InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlit Lake ❯ The Hanyou Siblings ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer = Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. She is the sole owner of all the Inuyasha Cast of Characters that include Inu-Yasha, Kikyo, Kagome, ShippÅ, Miroku, Sango, SesshÅmaru, etc. I'm not claiming any of the characters except for Mizuko, Yuki, Fuyuko, and any other characters that comes from my crazy head/imagination. This story is for Young Adults or Mature Audiences, as it contains Adult Themes and Adult (Foul) Language. I make no profit for this fanfic story, so it doesn't belong to me. I repeat I don't own Inuyasha or ever will (apart from the countless related objects I own). My only reward shall be reviews so please leave one...^ ^; heh, not that I'm forcing you to...
A/N: Okay this is my very first fanfic so I welcome any comments. I have also posted this fanfic on Inuyasha Fan Fanfic under Mizuko, Random Insanity under Phoenix, Inuyasha Journey under Phoenix and Media Miner under Silver Dog of the Snow. Do not accuse me of plagiarism because I DID write it! I will not use the official names of the characters because it's such a hassle and I don't want to since I'm use to the simple way...Anyways enjoy the story...
Chapter 2: The Hanyou Siblings
A roar echoed throughout the forest, making the very ground vibrate from the sound waves. An encore of roars followed, with each coming closer to the lake. Ripples formed on the lake's surface and abruptly the moon was covered by an object in the sky throwing the group into semi-darkness.
“So there you are,” the hanyou growled menacingly as he glared at the dragon he smelled earlier.
The dragon roared and descended rapidly towards the lake. The scales flashed with the tsuki no hikari (light of the moon) a greenish-blue hue. As the ryu landed Inuyasha spotted glaring golden eyes and the silhouette of clearly an inu hanyou or youkai, considering the sable ears plastered to their head, sitting on the head of the magnificent creature.
“State your name and purpose at this lake!”
“Feh, what's it to you?” Inuyasha said, eyes still focused on the person, now catching the diluted scent of dog and water. Inuyasha's golden eyes blazed as he prepared to swing the Tetsusaiga and stood in front of his group, as the alpha male, as the person cleared the distance from the dragon to him in a single leap.
“I asked you a question, so answer the damn question before I slice you to ribbons for intruding on my land!”
The hanyou was mildly surprised to see a young woman stand arrogantly, with her arms folded in front of her bosom in front of him. Her eyes were as gold and expressive as . . . well . . . gold. Her silver hair was pulled into a high ponytail held in place by a white ribbon covered by a silky white lacy ribbon tied in a floppy bow covering the other strand. She was clad in similar clothing as Mizuko only hers in white and silver. Tied to her wrist was a small pearl sized black stone orb with a tassel on it. Decorating her neck was a matching pearl necklace and a silk cord holding two sachets. Her nose twitched as her gaze shifted from Mizuko to Inuyasha to the Tetsusaiga.
“So you are Inuyasha, SECOND SON to the late Lord Inu no Taisho, ne?” She said in a strong voice pronouncing her internal fierceness.
“So what if I am?” Inuyasha responded rather rudely, still trying to figure out who she was.
“I am Yuki, the SECOND CHILD of the great Inu no Taisho, and ruler of the Northern Lands.”
“And a hanyou can rule these lands? Especially a woman?” Inuyasha added.
“My strength has been honed by Sesshomaru-sama, our half brother. Everyone knows him and fears him and naturally me.”
“Don't talk to me about that bastard,” the inu hanyou snarled as she mentioned Sesshomaru.
“Why? Because you hate him? You can't avoid blood ties of family; it unites us and strengthens us. The blood that runs through our veins has both brought us gifts and curses. Even you hold the ties that hold you pack together. Everyone in this world has ties. You can't avoid them.”
“So what! Even IF you are my half sister-”
“I'm telling you, I am. Even though our Father's blood is diluted it still runs through my veins.”
“-why should it affect me?” Inuyasha finished ignoring Yuki's comment, much to her amusement.
“So you have the Tetsusaiga, but you can draw only five helpful tactics and you believe that you can defeat Naraku with that?” Yuki scoffed with a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.
“You are starting to sound like that bastard Sesshomaru.”
“DO NOT INSULT LORD SESSHOMARU IN FRONT OF ME,” Yuki said in a calm but slightly wavering voice filled with anger, “AND NEVER TOUCH MY YOUNGER SISTER MIZUKO.” The woman's eyes glanced back at of said girl who was still unconscious.
“I'm a female inu hanyou who protects her only SISTER from complete and total idiots, or course I am an overprotective bitch!” Yuki yelled, her patience starting to wear thin. Just as she started to open her mouth again her canine ears swiveled to the sound of her younger sister stirring from unconsciousness. Yuki walked towards her sister and tenderly wrapped her arms around the maiden, picked her up, then laid her on the dragon's head. The dragon stared at the girl with its great eyes and transformed into a glowing orb of white light carrying Mizuko. Glowing quite brightly the sphere hurled itself towards the lake disappearing into the depths without breaking the water's surface.
“Ano (umm), what is your other half if you are an inu hanyou?” Kagome queried putting her left hand on Yuki's shoulder, who looked like she was in deep thought. The second the miko's hand touched the woman's shoulder a current of power flowed between them, giving Yuki a jolt of shock.
“Who are you miko-sama? Why is your power so similar to my clan's yet your aura is that of ningen?” Yuki suddenly said, adverting the question without turning around.
“What? I . . . suppose I AM the rein-”
“Sesshomaru what in the seven hells are you doing here?” Inuyasha growled, cutting in on Kagome's answer, as the wind shifted directions bringing his half-brother's scent. From the bottom of the stone steps, the serious taiyoukai walked towards them. Yuki turned around with a soft smile, her eyes finally gaining emotion.
“Konbanwa, onii-san. (Good evening elder brother). I'm glad you could come,” Yuki murmured bowing slightly as Sesshomaru stopped in front of her. He placed his fingertips on her chin slowing raising his sister's gaze to his view.
“Still an unmated woman, are you not?” Sesshomaru replied as if ignoring her greeting.
“I'm well over three hundred years old. I'm no longer a child for you to ask such questions about my personal life, onii-san,” she replied blushing softly, her warm feminine voice rapidly disappearing being replaced by her stoic personality.
“If you two weren't siblings you would make a good couple,” the other inu hanyou sneered at the two's formality and warmth. He closed his eyes and heard only the rustling of the leaves, the soft melody of the night creatures, and silence. Cracking one eye open he realized that everyone was either staring or glaring at him.
“What was that brother?” Yuki said in a voice dripping with venom. Her eyes flashed with cold unleashed fury similar to Kagome's usual temper.
“Baka didn't you know that out half-sister is a winter witch. Besides being trained by me her mother was born of a dragon warrior and the strongest spiritual water sorceress whose immense strength runs in her blood. You're a fool for trying her patience.” Sesshomaru said shortly noticing Yuki's aura flaring.
“You're giving me too much credit, brother. Whilst my ancestry is true only my grandfather's and father's strength is part of me. Mizuko holds the other portion. Oh!” Yuki proclaimed as if suddenly remembering something. “Part of father's will is here, read it,” the witch said pulling out a scroll from her sleeve. The youkai's eyes darted up and down from right to left, a frown growing on his fine features. After he finished reading he handed the scroll to Yuki, who replaced it back in her sleeve, and nodded slowly.
The winter sorceress flashed Inuyasha a murderous look before reaching into her wide sleeves and pulled out a shimmering pearl white colored handful of petals and threw them at the lake. The petals slowly froze into tiny floating icebergs upon the azure blue waters.
She then threw the black stone from her wrist up in the air. An eerie black light surrounded it and then the light warped its shape into a jiàn. (A/N: a Jiàn is a double edged sword, similar to the sword Sesshomaru wields, only a lot thinner and narrower. These swords were mainly used throughout China.) The sword had a silver hilt with a magnificent gold star on it. Yuki grabbed the sword aware of the people observing the events with deadly curiosity, and held it in front of her in an upright position placing her index fingers on the blade as she chanted a phrase that no one understood. The frozen petals floated away from their positions and formed a circle around the lake. The mizuumi (lake) started to freeze over and the sky darkened. The sweet evening breeze of summer abruptly turned colder and colder like the cool crisp clean one of winter. Blasts of kaze (wind) holed in everyone's ears.
“K-kagome?” Shippo stuttered as the freezing air blew around everyone except for the caster, Sesshomaru, and . . . Kagome? A cold droplet dropped on his cheek, making him shift his attention to the sky. The dark heavens were seemingly stuffed with humungous clouds that nearly consumed the sky, gently and harshly dropping snowflakes at their feet. Slowly at first, then rapidly fell clouds of snow that started to collect on the ground, despite the fact it should have dissolved from the salty sand, like a full blown out blizzard in the middle of July.
The humans started to sneeze as the cold entered into their systems starting to freeze them inside-out. Even Kagome, whose usual warmth defied the wind, now started to feel her legs numb. Inuyasha noticed this and gave her his haori blushing ever so slightly.
“Here, you'll freeze to death in that.”
“Thank you.”
“Feh, I just don't want my shard detector to die.”
“BAKA!!! Take it back then!” Kagome hissed pushing the haori back.
“Shut up! The faster she is defeated the faster you won't freeze.”
“Don't be so sure otouto. You see, you fist have to fight me, then the spell,” Yuki said in a lifeless voice her deep golden eyes boring into his, daring him to fight her. “And let me make this crystal clear, no other youkai nor ningen is included in this duel!”
“I'll make sure of it Yuki.” Sesshomaru said indifferently as he unsheathed his deadly sword to keep the spectators from helping . . . not that the human's could because they looked like they were going to die from hypothermia any second, mostly Miroku, who was left out in the cold by the girls who were wrapped up in the haori. (Besides the fact there wasn't any more space the women didn't want his allegedly cursed hand on their backsides.)
Inuyasha stepped on the ice covered lake and tested his weight on it before facing his sister at the other end. Swords out, both faced each other giving each other a glares that could kill.
`Oh they're siblings alright.'