InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Morning Ray ❯ Confrontation ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I have a problem; I know that, I'm in love with a girl that doesn't exist. They think I'm crazy, I know she's alive. If I can just find her, someway somehow maybe she can love me too.
Im so sorry to inform you of this but... I don't own the loveable characters of Inuyasha. All I can do is twist their lives.
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Morning Ray
Chapter 3:
Something I don't realize and still today don't remember is the way that she first brought up the fact that she liked me. I was so young and naive back then, I know now that little actions by another person could really mean something big. I know that I was starting to feel something for this girl, from the moment I saw her. Maybe it was just attraction, but if it was by hell it was pretty big. I know I've only seen her maybe two times in the on-going weeks; that turned into months. But she was so beautiful like she came right out of a book…
And then it hit me.
In my mind I felt like I as going crazy just standing here out in the middle of somebody's drive way sitting down like a sitting duck waiting for my chance to get hit by a car. The sun was beginning to set faster then I had hopped for. Glancing around my surroundings I felt a little scared being out here all on my own. I mean yes I've been out in the forest by myself at mid-night but hey this was totally different.
I really need to get back in that house.
I pulled my hands out of my pockets for what the 8th time, looking them over as they started to turn red with the coldness that started to come from its hiding place.
Yeah, I really need to get inside.
Sighing once again, I land my tried, acing, cold head into the ground.
I flipped my hair back up from out of my eyes, seeing as it was getting hotter than I wished for outside of his house. I waited just like I did when I got the nerve to ring his doorbell standing in front of the door for a good 30 minutes thinking maybe they didn't hear their door, or maybe they where gone or sleeping in very late.
I was guessing that the sun had went down behind me, I really couldn't tell for the fact that I never had I shadow in the first place so I really couldn't tell the time.
The daylight's moon that was always out seemed to tease me with its tiny little voice saying.
Go home girl… the boy does not wish to find or see you.
And I tried to ignore it, I really did. I had to stand my ground as a natural human being.
She put her hand up against my burning head, her hand felt like fire compared to mine. It burned so terribly bad. All I wanted to do was curl up into a little ball and put my head between my legs and try not to throw up the little food I had eaten today.
“Where does it hurt Inuyasha?”
I tried to blink out the loud voice in my ear once again, I tried hard. After a short while the blinding light pushed its way through my gaze, just making the head ache I already had much worse.
What did I do today to deserve this?
“Where does it hurt Inuyasha?” she repeated.
“Stom-“I throw up… again “maaaa”
“Is that all?”
Why does she keep making me talk? All I wished for was to go back to sleep on something cold and let this fever pass it's way through my body. Maybe…
I could just see her again.
“Weve me awone”
“You need to take this”
By the time I could open my mouth to tell her to get out again; she had her gloved hand in my mouth. That smell and taste made me want to throw up whatever she was putting down my throat. All I could see was a blurred image of a tall woman standing in the corner of the room, and the woman putting a blue pill in my mouth.
What right did she have…?
I saw the woman take her hand from my mouth and turn away from me; her gaze looked troubled when she looked over to the fuzzy woman on the side of me.
“Well Miss. Rush, I don't know what to tell you.” She said while taking her gloves off and throwing them in the trash.
“What do you mean `I don't know what to tell you' you're supposed to be a doctor. Why can't you tell me what's wrong with my boy!”
“Well what he has is very complicated; we have to take some x-rays of his body first, most likely his lungs.”
“What do you mean… is he going to be okay?”
“He should be, it doesn't look like it's going to be a very bad case.” She walked back over to her desk and started to type some things into her computer and at the same time was looking back over at her, her eyes so calm, it simply disturbed her.
“Do you have to be so difficult?” She twisted her hands so that she could dig her hands into her skin. “Why can't you tell me what with the boy I carried for 9 months and raised for 13 years!!”
“Would you like the long version of the short?” she said pointing to the computer.
“The long, but what difference would it make, are you going to tell me what's wrong with him or not?”
Ignoring her question she turned back to her computer and pulled on she old glasses.
“Pneumonia, an inflammatory illness of the lung otherwise know as the breathing illness or disease. People with pneumonia often have a cough that produces a greenish or yellow spit, and a high fever that may be accompanied by chills. Shortness of breath is also common, as is a lot of chest pain, a sharp or stabbing pain, either felt or worse during deep breaths or coughs. People with pneumonia also cough up blood, experience headaches, or develop sweaty and clammy skin.” She toke a breath to look up at Mrs. Rush's surprised expression.
She did do this for a living so it didn't surprise her much.
Other symptoms are loss of appetite, feeling dizzy, blueness of the skin, feeling like they want to throw up, throwing up, mood swings, and muscle pains. We do suggest that you keep him here for the night so that we can take some more x-rays of his chest.
“So he has pneumonia? How would he get that, he hasn't played out in the rain for I don't' know how many years, I know he usually doesn't get sick that often and he's not allergic to anything. So how could he have pneumonia?”
“It could be a lot of things Mrs. Rush we still aren't sure yet. We still have to take some tests on this spine and get his air ways checked out, which we could possibly do in the morning if you left him here for the night.”
“I don't want to do that, I mean this is the first night he's been like this, is it that dangerous that I can't take him home, because if it is I will leave him here so he can get better, but if it's not I rather take him home so I could watch over him.”
“It would depend on what type of Pneumonia he has, for all I know he could be coming up with a cold… which I highly doubt seeing his temperature is a lot lower than a normal human's… and his hands and a lot colder than his entire body.”
“Are you saying he's going into Hypothermia?” At that point she was out of the chair and rushing over to her only son with tears in her eyes, she wouldn't let him die in front of her very eyes.
“No no calm down Izayoi, I think it's best for you and Inuyasha to get some rest at your home and we will call you in the morning okay. You'll bring him back so we can get some tests done on him.”
“Okay” She said and turned towards me, just now noticing that my eyes where wide open the whole time.
“Why are you haunting me?”
All she had to do was look up at me to make me stop in my tracks. I didn't even realize she was sitting in the stop my mama was going to park her car; she had dark circles under her eyes and was soaked. Only then did I realize that it was rain.
Wasn't there supposed to be a hurricane coming soon?
I wasn't even talking to her… I was thinking to myself without noticing that I was talking out loud for what I cared the whole street could hear. I brought my eyes back onto Kagome and watched her closely; her gaze on me made me feel like something was wrong with me; she stared at me like she knew me her whole life, like we where husband and wife, which bothered me deeply.
Maybe I was tucked soundly in my warm bed, fast asleep waiting for my next visit to the doctor to get my spinal tap. I twitched at that thought. I might just die toady or tomorrow, how knows. From what the doctor had told my mother, maybe I needed to be put in an asylum, where I couldn't haunt my friends and the people I loved with my unusually un teenager behavior.
Pneumonia is a bicth.
The world started to spin around me, tilting this way and that. I felt like I was on one of those rides at the carnival, where you had to get out without falling on your butt like in idiot, I think it was a ride that was on the movie Grease. I just wanted to stop feeling like I was going to throw up my whole stomach since it was as empty as the cup I felt on the table in my room.
I stared at her once more.
I knew that I was starting to feel something for this girl, from the moment I saw her. Maybe it was just attraction, but if it was by hell it was pretty big. I know I've only seen her maybe two times in the on-going weeks; that turned into months. But she was so beautiful like she came right out of a book…
And then it hit me.
You know nothing about me!” his smile faded quickly and once again filled with pure anger. “You think you do. Dammit you're from a dam book. All you know is your little make believe world where nothing is right!!”
With all that said in the open, I hoped the imaginary girl in my dreams would stop haunting me with her presences, I just wanted to be freed from her once and for all.
I stood there fluming against her nothing I had hurt the one girl I truly did like in a romantic kind of way. I knew I broke the promise
And as the sun went down behind her…
One was glaring draggers and the other….
Tears started to form and threatened to fall.
I tried to make it sound as doctorish as possible; I was going from my memories of what my own doctor told me. Uh, I think im going to make this longer because the way im trying to plot this out isn't going to fit in the last 2 chapters so this story shall be longer then planned.
Reviews and light flames are welcomed. And I'll try my best to get back with you if you have any questions are what not.
And I don't own or hold any rights to the movie Grease.
Until Next Time