InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mortal Bounds ❯ Chapter 11

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Blanket Disclaimer:
Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions
Mortal Bound
A Sesshoumaru tale.
Random Brain fart enjoy!
Chapter Eleven
…Stupid Rage…
(Does Anyone Ever Read These? I've always wondered so maybe I'll ask a random important question in the next one and see if I get a reply)
Okay in what episode of InuYasha does he first get the beads placed around his neck?
This is an across the board thank you for all of those who have reviewed and for all your kind words and your willingness to be patient with me and my stories.
YAY!! I have a Beta! Everyone give lots of Love to DarkAngelJudas for her help and BETAing of my Sesshoumaru stories!! And as always lots of hugs and love to sonata who betas my Yu-Gi-Oh. I'd also like to recommend for those who enjoy Yu-Gi-Oh stories, Boy Next Door, by Mayoki and Toxic Kiss, by Mystik (both one shots) and of cause Chasing the Dragonby Cathy-Bloom1 is also another great fic to read. And another Inu-Sess series, called The Prophecy by mshutts, or Unexpected Circumstance by Neptunesdemon. And for a short series I'd say Osuwari Series, by LordSesshoumaru5, very funny.
Thanks to everyone who has reviewed so far, and those who review almost every chapter, I love know you like my story. I'd also like to recommend my sisters, Tehrror, who also writes Yaoi and Tohrture who right hetro stories. And say hi to sonata hirano who betas Tehrror and my Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fictions. We love you sonata.
In addition, Satsukamaru pronounced Set-suk-r-mar-roo
`This' means telepathic communication.
Moving on now!
Here is the next chapter of Mortal Bound, enjoy and review please!
Recap: And as he shuffled around on his hands and knees, I wondered if he knew that Sesshoumaru could mask his scent, so that no one could find him…but then remembered that my beloved, dominating, uke brother was human.
InuYasha POV
How could I have been so stupid! I just keep forgetting that Ru had about as much experience as Shippo, and me running off, wouldn't have done much for the man. I wanted to hit myself or let Sesshoumaru do it for me. I mean seriously, who, other than sleazy assholes who deserve to die, would run off after having such an intimate moment. I mean, I had been practically dry-fucking him and then just dumped him in favour of running after a woman I could barely stand most of the time.
I have one word for when I do things like that, stupid!
As these thoughts went through my head, I picked up his scent. His scent was mixed with dark emotions, of sorrow and jealousy, along with rage and lingering arousal haunting his every breath, as his sweet scent that I had come to enjoy lead us further into the now dark forest. Frowning, my eyes began searching the shadowed dark for any sign of the human lord, my brother, my ears twitching around, searching for the smallest sign as I hunted the leaves and path below for his unique scent.
Even as I berated myself, and hunted the surrounding area for my beloved brother, I prayed to whatever god heard me and cared, that he was safe, safe and well.
Sesshoumaru POV
As I sat under the sacred tree I wondered briefly why I am so…easily abandoned, replaceable by those around me, my mother, my father, even Satsukamaru didn't need me. Eventually my little Rin will leave, she would grow up, have children of her own, she would age and she would die. My name would be but a distant memory in the face of her family, her mortal (for I would not allow her to taint her family line) husband, and equally mortal children. Hopefully she would still be around to see her great-grandchildren be born, though that was as likely to happen as if I was to turn into a butterfly and get sat on by a dog.
Then again, that could well happen with the way my life was at the moment. Am I disposable? Garage? Am I that easy to cast aside? Even InuYasha saw me as replaceable, redundant in his life, as he just ignored me as if I were not even there, though he was more than willing to slake his lusts on me. It hurt, as I had come to realize, in my time under this accursed tree, the tree that had taken so many years from my little brother. That I…I, Lord Sesshoumaru, Lord of the West and one of the most powerful in Japan, maybe the entire world, was in love with him…
You may ask how I came to realize this, well in that moment, when I had watched him run after that short-skirted wench, my heart; one I had thought well dead by now had shattered like brittle glass. I had fallen for InuYasha and he…he loved that girl, that girl who hurt him, who wanted him to change who and what he was to fit in with her standards.
The thought of him with her, kissing her and grinding against her the way he had me, the thought of him being anywhere near as intimate as I had seen Soubi and Nesei be, made me sick with heartache, and my will seemed to waver.
Why stay, why live on and go through the…motions every day for the rest of however long, when there was nothing to live on for, when there was nothing left to hope. Oh, I had held hope for a very long time, a hope that had just been shattered and left as mangled as my heart felt. I had hoped that, perhaps one day I would meet someone who would love me for me, not for my lands or my looks, and one I could love in return.
Now, after harbouring this well seated hope for nearly three thousand years, it was gone leaving me feeling alone and displaced. Unsure and unbalanced, and wondering where I would go next, and if I should just find a suitable mate, one of my status and live out the rest of my days hollow and empty. Or, if I should just give up finding the one who had turned me mortal, take my Rin and young Kohaku, (unless he wished to stay with the slayer as she is his kin) and live a mortal life. Maybe I would find some semblance of happiness then…but that would not work…I would not know how to behave and what to do. I am too used to having my way in most things and the power to force what I bid to come to fruition.
I am too set in my ways, and would have little hope of changing my worst habits. However…it would be better than living forever alone and aching as I am now, would it not? These thoughts however, were interrupted as the one who caused them burst out before me, my eyesight good enough to give me his general shape, outline and colouring, none of the detail I was able to see during the day light.
Behind him Sastsukamaru and Nesei stepped out, and I watched them with faked boredom curled up as I was on the roots that had once provided a step for me to stand close to the little brother who was my heart's keeper.
“Thank kami! Sesshoumaru what the hell have you been thinking!? Seriously what were you thinking! You know better than I do that you can't fight off your enemies as you are!” he roared at me. I allowed my eyes to close, resting my forehead on my arm that I had lying across my raised knee, `yes little brother, drill it into this Sesshoumaru just how pathetic I am'.
The sound and sight of him raised my heart rate and tears burned the backs of my eyes, as I held myself and slowly gave into the anger, the rage that had begun to fester in my heart. “And what, dare I ask gave you the right to believe that you, a misguided, brutish hanyou, can tell this Sesshoumaru what he can and cannot do?” I asked looking up, then standing as he gaped at me, much like a fish, his teeth catching the slivers of moonlight as they came down through the canopy.
Then without letting him answer my question I left, walking past him, Satsukamaru who had that pitying look he got sometimes and Nesei who was watching me, his gaze raising the hairs all over my mortal body. Another thing that I had to say disgusted me, I felt like a monkey, as when I was demon and taking a more civilized form I had little to no body hair. It was disgusting.
Sesshoumaru!” InuYasha shouted after a few blessed moments of silence, and even my mortal ears heard his feet hitting the forest floor, animals scattering in fright. Moreover as the tears threatened my eyes again, as I cursed these stupid human emotions, and my lacking ability to control them, InuYasha landed in front of me, causing me to stumble. My feet tangling in the roots beneath them and if he had not been there, I am sure I would have fallen flat on my face adding insult to injury.
Sesshoumaru,” he sighed holding me to his chest and I let him, all fight leaving me, there was no point in pulling away, no point in struggling against his grip when he could easily crush my bones, or shred my flesh with the smallest flex of his hands. As I lay against him, my face tucked under his chin, his arms holding me up as my legs were bent and sagging, he buried his face in my disgusting human hair, whispering to me as he did.
“Ru, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have run off like that…I was stupid and I'm so sorry,” he told me, and I could feel a small part of me, a small part that seemed strangely dominant at this moment want to forgive him, forgive him and have his lips pressed to mine. Wanted him to just keep holding me and never let me go.
Therefore, when he scooped me up, I let him, even going as far as to sliding my arm around his neck, and resting my head upon his shoulder, and when he walked back to the village, I did not protest, there was no point. My heart had chosen, and for demons, that often meant that they would never fall again.
For change was rare and ever lasting for us, and a change as large as love only came to those who were lucky, or in my case, unlucky `cause though I loved him, he did not return my affections.
Satsukamaru POV
Watching InuYasha carry Sesshoumaru was odd, as Sesshoumaru had always seemed so much larger, so much more in my eye, that to see him carried so easily was unsettling to say the least. He looked so small, as our little brother carried him, the look on his face making him seem even smaller. So lost, so wounded, the longing in his eyes and aura, the longing I felt through our mark told me what he would never voice himself, not for a long while.
My little brother, my dominating, lordly, cold and uke brother was in love, and seemed to believe that InuYasha could never return his feelings as he was in love with another.
“Nesei,” I whispered as we followed behind the pair.
“Yes, master?”
“Do you see what I see?”
“Yes master, our lord has fallen and his heart bleeds for he feels he will have to live his life with unrequited affections,”
“Yes, Nesei, that is what I see…should we help them?”
“No master,”
“To interfere with a bonding pair, particularly one as powerful as our Lord Sesshoumaru and Young Lord InuYasha, is only asking for trouble.”
I think I am going to die, my teachers are conspiring against me! So many SACs!!!!