to this morning?'
“Good morning London, it seems we have some troubling news for you all this early morning. People are being really terrified with what has happened in Bucharest, Romania. Last night 2 people were murdered by a vampire.”
`Vampires, is that all? Well I didn't watch the news this morning and this will be due next Tuesday, and it's Friday now. Ok, vampires it is.'
Time flew by and the warning bell rang. Kagome got up, and walked out of her English classroom. `I don't have another period until after lunch, might as well go out on the town' She giggled.
Stepping over to her Navy Blue Hyundai, and drives off into the town. Stopping at a mall, she hopped out. She knew she wasn't a mall type of person but she was bored. Wandering through the mall, she looked for anything that she could buy, nothing. Then she spotted it, a necklace. Sterling silver, with a blood red pendent. The pendent was in a shape of a fang. She couldn't resist. Walking into the store, she looked around for a store clerk.
“Um, excuse me.” She asked.
“Oh I'll be right there. A woman spoke from behind a curtain.
She looked around. It wasn't much of a jewelry store, but she couldn't help but notice that necklace, she was just memorized by it. The store more looked like a supernatural, pictures of vampires, werewolves, pretty much anything you could think of.
An old woman appeared from behind the curtain, she was wrapped in a bright colorful scarf, she reminded Kagome of a hippie. The old woman smiled, but the smiled seemed to say something other than `hello' more so a `welcome back.'
“Welcome to my store. She spoke softly.
“Um I was wondering about that necklace in your window. How much is it? She asked polity.
“Which one my dear?
“The one with the red fang.
The woman smiled. “Only the chosen one would ask for that necklace.” The woman muttered.
“Excuse me? Kagome stood back in shock. `Chosen one?'
“ You have returned m'lady. You are the one they prophesy spoke about. You are our savoir angel.
Prophecy, savoir angel. I think you have me mistaken. I have no idea what you are talking about. “ Kagome shook her head, and back away.
Please don't leave. We need you m'lady. You have to save us. Please.” The woman begged.
“Nono. I really have no idea what you are talking about old woman. Just leave me alone.
“Come and let me show you. Show you who you were born to be. The woman whispered.
Inuyasha leapt from house to house, to get to his destination Lipscani St. outside Crystal Palace, in Bucharest, Romania. Closing in, he landed in the ally of Lipscani. Sniffing the air, nobody around.
He crept out of the darkness onto the sidewalk of Lipscani. He walked around, sniffing for blood. He caught a whiff, and bounded to the smell. Landing right in front of Crystal Palace.
In the darkness the vampire stood. Staring below seeing the flash of sliver on the ground. `So he is alive. Stupid half-breed. Part werewolf, part vampire. He overrules both of the worlds. But he does not know it. He the destruction to this world, the end to the world, doomsday.