InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ More Than You Think ❯ Morning After ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 15
Morning After
AN: Don't you all love me? Fast update and very long chapter!
“I love you…” the hanyou whispered softly, holding her tight against him, both their eyes closed, her face buried in his neck. “I love you so much…”
Wait, what?
They had both pretended to sleep after that. What the hell is the matter with me?! Inuyasha castigated himself. Why did I have to say that?! He wanted to scream, yell, anything! Why hadn't she answered? She was supposed to say something! Why hadn't she said anything? Her eyes were closed, her breathing was a little faster than usual, but that didn't mean she wasn't sleeping, did it?
Maybe she had slept through his confession, and her breathing was rapid because she was still tired…
He could be that lucky…right?
What the fuck? Kagome wondered frantically. Did he just say what I think he just said? Why didn't I answer?! Does he really think I'm sleeping? It might not be too late, I could still answer him now… But do I love him? Now there was the true problem. Kagome had no idea if she truly loved him or not. She knew she cared about him - a lot. But how could she know if it was love? She wished there was a definition of love, with criteria, that one could consult to know if one was in love.
Fuck this!
But why didn't he finish it? Now that was another question Kagome was obsessed about.
Had she been that horrible that he wanted to stop there? That thought brought tears to her eyes. But he had said he loved her; that had to mean something, right?
Did he really love her though?
Urgh! So many questions rushed through her head, and she didn't know how to answer any of them. Maybe she'd dream of an answer to her problems, she hoped as she let sleep overcome her.
Beautiful dark, brown eyes fluttered open as the sun poked through the curtains. Sango smiled, feeling strong arms around her waist, and a hard chest pressed up against her back. Slowly, she turned, surprised to see her boyfriend staring back at her with a smile.
“You're awake?” she whispered, “Why didn't you wake me up?”
“You looked cute, sleeping like that,” Miroku answered with a smile. “Did you sleep well?”
“Better than ever,” Sango answered with a grin.
Miroku tightened his hold on her waist, dipping his head to place a soft kiss on her lips.
“We should do this more often, then,” he answered after they parted.
“Yeah.” Sango's lips curved up in a beam.
Three little knocks on the door broke their peaceful embrace. Sango's eyes widened as she croaked out, “Just a minute!”
She heard her mother say, “Alright, sweetheart, call me when you're done,” before she walked to her brother's room.
“Quick!” Sango ushered, “under the bed!” Miroku scrambled to obey her when she reconsidered, “No, wait! In the closet!”
Her boyfriend nodded as he squished himself between a pair of jeans and a skirt. He thanked the Gods that she had a walk in closet, so he wouldn't have to stay in that position for long. He heard Sango open the door to call her mother when he turned his head and saw her dresser… Her underwear dresser.
So, being himself, he looked inside the open drawer, raising an eyebrow at all the lace he saw. Well, well, well… he thought with a smirk, I wonder if she wears all this on a daily basis…
His thoughts were interrupted, though, when he heard two people walking back in the room. “I'll need your dirty laundry, dear,” he heard her mother say.
“Um… s-sure,” Sango answered, and he could tell she was nervous. Was the laundry in the closet? “Let me just…” she stuttered, “L-let me just add what I'm wearing. Is t-that okay?” She hoped it was a good enough excuse for her mother to walk out of her room when she opened the closet door.
Her mother nodded, walking out the door. “Hurry, sweetie, I have a lot of things to do today.”
Fuck me! Sango thought with a blush. I can't just take off my pyjamas now! Miroku will see me when I open the closet!
With a groan, the girl opened the closet door slowly, whispering, “Don't move, I just need a new pair of pj's and the laundry basket.”
Miroku nodded, watching as she pulled a random sweatshirt and sweat pants that had been hanging to his side. She then picked up a basket of laundry that had been in the corner, and right as she was about to close the door, he whispered, “Wait, you forgot something.”
Sango turned to him, glancing at the garment he was holding in his hand, suddenly horror-struck. Oh God! “Put that down!” she whispered angrily.
“Aw, babe, don't you want to wear it for me?” he asked, staring at the little pink thong he was holding.
“Come on,” he whispered again, pulling her inside with him.
“This is not the time, idiot!” Sango glared at him.
His only reply was a hard kiss on her lips. His hand went to the back of her neck so she wouldn't be able to pull away. She tried pushing him away, but eventually relaxed into the kiss. So what if her mother was just in the next room? She could still make out with her boyfriend in her closet. There was absolutely no problem.
Miroku accentuated that thought as he slipped his tongue in her mouth, deeply tasting her warm cavern, pulling her flush against him. A breathy moan left her throat; one that he quickly swallowed, as his hands slid to her behind. One hand slipped under the material of her pyjamas to give her half bare ass a little slap.
Ah, so she was wearing a thong, he mused.
Sango suddenly pulled away, her face flushed and her breathing heavy. “We'll finish this later,” she said huskily before quickly extracting herself from his hold, walking out of the closet and closing the door behind her. She quickly stripped herself of her pyjamas and throwing them in the laundry basket. She then looked at the articles of clothing she had unceremoniously let down on her bed, blushing at the pair of underwear that Miroku had picked out. She slipped it on with a blush, wondering why she was even doing that. It's not like he would be seeing it… right?
Sango sighed as she put on the sweatshirt and sweat pants, putting all used clothes in her laundry basket and going to look for her mother. When she came back, a few minutes later, she took care of closing and locking her door behind her before she opened the closet door to let Miroku out.
The first thing he did when he got out was pull her in his arms to kiss her, but Sango decided against it. “We have to get you out of here…” she whispered.
Miroku nodded reluctantly, deciding he would get to do that later.
Slowly, Sango opened her door, looking around the floor. Her mother was in her room, she could hear her brother in the living room watching television, and her father didn't seem to be home.
She ushered Miroku down the stairs and out the front door, which was luckily situated right in front of the stair case.
“I'll call you,” she whispered, placing a quick kiss on his lips and closing the door a second later.
She turned to see her mother walking down the stairs. Did she see anything?! Sango wondered, suddenly panicking.
“What was that?” her mother asked with a frown. “Was someone at the door?”
“N-no,” Sango answered, almost fainting with relief, “I thought there was someone, though, and opened the door. Turns out I was wrong.” She gave a nervous laugh.
“You're acting awfully strange today, sweetie. Are you feeling okay?”
“Um, yeah, I'm fine,” she answered with a fake smile, almost running to the kitchen to make herself something to eat.
Kagome sat on her bed, eying the phone wearily. She wanted to call Sango, but her friend wouldn't be very happy. Kagome knew she had been ignoring Sango a little… or even a lot; but she had been so busy with Inuyasha, and worrying about Kikyo, that she didn't really have time for friends anymore.
Except when you have a problem? A little voice nagged in the back of her head.
“Alright…” she whispered, “She won't mind…”
Picking up the cordless phone, she started dialling her best friend's number, then stopped. What would she say to her?
Kagome woke up to find Inuyasha holding her waist, his eyes open, his eyebrows furrowed. Was he thinking about the previous night?
“Hey…” she whispered sleepily. “Had a good night?”
His eyes snapped to hers. “Yeah… You?”
They were suddenly at loss of words. “So…” Inuyasha started, “Want to do anything today?”
Normally, she would have agreed, but not now. Things were already really awkward between them. There was one thing she wanted to know, though.
“I have to ask you something,” she articulated, breathing in deeply.
Inuyasha's stomach convulsed. Fuck, fuck, fuck! All he could do was nod as he watched her try and think of the right way to ask… whatever she was about to ask.
Seconds felt like ages as his heartbeat quickened. She was going to ask about what he's said, wasn't she?
“D-did you enjoy last night?” she finally asked, her cheeks red with embarrassment.
What? Why was she asking this?
“Of course I did, babe,” he assured her. Did she think he was going to leave her now that he'd gotten what he wanted?
“Then why didn't we - I mean…” She took a deep breath, “Why didn't we… do it?”
Inuyasha blinked, watching her look away. That was what she was worried about? This was the perfect time to explain to her… She was asking, and he couldn't answer in another way. She would only think that he didn't want her.
“Alright, this is complicated…” he started. Kagome looked up at him with beautiful blue eyes. “As a hanyou, I need to pick a life mate around this age. You have never seen me lose control, but it sometimes happens for me to change into a full youkai.” Kagome nodded, waiting for him to continue. “This only happens when I'm really angry… or when I'm mating, for example.” It was his turn to look away. Would she think he was a disgusting beast or something?
“Mating?” Kagome questioned.
“Having sex,” Inuyasha translated. “When I'm mating with someone,” he swallowed hard, “my youkai might want to make that person my life mate, by taking control.”
Kagome nodded slowly, starting to wrap her head around all of this.
“I was scared to hurt you…” he whispered, looking in her eyes. “It seems that I'm at the age of choosing a mate, and my youkai is very unstable…”
“But how would you - your youkai make someone your mate?” she asked, a little scared of the answer.
“It's… during sex,” Inuyasha explained, feeling himself blush a little. “I would have to bite your neck, leaving my mark on you. It would make you mine forever.”
Kagome shivered at the thought. It wasn't from fear, though. She surprisingly wouldn't have minded being mated with Inuyasha…for life.
“So you wouldn't have been able to control your youkai if we'd…” she trailed off.
Kagome nodded. Talk about awkward. “I understand…” she uttered.
“Y-you don't mind?” he asked, a little worried.
“No, it's alright…” she answered, not really sure what to say. Was he insinuating that they wouldn't mate? Was he saying that he wanted to?
“I'm sorry,” he said sheepishly.
“Don't worry about it,” Kagome answered with a smile. “There's a lot more to our relationship than sex.”
“Yeah.” He beamed at her. But he hadn't really asked her to be his mate… “Would you have let me go all the way with you?” he asked her slowly. At her hesitation, he added, “If there was no possibility of me hurting you…”
Now he was really pushing the answer. He was really asking if she would have agreed to be his mate. “Y-you don't have to answer that…” he said uneasily.
“I'm not sure…” Kagome answered honestly, yet another blush gracing her cheeks, “I might have.
Inuyasha's eyes widened. That obviously meant something! She couldn't have said that if she didn't have strong feelings for him, right? Or did she just answer that because she didn't want to hurt him?
Damn, Inuyasha thought, he was never going to solve this.
Kagome sighed. She would just have to tell Sango everything. From the beginning to the end. She had avoided her for too long now, and she should also ask what was happening with her and Miorku.
Inuyasha growled for the millionth time that day. He finally decided that isolating himself in his room with no contact with the world wasn't a good idea.
He picked up his cell phone and dialled Miorku's number.
“Hey, man,” Miroku greeted as he answered his phone. How much do you love caller ID?
“Hey, look, I need to talk,” Inuyasha said with a sigh.
“What's up?” Miroku asked with a serious voice. Ah, how Inuyasha loved to have him as a friend.
After telling him everything that happened, Inuyasha felt a lot better.
“So, you're saying you told her you loved her, but she didn't answer,” Miroku repeated.
“But she might have been asleep,” Inuyasha pointed out.
“I guess…”
“So what do you think?” Inuyasha asked with yet another sigh.
“I think you should try telling her again.”
“What?! Oh Hell no!” The hanyou yelled.
“Why not?” Miroku asked with a frown.
“Because I'll sound like a fucking pussy if she had heard me yesterday!”
“Well, isn't it better to be sure?” came the smart reply, “or are you too much of a pussy to admit your feelings to her again?”
“Fuck you, Miroku! Upside down, on the side and in the ass!” Inuyasha growled.
“No need to get graphic, man…” Miroku said with a gulp. Inuyasha seemed pissed. You didn't want to be around Inuyasha when he was pissed.
“Listen to me you fuck, I am not and I repeat NOT going to tell her again. If she loves me, which I seriously doubt, then she should just tell me herself!”
“Alright, calm down. I'll ask Sango what Kagome says about you. I'm sure she knows.”
“Excuse the fuck out of me?!” Inuyasha yelled, evidently not okay with the idea. “The hell you are!”
“Listen man, I'm sure she knows something! Where's the problem anyway?”
“The problem, you fuck tart, is that she'll go tell Kagome that I asked you to ask her how she felt about me!”
Miroku blinked. Had he been supposed to understand that? “Dude… You're talking like a chick…”
“You mother fucking -” Inuyasha groaned as he clicked off. Miroku could be such an idiot sometimes… Even though he felt a little better…
“So, he said he loved you, but you didn't answer…” Sango repeated.
“Yeah, but he might have not meant it…” Kagome pointed out.
“Alright well, let me tell you a thing about guys, sweetheart. They're all shits. And they might say, or scream things, during or after sex, that they don't mean.”
“What do you mean?” Kagome asked with a frown.
“I mean, that he might have just said that because he was coming down from a sexual high, and didn't realize what he was saying.”
“Fuck me!” Kagome groaned, rolling on her bed. “Guys are such shits…”
Sango grinned. “Glad we understand each other. Now on the other hand, if he meant it, then it must have hurt him that you didn't answer.”
“He might think I was asleep.”
Sango hesitated. “Kagome…” she started uneasily, and Kagome saw the question coming. “Do you love him, or not?”
“Frankly,” Kagome sighed, “I have no idea…”
“How come?”
“I don't even know what love is. How can I know if I'm in it? He's the first relationship I've ever had, and I have no one to compare him to. How can I tell if I love him or not?”
“Well,” Sango started, “Is he your whole world? Would you do anything for him?”
“Sango…” Kagome groaned.
“Alright, alright.” She sighed, rolling over on her own bed. “But I think you love him…”
“I've been on the phone way too much today…” Sango whined. “What a way to spend your Saturday…”
“We could be spending it making out in my basement,” Miroku mused, “We got a nice, comfortable couch down there…”
“Shut up,” Sango said with a wide grin.
“So… have you talked to Inuyasha lately?” she started awkwardly.
Miroku froze. “Yeah…” he said slowly. “Have you talked to Kagome lately?”
“Yeah…” Sango answered.
They both fell into an awkward silence for a while, both calculating their next words, and wondering if they should even say anything.
“Alright, I guess it's pointless to pretend we don't know anything, since we obviously both do,” Miroku sighed. “Did she hear him say anything important?”
“That he loved her? Yes,” Sango admitted.
“Why didn't she answer?” Miroku questioned.
“Because she isn't sure that she loves him back…” She slumped her shoulders.
“Ouch.” Miroku could actually feel his friend's pain.
“Well, you can't blame the girl, she's never been in love before, she doesn't know how it feels,” Sango said defensively.
“I know, but he's really hurt…” Miroku said slowly.
“Did he ask you to ask me? I mean, did he really think that if he asked you and you told me he did, that I wouldn't go tell Kagome? Maybe he wanted you to ask me and tell me that he asked you to ask me so that I could tell Kagome that he asked you to ask me.”
“Alright. You just said a bunch of shit that I didn't understand,” Miroku said, wide eyed.
Sango sighed. “Did he ask you to ask me?”
“Thank you. No, he didn't want me to.”
“But he knows that you were still going to ask me, and that I would tell you the truth.”
“Can you do me a favour?” Sango asked with a sweet voice.
“Anything,” he answered with a smile. He knew she wouldn't ask him to do anything he wouldn't like.
“Tell Inuyasha she slept through it.”
“What?” Miroku asked, blinking. “Why?”
“To protect his feelings. Kagome isn't sure she loves him, but I think she does. I think she needs time, and as I know Inuyasha, he won't try telling her he loves her again anytime soon. So if you tell him she slept through it, he won't know if she loves him or not, and therefore won't be heartbroken.”
“I guess that makes sense,” Miroku agreed.
“Good. So from now on, we tell each other everything they say about each other, alright?”
“Sure,” Miroku nodded, “As long as you don't go back to that weird talking shit.”
Sango laughed. “Sure.”
AN: Wow, that was a loooong chapter. I love writing phone conversations. Especially between Inuyasha and Miroku. Aren't they hilarious?? :D
OK, so other than that, thanks for all the ideas for Kagome's problem.
Sadly, now that I wrote all of this, I'm a lot less inspired with this story, so maybe I should talk about it a little - it always makes me want to write faster, lol.
Now that Kagome knows about Inuyasha's hanyou-demon-mating thing, and he's almost turning 18, things are going to start happening. And haven't I warned you to watch out for Koga and Kikyo? They hit right when the couple is insecure.
Haha. I'm so evil, and I love it.
Now, IMPORTANT NEWS: I just imagined a nice long, interesting plot for a new fic. I don't know what the title is going to be yet, but the story is about Kagome and Inuyasha meeting in a night club, having a one night stand, and not even knowing each other's names. Kagome rushes out of Inuyasha's apartment in the morning, leaving him love-struck, and not knowing how to reach her.
Imagine the rest - I certainly am :D
I have also very happily realized that this story is helping people - god do I sound cheesy.
I mean, I've had so many e-mails and PMs from people asking me for advice because they'd been self mutilating and stuff. I'm not naming anyone, but I think it's awesome that I'm actually helping people get over that, because hey.
Been there, done that.
I understand you, and somehow can manage explaining to you why it's useless.
So there.
I'll stop babbling. Sorry for any grammar mistakes, I'm too lazy to proof read this long chapter. LONG, LONG, CHAPTER :D
For once an AN that wasn't about MOI. Haha.
Love, IK Obsession