InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ Wind ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer : Thanks for all the reviews guys! Sorry…been busy lately. But I shall continue this story!! ^_^ Again…sorry for the long wait.
Chapter 2 : Wind
Rin blinks and looked up. She gasped as a smile spread across her cute face. She pointed to the night sky that went on forever embedded with all the shining stars.
“Look! A shooting star!” she said as she sat and prayed a wish that popped into her head.
Jaken rolled his eyes.
“Honestly. You humans always look to the sky…” he growls.
Fire sparked and cracked eating off oxygen and fresh wood and grass from the forest. Ah and Un remained by the little girl, relaxed by the warmth of the glowing red burning fire.
Muzzles were over their mouths…holding the rein was a powerful…beautiful…being. A dog demon at that. His long silver white hair flowed in the violet breeze of silent night. In the shades of the trees, his golden orbs gleamed brightly and he himself seemed to match with the full bright moon in many ways.
Rin's stomach suddenly growled. Her hands instantly went to her stomach in surprise and a light gasp escaped her throat.
“So hungry…” her dark brown shimmered a bit.
“Rin. If your hungry go find food. Jaken will assist you.” Sesshoumaru ordered more then insisted.
Jaken balked then muttered angered sentences under his harsh breaths as Rin got up humming a cute song, leading the way into the forest for food. Jaken slowly trailing behind.
The bright emerald green eyes shimmered from tears and moonlight. A soft tongue licked at the bleeding wounds gently, licking sweet and still freshly warm blood from the open cuts. The shiny mane of deep red hair had came loose from their usual cute pigtail bindings and fell over her shoulders, shading most of the underneath of her body.
She then leaned back on the branch she laid in. Her eyes forced closed and yet her mind unsettled.
Crickets chirped all about, making it even harder to sleep. She shivered for even not her gleaming clean and thick white wolf fur outfit failed in keeping her body warm. Cold winds kissed her creamy white skin and made another shiver send down her spine. Ayame hissed but sighed. Usually the wind felt so good…
A strange scent caught her nose.
She opened her eyes.
`A…dog demon?' she thought in question. She sniffs again at the strange…but beautiful scent. `Yes! And a male…But what do I care. Male k-nines are always such jerks…Especially dogs and…wolves.' She instantly thought of Kouga. That traitor. Rejecting her like that…how dare he!! And why would she be interested in a mutt anyway?!
She crosses her arms and sniffs once. She was catching cold. But nearby…was a fire…no doubt belonging to that dog demon…should she? That little girl `did' after all invite her over…Bug judging by the toad's words…it was a mighty lord demon that obviously didn't like strangers or guests…
“Wonder how mighty he is…?” she asked herself aloud.
She hoped down from the tree she was in, landing hard on her bad ankle. She winced once but limped forward determined.
Sesshoumaru averted his golden gaze to a sudden noise in the distance. He caught a scent. A wolf. How he despised the creatures…and yet. This one's scent…was soothing…almost sweet?
He got up and tied the reins to a nearby tree as he walked gracefully off into the woods searching out the intruder.
He stopped before a young beautiful wolf maiden bumped into his strong armor. She looked up to him with big gorgeous green eyes. They were filled with so many emotions…pain…anger…surprise…sadness lingered all around her. She was dressed in fully white wolf fur…long red hair was spread about her face and went all the way down her back.
“Who are you?” Ayame demanded as the taiyoukai examined her.
“I think I should be asking you that.” He says with a cold tone.
Ayame sighed. “What's it matter to you?” she demands again. She noticed how handsome this dog demon truly was and a small flush escaped onto her cheeks and she turned her face.
“It's Ayame…ok?!” she said brushing past him. She stopped. “Now can I ask your name?”
Sesshoumaru paused a moment before answering with a simple, “Sesshoumaru.” He turned to face her. She seemed weak and injured.
Ayame saw the flicker of a fire in the distance. She stared longingly but saw no little girl or toad. She sighed and started somewhere she didn't know of just yet. Before she took a step she collapsed onto the ground coughing. Blacking out from coldness and blood loss.
A beautiful clearing of tall greenest grass whistled as the wind blew through the thick strands of nature. Gorgeous flowers opened, greeting the bright sun rays and the beautiful day it was. Blue skies and purple mountains aside from it all.
A cute little girl played in the flower garden. Making chains…and picking flowers. She sneezed once at the overpowering sweet smells then smiled purifying and started again with a chuckle.
The pretty familiar white wolf fur about her, the long red hair put in cutest pigtails, and those emerald green eyes shining brightly with a cheerful expression about her flawless cute little face.
“Kouga!” she called out to a wolf demon ahead. The wolf demon turned, the black hair in the ponytail spun about his face and the blue eyes stared into hers.
“Hey Ayame.” He gave his smirk.
Ayame's eyes shimmered and she blushed as it grew darker. A full moon in the beautiful night sky with shining stars. But twas no ordinary moon…they were under that same moonlight rainbow from long ago.
He held his hand out. Ayame ran towards him, reaching for him. But no matter how fast she ran, he seemed to grow farther and farther away.
“Kouga! Kouga!” she cried. As she ran she grew faster, taller, and more feminine. No longer a little she once knew and was. A beautiful late teenager in human years.
Kouga's hand retreated into the hand of another women's. A fair teenaged strange miko with shoulder length black hair and dark brown eyes. Kagome.
“I told you Ayame…I'm in love with Kagome!!” he said.
The sentence echoed in the dream she was dying in. Her world and heart shattered. As well as the very picture and beautiful place she once stood in.
“No!” she cried as she started falling into a dark hellish abyss of what's left of her dreamland.
“Nooooo! Kooouugaa!!” she cried. Tears escaped her eyes once more.
“Kouga!!” she sat up and screamed. She panted heavily and blinked to light. Sunlight of morning.
She turned to see a startled toad and little girl a few feet away from her.
“Hey…she's awake!!” Rin smiled.
“What gave you that idea, Rin?” Jaken shook sarcastically.
“Sorry.” Ayame said softly and blushed to the fact that a demon and human had just watched her sleep and only for her to wake up screaming the name of someone she once loved. She shivered painfully and a tear trailed down her cheek. She swiped it away furiously.
“What's wrong? Your crying…Ayame.” Rin said, her eyes shimmering.
Ayame blinked. “You remembered my name…good memory. But I'm ok. Just…a nightmare…” Ayame sighed sadly. She looked around the open clearing.
A beautiful blue sky hung over head, a bit cloudy, but sunlight got through to a few flowers. Wind scraped through the fields and grass. Shady areas were everywhere and forests hung to the sides. A river was not too far away.
Ayame blinks twice again. “Hey…where'd that dog demon go? And…how did I get here?” she questioned.
“You mean lord Sesshoumaru! You should be lucky he saved your ungrateful wolf tail, wench!” Jaken said angrily but jealous and angered that his lord saved yet another women. This one being a wolf.
Ayame got up and stretched. She then winced.
“Your still hurt and healing! Please lay down!” Rin insisted tugging on the rim of her skirt.
Ayame sat back down. Water was offered to her and she accepted it with a thank, drinking it up like no tomorrow.
Jaken watched then turned with a grin. “Lord Sesshoumaru!” he greeted the tall youkai that came into the clearing. He was staring at Ayame all that time.
Ayame stared back then gave him a smile. “Thank you, for saving me…Sesshoumaru.” She said with a slight head tilt.
Sesshoumaru didn't bother with a polite sentence and merely walked past them all.
“Jaken, I'm going to `visit' Inuyasha. Watch Rin.” He ordered coldly with an always serious expression as he walked off.
Ayame's eyes widened.
“Inu…yasha?” she forced herself up and limped quickly behind him.
“I'm coming too, then! I have some unfinished business with someone this Inuyasha knows.”
“Do as you wish.” Sesshoumaru said carelessly. He couldn't help but get secret glances from this wolf girl. She certainly had a strong will…and a irresistibly beautiful face.
~To Be Continued…~
Hope you liked this chappie!! ^ ^ Seems Sesshy is falling in love…for once. Lol. ^ ^ Again…I don't own any of these characters. And please no flames for the coupling. Please R & R and I'll try to have the next chapter up soon! ^ ^