InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ More Than a Puncture Wound ❯ More Than a Puncture Wound: To die? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

More Than a Puncture Wound
Chapter 1: Sorrow's Release
Here we are once more
The dagger my best friend
Thanks for introducing us
The day you killed me with your words,
your heartless actions
Your the knife I hold so dear
Your the hand that drove it near
That day you went to her
That day you killed me
How could you do such a thing?
How dare you destroy what was meant to be
You and I forever,
but I guess that's just a dream
It's to late anyway
The dagger now gleams crimson
But you wont ever care
For you were the one,
the one that killed me
Hi everyone! I know the poem seems a little dark but then again, so is the story. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I enjoy writing it. Well here you are and please review or I might just kill off all the most beloved characters for my revenge and then end the story.
Oh and by the way the original story and its characters which are being used in this story do not belong to me, I am just borrowing them. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi and company. Now on with the story!
As I stood rooted to the ground I watched in the same manner of disgust and horror that I always did as InuYasha began to kiss Kikyo while holding her in his arms. I couldn't believe it, there he was once more with Kikyo not even caring about me or how I felt. I bet Kikyo had sensed my presence, but was enjoying the torment she was causing me, and InuYasha just wasn't paying attention.
In fact, I bet that if I were to die today InuYasha would be happy about it. He wouldn't even shed a tear because at long last I'd be out of his hair and his beloved Kikyo would have her soul back. I'd probably be doing him a favor by dying, he would then be free of his rosary and wouldn't have to worry about seeing Koga around anymore.
Now that I think about it, if I were to die this instant no one would really care, sure some people would be upset at first but they'd move on with there lives eventually.
After all Sango has Miroku, InuYasha has Kikyo, Shippo has Kirara, Koga has Ayame, and my family has each other. Yet I have no one, perhaps I'd even be doing my self a favor.
After finally drawing away from these thoughts I concentrated once more on running back to camp and tearing away from the sight before me. I took a final look as I felt my heart break even more and began to run towards where camp was set up. That final glimpse was all I needed to make up my mind, I had made my decision, I would take my life.
I hoped that by killing myself InuYasha would finally be happy, he could finally live his life with Kikyo and become human or full demon with the jewel, whichever he decided. This whole time I had only one desire, to make him happy. If by going through with this makes that dream come true I'll know that all of this wasn't in vain.
Upon my return to the camp I found that everyone had already fallen asleep and that InuYasha had made his return a few minutes ahead of me. It appeared that he wasn't in a very questioning mood other wise he normally would've asked me where I had been. Although he still held a questioning look in his gaze as he watched me enter my sleeping bag where Shippo lied asleep and snoring.
Later that night I slowly opened my eyes to see if InuYasha had finally fallen asleep and when finding that he was, I silently crept out of my sleeping bag. Trying hard so as to not awaken Shippo. I silently reached for one of my arrows from where it was housed and began walking into the forest. I had decided that if I was going to kill myself it was going to be with my own arrow to the heart. It was as sharp as a dagger if not sharper and appeared to be efficient seeing as it had killed many demons, so why not a human girl?
Steadily I continued my journey deep into the forest until even if I had wanted to, I couldn't have turned back for it seemed I was lost within the depths of the mangled trees and wildlife. Finally I had reached my destination within the unknown forest and sat upon a smooth surfaced rock. I began pondering once more this decision and felt that I was right and steadily lifted the arrow towards my chest.
Suddenly my eyes began tearing up and I began sobbing, deep and mournful for the fact that I could never live and be happy with the one I fell in love with. I decided to set my arrow down and write my parting words to the others to get my emotions out. I wrote to them and said my good byes and apologies, I also gave away Sango's secret of her love for Miroku knowing he felt the same way. When I wrote my farewell to InuYasha I stated that I had seen him once more with Kikyo and told him the details that led to my downfall.
Once finished with my letter I set it down under a small rock where it was clearly visible for them to find. Then I once again picked up my fallen arrow and grasped its shaft tightly in a fist, finally I took in a deep breath and thrust the arrow deep within my heart, shoving it as far back as possible. The air within my lungs slowly escaped as my heart stopped beating and my eyes went blank.
My body slid from the rock down to the cool ground where I lied there lifeless as part of my soul drifted beyond to the spirit world while the other half drifted to Kikyo. I hope what I have done gave InuYasha the happiness he deserved with Kikyo; if it had than no matter what any one says, I had done right.
***************with the others***************
Sango had been cooking dinner when she realized she hadn't seen Kagome all day, and had been unable to find her upon her looking. She decided to wait till dinner was done to ask the others if they had seen her if she didn't come to dinner. With that she continued her work, though quicker than earlier, Sango was anxious and couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was wrong.
Twenty minutes later the stew that Sango had been cooking was ready so everyone soon gathered to eat there share. That is, everyone except Kagome. It appeared that Kagome still hadn't shown up, perhaps she was even missing. The quiet soon became unbearable until finally Shippo spoke up, “Where's Kagome, InuYasha? I haven't seen all day, you didn't upset her again did you?”
“Shippo's got a point InuYasha, I don't recall seeing Kagome once since this morning. You don't suppose something might have happened to her do you?” Sango asked worriedly. Finally InuYasha spoke up, “I don't know where the wench took off to, since when am I her baby-sitter? Besides why should I care where she is.?” “InuYasha how can you be so cold towards Kagome, what has she ever done to you except show you compassion when you do not.” Said Sango.
“Why would InuYasha care? He only cares about Kikyo, to him Kagome's nothing but a nuisance. I even saw him today with Kikyo in the forest, I bet you Kagome did too and that's why she's missing. If I were her I'd probably stay missing, all you ever do is hurt her InuYasha, why don't you just stay with Kikyo?” Shippo stated angrily towards InuYasha, letting all his pint up emotions free.
InuYasha immediately swiped at Shippo but Shippo was quickly saved by Sango as she stated to InuYasha, “You know Shippo has a good point InuYasha, you are the major cause of Kagome's turmoil these days. Maybe if you would just stop going after Kikyo or just stop leading Kagome on you wouldn't have to worry about these guilt trips. Now will you please go find Kagome and stop being so stubborn before I hit you upside the head?”
InuYasha got up swiftly with a “keh” and hopped off towards the forest nearby while trying to catch Kagome's scent. About five minutes later he caught onto her trail and immediately smelt something wrong. Her scent was mixed in with that of her blood, and if that wasn't enough he could also smell something else, something familiar. It was the scent of death. InuYasha had smelled death mingled with the blood and scent of Kagome.
Instantly he lurched forward with renewed strength hoping to god that his worst fear was just that of his imagination; he hoped that he wasn't to late. One thing that bothered him to no end as well was the fact that he couldn't smell any demons nearby and knew that Kikyo wasn't around anymore to cause such damage. So then who or what could have been the cause of... the cause of... well... Kagome's death? That is if she were dead, but from what he'd smelled she probably was.
Soon InuYasha's thoughts were broken when he entered a clearing leading straight to Kagome's scent. There he found her body lying in a pool of blood on the cold hard ground with a protruding arrow impaled through her chest. Suddenly the cold hard truth hit him hard and he doubled over in angst for the loss of his companion and one true friend. He couldn't help but wonder why she would do such a thing to herself, she had seemed happy, but then again Kagome never wanted to seem weak so she always acted happy and unaffected.
Still there had to be some reason why Kagome would do such a thing. InuYasha soon found himself thinking about his visit with Kikyo. He knew that somehow Kagome must have seen them together last night without him realizing her presence. If she had truly seen him with Kikyo though, that would mean that she died because of him just like Kikyo and that Kikyo in turn now had her old soul back. All this thinking soon had his head hurting so InuYasha decided to stop and began lifting Kagome from the ground.
Tenderly he hoisted her frail form up into his warm loving embrace and turned a mournful gaze towards her face. Upon doing so he noticed out of the corner of his eye a piece of paper weighed down by a stone. Silently he read Kagome's parting words feeling worse and worse until finally he reached the end to where she explained why she had ended her life so abruptly. Tears suddenly threatened to spill forth from his eyes as a wave of unmentionable sorrow washed over him, Kagome had seen him with Kikyo.
How could he have let yet another woman he cared for die, and practically by his hands. There it was in writing, Kagome had killed herself, and for what? She had done it in hopes of making him happy, she stated that all she had ever truly wanted was for him to be free of his troubles and be with the one he loved. What Kagome hadn't realized and maybe even him as well, was the fact that he didn't love Kikyo but Kagome in all her entirety . Finally the tears spilled forward, the one he loved was dead and would never come back to him. Now the only thing he himself had to live for was the thought of one day defeating Naraku and hopefully getting the jewel, maybe then he could bring his love back.
With that thought in mind InuYasha sped toward where the others now camped out with Kagome in his arms. When daylight came the next day he would be able to get Kagome's body to Kaede's hut where hopefully the old hag could watch over her. That way he wouldn't worry about her as much; since even though she's dead there was still a chance he could bring her back. The only other problem was the fact that Kikyo was probably going to come looking for him now that she was fully revived. InuYasha wasn't fully sure how he would break it to Kikyo that his feelings had changed, and that he couldn't be with her now.
But before he got to ahead of himself he decided to concentrate on the task at hand, he had to get back to the others to deliver his dreadful news. Moments later he entered the camp where Shippo lye curled upon Kirara near the burning fire. Taking a quick glance around he found that the others were still awake gazing nowhere in particular. Slowly InuYasha approached them, watching as they turned at the sound of his footsteps.
Upon realizing that InuYasha was carrying something they began to stand trying to get a better look. Sango issued a gasp as she realized who was in InuYasha's arms, there in his arms was Kagome and she appeared to be unmoving and quite possibly dead. Quickly Miroku caught on as well and uttered a startled cry, shocked and curious as to who or what would possibly harm someone as sweet as Kagome.
Looking up towards InuYasha, Sango could see the inexplicable pain lying there untouched in his eyes. His eyes showed a deep pain unlike any battle wound he had ever sustained, Sango then realized then that Kagome truly was dead and that she may never come back. She immediately broke down sobbing, her only comfort was that of Miroku's hand around her waist. When she could finally manage to stop sobbing and keep the noise down to the occasional sniffle, she decided that she needed to know why.
Meeting her gaze, InuYasha instantly regretted it, her eyes held but one thing, a need, the need to know why, how. Finding it hard to speak he decide to clear his throat and silently hand Sango the note for fear of crying once more in front of everyone. He watched quietly until she had finished reading, not wanting to see her reaction to the news. Yet when he looked up Sango had launched herself towards him and latched on saying, “Why, why, if only she knew the truth. InuYasha why didn't you just tell her? Why did you always leave her, it was obvious you cared.”
InuYasha knew she was right but couldn't bring himself to answer, for yet again his words lay caught in his throat. He himself had been wondering why as well; why he hadn't realized sooner; why he went to Kikyo; why Kagome would ever think this would make him happy. So many questions went unanswered in his mind, each one weighing him down. He decided that he may never know the answers, that is, at least not any time soon, feeling sorry for himself he decided to see how the monk was taking the news.
It appeared that Miroku was blushing as well as Sango at the comment Kagome had made about them belonging together. Sadly there blushes soon faded as Miroku read on, soon a somber look crossed over his features as he realized the true situation. He held Sango closer to him as he reached the end of the note. InuYasha suddenly felt jealous of the monk and demon slayer's relationship, knowing well that he may never be that way with someone again.
When everyone had finally finished reading they sat there looking down upon the lifeless form of there now dearly departed friend. The look upon their faces was enough to break any ones heart at a glance, the sorrow was enough to fill up the whole clearing with an uneasiness. They all hoped for a way out of this now present nightmare but each looked doubtful at the thought of the task they would have to undertake.
They all knew that the time was now upon them, they knew that they needed to kill Naraku, and they needed to do it soon. Not one wanted to think about the possibility that they may not reach there goal, at least that is, unscathed. Naraku was a worthy opponent and a strong one at that, he would not be brought down as easily as those they had fought in the past. Who knew what now awaited them in the ever nearing future? Some of them may not make it out alive but they all knew that it was a worthy cause and a noble death to those who found it in this battle.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed the story and will continue reading on.
Sincerely yours,