InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Morning Ray ❯ Coming of Age ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: I have a problem; I know that, I'm in love with a girl that doesn't exist. They think I'm crazy, I know she's alive. If I can just find her, someway somehow maybe she can love me too.
Im so sorry to inform you of this but... I don't own the loveable characters of Inuyasha. All I can do is twist their lives. Rumiko owns, and I don't own the other little things Im not disclaiming for yet. I don't own the first or second Inuyasha movie or any of the quoting either.

Morning Ray
Chapter 7:
Coming of Age.
“Are you only coming because we wanted you to, cuz' you don't have to if you don't wanna man” Miroku said looking sheepishly.
It had only been three days since Inuyasha had seen or heard from Kagome since the accident with the book. He had a feeling at least that she wouldn't want to talk to him anymore, and that was fine.
Two days ago.
Every time he'd come around his bed were Kagome last sat and last shed her tears, it made his heart and mind numb; to him it was like there was a body but no soul or mind for that matter. In a way he couldn't wait to go home, which would happen in less than two weeks.
“No, no I wanna go” he said flipping his hair.
“Do you even know where we're going?”
“No, not really”
“Well I guess you'll find out later than” Sango said grabbing his and Miroku's hand, pulling them out of the room.
“Okay, sure”
“Seattle then, after let's explore these American mall”
From the time they walked down the stairs, to the time they found a cab, Inuyasha was dead. His heart yearned for Kagome's voice; really they yearned for anything that had to do with Kagome in general. Now, now the term crazy could fit Inuyasha and he'd be lying if he denied it. What did Kagome do to make him feel like this, what was this feeling that was running up and down his spine every moment of the day?
Uhum, he was officially crazy, time to dish out those beautiful white happy jackets.
“Inuyasha?” Sango said nudging his side. She looked amazed with something outside, sand how she was managing to even simile with all the negative energy that Inuyasha was radiating off his body, which was truly too much for Miroku to handle who was sitting on the other side of the car, looking dead and bored out of his mind.
“Come on, can't we just find something to do at the hotel”
“NO, were going to Seattle and that's finale”
“Uh, Sango, what'd want?” Inuyasha whispered.
Looking back she sighed heavily, and her eyes fell dramatically. “Never mind, it passed already”
He never made another comment on the whole thirty minutes they were in the cab. Occasionally the thoughts of going home rose to his mind, and the feeling of being left by everybody he had ever been close to in his life haunted in soul.
The only real sound in the car for the last twenty was the tires rolling over the black and grey asphalt; for once Inuyasha was dominating everything around him. And that made him happy.
”I killed her sprit” he whispered subconsciously.
“What was that?”
“The path that Inuyasha was making wasn't that of a good one. His issues were between himself and Kagome only. Nobody had to be involved in his problems. To him, right now was going to be the starting point that would change his life forever. His coming of age… again somewhat. The oh-so real second life that Kagome had lead him into made him curious, but as it seemed, Kagome seemed to show him things that she knew would hurt him, she knew that even back then that he was a jackass and she was still showing him that today by not being by his side.
“Come on Inuyasha or your gonna get left”
“Coming, dog dam shut up, you aren't my mother”
He didn't get a to take one step out of the cab before tripping some man on the side of the street. His eyes instantly grew irritated.
“Watch it”
“You're the one who bumped into me, you bastard”
He was going to say something back but the words were caught in the swell of a throat. There, there glaring daggers at his golden eyes with those blue eyes, was the splitting image of Kagome, but the only difference was that he was a teenager. A teenage boy for that fact; to him right now he'd thought that he could escape the pain for just a moment, even a second would be nice too; But as life would like to put things, pain, as one was inevitable and something so little, something like suffering, that; that was just optional.
As they would like to say.
“You… you are” he struggle to push out. The man was probably thinking that he was some gay child molester. That was great, first he gone crazy before he's even fifth teen years old, more like eighteen in Kagome's book, then second, he's acting like he's falling in love with Kagome's twin… who's a teenage boy.
“Yea… yea I'm Souta, and uhh I really need to get back to the shrine before I get my head chopped off” he said back away from him.
“What shrine?” What ever had gotten him so interested in a shrine was truly weird to him, what happens there that was so interesting, it was probably some old beaten up house that happened to be in Washington, the last place a shrine would be.
“Inuyasha, come on!” Miroku yelled.
He whipped around so fast that it looked like he was already facing that way from the start. “Shut the hell up, I'll get there when I'm good and ready to okay, now leave” he yelled out, making the people around him and Souta look at him like he needed to be put in the crazy house… or jail.
“But Inu—“
“Leave” he said before whipping around to face the freaked out boy again.
“Uh, I should get going”
“Tell me about the shrine” he said calmly, as if nothing had happened/
“There's really nothing to say, but it's the run off, uhh… American version of the Sunset Shrine in Japan” he said checking his watch.
“Take me to the shrine” he said cracking his shoulders.
“For what, nobody goes there”
“There's a family house right” he said completely ignoring his first question.
“Yea, so”
“Take me there”
“Don't you have friends to go back to, they look pretty pissed off”
“Yea so, now let's go before I get pissed with you”
“Fine c'mon”
Walking off the boy called Souta, Inuyasha toke in a deep breath, living the feeling of being free with every step he toke. He didn't even hear his friends calling after him with worried expressions on their faces.
“Well now does this mean that there's some chick that lives in this house and you guys just give tickets out and let random people go in and out and she don't care?”
“Pretty much, she's usually never home, haven't seen her in ages, but anyway here it is” Souta said dryly.
“Holy shit”
The look of the stairs alone was amazing; you couldn't see the bottom of even half the top of the house from the bottom of the stairs. I watched in disbelief when the shrimpy boy started to lightly jog up the stairs. I just knew I would hate going up that super flight of stairs. I sighed; I could always turn my ass around and find Sango and Miroku.
“Ah, hold p!” he turned around slowly, question in his eyes. I'm guessing that he thought I had chickened out by the millions of stairs that was in front of me; but for some reason I wasn't, I was seriously curious.
“Well hurry up, I got things to do you now.” He said as I started jogging up the stairs.
We got up the stairs and up to the main shrine in no time, faster than he had ever gotten up here he told me when we got to the main houses' door. He had told me that he'd come and find me later before he got ready to leave.
That left me with two hours to spare.
Walking into the house wasn't all that bad really; it was walking up the stairs and getting hit with the scent that I hoped never to smell ever again. It never managed to cross my mind once. I never wanted to see her face in my mind again after I swore that I never again let her rule my life. Just a minute was I toke to get every thing back in order in my mine back in track. I really had years to get myself in order. Really there wasn't anything that could change her mind once; she made it; so it must be true.
I walked around her room drinking up the scent more than I had liked or wanted for that matter.
As I walked to her closet, I shook my head. Really why in the hell was I so worked up over this girl? I didn't even know her that well. There was nothing physically that tied me to her. Not even that much emotion was there to make me love her at all.
I continued, still thinking about the woman I swore to forget. I breezed through her closet, not caring about the DO NOT TOUCH sign hanging over the frame of the closet. Seeing something brown I stopped short confused of what it might be. I leaned in the closet and pulled it out, I cocked my head.
It looks like mama's journal
Pulling it to my nose I toke a deep whiff of it. Her scent reeked all over this diary or what ever the hell it was. Tucking it under my arm I walked over, opened the window toke a deep breath and jumped.
My eyes were closed at first; being the first time I've done this. But instead of not making it to the tree outside of her window, I did a jump that was at least thirty feet away.
I had actually made it.
Laughing I rubbed my arms in amazement. Maybe I did live another life, or maybe I didn't die at all.
Still laughing I shook my head, I couldn't have died, dam that wasn't even possible.
I toke another breath and without thinking, I opened the book and the first thing I read as Kagome Isabella's diary. May 1467-
Don't you dare touch
Sighing I looked at the irony of this, she had my form of a diary and I had hers. Shaking my head I turned my eyes back down to the yellowed pages of Kagome's diary.
So I've been talking to this boy for the past couple months and I guess he's pretty cool. There is something that I just choke him about. Like today his brother Sesshoumaru wanted his Tetsusagia, like always, and came to attack us. Inuyasha had gotten really hurt, almost as bad as I've seen him. His brother, his own brother had shoved his whole arm, that's even his through Inuyasha's stomach.
But instead of trying to save himself, he had Miroku come and get me out of there. Even though I wanted nothing more than to stay by his side, even though I really stood no chance against him.
Maybe you can say I have a crush.
That's probably why, when I woke up, Sesshoumaru was gone and Inuyasha was lying on his knees in a puddle of his own blood. I thought he was dead when he looked at me with those glazed eyes and fell to the ground.
He was fine when we got back to the village, and even walked around, just to get me from getting the herbs that he needed to get all healed up.
He wanted to talk to me, and if I knew what he was going to do, I wouldn't have gone with him at all.
At the time I didn't have a problem with it at fist actually. He never did anything to damper my trust for him since he got the rosary beads got put on him.
We had talked and it was weird at first, only because he kept talking about how he was afraid to lose me, and that he was so scared that I had gotten hurt, he never talks like this, it freaked me out so I put my hand thinking that he had a fever or had just gotten sick or something, but instead of him being hot, it was the other way around.
He had hugged me, out of nowhere, for no reason at all. He was the first man… boy… teenager… half-demon… yea half-demon teenager in my life. I made feelings that I never felt before rush into my body. The butterflies I felt in my stomach was overwhelming, I still felt weird. It was totally out of character for him to do things like this. Inuyasha wasn't the type of person to just show his feelings without any good reason and this wasn't really one.
But I should have know, I don't mean anything to him, and I never will. He's still to tied over with KIKYOU that he can't even see the people who care for him and want him to live. She's dead for goodness sake. I mean did KIKYOU go to Inuyasha's fathers' tomb and almost get melted, NO. Did she almost get killed after seeing Inuyasha's `mother' who only wanted to find out were his father's tomb was, and was welling to kill both of us to do it.
It didn't matter. She had her time with Inuyasha; I'd just wish she would let me have my own time with him too.
He hugged me, just to get the half completed Shikon no Kakera.
That hug was for nothing, it meant nothing to him.
I'm just Kikyou's live twin.
Maybe that's why he pushed me into the well yelling “GO BACK TO YOUR OWN TIME KAGOME
I guess he has his wish, I can never go back.
“Yo, dude how'd you get over there?”
“Uh, I kinda jumped”
“From the window?”
“Pretty much”
“Dam man, well c'mon I'm getting off early, maybe we could uh… I dunno”
“Yea will lemma just put this up first kay?”
“Sure, yo, I never got you're name”
“Inuyasha” I said before closing my eyes, taking a deep breath and prayed that I would get back into the window without breaking something. And once again I did. I wasn't surprised that I made it again. I had to walk around the room a full two times before I was really sure that I would be able to go one without coming here for a while. I knew it would be suspicious, but I just had to take the journal back with me. I just wanted to know how she got to the land that she was in. I wanted to know what they called it. Basically I just wanted to know Kagome.
As I put the book into my pocket, something weird happened, maybe it was just a feeling but al of a sudden everything was clear to me. Putting one hand to my head I sighed.
“I remember everything now.”

Yea so this chapters actually I day early. You guys should really try out those folders that you use to write in… just can't think of the name at the moment. Sorry people. So yea, I'm thinking of writing a lot more over the summer since we don't have school on Friday's anymore and we have about 8 days to go. This week was kinda horrible for me. I surprised that I even got this chapter typed out at all because we had a tornado and I didn't even know it. It was hailing and everything how gay is that. And today it was all sunny and happy bad the sky was gray. Don't ask, but it's been raining off and on since the beginning of may but its getting more horrible now.
I had actually started to read the manga of vampire Kisses, and it kinda confuses me. The part that I love the best is when Raven and this vampire guy is auguring and then all of a sudden she runs away the scary vampire dude is gone and now her and her lover Alexander is auguring and then all of a sudden they're in a car. So I was like what the hell.
But overall it's a good manga. I recommend it. :D
Until Next Time.