InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mortal Bounds ❯ Chapter 10

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Blanket Disclaimer:
Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions
Mortal Bound
A Sesshomaru tale.
Random Brain fart enjoy!
Chapter Ten
(Does Anyone Ever Read These? I've always wondered so maybe I'll ask a random important question in the next one and see if I get a reply)
This is an across the board thank you for all of those who have reviewed and for all your kind words and your willingness to be patient with me and my stories.
YAY!! I have a Beta! Everyone give lots of Love to DarkAngelJudas for her help and BETAing of my Sesshomaru stories!! And as always lots of hugs and love to sonata who betas my Yu-Gi-Oh. I'd also like to recommend for those who enjoy Yu-Gi-Oh Seto and Jou stories, Erotic Nightmare, from Dvona, Chasing the Dragonby Cathy-Bloom1 is also another great fic to read. And another Inu-Sess series, called Sweetest Sin, from DaggersBloodPain, which is well written and has a fabulous plot line! I'd also recommend The Broken Hanyou by Rethira, if you like long one shots and for an erotic funny I would suggest The Lord Wants a Drink by Izzanami.
Thanks to everyone who has reviewed so far, and those who review almost every chapter, I love know you like my story. I'd also like to recommend my sisters, Tehrror, who also writes Yaoi and Tohrture who right hetro stories. And say hi to sonata hirano who betas Tehrror and my Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fictions. We love you sonata.
In addition, Satsukamaru pronounced Set-suk-r-mar-roo
`This' means telepathic communication.
Moving on now!
Here is the next chapter of Mortal Bound, enjoy and review please!
Recap: “Uncle Satsukamaru look!” Rin called and I glanced at her, smiling when Shippo spun his top and made it fluctuate, going from small to big then back again.
“Wow, what control, have you been training long little fox?” I asked and the red headed child's chest puffed up his eyes beaming at me, though InuYasha snickered.
(This is still in Satsukamaru's POV)
Conversations filled the small hut, the children happily chatting away in front of Sesshomaru, InuYasha and I, my brothers all but silent as I spoke with Lady Sango and the monk Miroku, who still watched me. I could feel him `probing' my aura, as if something about it fascinated him, I jumped when Sesshomaru's voice filled my mind, `brother, this Sesshomaru is going for a walk.'
`Take InuYasha with you, I do not like the idea of you alone as you stand now, little brother' my reply was instantaneous, as I knew him and his ever-present need to be in motion. He nodded, a small movement of agreement before standing his hand brushing InuYashas', who obviously caught on and stood following silently, Rin and Sango's eyes watching their procession.
Sesshomaru's POV
Our lips met, in tender, hesitant brushes, the slightly moist glide of his mouth on mine. I was hard pressed to recall the events that lead to this, had it been he, my younger brother that initiated this. Had I? Had I, Lord Sesshomaru started this…this small slice of heaven? His arms wrapped around my neck, long clawed-fingers tangled in my long black hair. His body so close, too close and yet I liked it, needed it, wanted him closer. My clothing seems too constricting, as I find myself shifting as my arm wrapped tightly around his back, gripping his hoari.
As he moved closer to me, my body was pressed further into the unforgiving wood of the tree behind me. Opening his mouth, his wet, warm tongue brushed against my lips getting a startled, fervent gasp from my throat. A small rush of air soon followed as a minute hungry whimper passed my lips, never before had I felt this, as our tongues' battled, we shared our body warmth, much as we shared our spit.
I have been kissed only once before, it too was by him, he my little brother, having also stolen my very first kiss. My lips as pure as a virgin and I was suddenly wondering why I had never done this before, though I suspect that no other could make my knees as weak, my breathing as harsh nor make my blood boil as quickly as this hanyou was capable.
His lips left mine, pulling a displeased sound from my throat, my eyes fluttering open as I glared my irritation, I had been thoroughly enjoying that and the little brat had to take it from me.
“Stop thinking so much,” he whispered his golden eyes molten lava, filled with a smug, lecherous form of annoyance even as our breaths mingled, both of us lost to the world around us. I was most sure that even Naraku, a demon we both hunt, and hate, could have walked up behind us or rather InuYasha as my back is currently shoved into a tree. The harsh bark grazing my delicate flesh even through my clothing.
Stop me,” I challenged, whispering words I had heard other mated couples say, when one was doing something their mate did not like. Take Soubi for example, he had once said those words to Nesei when Soubi had been jabbering on about the colours he and Sastu had painted my Rin's rooms. His eyes burned through me, as he caught my bottom lip between his sharp fangs, pulling gently; my breath hitching as a small submissive, content sound fell from my throat, as he kissed me again. This time forcing (though that was not very necessary in my opinion) his way into my mouth, his tongue mapping out every nook and cranny of the heated cavern.
Oh my, heat, heat was burning heavily through me, pooling low, I felt strange, hard and pained in an area that had never called for attention, the sensation pulling a small whimpering whine from me, and InuYasha pulled back slightly. Not as far this time, as our lips were only millimetres apart, but just enough that we could look into each other's eyes.
As he stared into my eyes, it was as if he was searching for something, it was meaningful and oddly intense, he moved then, and my breath caught in my throat. When he did so again, making that slow grinding motion with his hips that made me moan, my head tipped back baring my throat as my legs spread slightly, my body going weak as my eyes rolled into the back of my head with pleasure.
Obviously liking this, he used his hands, hands still tangled in my hair, to pull my head down, neither of us noticing the petite, dark haired girl as she came down the pass, her too short skirt swaying gently as she walked. A big vibrantly coloured yellow bag slung over one shoulder, a bag that hit the ground with a solid thud, pulling us out of our world of pleasure and into reality.
“K-Kagome,” InuYasha whispered, and I felt the beginnings of something painful happening deep within my heart as he said her name, her brown eyes large with unshed tears and she shrieked, a sound that hurt even my now human ears. It would have killed me, figuratively, if I had been a demon.
“InuYasha! How!! SIT...SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT!!” she screamed turning to flee, as InuYasha plummeted to the ground, even I could hear the creak of bones as he thumped down, as if a giant was dancing upon his body. But what broke something in me was the fact that, though I knelt down beside him, though I Lord Sesshomaru tried to help him and had been the one in his arms, the one he had been kissing, as soon as the spell wore off he was up and racing after the girl.
Leaving me, on my knees, in the now empty clearing, the only thing that said anyone other than I had been there (other than the scents that other humans and I could not pick up) was the crater that my brother had made and that bright yellow bag.
`Do you love her? Do you truly love her?' I wondered, as the wind picked up dust and leaves that were caught in the breeze, dancing along in the near silent song of the forest. `Am I just a fleeting desire? InuYasha, am I something to use and throw away once your passion has gone? Is that all I am worth to you?'
Kagome POV
I couldn't believe it! How could he! How could he say he loves me; act as if he loves me, and yet every time I leave his side he is off with someone else! First, that stupid bitch Kikyou, and now this…His own brother, didn't he see how wrong that is. How disgusting and dirty and...wrong!
Sick to my stomach, and my heart in tatters, I fled to the well and as that things voice hit my ears, my name sullied by his dirty mouth I fell through time. Back to my time and was instantly up the ladder, a ladder to my family, a family who loved me.
A family I ignored as I rushed to my room, taking no heed in their panicked calls, or their frantic knocks at my now locked door. My bathroom, a glorious expanse of white tiles was open and I collapsed by the toilet, losing everything I had eaten that day. To think that the man I love, the one I was going to marry and have kids and live here with, the man who would become human for me and give up everything for me would kiss and touch his own brother!
Satsukamaru POV
Night had fallen not too long ago, yet InuYasha and Sesshomaru have yet to return from their walk, and I had the sinking feeling something was dreadfully wrong, the mark on my shoulder, a mark Sesshomaru had bestowed upon me around three thousand years ago was now pulsing with life. With pain and what felt like heartbreak.
My feet were under me without conscious thought, Nesei instantly following me as Soubi knelt by the children, a long rehearsed dance we had had for centuries. My legs carrying me out the door and into InuYasha, who hit my chest, his rounded face pressed into the meat of my breast, and he stood there, the both of us stunned as his ears twitched and danced on top of his head.
“InuYasha where is Lord Sesshomaru; where is our brother?” I asked looking around, as the hanyou stepped back his eye filled with worry and regret. “I ain't seen him since this afternoon, `bout half-an-hour after we left you lot,” he said gruffly, and I stared down at him my eyes wide.
What had happened between then and now, that InuYasha would forget that Sesshomaru was human, and therefore not able to fend off demons and the alike. “InuYasha…you mean Sesshomaru is out there somewhere, alone?' I asked keeping my voice and posture submissive, I knew the way our pack would work, when we were finally together, and I knew I would not, never be the beta alpha, the second dominant.
Not because I am not powerful enough, nor because I would not be helpful in such a role, but because Sesshomaru and I both knew that I one; cannot take lives, and two; I would not be able to back him up in such a manner. I could not commit a violent act against another without repercussions. Thus I would not be second, though there is also the matter of my personality being very submissive, I bow to a stronger will, walk to another's beat.
Fuck!” he cursed, his eyes darting around the darkness, the empty streets of the small village before they landed on me again, “How could I have been so fucking stupid! Shit,” his voice strained as he looked around.
“Can…May I know why you left Sesshomaru alone?” I asked, making sure not to seem invasive or inquisitive, letting him know with my aura that he could tell me what he liked or nothing at all, I would not question him.
“I…we…” he seemed to stumble over his words, as we walked towards the trail they had taken earlier, the likelihood of Sesshomaru still being there minimal, but it was a place to start. “I kissed him…again, and we were…caught by Kagome who did not take it too well, seeing as she sat me. I went after her and waited at the well for her to calm down before travelling to see her. She, upon hearing my voice sat me again, so I left and then bumped into you,” he told me, as we caught sight of the bright yellow bag, and the still lingering scent of my brothers' arousal.
Unable to see the ground beneath me, I tripped and would have fallen had Nesei and InuYasha not caught me, their reflexes amazing as I found my footing and InuYasha laughed bitterly, “Sorry `bout the crater.”
“Little brother…InuYasha do you understand that by leaving Sesshomaru alone, after your moment together…he may feel that you are only using him, seeing as he is very inexperienced at this, at what you were doing,” I said slowly watching his face to gauge his reaction.
Shock, fear, dread, regret and sorrow all played across his face, and he cursed once more before dropping to his knees, his face pressed into the ground as he sniffed around, apparently searching for Sesshomaru's scent.
And as he shuffled around on his hands and knees, I wondered if he knew that Sesshomaru could mask his scent, so that no one could find him…but then remembered that my beloved, dominating, uke brother was human.
I apologise for the wait, school and homework, and my new series along with writers' block as to what to do in this chapter kept it from you.