InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ Rejection ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer : No flames please. Please R & R! I don't own Inuyasha. Though I wish I did. It's the property of Rumiko Takashi. Usually I really love the Kouga/Ayame pairing. In fact it's one of my favs. But I guess I wanted to try something different...I mean. How often do you see a Sess/Aya fic? Not often. I think they make a very kawaii and interesting couple actually when you stop to think. Don't worry though. I will focus on my other fics as well. I shall never give up on them! Forgive me if Ayame is a bit out of character in this. Really I've only seen her once in the anime and it was in Japanese so...bare with me. I might not be able to update this quickly for I use my friend's computer to write my ficcehs. ;;; Anyway....enjoy.

Chapter 1 : Rejection

The spring's wind licked at Ayame's face. Her bright green eyes stared out at the sunset. The sun's fading ray's licked at her pale skin as she felt the wind shift through her pretty white outfit made of pure wolf's fur. She smiled purifyingly.

Her clawed hands played gently with one of the bindings in her cute pigtails, holding up the thick mane of shiny red hair. She let her hair play with the violent winds. Strands came across her face and she simply wiped them away.

The cliff she sat on was a great height. She didn't seem to mind, being a wolf youkai and merely princess of her tribe. Many wolf youkai had always adored her. Many asking of her to be her mate. She smiled brightly once more. But none knew that she already was in love. In love with the wolf demon...Kouga.

"Kouga..." she sighed. Her eyes shimmered a bit at the name. "If only you knew how much I loved you...but I'll show you. I will..." she said. Her hand lifted so it cupped over her heart.

The wind picked up speed. As though saying to follow her heart's disires. She breathed in the cold yet warm air. She stretched out her long legs and got up. "I shall see my Kouga..." she smiled turning and running quickly through the forest.

"Get away from her!! She's mine!" Kouga yelled.

"Not a chance, Kouga! I won't let you touch 'my' Kagome!" Inuyasha said.

Kagome blushed slightly. "Inuyasha...?" she questioned.

Inuyasha realizing what he said blushed slightly. He hid it with a serious expression. "Back off Kagome! I'll handle this stupid wolf..." he said.

"Just try it you dog turd!" Kouga cried running at Inuyasha. Inuyasha dodged him nearly tripping on the wind Kouga created. He ran at Kouga as well slashing him across his armor. Kouga shook his head slightly though the attack didn't harm him because of his protection.

"Kouga-kun!" a cheerful voice cried.

Ayame stopped seeing Kouga and Inuyasha fighting. Her blood seemed to boil.

'They're fighting again...for 'her'...' she growled in thought. She fell silent glaring at Kouga.

Kouga stopped to turn and glance at the wolf demoness. "I thought I told you Ayame...I'm in love with Kagome!!" Kouga said.

Ayame's heart shattered once more hearing those words. Was it possible for them to even fit in a sentence? How could he break their promise they made. He promised...that they could be together. Ever since she forever searched for him...only to fall in the darkness of a sacrificed love. Ayame shook with anger, saddness and betrayel

"Fine then..." she simply said. Tears clung in the forest green orbs making her eyes shimmer once more. The wind seemed to blow a bit harder. She hid her expression in her waved bangs. "I hate you anyway!" she said finally anger mixing her voice sending a chill up everyone's spine.

She let the tears of betrayel run down her cheek. She then turned and tryed to wipe them away furiously only to dig her claws deep into her cheek.

'How dare he choose her...over me! He promised...together...forever. Why? Why Kouga?!' she thought furiously and sadly.

Kagome's expression looked angered a bit too. "See what you've done Kouga?! She loves you with all of her heart...and you broke it." she said.

Kouga just shrugged. "But Kagome...I've already found my true love..." he said turning to her. Kagome balled her hands into fists and made a girlish 'ugh' and turned disgusted.

Inuyasha whom had remained silent then turned to Kagome. "Boy sure know how to strike 'two' girls with just once sentence." he teased. Kouga glared at Inuyasha. "Come on and say that to my face, mutt-face!" he raged back at him.

Inuyasha got up with a smirk and raced at Kouga as well beginning the battle once more.

Ayame ran through the forest. Her cheek stinging as the salty tears mixed with her own sweet fresh blood. She let the wind and trees whip her face.

'I must deserve this...' she thought sadly. She sniffed and sobbed a bit taking in a breath. Her leg hit a log and she tripped. A sharp stick tore into her leg painfully. She winced at the pain and the tears kept coming. She then withdrew her leg and let herself fall against a tree and bury her face in her arms.

"Kouga...Kouga..." she sobbed.

She coughed slightly. Her side ached from running so long and fast...her ankle throbbed painfully and her arm against her stinging cheek made it hurt more. She didn't care.

Rin skipped through the forest.

"Rin! Don't go too far!" Jaken called running through the forest. His staff assisted him across the roots trying to catch up with the cute human girl.

Rin stopped with a smile but then frowned turning to a sad figure in the forest. Jaken stopped as well.

"Come's a demon..." he said turning to go back. Rin didn't move and only went closer to the weeping wolf demon.

"But Jaken-sama...she's sad." Rin's expression turned soft and felt sorry for the wolf girl.

Ayame stopped crying only to look up. She turned to Rin and Jaken and hissed.

Rin shot back in a silent gasp. Her honey eyes shimmered. It reminded her alot of when she first met lord Sesshoumaru...

Ayame gasped realizing no threat and hide her face silently crying and bleeding once more. "Go away..." her voice muffled a bit.

"What's wrong with the pretty wolf demon, Jaken?" Rin asked tilting her head. Ayame sighed hearing this.

Jaken sighed. "Just do as she says Rin...let's go." Jaken said turning but Rin ran by Ayame's side. "Are you ok?" she asked. Ayame turned. She didn't believe this little girl's bravery towards demons. She looked at Rin in the eyes.

Rin smiled. "Who are you?" she asked.

Ayame fell silent still looking then turned her gaze to look at the black stained earth. "Ayame..." she said. The smell of smoke entered her nose as the wind shifted. She shivered a bit. A fire must've been near.

"Why don't you come with us...just to warm up." Rin said.

Jaken gasped. "Rin! You fool! Do not invite a stranger that lord Sesshoumaru has no concern for into our grounds!"

Rin smiled again. "Relax'll only be for a while." she said.

Ayame's eyes seemed tranced. "Sokay. I'm fine." she replied.

After a few moments of silence Rin nodded and followed Jaken back to camp.

Ayame sighed and looked to the shining stars embeded in the night's sky. She saw a shooting star and put her hands to her heart closing her big eyes.

'I wish...I could find true love...and stay with him forever...'

Hope you guys like this so far...I'm working hard on my other ficcehs so...but anyway. Please R & R and no flames please. The chappies will get better and longer