InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlit Drama's ❯ Naraku and the Black Eared Surprise ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

(Nope don't own Inu-Yasha and Co. Just thought you should know)

Chapter 1

Naraku and the Black Eared Surprise

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Hours had past sense the beginning of the battle with Naraku. Inu-Yasha was getting noticeably more tired as he fought with the evil entity. Not far for the battle sat Kagome watching in horror while tending to her injured friends hoping that Naraku wouldn't notice her presence.

"You're a rather persistent little pest aren't you," mocked Naraku.


Inu-Yasha charged one more time but the weary hanyou was no match for the demon. Naraku swooped down slicing open Inu-Yasha's shoulder.

"Inu-Yasha!!!!" screamed a horrified Kagome. She ran to his side to help him, but he merely pushed her away.

"I thought I told you to hide. Stupid girl, now he knows you're here," Inu-Yasha said half growling, half pleading. "Go! Run! Hide!" he managed to choke out.

"No! I won't leave you I can…" she was cut off by something grabbing her shoulder and pulling her away. "Inu-Yasha!!" she screamed while reaching out for the injured hanyou. By then Naraku had a tight grip on her and he wasn't about to let her go.

"Kagome!!" the injured hanyou screamed. "You bastard let her go!"

"Hmm, so this girl is important to you is she Inu-Yasha," chuckled Naraku evilly. Holding her up off the ground by her arms he used his free hand to caress her quivering body. "What a supple young girl it would be a shame if something ever happened to you."

"LET HER GO!" Inu-Yasha charged at the demon barely slicing his shoulder.

"That will cost you Inu-Yasha." He lifted the girl up a little hirer to make sure that the hanyou could see. "I am sorry it had to come to this girl," he moved his claws down her body, "but someone must pay for that cut I just received." She screamed in pain as he tore her left side open with his claws. He threw her out of his way, and she lay were she fell motionless.

"Kagome!!!!" Inu-Yasha ran to her side lifting her off the ground to inspect her. Her life was draining away. He set her down, and faced Naraku. "YOU WILL PAY!" he roared.

"Looks like I hit a nerve, but don't worry you will be with her…." Naraku was cut off by the tetsusaiga slicing him in half, and the jewel shards that he had fell to the ground. Though Inu-Yasha didn't seem to care because, before Naraku could even finish dissipating Inu-Yasha was at Kagome's side.

"Kagome…" he cradled the girl in his arm. "Kagome, please don't leave me." Tears began to slip from his eyes to his chin and fall on the young girls cheeks.

"Inu… Inu-Yasha?" the girl began to awake. She lifted her arm to wipe away his tears, but as she did so a painful bolt ran through her body.

"Kagome," he looked at her a little more cheerful.

"It hurts… so bad… Inu-Yasha… please… help me," her voice worked itself to a bare whisper. Just then Mioga appeared from his hiding position, and sat on Inu-Yasha's shoulder looking down at the dying girl.

"Sire, you could transfer your blood to her," the elder flea informed.

"And just where have you been Mioga?"

"My lord there is no time for such unimportant information, if you don't do the transfer now Kagome may die." With that Inu-Yasha looked back down at the young girl who was choking on her blood, which was now spilling from her lips. With that Inu-Yasha cut his hand, letting his blood spill into Kagome's fresh wound. He moved his cut hand closer to her cut. Then he pushed his cut to hers, she only winced once. He held her there for what seemed to be forever.

Finally Miroku, Sango, and Shippo awoke to see Inu-Yasha holding something. At first they thought that it was Kikyo, but with closer inspection they found a very badly injured Kagome. They ran as fast as they could seeing as how they we all pretty badly injured themselves.

Sango spoke first, "Inu-Yasha is Kagome alright?" Inu-Yasha didn't even look up at her to even acknowledge her presence. He just continued cradling the injured girl, holding her body tightly. Mioga finally told the group what was happening, and also informed them of how it happened. The group finally got up and left for the village. Inu-Yasha was very careful the whole time, as not to move Kagome too much, or remove his hand from her wound.

When they had gotten to the village Kaede came to welcome them, only to find Kagome barely alive. She tried to take a look at her, but before she could even touch her Inu-Yasha had moved her out of grasp, growling slightly as he did. The others had to tell Kaede what was going on, also intrusting her with the jewel fragments that they had gotten from Naraku. That night Inu-Yasha stayed with Kagome never removing his hand from her wound. He fell asleep holding her tight to make sure that the blood transfer wasn't disrupted.

The next morning Inu-Yasha awoke to find a surprise. As his eyes opened he saw his secret love, but something was different. Even though he knew it was going to happen it still surprised him. There was his Kagome, only she had dog ears like his only black, claws, and he could see the tips of her new canine fangs protruding from her mouth, not to mention her hair had grown many inches over night. Kagome was no longer human, but now a hanyou just like him.

He leaned in as if to kiss her but didn't afraid of being punished. Instead he moved closer to her new puppy ear which moved towards him as he whispered, "Kagome, get up its morning." As he backed up he saw her eyes lazily open up to reveal that her once human eye's were slit like a cat's, and were a much brighter shade of blue.

Once her eye's focused and she saw the hanyou and how close he was to her. "In…u…yasha," she stuttered as she tried to back away and began to blush a deep shade of red.

"Kagome calm down we need to have a talk then you will probably want to clean up," he said in the most unsurely tone he could muster.

The girl looked down at her ripped and blood stained school uniform. She noticed that not only did she not have a wound but there was also no scar to show were Naraku had attacked her. She would have thought it all a dream, but just then she noticed her claws. "Oh my god Inu-Yasha what's wrong with my hands." She was trembling when he came to help her from going into shock. When she could notice that her hearing had greatly improved when it hit her like a brick, she was a demon.

When Inu-Yasha felt Kagome tense up, he knew that she had figured it out. So he sat behind her and wrapped himself around the confused girl. Then he began to tell her softly what had happened, how he saved her, and why she had become a hanyou like him. Then he smelled her cry, he more than anyone knew what her tears smelled like. He moved to her side and licked her tear away on instincts alone. It was sweet like her calming aroma with a hint of salt.

Though he couldn't fully enjoy her sweet taste for at the same time he badgered himself about him changing her. `Great you truly are the most insensitive person ever. Now she will most surely hate you.'

The already upset girl was now shocked at what Inu-Yasha had done. Even though his mind trash talked him, he knew that she needed to be comforted so he embraced her in a warm hug. And for a moment his cruel thoughts subsided. `God she smells so good. I wish that I could take away her pain. I wish she didn't have to go through this. It's all my fault. No I was just trying to save her, she should be thanking me. But she will now be ridiculed like I have always been.' He continued to argue with his mind only interrupted when Kagome stirred. "Kagome," he looked down into her eyes. "I'm sorry."

"Huh, for what?" she questioned him not truly understanding why he was apologizing.

"For turning you into the one thing that I have hated being all of my life."

"Oh I am not mad Inu-Yasha."

"But your crying," Now the poor hanyou was truly confused.

"I am just so happy that you cared enough about me to save my life." She looked up at him with a big smile, and a few tears still trailed down her checks.

He was so shocked at her response that even his mind focused on her. `Of course I care I love you more than life itself. I realized that at just the thought that I might loose you.' His mind screamed so loud at her that he was afraid she would hear it. "Of course I care," was the only thing he was able to say from his thought. He wasn't expecting the giant love filled hug she gave him which scared him at first, but he quickly hugged her back once he realized what was going on.

"Inu-Yasha," she spoke not removing from her loves embrace.

"Yes, Kagome," he sat there enjoying her touch, scent, and most of all the fact that she wasn't mad at him.

She wanted to ask him now how he felt about her but couldn't bring her self to do it. "Thank you." He hugged her tighter and they sat there for awhile before they decided to explain to there friends what had happened.

When they finally got up to leave Kagome stumbled, still trying to get used to her new body. It was quite a difference compared to being human, and was hard at first to even walk. Inu-Yasha wrapped his arms around her waist to hold her up so she could get used to walking. They walked out of Kaede's hut and into a simultaneous gasp.

"Inu-Yasha who is this woman, and why are you wrapped around her?!" Sango demanded to know.

"Yeah, Kagome is in there dieing and your out here with this new hussy I thought you…" Shippo chimed in, but was interrupted by Miroku knocking him on the head with his staff. "Hey what was that for."

Miroku ignored the little kitsune and focused his attention to the new hanyou that stood before him. "Good morning Kagome, feeling better?"

"Just fine thank you for asking," she responded with a rather sweet smile showing her new fangs. Shippo and Sango's jaws hit the floor they couldn't believe there eye's.

"Wow Kagome," the little kit buzzed around the girl inspecting her new form.

Inu-Yasha smacked him away from Kagome out of announce and jealousy. "Leave her alone brat, she's been through a lot and I am sure she would like to clean up before dealing with you," he snarled at Shippo who was now rubbing his head.

"Hey Kagome why don't we go get cleaned up I will run get your stuff ok." Sango said as she ran off to get Kagome's things.

"Ok!" She yelled back to Sango. "Hey Inu-Yasha will you help me to the water?"

"Feh, fine, I guess you can't do anything on your own even as a demon," he said in a kidding tone. Looking down at her with one eye to make sure she realized that he was joking.