InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Morning Ray ❯ To fly around the world ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: I have a problem; I know that, I'm in love with a girl that doesn't exist. They think I'm crazy, I know she's alive. If I can just find her, someway somehow maybe she can love me too.
Im so sorry to inform you of this but... I don't own the loveable characters of Inuyasha. All I can do is twist their lives.Rumiko owns, and I don't own the other little things Im not disclaimingfor yet.
Morning Ray
Chapter 5:
To fly around the world.
What was this feeling exactly? And why did I feel it for just her? Please tell me im not crazy, I don't wanna be, all I wanted was to be normal, you like the kids that were walking down my fucking street with no worry that a person-ghost-sprit, oh what ever the hell she was, was following your every move every waking minute of your life. Even now I don't know what made her come after me the way she did, but in a way I felt I was doing the same thing to her in my own sick twisted way.
A demon I was dubbed as finally realized he loved the ghost, the beautiful black haired blue eyed ghost.
I have a problem; I know that, I'm in love with a girl that doesn't exist. They think I'm crazy, I know she's alive. If I can just find her, someway somehow maybe she can love me too.
I just know it from the bottom of my heart.
For one thing was completely and utterly clear to me at this moment; Number one, being, I still had a little bit of pneumonia left in me; which the fucking doctor had told my mother after I told her so fucking clear that I dam dog could get it, not to tell my mother that I still had it `flu' so to call it. Which the doctor didn't believe my attempt to show her I was really fine; though who said a crazy thirteen year old could act.
So it left me sitting in the doctor's office in complete annoyance, she went on for who knows how long telling her that I shouldn't walk around for long periods of time, get a lot of rest, which meant, even if I do go on this trip in the next couple hours that I'd probably be shot up with a lot of medicine, just to make sure I didn't get the other `people' sick.
“Keh, now that's a fucking understatement” I murmured under my breath.
“What was that Inuyasha?” my mother said turning to me, and so did the doctor, looking very upset that I interrupted their little chit-chat about my well being, I wasn't human, I knew that without having to do told. Shit like was happening to me didn't happen to regular people….
“Nothing, I said I'm fine” I said putting on an overly happy smile. Sighing, my mother must not know me to well, seeing a though she bought that sorry attempt at smiling. I shook my head once more before letting my head fall back onto the loud white plastic they used to cover their cots.
“Kagome” I whispered.
“I hope you're listening to this Inuyasha”
“Yea Yea” I said waving to her.
It wasn't the fact that theories of a whole bunch of things ran through my mind then needed; but maybe the fact that the last chapter seemed to disturbed me in a way I didn't want to be touched in. I knew that, that was my Kagome that was in the story, that's in my world now. Maybe in a way she was really trying to escape the trap that was being set in her mind to come here.
No, no matter what I did tell myself, I knew that this wasn't a mild curiosity that I had picked up when I first met her sitting on the edge of the black pond that night, that it was really something more, something that I needed to really look back on.
Though I felt like I knew more of her than I like to think, there was more of a connection between us, I just couldn't… figure. I shook my head once again, letting the silver hair fall from its holder, watching it fall down past my shoulders, I smiled.
Didn't take long for my hair to grow again.
Flicking my eyes to my mother again, I watched without listening to the conversation between them, once in a while looking over to the clock over the doctor's head.
4:30. Three more hours.
“Hey mom, think we can get goin' wanna get there at least thirty minutes before the plane takes off” I said moving so I could hop off the loud cot.
“Ooh, right, thank you for all your help Dr. Aomori.”
She smiled. “Anytime.”
And as we walked to the car again, my face felt clammy, my vision blurred, and then it happened. Her voice was in my head again.
“Can you get me...Out there… to the outside”
Inuyasha, ha, you know you belong, listen to your heart, listen to our soul.
And as quickly as it came it was gone; rubbing my eyes I sighed, not again I thought.
“Are you coming, or do you want me to leave you with Dr. Aomori.?”
She didn't have to tell me twice.
“Not one my fucking life” I murmured quickly and quietly.
So really, this is where the story begins.
My mother and I ran into Fukuoka airport breathlessly. Miroku called me about an hour ago, saying that our flight that was scheduled to leave at about 7:30 p.m. that night. Instead, because of the rain that had befallen in Oahu, they just had to push our flight up, making me rush… something I didn't love to do.
“Inuyasha” my mother called.
I was so caught up in the unusually busy airport for a weekday. Well in a way it should be busy, seeing that it was winter break for most elementary and junior high students. With all holidays, it just had to help the busyness didn't it? Men, woman and children jogged and laughed without a care in the world, through the crowds with luggage clattering along the electrified floors. Babies shrieked and frazzled mothers attempted to calm them with bouncing motions and soothing words. I looked around, to fazed to hear my mother calling out to me once again. My ears flickered to each noise trying to pin-point every sound from every person; I just knew I was going to have a panic attack in this place.
Calm down, breath. She whispered in my head.
Shutting my eyes and blocking out all sounds but the ones that were important, I had just wished it would all end.
This is the first call for flight 439, Fukuoka Japan to Honolulu Hawaii.
“Mom?” I said shifting the light coat from on arm to another.
“Inuyasha” she said smiling and at the same time tearing at the same time, how these women did these two things at the same time, well that's still a mystery to me, but how ever she did, I had me reeled in like suckered fish.
“Uhh” I said shifting my weight from one foot to another.
The first thing Inuyasha felt was I little figure pressed against his chest, him being taller than his mother didn't help the fact either though, seeing she was trying in a sad attempt to hug him fully, but her arms couldn't reach at the way around his back. Inuyasha sucked in a breath, hating it when on the rare occasions that his mother did hug him, which it would usually be in the most public places, which, still didn't help anything at all.
I light tint of pink rusted over his features, as awkwardly hugged his mother back in the best way that he could. Thinking how long he would be gone for, not asking Miroku at all. A week maybe, well maybe two weeks?
This is the second call for flight 439, Fukuoka Japan to Honolulu Hawaii.
“Well, Mama, I think I gotta get goin' now” he said turning his face awkwardly again towards, the terminal.
Flicking his eyes back to his mama, he had to fight the urge to blush more as he heard people saying `aww', and look at them, followed by mother and son, maybe he's going to the army?
“Stupid Arrogant bastards” I muttered under my breath.
“Now, I'll pretend I didn't hear that Inuyasha” she said taking a step back from me.
“Sorry” I said turning my head to see if I could get a good look at the terminal I would be in. I lowered my head in defeat.
Not even close.
“Now Inuyasha,” she said, pulling out the medications I needed for my pneumonia, I tried not to stick my tongue out just form the look of it. “I want you to be safe, and please take these will you; it'll make you feel better if you get sick.”
“Thanks mom” I said looking into her violet eyes, I hated doing this, it made me feel like my dad in a way, but, it had to be done. “I think I needa'… you know go now?”
Smiling at me she waved her hand in my direction, and I guess when she couldn't see me anymore she left, because after I walked to the front desk, where the tickets where being checked she was gone and clear out of my sight.
This is the third and final call for flight 439, Fukuoka Japan to Honolulu Hawaii.
I toke a deep breath in, hoping that Miroku and Sango were already on the plane. I never liked going into planes, call me claustrophobic, and maybe acrophobia but at least I was never falling from some high place in a really small space. This plane I thought as I gave the ticket lady half of my ticket, this plane really was going to be the worst time of my life.
And so finally I stepped onto the plane.
When I walked into the plane, I came face to face with babies, children, and just a whole a lot of fucking people. I toke another deep breath and toke a look at my ticket. Coach huh, not bad. I still had to hope that I was going to sit by my friends at least. Truly, I really didn't want another ten hours sitting next to someone who wouldn't shut up.
I continued to walk until I hit the coach section of the little plane, pushing some people to get out of my way. I was surprised really, that the people didn't say anything to me at all, they only turned to look at me before shrugging and turning back to give me some room to move around them.
Finally, there were some familiar faces on this plane. I was about to run off this plane if I didn't see Miroku or Sango there, and when I got back I would beat their asses until they broke. Sighing I walked over to them and toke the seat that was empty on the other side of Sango. Looking around her I glared at Miroku, but I guess he didn't notice me sit down and just stared off into space. Leaning back into my seat I growled lightly.
I'll get to him later.
`Sure you will' she said again.
Opening my gold-violet eyes I sighed and combed my fingers through my hair, knowing finally that I was really going to go crazy… or more like already gone crazy.
“Oh… Inuyasha you actually came?” Miroku said wide eyed.
It really toke all I had not to reach over Sango's tired form to smack Miroku over his head so hard that he'd be out the entire way to Hawaii. Smirking I thought of my chances before turning back to him and with the most fakest smile I replied with a very sarcastic remark. “Now my dear buddy Miroku, why wouldn't I come, I mean you gave me every reason to come on this trip” I replied before dropping my smile and turning back to him and at the Japanese flight movie the flight attendants were showing up front. The words came out in a huge blah. Everything was some foreign language that I couldn't understand. I tried to shut up eyes and calm down before looking back at the big screen, still happening.
“Hey man, do you see that flight attendant over there? She is dang!”
Sighing again when I heard the loud slap of Sango's hand making contact with Miroku's head, I laid my head back on the soft seats trying anything to calm my mind down. There was just to much that happened in my life these past couple months; which this girl Kagome and her mysterious ways were just eating my mind up, I felt like I doll being toyed with, one day she'd be there and one day she wouldn't. It was like my body was connected to hers in some way or another.
It just hurt like hell to be away from her for long periods of times. I wanted to figure out what was wrong with me; I wanted to figure out what Kagome was and why she came to me in the first place.
My mind was a ready fine then. My heart was fine too. Though it was my body that was outa tune.
Maybe, just maybe Kagome… knew something about me that I didn't.
That was my last thought that night as I drifted into a sleep that was centered all on Kagome.
Miroku, Sango and I all stepped off the plane together and into the artificially lit airport at around 5 a.m. roughly. I just had squint and yawn at the harsh glare and the no sleep on the ten hour flight, even after if they turned off most of the lights. That just had to be the longest plane ride I had ever taken, which was roughly ten hours and thirty minutes. Yawning once more I looked up to see Sango looking around with her dull hazel eyes scanning the small crowd of about two hundred people. Watching her wanted to make me laugh, all because her eyes were still adjusting to the lighting in the airport.
“Hey guys do you know how long we have till we take off again?”
“Uhh” Miroku said while digging into his pockets. “Have about one hour, so I'd say thirty minutes?” He said again looking at me and Sango as if it were okay.
“Sure, so what do we do for thirty minutes in a Hawaiian airport?” Sango said rubbing her arms.
“Keh, I don't care as long you two don't fall asleep, and hell no, were not leaving to airport… might as well go to our gate.”
“Okay.” They said sounding pissed out.
“Don't blame me that you two didn't sleep at all last night”
“Hey I aint my fault either, blame Miss. Sango over here for punching me over the head!'”
“Who told you to ogle that dam flight attendant?”
“You two, dammit, just stop already!” I said throwing my hands up in the air and walking away, muttering how stupid my so called best friends were. Hearing footsteps behind me I finally stopped before getting to the other side were our gate was at to glare at the two of them.
“Are you two done?”
They looked at each other, “Yea”
“Really I don't see what you see in that”
Sango seemed to laugh at me and Miroku at the same time. “I don't see what I see in him either, now come on I think there boarding already”
“What plane are we taking?”
“Umm… Hawaiian Airlines?”
“Ooh, weird name for a plane huh?”
“Well come on before were late!” she said grabbing the two of us by the sleeves of our arms and pulling us like children, within seconds I was free.
“I can walk on my own, hold Miroku… to many Hawaiian girls here don't you think?” I smirked at the death glare Miroku was giving me.
“This is the third and final call for flight 157, Honolulu International Airport to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport”
“Let's go!” she called again.
Four hours on that plane and we were finally fro one whole week, was going to stay on solid ground. That I was pleased about, if I had to stay one more minute in that pit of smells that burned my nose, those bright lights that came every time I tried to sleep and the annoying person sitting behind me for some reason continued to kick the back of my chair; even after I told that sucker to stop.
Rolling my eyes I stopped to stretch my arms and shake out my wet hair. I figured that Washington was like any other city that I've been to in the past couple years and maybe that's why I found my self walking away from Sango and Miroku, and to the other side of our gate to look out the window.
Or more then likely the one flight attendant.
I saw a couple of flight attendances handing out flowers and lies to the new comers, tourists really. One really caught my eyes though. She reminded me of someone I knew, but couldn't put a name to the face at this moment. Probably because of jet lag, I sighed.
“Dammit it's already raining” I mumbled. “Nice way to start a vacation”
I tried to continue the blank stare I had going out the wet window, but before I knew it my mind was back on Kagome and my eyes were connected to the black haired flight attendant standing alone in the corner.
But before I could stop myself, I was standing face to face with her, staring wide eyed…
Oh Hell no.
“Well, welcome to Washington… Inuyasha” I stared at the woman in disbelief.
Okay, so maybe I was really going crazy. Maybe I did have a problem. And yes, maybe I do feel love towards this girl. But, this, this was really too much for me, or anyone to handle.
“Kagome?” I whispered out finally.
Infintiny's Vocab.
Oahu- pronounced O-ah-who. The main island in Hawaii, currently sinking. Be warned guys. They're islands, they have to go somewhere to make room for the new baby island under the Big Island.
Hawaii- pronounced: Ha-vai-e long e. Okay.
Claustrophobic- afraid of tight spaces… like a plane.
Acrophobia- afraid of height… again like a plane.
All I can say is YES. Finally got a new chapter for this. I do wanna make this longer, but I don't know. And gosh I toke this flight I couple years back and it was pretty fun. And for some people who have no idea about Hawaii. I lived there for about 8 years and really the right way to say Hawaii is Ha-vi-e, the I is long and so is the e. But I feels good to write this, so easy to write to. So I guess this is my main project for a while.
And if I might add, the airport im taking about when they get to Hawaii is a real airport im not making that up. And no its not a fancy airport, actually it's quite small, you have to go to the hotel down the street or go to the little gas station to get some food. -_-
But dam the gates is like on the other side of the airport so if you get to your flight one hour early, I promise you, you're going to be late.
But if you wanted to know… I know some people in Hawaii get so mad and annoyed about you saying the name wrong…
Until Next Time.