InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ More Than a Puncture Wound ❯ To Live Again ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3: To Live Again

Disclaimer: I do not own the original story or its characters, the original work belongs to Rumiko Takahashi.

Every part of me felt stiff. I couldn’t figure out where I was or even open my eyes for that matter. After some time I willed myself to open my eyes and assess where I was.

Slowly my eyelids rose and I found myself upon a futon covered from head to toe by what appeared to be a kimono. I gently lifted my stiff my arm so I could pull the kimono away from face.

Once free from the covering I could see that I was in a hut of some sort. I couldn’t tell whether I should find this place familiar of odd.

I decided to sit up, careful so as not to damage my sore and stiff body.

‘What could have happened to make like this? Why is everything so unfamiliar?’ I pondered.

Thinking really hard, I sought to remember anything about me and my situation.After some time all I came up with was that I had no clue where I was or who I was. I attempted to recall my name but it was hopeless.

My whole life seemed to be a mystery to me. How was I too solve all my questions if I couldn’t any solve the mystery of who I am?

A noise came from the front entrance of the hut. I quickly stiffened but relaxed just as suddenly thinking that whoever had made the noise might be able to help me with my questions.

No other sound came for some time and as my impatience grew I decided to go outside on my own. I needed answers and I was determined to get them soon.

Using my arms I was able to sit up on the futon although I still appeared quite weak. I got my legs under me in a squat and used my arms once more to help push me to my feet. Trembling slightly, I stood.

My arms were held out to keep my balance as I trembled on my feet. I attempted to take a step but was only able to take a half sized one. Moving my other foot, I took another half step towards the door.

My progress seemed good until I tried to take a larger step. My feet crumpled beneath me as my strength evaporated. My body fell to floor as my arms shot out beneath me catch my fall.

Though my breathing was labored and my questions still answered, I was proud of my meager accomplishment. At least I knew I could walk.

Suddenly a sound came from behind me as someone came running through the flap of a door.

An elderly woman stepped into the hut, a look of shock cast upon her face as she looked at me. She gasped loudly before rushing to my side, the shock fading from her features as worry set in.

“How can this be? How is it that ye have come back to us my child?” Spoke the elderly woman.

Her words confused me. What could she mean? Who was this us and where did I come back from?

To her questions I replied, “What do you mean? Who is this us that I have come back to and where did I go?”

The woman appeared to be crying tears of joy when she responded, “Do ye not remember? Do ye know not of what ye have done or even who ye are?”

“No, I don’t seem to remember anything. I cant even recall my own name or decipher where I am at the moment. Please, would you happen to know where it is I am or perhaps what my name might be?” I said to the joyful yet shocked woman.

“Ye know nothing at all? How can this be? Why ye name is Kagome and ye be within my hut. My name is Kaede and we are friends. Ye are in my village by the forest of InuYasha.”

The name InuYasha caused me jolt in surprise. The name felt so familiar, it striked a chord in my very being.

“So, my name is Kagome? And we know each other?” “Yes, I have known ye for quite some time ever since ye came to these lands.” Replied Kaede.

“Tell me, you said that I had done something and that I had come back from someplace. What is it that has transpired and where have I come back from? And who is this us?” I inquired.

“Why child, ye had killed ye self and apparently ye have now come back from the dead. The us that I speak of is that of ye friends, InuYasha, Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Myoga, and Kirara.”

“Why would I kill my self?” I asked with horrified shock.

“Its hard to explain, without your memories ye wont understand the circumstances under which ye death came about to the full extent. In ye note ye said that ye died for the sake of InuYasha. It said that ye were ending ye life so that InuYasha could finally be happy with my sister Kikyo. We always thought ye were in love with him but never knew ye would go this far.” Explained Kaede.

“Wow. Your right, it is hard to understand without all my memories. I cant imagine why I would do such a thing. I must have really loved this InuYasha guy you speak of.”

“Indeed, it appeared as such. Ye love was true and clear. I believe we were all shocked when ye killed ye self to make InuYasha happy. When he came to give me ye body for safe keeping he appeared dead inside himself. I think perhaps he loved ye as well.”

Again all I could say was, “Wow.”

For a while all I could do was sit and wonder who this InuYasha was and how my death could make him happy with that person Kikyo. I decided to ask Kaede since she appeared to know so much about my situation.

“Kaede, why would my death make InuYasha happy with that girl Kikyo? How could my death have anything to do with them?”

“Ye see my child, Kikyo is supposed to be dead herself yet a dark Sorceress name Urasue reanimated her. Using part of ye soul, Urasue was able to breathe new life into Kikyo. Sadly, Kikyo is still nothing but bone and clay, she needs the souls of the dead to remain here. With ye death, Kikyo’s soul was returned to her causing her to live once more. Ye two share a soul which is way ye are needed to bring Kikyo life. Ye are my sister’s reincarnation.”

Once more all I could say was, “Wow.” I think my vocabulary flew out the window when my memories did.

“I think I understand a little bit now. Thank you Kaede for informing me. I’m sorry I cant remember you or recall our friendship.”

“Don’t worry Kagome, with time I’m sure ye memories will return. Until then we’ll all just have to help ye remember.”

“Thank you again Kaede.” I said as I hugged the fragile old woman.

I still so confused but didn’t have it in me to ask more questions so I just sat there while Kaede started making lunch. I must have woken up in the morning.

The aroma of food floated toward me. The scent had my stomach grumbling as though an earth quake was taking place. My mouth even began to water. I hadn’t realized until now how hungry I was.
Lucky for me the food was finished quickly. Kaede, made some sort of beef stew mixed in with a lot of vegetables and herbs. She said she added some extra herbs in there as well to help the sore and stiffness in my body from being dead. Hopefully the herbs will work quickly, I don’t like being unable to walk.

I was nearly half way finished with my food when the flap of a door flew open. Four people and one little figure that appeared to be a cat with two tails came running into the hut. Their expressions appeared to be excited and curious.

Looking up just as they came running in, I made eye contact with a silver haired, yellow eyed, dog eared, man. He stared at me in awe and complete amazement.

All I could say was, “Hello.”

When I spoke he suddenly came bounding toward me, grabbed me in his arms and held me there as he began to sob and whisper how much he loved me.

The silver haired man rocked me back and forth, the tears falling all the while as he continued to whisper words of sorrow, self hatred, and once more love.

I had no clue who he was but I couldn’t push him away from me or tell him to go away. His embrace just felt… right. As he continued to hold me my eyes began to water of their own accord until soon I was crying right along with him.

Deep down, somewhere within me, a part I didn’t remember yet, was screaming how much she loved him as well. The girl within was causing my tears to flow, her words of love to this man causing my heart to swell. She called for him, saying his name, InuYasha.

Suddenly the voice in side of me started to rebel against me. As the man continued to hold me my vision blurred until all was black. I passed into oblivion as the voice of the man became alarmed.

Authors Note:

Hello again everyone! I know its been a while since I last reviewed but here it is. I promise I’ll try to make my updates happen speedier. Sorry for being so lazy.

To all those who reviewed: Thank you so much, your support brings me great joy. Without you I’ed have so little motivation.

Yours Truly,

The Author.