InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Morning Ray ❯ Outof His Reach ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I have a problem;I know that, I'm in love with a girl that doesn't exist. They think I'm crazy, I know she's alive. If I can just find her, someway somehow maybe she can love me too.
Im so sorry to inform you of this but... I don't own the loveable characters of Inuyasha. All I can do is twist their lives.Rumiko Takahashi totally owns him.
It'slike this whole story is in diary/ journal form. This whole chapter is Inuyasha's P.O.V
Morning Ray
Chapter: 1
Out of His Reach
The things that I've learned over the years, they amaze me. Who knew one story could let you find the girl at you loved with all your heart.
I never thought that was even possible when I was younger. I always thought you had to met that person face to face before you can fall in love with that one special someone; but instead of being normal like all the other kids, I fell in love with a girl; and I can't tell you her name just yet. The problem is... she's in a book.
I know you're probably thinking how you can fall in love with somebody that doesn't exist. Well that's just complicated.
This… this is our story.
“Do you want to hear another?”
That's my mother, she has ebony hair that goes down to her waist; even though I've seen it down many times in my thirteen years of living, she doesn't like to wear it up. `Izayoi' as my father used to call her, has misty violet eyes, sometimes she would tell me that if you looked hard enough you'd would see them light up and show you how your life would be when you grew up; though I don't think that's true. I don't think a lot of things my mama tells me is true; just sometimes I think she reads to many of my grand-parents journals.
As for my father, well he's different story. I thought that my father had passed away when I was seven years old; I know now never to believe my cousins; five years later I find out that he's in Italy with some French lady opening up their own internet company, I remembering him telling me that it was going to be called Sprit Programs Intercourse, I call it `SIP'.
The last time I saw him he had long silver hair, but he always wore it up in a ponytail, though he my have changed that over the years, One thing I know hasn't changed is his eye color, they are gold or some type of orange-yellow, I don't know how somebody could have golden eyes, but hey nobody can be perfect.
As for me my name is Inuyasha Rush, yeah wired last name, but since I'm part Italian, well it still doesn't make sense but whatever. I like my last name. Well my hair isn't as long as my parents but it's still long for a teenager my age, my hair is black and goes down to my shoulders, my bangs are uneven and wavy, I always wear it up in a ponytail, like my father, the weird thing is sometimes it turns gray, I think something's wrong with me, my mama, well she thinks I'm going through pubrity. Which is unlikely because must people's hair doesn't change colors when that's happening; and for some strange reason on the quarter moon, the whole top part of my hair will turn black with silver highlights.
Anyway I'm in the seventh grade, attending Purity Junior High School, I like it there I have two best friends, a pervert Miroku, and his girlfriend Sango. Those two have been with me since grade school, I could easily trust them with anything, but then again sometimes I wanna choke the daylights outa them. But isn't that what best friends are made for?
My eye's well their very unusual, wanna know the color? I thought so, well there golden-violet, wired huh? Some people like it some don't. But hey I'm not complaining one bit.
“Inuyasha? Inuyasha?” my mama giggled at me, I hate it when she does that.
“Yeah… mama”
I watched silently as she turned the book over and started to read the back summary.
“This is about a girl named Kagome; she lives in a town called Ahiahi. It's out in the forest; not too many people know about this town, okay Inuyasha. She has lived in the town all her life, until she met her friend Pauo'le. That man taught Kagome things she never thought were even possible, the more she learned the more she realized that she never knew how the outside life was, now she wants to know how it feels to be in the outside looking in, not the other way around.”
I pouted a little, and crossed my arms over my chest. I never really understood why my mother always told me stories like he was a little kid; I really wasn't so why treat me like it… I am thirteen after all.
She slowly walked down the dirt path, she turned left then right. She stopped slowly trying not to make a sound and the mid afternoon daylight she was in. She saw there was not threat in the area, so she eased her way into the hole in the foliage, and she slid down until she made it to the ground, she walked over to the corner where she had laid out a small bed sitting down she started pulling her long ebony hair out of it's holder, it swayed left and right, and though she couldn't tell who was there, in the darkness of her home was a man, a boy you might say, watching her every move.
Once again the girl glanced around her home with her blue eyes witch sparkled against the sunlight, like they both fought for dominance; she felt something, though she couldn't put her finger to. She thought it was nothing and didn't worry herself about it; so instead of going to check out what was in her own home; the girl opened her door under the foliage and climbed out.
She walked the same path that she had just came from, only stopping to get water from the near by streams or lakes. When the young girl finally stopped she was covered with sweat, and little patches of dirt and mud where sticking to her clothes.
Toyo are you there”
Yes I'm here hun, come in!!”
The girl walked into the man's home with a large stick in her hand. She wondered around for a while until she got tired of trying to hunt for him, in his own house.
Well where are you?!!”
Right Here”
She couldn't have been more stupid. There he was right in front her face.
What is it that you need hun?”
The man said while patting a place, obliviously telling her to come and sit down with him. When she did she answered him in eight simply words.
I need you to do me favour please”
“That has to be the weirdest story you've every told me so far”
Mama giggled again, “Well Inuyasha, I think this girl is looking for somebody”
“Who is she looking for?”
“You have to figure that out for yourself”
She smiled at me, and dropped the book down on my nightstand.
“You want to know what happens to her, you need to read the rest yourself.”
“I love you Inuyasha”
“I love you too” He said as she walked out his room.
I think she's doing this for her own sick enjoyment.
Not trying to think about it again, I rolled over onto my side to look out the window. There was nothing outside expect the moon and the stars. I found it very wired that after my mama told me these stories that all I could only think about was her. She just seemed so real… not like those other stories. The characters always so fake and dull.
Hearing my cell phone ringing brought me out of my thoughts, I glanced over to the clock it said 10:59. I smiled big; the only two people who would call after 10o clock was my two idiot friends, Sango and Miroku.
“Hey Idiot”
Hey you
“Hey so what's up?”
Same old, Miroku trying to be all perverted with people and getting hit on the head with things…. You know he tried to kiss me today on our date but the thing is….. He had a big piece of popcorn in his mouth and wanted ME to eat it out of his mouth”
“Eww…. Well Sango you where the one who thought he was…what was it… a sexy god when he first came to the school”
HEY that's not fair…if you ever tell him I said that I'm going to kill you personally
“Okay okay”
“So what's up with you?"
“Nothing just thinking about Kagome again.”
“Are you obsessed with this girl, your always thinking about her?
“I don't know, I just can't get her out of my mind… I think I'm going crazy”
Hey Inuyasha hold on for a second the jaw's of popcorn is calling…I'll three-way”
Her name was Sango, I met her in the second grade when we had play time and she ran into me with her swing. We've been best friends every since. She is in a relationship with a pervert. Miroku is so stupid; the reason she went out with him is because I dared her too, but I guess she started to like him in the end, I don't understand that though.
Sango was always stronger than me. Im so sad to admit that though; I bet she could still beat me up if she wanted to. She also has brown hair that goes down to her armpit, and also hazel eyes. Me and Sango has always been almost the same height; but every since 5th grade I've been taller.
Her boyfriend, Miroku well he should have his own little show. In a way he is predictable; He's such a pervert, sometimes I wonder why I even hang out with him. Well we met when we where in the fourth grade, I got Sango and him to start going out. She thought he was a kami. Which I think is so wrong.
After about an hour talking on the phone, I hung up on them.
I still wonder why nobody in their neighborhood comes out and shoots both of them with a bee bee gun
Sitting my cell phone down I flopped back down on my bed it was getting so late, I tired shutting my eyes. I couldn't fall asleep; couldn't get her out of my head. After ten minutes of trying, I gave up and reached out for the book.
It was dark that was one thing he realized; dark and misty. He should hear the faints sound of somebody calling him; he walked to it.
She reached out for him, her eyes pleading for him to reject her. She tried and tried to make contact with him. She was so close to him, he could smell her; he could feel her hair, her skin; all so soft and gentle.
Why couldn't she touch him?
“Where did you go…? I need you Inuyasha…
Her eyes seemed to grow like two of your best china plates.
“Watch out don't let her get you!”
Before he could even react he was one the ground; pools of blood, just dripping from out of his neck; with this girl laid over his chest; her blue eyes looked so pained and destroyed, they grew a deep crimson red from all of her tears shed.
I ran out of the house. To tell you the truth I didn't know where I was really going, I didn't tell my mother where I was going or that I was even leaving. It was mid night and a school night. But I just couldn't stay in this house, everything was just too weird. Just too out of my reach.
Before I even realized it I walking over to the park swings; from them you could look over to your right and see a little pond with some ducks and stuff. But the thing is you couldn't go over there, why I have no idea, but I think that's just there so if somebody falls in and drowns, they don't want to get sued.
Dumb asses, then what's the point of putting it there?
Continuing to look at the pond I saw something moving around the ground I thought it was a duck of something, so I didn't pay to much attention to it, but when it kept on moving and getting bigger, my stupid curiosity got the better of me; so I got up and climbed over the red rope.
“Who are you and what are you doing here?”
She turned her head slowly; as if trying to figure out who would talk to her in such a tune, her deep blue eyes shimmering with the moonlight, she stared hard at me. Bringing her gaze away from him she started kicking her feet in the water; without even looking she reached out her right arm towards me; like she was waiting for me to put something in her palm.
“Now, that's just rude don't you think?”
Half way re-written. New plot. Ugh. That little flashback was the hardest thing to write. Shoot I ended up getting one of my guy friends help me write that part.
Infintiny's Vocab
Ahiahi: Evening
Pauo'le:Never ending