InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Morning Ray ❯ Head Down ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: I have a problem; I know that, I'm in love with a girl that doesn't exist. They think I'm crazy, I know she's alive. If I can just find her, someway somehow maybe she can love me too.
Im so sorry to inform you of this but... I don't own the loveable characters of Inuyasha. All I can do is twist their lives.
Dedicated to goddess on earth- because she made me feel better the most and helped me get this dam grammar right.
Morning Ray
Chapter 4:
Head Down
December 21, 2008—
I have no idea how it happened and why, but all I know is that I need to fix it and fast, before I lose her completely and for the rest of my life. I jus—
I think he loves me…
I lost her; I knew it from the moment my mother opened the door calling me inside, asking me what was taking me so long to come inside, probably thinking I passed out cold on the ground from the pneumonia. All it toke was one quick look to my mother and she was gone, I could see her body disappearing into my house.
Then to make matters worse for me at this time, I just had to go to the doctor again to see if I was going to die from the coughs that I was getting lately, which stopped me from breathing. My mother wants me to stay in the hospital, just in case I started to coke and she wasn't there. I didn't want to think what would have happened to my mother if that had happened to me.
Still, I. Did. Not. Want. To. Stay. In. The. Fucking. Hospital.
Too many horror stories about, what these American hospitals did to children, while there where sleeping. Like unplugging life support and not even knowing it, people getting surgery to get better and then they come to even sicker, just because they had things let from the operation left inside of their bodies.
So in the end, I just had to get my shots and was able to live on in my little house, not going to be traumatized on this night.
“Im leaving!”
“Do you have your jacket Inuyasha; you know what the doctor said”
Yea I knew what she said, only because she said it a thousand times, then to make things worse another doctor came in to give me my shots and he told me the same dam thing. For one thing pneumonia really does sucks, I truly feel sorry for the people who had this bicth for a second or third time.
“INUYASHA!” all I knew was that my mother was hitting my back very hard.
“Whaa…” cough cough cough “Why are you” cough cough cough “Hitting me so hard… STOP”
“You're not going outside with that hot of a head and that bad of a cough, you're staying inside, can't you ask Miroku and Sango to come over here today?”
“No… Im fine see” I patted my chest to prove that I was right and that she didn't need to worry herself anymore.
And the truth was, it really did hurt, my chest felt like there was a one-hundred pound block on my chest, all I wanted to do was sit down and rest up a bit. But instead I walked out of the door without looking at or answering my mothers other questions; she was probably thinking that I was acting like a bitch because of the quarter moon that was coming up.
I walked down the road for another 5 minutes before I had to stop, so I walked over to the side of the pond that I was not allowed to go to and laid down.
What the hell is doing on with me, dam it this is confusing.
“Is that you Inuyasha?!”
Turning my head around without getting up, I saw Miroku and Sango running down the street towards me with their back packs in their hands, which was hitting them in the sides. Rolling myself back over I tried to shut my eyes to pretend that I was sleeping.
I hope their stupid enough to believe me.
“Inuyasha aren't you supposed to be in school today?”
“No I think he's dead”
Wow their really stupid or they just want me to get ticked off.
“Well then…”
He pocked me….
“Will you jackasses stop!!?”
“So he is alive… never would have guessed.”
I finally picked my head up from the ground, and forced myself to look over into their direction, the way the where both not looking in my direction, and the way they where just standing there hovering over me was making me nervous. With both of them they could easily knock me out in my state right now, and knowing them if they wanted to, they'd do it.
And by the time they started to sift their weight to one foot to the other is what made me realize that they had to either. One, they tell me something that I didn't want to hear. Two, they make me do something I don't want to just because im sick. Or three, their gonna do both.
“So since you guys woke me up… what the” Cough cough cough “hell do you want?”
“Are you sick?” Miroku said
“Is that why you haven't been in school lately?”
“Yea and yea… pneumonia is a bicth”
“Pneumonia wow… I hope I don't get that, I mean you look horrible.”
“Thanks… now why are you two so hyper today?” I said while sitting up against the tree next to me.
“Well…” They both said in unison. “You might hate us…” They said dropping their bags.
“Well Inuyasha your coming with us today” Sango said.
“Where getting you outa that house with the crazy girl that likes to tease you”
“What crazy girl?” I said scratching my head.
“The girl you've been ditching us for stupid”
“Well why are you guys being so hyper and shit?”
They both stopped looking at me and started to look at the ground, which I wouldn't blame them, it looked a lot better then my sad, paler, sick face.
“It's winter break now right?”
“Yea whada bout it?”
I had to sit down, my lungs started to feel worse, I was trying my hardest not to breathe in to hard, or cough, or more like not trying to put any pursuer on that side of my body.
Why in the world did this crazy shit have to happen to me, I mean I was normal, with normal friends and a normal life? Then this crazy ass Kagome just had to magically appear and take all of it away from me, like she aint got a life of her own.
“You're coming to—“
Ah shit
Don't do it Inuyasha…
Don't do it Inuyasha…
Who are you?
Don't go Inuyasha…. Ignoring the voice in his head he turned back to Miroku and Sango, only to glare at the both of them.
“Whada you two asses up to?”
“Where're kidnapping you to Washington!!”
By the looks of their faces, it seemed like they where going to keep me busy for the rest of the week, or maybe for the rest of the 3 weeks we got off from school.
Don't do it Inuyasha…
“Fine dammit I'll go… but it doesn't mean I'll fucking like it.”
“Great that's great” Pervert said.
“Now let's get our ass's outa here so we can have some fun!”
“What where leaving today!?”
“Tomorrow be ready!!!”
I swear I really have some asses for friends.
After being dragged around town for a couple of hours with the two things for friends I finally got on their nerves by saying I think im going to pass out, I think im going to pass out a bunch of times that they finally let me free.
When I walked into the kitchen, I found my mama drinking some kind of tea, she looked at me and poured some into another cup, then pushed it into my hands; so I drunk it, not having any other choice.
“Yes Inuyasha, what is it?”
“Where's that book you had a couple of months ago?”
“Which one?”
“The one about the favor and…uh… the girl, her name…Kagome—“
“One that one… here”
“Thanks ma”
“Anytime son”
After setting the tea down, I walked back into my room with her story in my hand; lying on my bed I opened the book for the 3rd time in months.
What was that favor she wanted?
She slowly walked down the dirt path she turned left then right. She stopped slowly trying not to make a sound and the mid daylight she was in. She saw there was not threat in the area, so she eased her way into the hole in the foliage, she slid down until she made it to the ground walking over and pulling her long ebony hair out of it's holder, it swayed left and right though she couldn't tell who was there, in the darkness of her home was a man, a boy you might say, watching her every move.
Once again the girl glanced around her home with her blue eyes witch sparkled against the sunlight, like they both fought for dominance; she felt something, though she couldn't put her finger to. She thought it was nothing and didn't worry herself about it; so instead of going to check out what was in her own home; the girl opened her door under the foliage and climbed out.
She walked the same path that she had just came from, only stopping to get water from the near by streams or lakes. When the young girl finally stopped she was covered with sweat, and little patches of dirt and mud where sticking to her clothes.
Toyo are you there”
Yes I'm here hun, come in!!”
The girl walked into the man's home with a large stick in her hand. She wondered around for a while until she got tired of trying to hunt for him, in his own house.
Well where are you?!!”
Right Here”
She couldn't have been more stupid. There he was right in front her face.
What is it that you need hun?”
The man said while patting a place, obliviously telling her to come and sit down with him. When she did she answered him in eight simply words.
I need you to do me favour please”
“What is it Kagome?”
She sat down in the middle of the room, facing the setting yellow, pink and orange sun.
“Do you think you can do me a favor?”
“We kind do you speak of?”
“A big one… maybe one that I have to pay you back in another life?”
“What is it Kagome… I mean it's not everyday you ask me for things?”
She turned her back to her once again, turning and getting a good look at the world she lived in for her entire life, a world she didn't want to leave since she was little, but… some things made her curious, where the sun rose again after it had set in the world she was in?
What was this person she saw in her dreams?
Why was he in her dreams in the first place?
And the one thing she really wanted to know was what was the outside world of Japan like, what was this America people talked about so much… was there really something called a free country, where you could do what ever you wanted, when you wanted and didn't have to fear for your life.
“Well… what's the favor?”
Heart Beating a mile a second, she turned back to her.
“Can you get me...” she pointed to outside “Out there… to the outside”
Really wasn't planning on putting that much of a climaxto this story but I guess—And for some reason this came out REALLY weird and OOC to me. I dunno that part in the middle just made me mad because every time I redid it, it STILL came out OOC so I gave up on that part… sorry. I just want to kill you guys with the angst since there really wasn't that much in it for the start so bring on the angst people.
Just to tell you there'sabout 4 chapters to go.
Hope you liked it And yes I LOVED all the reviews to this story, this don't understand why it's so popular but hey never got 3 reviewsto one chapter before. :)
Until Next Time