InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ More Than a Puncture Wound ❯ A Life for a Life ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2: A Life for a Life
As soon as the sun rose above the sky the group set out for Kaede's village. They were going to leave Kagome's body there while they went in search of Naraku. It would take some time and they all knew Kaede would be willing to look after their friend.
They arrived at the village in the middle of the afternoon. It had taken a bit longer than usual because of the delicate package they were traveling with.
When they arrived, Kaede looked at them with a bit of shock in her eyes. She appeared to be curious as to their motives. They weren't expected back at the village for another month.
Stepping forward with Kagome's blanketed body, InuYasha's solemn face told Kaede all she needed to know. It appeared Kagome was dead and though it was sad conclusion to come to, she knew that InuYasha would find a way to bring her back.
“Come sit, I was just finishing dinner. We can talk about what has happened inside.” Kaede led them into her hut and began filling every ones bowl with the stew she had made.
For a while all was quiet as they sat in silence eating what little they could force into their queasy stomachs. After some time the silence started getting to InuYasha until he just had to speak up. “Look Kaede, as you have no doubt noticed Kagome is dead. She's wrapped up in that blanket over there.
With that InuYasha shoved the note Kagome left behind towards Kaede.
Silently she read the note, her face quickly turning from nonchalant to horror to deep remorse. Like the others, she couldn't seem to understand why someone who always seemed so happy could do something so drastic. Slowly Kaede nodded her head with sad disapproval towards the act Kagome had committed. She knew she could do nothing about it so she silently accepted that fact and turned towards InuYasha again, handing him the note back.
InuYasha took the note in his hand and slipped it into the fold of his attire before addressing Kaede. “Look Kaede, I was wondering if you might be able to look after Kagome's body for a little while. I have some things to take care before I'm not ready to give up just yet, you might find this foolish but were going to find a way to bring her back.”
Kaede nodded at what InuYasha was saying. She knew that it wasn't always wise to meddle in the after lives of the dead, but she also knew that it wasn't Kagome's time just yet. Kagome would be brought back to them, Kaede knew that at the moment and so she agreed to InuYasha's request.
“Thank you Kaede, please keep her body safe while I'm gone.” InuYasha replied to Kaede's agreement.
The group decided to stay the night in Kaede's hut before setting out the next day, it had been to late too set out the day before.
Everyone ate breakfast in silence; they were all too caught up with their own thoughts to make conversation.
The rest of the day was much like at breakfast, silent and thoughtful. No one cared to break the silence with empty conversation; they just didn't see the point now that Kagome was gone. It was as though the once cheerful air of the group had been sucked away.
It didn't help that their destination could well be the death of them once they reached it. Their journey was a dangerous one that led into the reaches of evil itself.
InuYasha still tried to remain in high spirits, refusing to believe that he might fail and die before ever returning Kagome to life. The thought was just too horrible to bear so he simply pushed it back into the far reaches of his mind for the moment.
At night everyone sought refuge at a nearby inn for free. All Miroku had to do was report that an evil spirit had taken up residence in the inn and he was hired in no time.
The whole exorcism thing was done in no time and the innkeeper, in large quantities of food and luxuries expressed his gratitude.
Everyone was grateful for the hospitality and peaceful rest that only a futon could supply. Miroku and Sango were tired of sleeping on the ground for so long and there sorrow had made them more weary than usual.
After a good nights rest, the group set out once more with a bit more spring in their step than the day before.
The sorrow still hung over head but their purpose kept them clear headed and ready for what had to be done.
A few hours went buy until they entered the forest that the innkeeper had directed them towards. The forest was supposed to be the quickest short cut to Mount Imorai.
The forest was thick and hard to walk through but with Sango and InuYasha's swords the route was made manageable. Even with the weed hacking efforts it was hard work and took hours to reach the edge of the other side.
Once they were a few feet from the end of the forest InuYasha was able to see the great mountain Imorai. It would take days to reach the top but InuYasha had heard rumors that led him to believe Naraku could be found there.
“Hello InuYasha.” A voice whispered from within the foliage. InuYasha stopped still in his tracks, recognizing the voice as Kikyo's.
“What do you want Kikyo?” InuYasha said with a hint of bitterness. It was Kikyo's fault that Kagome was dead so why should he be happy to see her?Although InuYasha knew that he was mostly to blame for what had transpired.
He had been the one to abandon Kagome to be with Kikyo again and again.
“What's wrong InuYasha? Aren't you happy to see me?” Kikyo appeared to be slightly irked by InuYasha's obvious lack of interest in her being there.
Slowly Kikyo looked around wandering what had InuYasha so bothered. It was then that she realized what was amiss. It appeared Kagome was nowhere to be seen and it donned on Kikyo what must have happened.
“Tell me, InuYasha, where is your little friend, my reincarnation Kagome?” Kikyo's question made InuYasha irritated, it was none of her business what had happened to Kagome but he answered her anyway.
“She killed herself about a week ago when she found me and you together again. She assumed I'd be happier if she killed herself because then you'd have your full soul back. Kagome died trying to make me happy.”
Kikyo was shocked; Kagome's actions are what had caused her to become alive once more. The thought of what had to be taken in order for her to live was hard to imagine. It was Kikyo's fault Kagome was dead and InuYasha was hurting inside.
“What if I were to die? Would my soul allow Kagome's body to awaken and live once more?”
InuYasha stared at Kikyo in shock, he knew it would work but it hurt him to see her go. Even if InuYasha didn't love Kikyo anymore, he didn't want to sign her death warrant to bring Kagome back.
Then again, she was supposed to be dead in the first place anyway but it was still a hard decision.
“It would work but I don't think I could ask you to such a thing for me. You died because of me, I can't ask you to give up your new life so that Kagome can live.”
InuYasha's words meant nothing to Kikyo she had already made up her mind. “You don't have to ask. I'm not meant to live anymore I died a long time ago. Let me do this last thing to make you happy so that I might die this time knowing I had done something right the second time around.”
InuYasha only nodded, Kikyo had died and it was time for them both to move on with their lives, and well deaths.
Kikyo pulled out an arrow with a fluid movement and before InuYasha knew what hit him she had plunged the arrow into her heart. The motion was swift and with it she disappeared, leaving only her clothes behind.
After all this time, Kikyo was finally gone. It hardly seemed possible after all that had happened that she could actually be gone for good.
InuYasha had started to believe Kikyo was unable of dieing, but yet there her clothes stood along with her arrow. The arrow that had ended what was already inevatable.
It was weird, but InuYasha wasn't sad at all, he felt no loss for Kikyo, only undieing appreciation towards her sacrifice. He would always remember her fondly, but he knew now that there was no longer any love between them.
With a sigh, InuYasha pulled the arrow from the ground, he would give it to Kaede so that she put the last essence of Kikyo to rest.
Meanwhile... (At Kaede's hut someone was awakening.)
Well that's it for now, you'll just have to wait till next time to figure out what happens to Kagome.
P.S. The more reviews I get the longer the chapters will be, plus I promise to update faster. If I can get five new reviews I promise to have chapter three out by next week.