InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Morning Ray ❯ Only In The Story Books ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I have a problem; I know that, I'm in love with a girl that doesn't exist. They think I'm crazy, I know she's alive. If I can just find her, someway somehow maybe she can love me too.
Im so sorry to inform you of this but... I don't own the loveable characters of Inuyasha. All I can do is twist their lives.
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Morning Ray
Chapter: 2
Only in the Story Books
Even though it my seem so far beyond reality, to tell you the truth, when I was younger I don't know why every one seemed so freaked out by me, just thinking that I was crazy. My thoughts about her might have seemed un-normal to them back then… But to me it was just like falling in love with somebody you've known all your life. All I knew was what I saw… just one amazingly beautiful person.
I couldn't think of what I could have said. You know how people get when they first see their crush… you get all shy, I couldn't believe how much I acted like a girl on that night. It just seemed so awkward.
What I saw that night was probably something that only happens in story books.
“Now, that's just rude don't you think?”
All I could do was gape at her like some kid who saw a life size version of their favorite candy, in some store. She was just too beautiful, the way her eyes looked like the water, shimmering in the moonlight. I tried and tried to tear my gaze away from her; her skin… looked so soft, teasing me under the moon light.
She just looked so damn innocent.
“Are you just going to stand there and gap at me all day or answer me?”
“Well what did you say?”
“I asked you if you had a name,” She said as she continued to kick her feet around in the pool of water.
She finally brought her gaze up to me; it felt like electricity shot up and down my body. Her own eyes widen. Her gaze calmed and turned into annoyance.
“Oh… uh my name is Inuyasha.”
She seemed to be saying it in her head; by the way her eyes glanced up towards the sky.
“Inuyasha huh?”
“Yeah… do you have a name?”
“My name…” She toke a deep breath, “Is Kagome.”
“Inuyasha do you—“She stiffened and brought her eyes back to mine.
I heard foot steps coming towards us, but I didn't look to see; she never brought her eyes away from mine and I just couldn't take mine from her… I still wonder what she was going to say.
“Man who are you talking to?” Miroku said as I whipped my head towards him.
But… but why I'm I the only one who can see her?
When I turned back around she was gone.
“Man what was up with you last night?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean you where out there talking to some invisible person.”
I turned to him, obliviously not in the mood to hear his crap first thing in the morning; he stood up and walked half way down the hall way, and walked into his class not even turning around to say good-bye. Im sure that he had an expression that said
`Don't forget about your friend's man. Just don't'
As mush as I wanted to, I felt like I was forgetting them; I mean I've known them basically all my life, just for some girl that I've met once; and maybe doesn't exist.
After school, I saw Miroku and Sango just walking down the stairs of the school; I tried to push my way though all the people trying to leave this hell of a school. But with no luck, I even tried yelling out their names; I was surprised that they both looked at me and then walked off…
Yes without a word.
I sighed in defeat'; all I wanted was to say im sorry for acting like a arrogant bastard, but I guess im not welcomed in their little line of friendship, maybe I messed up with them too many times.
I feel like the world is going against me… and taking away all the things and people I love.
When I got home… no when I home to the darkness of our house, I saw my mama, just sitting on the living room couch like she was about to get up at any moment and start chocking me.
I toke one step back.
“How was your day son?”
Aww crap, im done for, first my two best friends, now my own mama.
“Out” I turned my head.
“Where too, you where out pretty late last night you know.”
“Really I didn't notice.”
I toke two steps back.
“Don't play around with me Inuyasha… where were you at?”
I sighed, might as well come out with the truth; that or get grounded for at least a two weeks.
“At the pond… talking to a girl.”
Mama's eyes light up with joy, but you could still tell she was mad. That's a very bad combo to put with my mother, I tried to take two more steps back when she got up and started to stalk towards me, I moved as far back as I could until I hit the wall; she didn't stop she keep coming forward.
“Mama… what are you doing?”
She didn't say anything but keep stalking me like I was some sort of prey to her; but finally stopped when she was face to face with me, she leaned in a little closer, closer, closer; all until she was right up to my nose. I thought she was going to kiss me but instead….
“You're grounded… three weeks, no questions.”
Her trade mark giggle made me realize what she meant was true.
“You heard me march.”
I couldn't say anything, couldn't do anything either, all I could do was drop my head; not for the reason my mama probably thinking though.
I guess no more Kagome… for three whole weeks.
Ah. There my friend is where the obsession begins.
“Don't you think we where being a little hard on Inuyasha, I mean it's not like he did anything that was majorly big.” Sango said as she flipped down on Miroku's bed.
“No.” He tripped and fell on the bed… Next to Sango.
“Why do you say that?”
She started to play with his favorite spot… the top of his head.
“Because, he's going to ditches, his best friends since about 3rd grade for some invisible person that came out of… nowhere.”
“Really… I still think were being harsh, why don't we go over and apologize… He can have other friends besides us you know, and I think he was going to say sorry after school you know?”
“Hmm… later”
“What do you mean later?”
“Kiss me?”
She automatically flushed.
What am I supposed to do?
Picking her hands off of his head, she brought them up to her own face, which was hot and pick, her heart leaped forward, like it was going to thump right out of her chest; yet her heart yearned for her to kiss him, a feeling that's never been so strong.
So she dared to drop her eyes upon him.
Leaning forward, their noses started to touch, he closed his eyes in angst, just waiting for the moment to kiss his girlfriend… on his bed, alone in his parent's house… and on a school night.
He smiled at that.
Electricity formed from her single touch; sent it running, scrambling to find shelter, some where, somewhere with all his love for this one teenager stored inside. He leaned into her touch life depended on it, if they where to break up; like most couples do after six months of dating then he wanted to make the most of the time that he had with her, to hold her, comfort, and love.
He groaned when she pulled back, hair thrown off to the side, she looked like she wanted to continue their kissing match; but her panting got in the way.
“So… when do we leave?”
“After I do this”
And jumped at her to seal their final kiss… the kiss that proves his love for the girl he loved with all his heart…
Sango Harmon
“Who are you…? Why have you done this too him?!”
To was misty, that's one thing I knew, there was a girl… fighting a man twice her size. Why was she trying to get herself killed? I tried to move my arms and legs, was I paralyzed… What happened to me, where I am?
A horror finding scream came from her tiny body; again, and again she tried to knock him off his feet, all until she was sent flying across the open field. She landed on the ground with an `umf', and continued to roll towards my paralyzed body. I noticed that she didn't move for a while, I thought she was unconscious, with the way her body was balanced at an odd angle.
The next thing I knew, the man towered over me and the girl, two daggers in hand… His menacing laugh was heard across the tree top; he swung them both down…
`Is this how it ends?'
“Inuyasha… are you there… Inuyasha!!”
“Hmm go away I'm in too much trouble as it is…”
“I just want to talk to you is that ok?”
“I'm trying to sleep!”
“Inuyasha please it's me remember?”
“What does that mean?”
“It means whatever you want it to mean”

“Okay then…to me, you just said I'll talk to you Kagome.”
Waking up with a start, he fell out of his bed; panting sweating, as much as Inuyasha wiped off the sweat that dripped down his forehead and neck, more continued to form.
`What was with that dream?'
`Was she really talking to me through my mind?'
Rubbing his head again, he checked to see if he had a fever, he wasn't hot or cold. Getting up off the floor he walked over to his window, the sun was just beginning to set; the color of masked up cat food and orange juice.
I'm I going crazy or… was she even there to start with?
She toke a deep breath, flipped her black hair once more, before she even dared to knock on their door. Turing her deep brown eyes to face the sun, she looked right into it, it was beginning to set; the color of orange juice.
How long has she been standing at the door?
Why is she even here, she was supposed to be asleep, it was too early to be awake right?
Putting her hand over her heart, she tried to control the beating of it. With no success, she only succeeded in making it go faster; sucking in another deep breath she let her arms fall.
`Might as well wig it'
She knocked on the door.
Okay I like this version of the story better now.
Anyway this story isn't to long. 4 or 5 chapters at the most.
We'll just see if our Inuyasha is crazy or not in the next chapter.
Stay Tuned.
Until Next Time