InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlit Lake ❯ Enter Mizuko, Child of the Water ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Moonlit Lake
Disclaimer = Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. She is the sole owner of all the Inuyasha Cast of Characters that include Inu-Yasha, Kikyo, Kagome, ShippÅ, Miroku, Sango, SesshÅmaru, etc. I'm not claiming any of the characters except for Mizuko, Yuki, Fuyuko, and any other characters that comes from my crazy head/imagination. This story is for Young Adults or Mature Audiences, as it contains Adult Themes and Adult (Foul) Language. I make no profit for this fanfic story, so it doesn't belong to me. I repeat I don't own Inuyasha or ever will (apart from the countless related objects I own). My only reward shall be reviews so please leave one...^ ^; heh, not that I'm forcing you to...
A/N: Okay this is my very first fanfic so I welcome any comments. I have also posted this fanfic on Inuyasha Fan Fanfic under Mizuko, Random Insanity under Phoenix, Inuyasha Journey under Phoenix and Media Miner under Silver Dog of the Snow. Do not accuse me of plagiarism because I DID write it! I will not use the official names of the characters because it's such a hassle and I don't want to since I'm use to the simple way...Anyways enjoy the story...
Chapter 1: Enter Mizuko, Child of the Water
The full moon loomed over the calm serene forest that engulfed the hidden lake in the mountain's valley. Its pale reflection glistened like a beautiful pearl in the lake's crystalline water. The sandy shore was surrounded by a 13 foot high wall of alabaster stone, shielding the location from immediate sight. The forest guarded the lake above the wall, like a mother would guard her child. The cool, slinking, and stretching shadows flitted in the wind as the vibrant leaves swayed in the evening's breeze.
A sudden sound of rustling in the eerie darkness of the mori (forest) frightened off a flock of crows into the inky sky above showering a few black feathers back to the origin of the noise. A young woman probably about 17 or 18 years old stumbled through the under-brush panting and bleeding. Her waist-long raven hair was tangled with leaves, twigs, and feathers while her legs and lower half of her kimono were soaked with blood, sweat, and mud. From the material of the fine kimono and the crest on the back one would probably doubt, she was a noble, considering the state she was in.
Her heart pounded in her ribcage as she approached the clearing, and placed her hand on the trunk of a glorious old tree standing besides a cherry tree in full bloom, with its tiny blossoms littering onto the ground.
Her stormy gray eyes nervously snapped back and forth as she peered into the forest as if looking for a pursuer. Spotting nothing she leapt off the cliff and onto a loosely packed sand dune, sprinkling crimson flowers of blood in her wake.
Although she didn't see a soul she knew better. A cold unsettling and suffocating aura descended near causing an unheard wail in the soul of the shinrin. Her beautiful eyes widened in horror and her tiny hand flew to her mouth as she let out a gasp. The gigantic tree of ages slowly decayed in front of her. Leaves fluttered down in green, brown, and yellow colors. Her eyes closed and her hands curled into fists as fury flowed in her. Her eyes then flew open
“Naraku! How dare you?!”
The raven haired beauty was blazing with barely contained fury as she recalled the various rumors of a hanyou who held a nearly completed jewel called the “Shikon no Tama.” The jewel was said to have the power to grant any wish and to be currently in the possession of the hanyou who desired to become a youkai and to possess powers of several powerful youkai. Such was her anguish, fury and sadness, she failed to notice the creeping tentacles on the wall, camouflaged by thick vines.
A whistle of wind caught her attention, making her turn her head in its direction. The tentacles wrapped around her ankles while some others grabbed her wrists, waist, and her neck, causing her to arch her back in discomfort.
“Ku ku ku, that is pitiful Mizuko, especially considering you are a witch.
“Naraku, isn't it? Why is it you attack these lands? Is it in search of my sister and I? What is it imposter puppet!?” Mizuko challenged to the “man” under the baboon pelt. The tentacle tightened quickly around her slim neck making her gasp for breath. Her left hand frantically fingered her sleeve exposing a hidden katana, which she quickly grasped and pressed the blade onto the tentacle that was wrapped around her wrist. Energy flowed off the young woman and into the sword which in turn gave off a bright blue aura that purified the offending piece that was wrapped around her arm and on her body.
“You are strong and spiritually powerful Mizuko and you will become part of my body so stop resisting.”
“Never! I will never stop! My brothers and sister will come for me!” Mizuko shouted holding back the bile in her mouth that was making her sick. She held the Katana behind her and then threw it straight into the puppet's chest breaking Naraku's control.
“ you expected to kill me or hold me hostage ne?” Mizuko sighed as her eyes got bleary from giving off too much aura. She walked slowly to the lake but she only took two steps before collapsing at the foot of the sand dune, utterly exhausted. Her sword laid on the sand with the broken wooden puppet besides it. A faint buzzing sound issued through the shinrin and out flew Kagura sitting on her white feather. He long black tresses trailed behind her and her red eyes searched the inland beach for the young woman.
“So here lays the notorious witch Mizuko, daughter of the prominent clan that rules the North, the Water Gods. She certainly doesn't live up to her sister's expectations, so why did I have to come?” Kagura said lazily as she gazed intently at the sleeping maiden with her bangs fluttering in the wind, slightly caressing her fair ivory skin. She ordered to the Saimyoshou to paralyze her with their toxic poison while eyeing her fan.
Mizuko's pearl earrings glistened from the light of the moon just as the winged insects approached her. Time seemed suspended as the red stingers closed in on the surface of her skin; centimeter by centimeter, millimeter by millimeter. Then a bright flash of light surrounded the maiden and purified the Saimyoshou that were 1/8 of an inch away from any exposed skin to meters away. When the light settled down a shimmering blue barrier surrounded the water child. The earrings had disappeared from her earlobes at the same time the light appeared giving Kagura a sense of understanding for the barrier's sudden appearance.
“We'll meet again, Mizuko, child of the North and West.”
* * * * * * * * * (now currently with our beloved group)
“Let's go!” Inuyasha growled at Kagome who defiantly glared at him with her arms crossed over her bosom.
“No Inuyasha! I'm tired and I'm not moving from here,” Kagome stated her eyes boring into the hanyou's golden ones. Inuyasha ignored her and grabbed her arm and started to drag her, snapping the girl's tolerance.
“Ow! Inuyasha let go! OSUWARI!” Kagome yelled at the top of her lungs scaring off flocks of birds (A/N: I think that the birds are seriously considering moving away) making one of the most stupidest mistakes. When Inuyasha shot down to the ground at the speed of sound he also accidentally brought Kagome down with him. A `snap; was heard as the couple rested on the ground, followed by a loud, (perhaps that was an understatement), very LOUD “OW!!!”
Kagome sat up and pried Inuyasha's fingers off her wrist only to let out a hiss of barely suppressed pain. Inuyasha let go of the wrist he held and sat up as he effects of the rosary faded. Inspecting the girl's wrist he frowned as he barely touched it when Kagome cried out.
“Baka! You broke my wrist! If only we stayed then this could have been avoided.” Kagome yelled making the hanyou's ears flatten down to protect himself from the girl's wrath.
If we continued this wouldn't have happened either,” Inuyasha pointed out. He instantly regretted it.
“Osuwari, osuwari, OSUWARI!!!”
“Kagome-sama, please reconsider his back I believe has received damage and endless crashings may not help him if we were to engage in battle soon,” Miroku interjected making Kagome stop and glare at him before yelling out one more “osuwari!”
“Oi wench!” Enough with the freaking commands already. Why do you want to stop already?! We just had a break a while ago! Shit you ningen are so troublesome!”
Kagome shot him a glare that everyone felt bring a sudden chill. Kagome asked the kitsune to help her open her yellow backpack to take out her first-aid kit. Sango immediately helped Kagome take a painkiller and wrap up her wrist so that the bones could mend in their proper position. Shippo tried to comfort his foster mother as she cried out, sneaking glares at Inuyasha who promptly punched him on the head, sending him crying seeking shelter in Kagome.
“Inuyasha! Don't be so harsh on Shippo, he's still a child!”
“Ne, Kagome-chan do you want to check out that clearing?” Sango asked trying to distract the two from fighting.
“I believe there's a hot-spring nearby because of all the steam, look.”
Kagome looked and indeed steam was rising near the clearing. Her face broke into a huge grin and she proceeded to rummage through the sack searching for her bathing supplies and tried to set up camp with one hand. Unfortunately it was both difficult and painful to keep hitting herself while extracting articles from her huge yellow backpack. Sango slowly came up with a plan to keep the men far from them while they took their “much needed” bath.
“Kagome-chan, wouldn't it be easier if the men set up camp? Hey um it would mean a lot to us if you kept an eye on Miroku, Inuyasha.”
“Feh, I'm not watching that perverted monk.”
Kagome glared at him and followed Sango towards the water with Shippo trailing behind.
The girls walked closer to the clearing and came upon a mighty old tree towering over all trees. Besides it was a dying cherry tree with its leaves and small flowers spilling over the dewy grass.
“Inuyasha, please don't set up camp yet, look at these trees they're so beautiful,” Kagome murmured looking at he scenery. The forest enveloped a huge lake that almost seemed like an ocean of mystery. A river seemed to form the ethereal lake setting below the semi-tall cliff. The full moon rose over the towering pines as an orb of pure light reflecting off the rippling sky below. As Kagome walked closer to the cliff's edge unknowingly but still gazing at the silver orb in the heavens she slipped on the grass. Landing hard on her bottom she suddenly felt the ground crumble beneath her.
“Kyaa!!!” Kagome yelled as she started to plunge downwards. Sango ran to her aid, but Inuyasha rushed to the scene in a flurry of red and silver. What he saw was Kagome dangling form one hand on a stone block and what was under her a five-foot gap to a sand dune.
“Baka, there isn't much that can kill you from falling five feet.” Inuyasha growled in irritation.
“Kagome-chan are you alright!” Sango called out as she looked for a less treacherous way to come down. She spotted a small bridge across the shore. Slightly confused on why they were there, she still ran towards them with Miroku following closely behind her.
“Hai, Sango-chan!” Kagome replied still slightly unnerved as Inuyasha put her down on the sand. Shippo looked at his `mother' and asked the same question and was immediately reassured.
“Inuyasha, look over there on those sand-dunes,” Miroku said suddenly looking a few meters away from them, his eyes affixed on an inanimate object lying on the slope. Resting unconscious was a young ningen woman with slightly soiled and tattered clothes, but beautiful nonetheless. Inuyasha turned around and saw the woman lying on the sand with her face partly covered by her fluttering hair in the wind. The sweet night breeze revealed a gentle face.
“What happened to her?” Miroku asked as he walked up to the woman his dark robes swishing with his movements. Sango simply eyed him wary of his sudden interest. He kneeled besides the unconscious girl, stated that she was still breathing, then . . . proceeded to grope her. BIG MISTAKE. The moment the hand touched the maiden's backside her eyes flew open.
“You fucking hentai, how dare you touch me!”
Sango stomped over to him leaving small but deep footprints in the sand as Miroku said his famous phrase to the young woman, “Would you kindly consider bearing my child?”
“No she wouldn't Miroku!” Sango yelled yanking the monk up by the ear.
“URASAI!!! Baka, how dare you act like I'm a common whore! I'm the daughter of two great leaders!”
“Oi wench! Why do you smell like water?” Inuyasha yelled at her, catching the scent of water protruding from her pores.
“My name is Mizuko not wench!” Mizuko snapped as she tried to stand up but ended up collapsing. Her hands immediately went up as a small sphere of aura encircled her from them.
“A water barrier?” Miroku asked as his robes gained a thin coat of ice and cold water lapped at his skin. He reached into his robe and pulled out an inked sutra which he placed on the barrier. Mizuko was slightly startled when the paper started to dissipate the barrier she put up.
“N-nani?! Oh I see, so pervert you're a highly spiritual monk aren't you,” Mizuko stated noticing his staff. She pulled out a necklace letting the moonbeams shine on the azure pearl dangling like a teardrop from the silver object. The pearl glowed brightly followed by a roar that echoed throughout the shinrin. Inuyasha instinctively sniffed the air, catching the scent of a water dragon (mizu no ryu), a mixture of freshwater and a slight earthy scent.
“What are you doing?!” Inuyasha demanded as he shook the woman roughly by the shoulders rattling her teeth. Mizuko tried to resist his manhandling but was greatly overpowered by her captor's strength.
“Enough kusottare (bastard)!” Mizuko snarled before taking out her sheath and summoned her sword. Inuyasha turned his head as the blade whizzed a centimeter away from his kin, still drawing out some blood. Mizuko grasped the sword and pointed it at the moon. She then muttered an incantation and pointed the tip at Inuyasha's chest. Inuyasha's eyes widened when he felt the power flow from the sword and slam him through some trees. The young girl took the chance to run away while he was dazed and hurried towards the lake's edge.
“Kono ama! (You dirty slut!) How dare you attack me, wench,” Inuyasha growled as he recovered from the slight shock of the force of energy. Mizuko against her better judgment turned around angrily and slapped Inuyasha just before he pinned her to the ground just a few centimeters from the lapping waves.
“I told you, I'm NOT A FUCKING SLUT!”
Mizuko's eyes narrowed dangerously as she attempted to create one last barrier as an act of resistance though she knew clearly that her powers were nearly exhausted. Concentrating hard she gathered the most of her aura and formed a tiny but expanding barrier.
Inuyasha cringed as he felt the barrier crackle with power. Leaping back he unsheathed the Tetsusaiga determined to destroy the barrier when suddenly it passed through him.
“I-i-iie . . .” Mizuko whispered her gray eyes wide with shock, her vision fixed on the Tetsusaiga. Her suspicious were confirmed with the barrier that passed over him.
“Gomen nasai otouto . . .” Mizuko said fainting.
“What!? Did she just say little brother?” Shippo queried from Kagome's shoulder with apparent surprise.
“She's a human though,” Kagome pointed out when her hanyou companion corrected her.
“She isn't a human but perhaps a hanyou.”
“Then what proves it is the attitude,” Miroku stated.
“Now that you mention it, she does have a similar resemblance to Inuyasha,” Sango agreed.
“Iie! She can't be my sister. I only have a bastard half-brother Sesshomaru.