InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight through the Broken Ice ❯ Headaches Abound ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

MS: I don't own the cast of Inuyasha…but I have all rights with Sai and Ryuuki here…They are definitely MINE!!!! Bwahahahaha!!!! Ohohohohoho…
Please read and review!!!!
The purification of the dark shards proved to be taxing as she fell unconscious for a whole day. She barely ate her dinner before she's falling asleep again. Sesshomaru didn't press on with his inquiry about the shards seeing the miko's drained state which Kagome felt grateful for.
Kagome sighed a long breath. She tried to stifle another yawn. She's bone tired despite sleeping for a whole day yesterday and waking up before noon. `This sucks.' She sighed again.
The purifying of the cursed Kuro no tama was definitely taking its toll on her body. It's been two days since she has done that in Sesshomaru's study and yet her body is still trying to recuperate.
She stared at her pinkish surroundings. The sakura blossoms that forever bloom on the giant tree slowly fall, swaying and swirling with the breeze around her and gently touches the soft green grass that covers the whole ground of the sakura garden.
Kagome was sitting at the huge protruding root of the tree as she leaned on its huge trunk. `It's warm.' She adjusted herself in a more comfortable position.
She pressed her cheek and placed her palm on the trunk. It was really warm and soft and a pulsing heartbeat resonates within. She gasped in surprise. It was not her imagination. When she looked closer at the bark of the huge enigmatic tree where her palm was placed, she noticed a thin layer of swirling energy, shielding and coating the bark away from any outside interventions. `The whole tree's probably covered by this energy.' She thought as she looked up at the impressive trunk and branches.
The grass seems soft enough between the huge roots so she decided to seat there instead. She was effectively hidden from view from the chambers by the huge roots. She leaned on the tree, her back on the trunk, and used her arms as her pillow on top of the protruded root.
She could feel the soft pulsing power, vibrating from the tree to her back, it was like a soft massage to her weakened body, and the aura that surrounds the tree was calming her soul. The feeling that it gives off was very familiar with the continuous swirling of energy that was flowing in the tree, she had encountered it once.
Her eyes droop slowly. The energy surrounding her gently lulls her to sleep. She yawned before she finally let her eyes close. The familiar feeling of two sets of energy, though the one on the tree was well balanced. Her eyes flew open as she turned to look at the tree again, placing a palm, concentrating as she tries to feel the aura of each energy. She was awed by the familiar tingling feeling. It was a combination of reiki and youkai. Both with powerful signatures of power, and the reiki is unmistakably something she felt within the shikon, it was Midoriko's. The youki is somewhat familiar yet different; she couldn't put her fingers on it.
She sighed. Her concentration on the trees complex aura drains her again. She leaned closer at the juncture between the root and the trunk. She was too darn tired to notice anyone watching her as she finally fell asleep.
Sai slowly walked towards his sleeping ward. He was one of the few that were given the authority to enter the inner dwelling.
Since the night after the miko was brought by their lord into the shiro and was then later transferred to the inner dwelling, he was summoned by the lord of the western lands. The new order for him took him by surprise. At first he felt humiliated that he was posted to be a human's guard, both in mind and body. It was a strict command from his lord that he must keep a constant link between him and the miko's mind. And being the perfectionist that he is, he dared his luck to ask what particular thoughts he must put as priority details for his lord. When he was told that he must inform him anything that would concern the miko's safety which includes the harm she might inflict on herself, he was taken aback. That changed his mind about his situation. There's something about females in the depths of despair, their fragile soul calls on his protective side.
When he first got a glimpse of the petite miko, he was surprised at the darkness that gripped the pure heart of the ningen onna, but the fire within her soul was still there. There was still hope, and silently, he kept tabs on her thoughts.
Amazingly, the carefree soul of the miko and friendly nature captured not just his protective nature but also his respect. That was a record, the shortest time anyone had ever gained something good from him. And to think that the said miko has spent most of her time sleeping since he was introduced to her says something.
Sai's features softened as he stared at the sleeping form perched between the huge roots of the tree. He sat protectively on one of the roots near the miko.
`She looks so peaceful.' A few strands of Kagome's hair fell onto her face when she moved in her sleep. Sai gently tucked it back behind her ear. Then out of nowhere, a massive and heavy youkai engulfed him from behind.
He turned around swiftly to face the intimidating aura; the sight of great indifference from the stoic taiyoukai locked him in place.
“Sesshomaru-sama,” He fought back his shock and bowed low.
“Tell me of the miko's progress.” His voice was icy cold.
Sai felt tension rolling down washing over him. The taiyoukai was on edge but his mind was shielded against Sai's ability. It was like a steel barrier protecting whatever thought the taiyoukai was having at the moment.
“The miko has not contemplated anything ill or dark that could harm her physically since the last incident, my lord.”
Sesshomaru just stared at the sleeping miko. It's now late afternoon, the chilling air will be picking up.
“Sesshomaru-sama, the miko still seems exhausted. Do you wish me to move the miko to her sleeping chamber?”
There was a marginal narrowing of Sesshomaru's eyes that Sai didn't notice. A mere twitch of his clawed hand and his bland façade was back. He nodded and Sai kneeled down beside Kagome, and gently picked her sleeping form up.
The warmth emanating from the youkai's body causes Kagome to snuggle closer into it, it was just instinct.
Sai tried to hide the pink tint that reached his cheeks before facing his lord.
“Should I still watch over the miko, my lord?” The hopeful tone was barely concealed from his voice. It made something from the deepest part of the indifferent taiyoukai scowl.
“Hn.” He left without waiting for the youkai guard. He didn't think he would like to see someone else carry the miko. The notion made him want to rip anyone apart, currently, the youkai who's arms are cradling the sleeping Kagome. But his connection with the miko is already progressing way over what he intended. He does not wish for it to go even beyond that.
Kagome once again woke up with Rin's usual happy morning smile, and can't help but feel a bit better as she lighten up her mood. It was like having a younger sister that she never had. Though of course she misses her younger brother Souta, but the girl was just too happy go lucky and always so optimistic, it was contagious. But the feeling that something is still missing from her life just keeps on nagging within her. She still misses her friends and she misses Inuyasha, but just as she promised…she'll live. Her belief in her friends' ability to survive any attacks and uncanny skills makes her feel a bit better. It was a bit of hope that she will see them again…someday.
Every day she played with Rin in the gardens within the shiro's wall, sometimes in the Sakura garden and sometimes to the other gardens depending on the girl's mood. Within the week she had roamed most of the common grounds of the shiro with Rin and the silent youkai guard named Sai. The only places she hasn't seen are the farthest area of the western side and the enclosed areas in the eastern and southern parts of the vast shiro. Sai told her it was off limits even to Rin since those are the training grounds, barracks and the area for formal meetings.
After two days of teaching Rin how to read and write, the miko was forced to have another day off. She wanted to argue but lost when she failed to stifle another yawn.
Kagome stared at the green-eyed youkai sitting a few steps away from her. Her personal guard, named Sai, always quiet, and has very expressive eyes. He's so easy to read through those.
Kagome cleared her throat to catch his attention. He didn't even look, she tried again, much forceful this time. Sai tilted his head slightly to look at her, “Hai, Kagome-sama?”
Kagome grinned. She has learned lately that Sai was actually from another continent and that the only one who accepted him in their territory was the lord of the western lands. He had sworn his loyalty to the indifferent taiyoukai since then. Apparently, the western lord saw him as an asset.
“Tell me, why do I need a personal guard? Is it because I might try to escape?” She also found out by chance that Sai has the tendency to have his left eye twitch whenever he tells a lie, and she uses that to her advantage whenever she decides to bombard the poor youkai with questions when she's bored.
“Iei, Kagome-sama. My lord ordered me to keep you safe from…all harm.”
A slight hesitation, but no twitch.
“What harm exactly? I don't think I'll be attacked inside the shiro.” She got a weird feeling it has something to do with her recent incident.
“That is true, but there are still others that might harm you in any way.”
She had, had enough, “You're not exactly here because of the bloody incident in the main dwelling, are you?”
“I do not know what you mean, Kagome-sama.” A twitch, Kagome's eyes narrowed.
“I know you're lying. Tell me, what exactly were you ordered to do?”
“Forgive me but I cannot tell you.”
“You're to guard me so that it won't happen again, right? To make sure I won't do it again?”
Sai almost fidgeted. “I am not sure I understand what you mean, Kagome-sama,” A definite twitch.
“Oohhhhh, you're so frustrating! How can you guard me from myself, huh? I could just think of doing something while you're away and do it. Think of a plan to do it without you noticing.” `Think!...that's it!' “You can read minds?” she brightened up.
“I cannot-“ twitch, twitch.
Kagome couldn't help it, she giggled at the twitching eye. “Come on! How is it? Do you hear my thoughts or can you see through images of what I'm thinking?” `Like…how I think you look hot the first time I saw you?' Sai choked on nothing. `Bingo!...Oh darn it…that's embarrassing!' “You can hear my thoughts then, huh? How about images?” She thought of Jaken wearing a very pink tutu and dressed like a fairy princess dancing around a flower-costumed Sesshomaru. The look on Sai's face was priceless. It was between laughing out loud and gagging at the incredulous image, while trying hard not to react. He was turning red with the effort.
Kagome laughed so hard her side was hurting her.
Sai felt cornered. “Kagome-sama…” he sighs. “I can hear your thoughts and sometimes I can see images,” he shivers from the memory of the image of Jaken, it was just so wrong. “It just depends on how strong the emotions were behind the image.” Unfortunately for him, Kagome's will was way too strong indeed.
“So, that's why you were placed in the `guarding the suicidal miko' position because of your ability.” `Nice choice, Sesshomaru.' She scoffs, irritated that she felt she lost even her freedom of thought. Even her thoughts are being monitored by that damn control freak of a taiyoukai. There'll be lots of awkward moments from now on, that; she is sure of. After all she is just a girl with lots of hormones, and being surrounded by really hot looking youkai, some thoughts just come in without warning, right?
Sesshomaru was inside his study inside the main dwelling doing some of his long overdue paperwork when he caught a familiar scent and signature youki in the air. He stopped what he was doing and let out an audible sigh.
`More headaches.' He thought as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
He tapped his clawed finger on his desk, mentally counting. As soon as his counting reached nine the door to his study opened and a youkai about the same age as Sesshomaru came into view. He wore a black silk kimono with intricate embroidery of a green dragon on its shoulder and hem of the vast sleeves, a gray dragon scale armor with a metal snap in a form of a dragon's head on its left side just below his shoulder and plain golden obi. His handsome face that could rival that of Sesshomaru's held that silly grin as he waves his clawed hand slightly to the inu taiyoukai who was sitting with great dignity on the dark blue cushion behind his desk.
The new comer has shiny, knee-length green hair held by five tiny inch-wide golden clasps, evenly distributed to hold his long hair down in a single low ponytail. A crimson dragon wings symbol can be seen on his forehead as proof of his royal lineage. His smiling eyes were like molten silver that twinkle in the light with dark slits down the middle. On his right shoulder is his fluffy fur a lighter shade of color then his hair. An unusual black katana hangs on his hip with a crimson emblem on its hilt and a larger version on the scabbard, same as the one on his forehead.
“Ohayou, Sesshou!” he greeted cheerfully as he entered the room and sat on the plump cushion placed in front of Sesshomaru's desk.
“You are getting old. Nine seconds to find me is a shame to your record.” Sesshomaru uttered with a passive voice, his eyes on the scroll at hand.
“My friend, if I am getting older, then so are you. We were born on the same day with barely a few moments in between, remember? And I have you know, I could have found you much sooner if it was not for little Rin. She said you brought a beautiful young lady into your shiro. Is this true?”
“Ryuuki, you act more like some curious pup rather than the lord of the Southern lands that you are.” Sesshomaru answered as he put aside the scroll he's holding and took another from the stash over his desk.
“What?! Would you rather me be a stuck up lord like you? That is just impossible. Being who I am now and you, like that, are the reasons we are friends. I believe it is called `the balance of nature'.” Ryuuki snorted as he grabbed the scroll the stoic Inu-youkai was holding and put it back with the rest of the parchment on the desk. He then propped his elbow on the table, his chin on his knuckles.
“So tell me. Who is the new girl? A human I suppose, since little Rin does not smell like any demoness has been around her and I doubt that a youkai would be nice enough to play with the little ningen girl. You really are getting soft, Sesshou. It will not surprise me if you take a human as your mate.” Ryuuki snickered then shook his head slightly as he sighed when Sesshomaru gave him a death glare.
Anyone would have cringed from that stare; some would even wet themselves but not Ryuuki. No one could even say those things and live other than him. He knows his friend since birth and they practically grew up together, and having an empathic ability definitely helps. If anyone could perfectly understand the cold taiyoukai, it would be Ryuuki, the lord of the Southern lands.
“Come now, Sesshou. Spare your coldness to those who need it. You may just indulge this friend of yours' insatiable curiosity. That is not that hard, is it?” He pushed on.
Sesshomaru cringed each time he heard him call him that name. `At least he stopped using that other childish name.'
Ryuuki looked at Sesshomaru wide eyed when he noticed him use his left hand to rub his temple to ease his headache.
“I see you have your arm back. Care to share how it became possible?” he nudges.
The inu taiyoukai knew lying wouldn't do because of his friend's ability. It would only prove to be troublesome when he'd insist on the truth. He can't lie but that doesn't mean he must tell the WHOLE truth, right? He sighed inaudibly before answering the ryuu taiyoukai's questioning look.
“The miko-“
“A miko? Now that is a real surprise…Do continue.”
Sesshomaru quirked an eyebrow at the sudden outburst but let it pass as he carries on.
“I found the miko a few days ago, almost two weeks now to be precise. She was badly injured, but somehow regenerated my arm though unintentionally, and proves to be a great asset with her power and capability. My honor bound me not to leave her there unprotected and so I did what is only honorable. I took her to be healed.”
Ryuuki just stared at his friend, absorbing his friend's words. He could feel he was not telling a lie but somehow knew there was more to it than what was said. He decided not to press on it. He did know when to quit and not push his luck with his friend, because friends or not, this is still Sesshomaru. Testing his patience is like digging your own grave.
He stands up and walked towards the open window where he could see the courtyard that leads to the main gate. His eyes narrowed a bit as he focused his eyes at the unusual sight dashing as fast as possible with her human legs. He grinned.
“Hey, Sesshou! Does this miko of yours have long raven black hair, pretty face,” he nodded in appreciation “petite curvy body, oh! Fiery,” he chuckled upon seeing her throw a rock, quite impressively knocking Jaken out. “And dashes like mad?”
Sesshomaru who was already holding another scroll looked at him with narrowed eyes.
Ryuuki continues “Because if that is her…you got yourself a hell of a miko.” He snickered when he saw Kagome tripped face first on the ground because of her ruined sandals and heard her curse some words very foreign to his ears.
Sesshomaru cursed under his breath as he dashed outside the study room. He didn't notice the commotion outside the study because of his Ryuuki-induced headache, and from the looks of it, he'll also have a Kagome-induced one very soon. He cursed some more, dashing out of the main dwelling.
Kagome picked herself up, bursting out quite colorful words, some would leave Inuyasha red-faced. She took off her ruined sandals; soft, dainty silk ones are not made for dashing like crazy, then she ran like hell again toward the open gate on her socks. The kimono she was wearing didn't help at all with the situation as she held its hem shamefully high to increase her speed.
`Good, the guards are out again on patrol. Freedom at last!' she grins, then hit with a smacking sound on very hard leather armor that suddenly appeared in front of her in a blur.
“Where do you think you are going, miko?” there was a slight edge to the normally passive voice.
Kagome slowly looked up at the armor, the white haori, nice throat, sensuous lips, and aristocratic nose and dangerously narrowed golden eyes. She gulped; her earlier resolve going down to the pit of her stomach. The hazardously sharp spikes of his armor missed her by a mere inch. She grins sheepishly as she pushed herself away from his chest where she rammed herself. Two clawed hands grabbed her arms to keep her in place. She gulped hard and cleared her throat before answering.
“Uhm…I was…going for a walk?” she sounded silly. She knew that. But she thought she could at least try.
“While throwing rocks at my retainer?” he saw Jaken with a very angry bump on his forehead. “Quite a pastime you have, miko,” `Though I also find that particular activity an impressive stress-reliever.' Without another word he dragged her back by the arm towards the main dwelling's heavy double doors. Kagome glanced longingly towards the gate and the forest beyond. `I was so close…goodbye for now, my elusive freedom…' she sighed. She could still find another way to escape, giving up isn't an option. She'll be with her friends and newly adopted son again, that, she promises.
Sesshomaru dragged her into her own sleeping chamber. His rage barely controlled as he spreads his youkai around, trying to sense where the miko's guardian is.
A confused look passes through his face as he sensed Sai's aura within the garden. He opened the shoji door at the other side of Kagome's chamber that leads to the Sakura garden and walks out. He found what he was looking for at the base of the tree. He turns around with narrowed eyes, at the little miko who has an ashamed blush and an impish grin on her face.
“Miko, explain!”
Kagome fumbles at the hem of the sleeves of her kimono as she stood beside the taiyoukai, staring down at the sprawled form of a very red-faced and unconscious Sai.
Kagome's face becomes a perfect replica of a ripe tomato as she grins. “Information Overload with Hormone Induced Brain Short Circuits?”
MS: (jaw dropped open blushing furiously, staring unblinkingly at the monitor of her computer)
Inu: Hey wench, what's wrong with you                         &nb sp;                         &nb sp;                         &nb sp;                         &nb sp;          
MS: (just mumbled incoherently, still staring at the monitor, reading a fanfic)
Inu: What? I can't understand you wench. What are you reading anyway? (plops down beside MS and peak into the monitor, after a while grew pink then as red as his haori, gaping stupidly like MS) WHAT THE FUCK???
MS: Yeah, it is fucked! (in mesmerized tone, eyes still glued on the monitor, jaw drop once more   
Sesshou: What's the meaning of this? You should be writing the new chapter and not messing around with whatever it is that you're doing. What are you reading wench?
MS: (still focused on the monitor) a threesome with Kagome and two versions of Sesshoumaru…and another threesome with Kagome, sandwiched in between two delicious looking taiyoukai…. this is soooo fucked up, I'll need to tape my jaw shut so it won't fall off to the ground… and now I am soooo wet….
Sesshou: WHAT????
MS: Never drink anything while reading this fanfic… it is not pleasant to have cola burst out of your nose and mouth while you read this stuff… nope, not pleasant at all…it is messy to clean…but Sesshoumaru…(looked with eyes slightly glazed, then grins) … I really liked this fanfic… (evil gleam in the eyes)
Sesshou: Kuso! (dashed out)
MS: (just shrugged and stared at the monitor again gaping openly beside the still flushed and jaw dropped Inuyasha both their heads slightly tilted to the side like idiots.)