InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ More Than What She Bargained For ❯ annoncment ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

More Than What She Bargained For
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha
Kagome pulled up to the huge mansion on a hill. When she stopped in front of they entrance of her childhood home a servant came to open the door for her.
“Welcome back Ms. Hirurashi (sorry I don't now how to spell her last name can someone let me know)” said the servant as he helped her out of her Lexus convertible. As she when inside the house she could hear that Kikyo was already there. She went into the living room where she was greeted by her father first….
“Sweet-pea, how are you” he said as he got up to hug his little girl.
“Hi daddy” she said and then looked at the other people in the room.
“Kikyo…Karin” she said.
“Kagome….it's been such a long time” Kikyo said and got to try to give her a hug but Kagome stopped her.
“So what am I here for” she asked.
“Well I have a surprise for you all but we have to wait until yahsie get here” she said with excitement
“Yashie…who is that” Kagome asked. Just then the door bell rang.
“Oh that must be him” Kikyo said as she went to open the door.
“Hey Baby” he said and gave her a quick kiss and took him to the where everyone was.
“Mom Dad you remember Inuyasha” she said and the said hello.
“And Yashie this is my little sister Kagome” she said.
“Nice to meet you Kagome” he said and she nodded.
`Oh he is FINE' she thought.
`Hmm he may just be my next victim' she thought.
“Well you guys there is no point in beating around the bush so I'll just come out and say it….WE GETTING MARRIED” she said. Karin screamed happily and got up and hugged her daughter.
“Congratulations honey I'm so happy for you” Their father said. While they we busy congratulating Kikyo, they didn't even notice Kagome sneaking off to go up stairs.
`So he's marrying my sister uh, no problem I've gotten to married people before and I'll do it again' she thought. It's not like she would be trying to marry him or what ever, she just wanted to see if he was good in bed.
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