InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlit Lake ❯ A Friendly Fight . . . Or Not ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer = Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. She is the sole owner of all the Inuyasha Cast of Characters that include Inu-Yasha, Kikyo, Kagome, ShippÅ, Miroku, Sango, SesshÅmaru, etc. I'm not claiming any of the characters except for Mizuko, Yuki, Fuyuko, and any other characters that comes from my crazy head/imagination. This story is for Young Adults or Mature Audiences, as it contains Adult Themes and Adult (Foul) Language. I make no profit for this fanfic story, so it doesn't belong to me. I repeat I don't own Inuyasha or ever will (apart from the countless related objects I own). My only reward shall be reviews so please leave one...^ ^; heh, not that I'm forcing you to...
A/N: Okay this is my very first fanfic so I welcome any comments. I have also posted this fanfic on Inuyasha Fan Fanfic under Mizuko, Random Insanity under Phoenix, Inuyasha Journey under Phoenix and Media Miner under Silver Dog of the Snow. Do not accuse me of plagiarism because I DID write it! I will not use the official names of the characters because it's such a hassle and I don't want to since I'm use to the simple way...Anyways enjoy the story...
Chapter 3: A Friendly Fight . . . Or Not
Yuki gave Inuyasha a smile that did not reach her eyes. Her gaze diverted from her half-brother, to his friends, in particular the young woman who held on the baby kitsune like if it was her child, start to droop from the constant cold blasts of air and the freezing snow. She mentioned this to Inuyasha, making him if possible more furious that he already was.
“Inuyasha don't hold back on my account,” Yuki commented looking at her brother who was seething in anger. However the feeling of the icy wind swirling around him brought cold dread gnawing away at his stomach.
“They better not die or I'll slaughter you!” he said through clenched teeth. He started to run towards her and swung Tetsusaiga, only to have her block it with glowing hands bathed in light.
“I told you not to hold back Inuyasha,” Yuki yawned as she countered an attack with her jiàn. Suddenly Inuyasha's ears pivoted to the sound of a few thumps. His eyes widened as he looked at the shore seeing most of his friends lying unconscious, though only Kagome and Kirara were still standing.
“Eyes upfront dog-boy. Kori no Namida (Tears of Ice).” Yuki whispered as she swung the sword making a clear arc in front of her drawing out a flood of aura or something that washed through the ground like a wave upon the sand, freezing anything and everything in its path, yet not slowing down only coming to a stop at the foot of the closest to the lake. Not surprisingly snow fell more rapidly the moment the aura was released from the slice in the air which closed up in a few seconds after opened.
`Now you will know why never to anger a winter witch Inuyasha,' Yuki thought as she touched a snowflake; that instantly crystallized into a jewel at the touch of pure light. Placing it into her sleeve, and gathering some snow, Yuki blew on it turning the loosely packed ice crystals into a crystal attack blending in perfectly with the snow. She smiled satisfied at the sound of them finding their prey. `Now for the final attack,' she smirked as she raised her sword in front of her in an upright position when she sighted the Kaze no Kizu. “Keh, like you can even strike me!' the witch snapped as she changed her spell to a barrier.
“Feh, I really don't care if you are a woman or my goddamn sister. I'm going to kill you for hurting my friends!” Inuyasha hissed as he ran towards her, while the Tetsusaiga began to bleed red. When he swung at the barrier it dissipated . . . with no one in it.
“Too slow,” a voice purred in his ear. The inu hanyou gasped in shock as a blade was plunged deep into his gut. He revolved around to see Yuki withdrawing a dagger holding it in her right hand, while holding her jiàn in the other.
“You bitch!” he growled as he saw his half sister looking quite calmly at him with a slightly cold expression.
“I'm a female inu hanyou, of course I'm a bitch, was that even an insult?”
“Fight me without any more hidden weapons wench! Or are you too afraid to lose to me?”
“Keh, I've never lost a battle to anyone before. I may have tied, but never lost. (Except to Sesshomaru) If you want me to fight without any hidden weapons then I will. I will fight with only my sword.” Yuki retorted, quite angry.
Inuyasha suddenly caught the scent of the energy level of Yuki start to spike for a few seconds when her temper rose. “Bitch you talk big but can you actually do anything other than opening your mouth?”
“Of course I can baka!” Inuyasha heard her scream, and immediately caught the scent of energy start to become unstable. He rushed at her as if to catch her off guard but all he caught was air.
“Looking for me?”
The hanyou spun around and saw her standing on the other end. “How the-”
“How the hell am I here so quickly? Simple, water has no limits, yuki (snow) is a phase of water therefore my magic is hard for just anyone to master. Master one element and you can control small portions of others. Wind can freeze water, thus increasing my speed. Did you honestly think just because my aura convulses I can't move or am just strung stupid?”
“I can decipher truth from actions and movements, do not forget who my grandparents were, a dragon warrior has speed almost unrivaled, a spiritual madoushi (sorceress) whose element was true mastery and my father whose strength is mine. Careful in angering a winter witch, as winter and anything consisting of winter is within my power.”
“Shut up! Adamant Barrage!”
“Hmm . . . is that all you can do? Pity then this may coax more strength out of you,” the madoushi said plucking the kitsune from Kagome's arms.
“Get your hands off Shippo!” Kagome said hitting Yuki with her left hand (A/N: her right hand is still broken) and jumping up and down trying to get the sleeping fox out of the female inu hanyou's hold.
“What!? How is it that you're still moving girl, the snow should have affected all mortals!” Yuki shouted surprised before tossing the youkai child away.
“Kagome! Don't come on the ice!” Inuyasha cried out in vain as his eyes widened in fear moments before Yuki drew her sword in another attack.
“Torrent of Power!”
The moment she yelled that the sword glowed and unleashed a dragon shaped aura headed straight for them. (Inuyasha, Kagome, and Shippo)
Kagome whirled around and spotted the dragon just as she got hit full force with the attack. Her body made an arc as she was hurled into the air with the strength of the assault and landed heavily onto the ice, like a rag doll. Suddenly the kori (ice) decided to start breaking underneath her. Thankfully Inuyasha caught Shippo, for Kagome's sake, and stopped the attack with Tetsusaiga's sheathe, but during that time the young miko fell into the freezing cold lake. Inuyasha's eyes widened and he leapt into the lake lest he find a frozen corpse of what once was.
`Kagome hold on!' her hanyou companion thought desperately as bubbles issued from his lips as his eyes roamed the water for her body. Then a dull splash caught his attention. Yuki was there in the water speeding like a bullet into the lake as if challenging him on who would find the girl fist. A flash of silver attracted his eye sight and instant worry of Kagome's death plagued his mind as he started swimming faster.
`How is it that she can swim so fast . . . oh yeah . . . water witch. I suppose she can even breathe water. Dammit I wish I could the hanyou thought as her resurfaced coughing and shivering finding nothing. A sudden crack in the ice caught his awareness as a short golden haired woman also surfaced holding a pale black haired person, whom he immediately recognized as Kagome.
“<cough> I <cough> think that you <cough>-”
“What the hell are you!” Inuyasha shouted as he pried Kagome from her arms, looking at the woman whose hair abruptly turned silver and dog ears appeared.
“Yuki, that was you?” Inuyasha asked confused as she dragged herself upwards more like sliding on the ice and then the half demon realized why. As she finished pulling herself up a silver fishtail appeared for a moment then split turning into two slender pale legs.
“Release my friends or I'll personally see to it to turn you into sushi!” Inuyasha growled (A/N: I have no clue why I typed that but I liked it so no bad comments ^ ^;) and tore the blade from her hands, pointing his sword at her after realizing the jiàn resumed a black stone form in his hands, once he realized Kagome wasn't breathing, then he spotted the other woman pouting. Yuki, grabbed a handful of snow in her fist as she stood up looking at a smirking Inuyasha.
“So after all of this, I saved your woman and you want me to lose?”
“You attacked her in the first place!”
“Umm . . . well it seemed like a good idea at the time . . .”
“Hai, and you are forgetting what I represent!” she hollered as she threw the snow at him transforming into a flurry of jagged crystals slightly blinding him for a few seconds just enough time for her to take the stone back which retransformed instantly.
“No, I didn't,” Inuyasha yelled giving Kagome and Shippo to Kirara, under the male taiyoukai's gaze, and tackled Yuki onto the ground, pinning her down, and grabbed her throat tightly, loosening hold of the jiàn.
“Let go Inu-” Yuki gasped as she turned paler from the lack of air.
“Release my friends from your fucking spell and I'll release you, got it!?”
“I'm not going to follow your orders just because you order me like all those pathetic men who believe a woman should submit to them, so get the fuck off me!!!” Yuki snapped as she forced him off her hurling him towards the wall. However she managed to throw out her back in the process.
“Owwww!!! You're so damn heavy! It's a wonder the ice didn't crack under your weight,” the madoushi hissed as she bended slightly backwards then cracked her back, wincing slightly, then proceeded to walk towards the frozen group and recovered the blade which was lying on the sand.
“TSUKI NO HIKARI, MIZUUMI, AME,” the witch muttered pointing from the moon, to the lake, to the cloudy sky with the sword. She saw Inuyasha hold out his sword inches from her face and ignored it as the snow melted quickly and rain started to fall, slowly at first, then rapidly gaining speed as the rain pitter-pattered on the ground creating small holes in the sand.
“Is this going to help my friends?” Inuyasha growled watching the woman with narrowed eyes. She nodded then made her way to Sesshomaru.
The young hanyou's ears swiveled as multiple sneezes and coughs reached him. Inuyasha turned around and looked up at his group stirring, Shippo naturally woke up fist then the rest, except for Kagome . . . who barely breathed.
“Sango, take care of Kagome,” Inuyasha said addressing the taijiya (demon exterminator) as he stormed off to argue with Yuki who was already in a deep conversation with Sesshomaru.
“. . . ame?” Sesshomaru question as Inuyasha got within earshot.
“Hai, water washes impurities of the body and soul.”
“What the hell did you do to Kagome?!” Inuyasha yelled at her as he dragged her back to the group.
“Inuyasha, shut the hell up, because you are just going to make things worse!” Yuki growled rivaling Inuyasha's and motioned Miroku and Sango to restrain him as she turned her attention back to Kagome. She placed Kagome's head on her lap tilting it towards the sky letting the raindrops wake her up, when a blinding light appeared like an explosion and when the light lessened there was a symbol on Kagome's forehead glowing brightly.
“What did you do to Kagome-chan,” Sango growled holding her Hiraikotsu menacingly at Yuki who was speechless. Inuyasha then grabbed Yuki by her kimono and demanded what was wrong with Kagome.
Yuki just remained silent as if in shock.
A special thanks for inuyashalover913 for reviewing.
I greatly appreciate your review, and am hoping for you to continue enjoying this story and reviewing.
As for everyone I do try my best to update, but sometimes some events tend to come up.