InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mortal Bounds ❯ Barrier of Protection ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Blanket Disclaimer:
Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions
Mortal Bound
A Sesshoumaru tale.
Random Brain fart enjoy!
Chapter Nine
…Barrier of Protection…
A/N: SQUEAL!!! 51 REVIEWS I LOVE YOU PEOPLE!!! Okay If any of you readers would be willing to beta for me I'd be most grateful as my English can leave a lot to be desired.
Thanks to everyone who has reviewed so far, and those who review almost every chapter, I love know you like my story. I'd also like to recommend my sisters, Tehrror, who also writes Yaoi and Tohrture who right hetro stories. And say hi to sonata hirano who betas Tehrror and my Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fictions. We love you sonata.
This is an across the board thank you for all of those who have reviewed and for all your kind words and your willingness to be patient with me and my stories.
And Satsukamaru is pronounced Set-suk-r-mar-roo
`This' means telepathic communication.
Moving on now!
Here is the next chapter of Mortal Bound, enjoy and review please!
Recap: Then in a flurry of movement, he was in front of me his two guards at his back, the darker one glaring at me as if I would hurt Satsukamaru, “You are lovely,” Satsukamaru said his golden eyes taking in my face.
“Where is Sesshoumaru? What happened?” he asked and I turned with a nod, moving back to my mortal brother, “He passed out this morning, after we fell for lack of a better word, out of his head.”
Satsukamaru POV
I truly couldn't believe my eyes, InuYasha was beautiful, though that was to be expected, but the fire in his eyes and the strength of his spirit was a surprise. I guess it shouldn't be, what with the way his life has been, much to my displeasure but unlike our Sesshoumaru, the boy hadn't hidden away inside his shell. He was as open as a clearing though like the clearing that was bright in the sun, had hidden depths and many, many secrets.
“InuYasha,” I said wanting to reach out to him though unlike in Sesshoumarus' head I didn't try to touch him, here in the real realm I wouldn't, couldn't touch him, not yet and not in public. “Hay, Sesshoumaru's in here,” the pup said and I nodded Soubi following me into the small hut as Nisei took his place outside the door.
The sight of my little brother laying so still was rather frightening, I have to admit, his breathing slow…too slow, his heart beat also a beat too fast. Having seen him ill and injured I was used to the scent of his blood and the heat that could over come him but this, I hadn't seen this in a long time not since…
“Soubi,” I whispered moving closer to my brother as InuYasha sat at Sesshoumaru's head, his clawed hand gently caressing the lords' forehead, moving the dark bangs away. “Yes master?” the blond asked, “Find Rin and Kohaku.”
“Yes master,” he murmured leaving.
I couldn't help but notice the way the pup looked at our brother, the only one of us to never be show love from at least one of his parents, InuYasha had been lucky, having both, and even I had been loved, my mother had cared for me deeply. Sesshoumaru, had never had his parents love, never had his parents care, and I wondered briefly if InuYasha knew this, though I doubted it.
If Sesshoumaru had told him of his past, it would have been a glimpse, the mere fringes of his existence, he would never have spoken badly of his mother nor his father, respecting them too much. “I will see if I can contact him, then I will find a way to bring him back,” I said softly and InuYasha looked up startled as if he had forgotten I was there and he probably had.
“Does this sit well with you, InuYasha?” I asked pulling away from the situation, as I often did, I think all three of us do, a family trait so to speak.
“Yeah, help him if ya can,” InuYasha said gruffly and I nodded, falling away into that space we, Sesshoumaru and I shared. `Little brother? Can you hear me?' I asked and a weak pulse ran though my mind, a soft whisper almost too soft to hear breezing past, `I'm so tired Satsu, I wish to rest.'
`No, little one, you rest too deeply, you are, I fear, fading from us, InuYasha and I are most worried,' I said knowing just from the feel of him, that he was, the communication had before had taken too much of him. The only things I could think to do were wake him and give him heat, heat of our clan, our family.
InuYasha, Rin, Kohaku, and myself, for we were the closest to the lords soul, and as those thoughts fluttered in my mind I pushed them to Sesshoumaru who pushed back, weakly, the image hazy and soft edged. `InuYasha…it, kit,' Sesshoumaru said and I nodded opening my eyes to look at InuYasha who looked panicked and glanced at Sesshoumaru who was paler than before, his skin shallow and his lips tinted blue.
“We must gather those closet to Sesshoumaru, Rin, Kohaku, you and a kit,” I said looking to InuYasha who said, “The kit is Shippo…my adopted son.”
“Very well, we must gather them and then…nest, we must give our lord our heat, our energy,” I said as Soubi entered the two children I knew and the little orange haired kit I had seen in Sesshoumaru's head. Shippo.
“Children hear me,” I said putting back the blanket that covered Sesshoumaru, “We must rest close to Lord Sesshoumaru…do you understand what I ask?” I said looking at them and the kit nodded, “You want to nest. Restore what energy we can to Lord Sesshoumaru,” he said and Kohaku nodded removing his weapons in silence as Rin walked over to me her eyes too big for her face.
“Uncle Satsukamaru, will Sesshoumaru-papa be okay?” she asked and I nodded, “We will make him okay, InuYasha, you and I will need to remove our haoris and under shirts, as will Sesshoumaru, to get as much heat to him as possible,” I said and the hanyou nodded.
Determination blazed in his eyes and his hands instantly went to work as I looked to Rin, who watched me intently. “Remove our Lords haori while we prepare Rin,” I instructed and with Shippo and Kohaku's help she did and within moments we three sons of the Dog General where nude from the waist up. Thankfully Rin the only female in the room, was too young to be attracted to others and the boys too young to care, though it would be the kit I would expect, had he been older to be…stimulated by the image we presented.
I could scent Soubi's interest, but knew he wouldn't try anything, he was loyal to me and to Sesshoumaru and had been since we found and saved him around 600 years ago. He was also in love with Nisei, his mate so if we…aroused him he had someone to help him with the issue.
“Okay, InuYasha, I want you to press close to his side, I will take the wall side, as I do not mind closed in areas, the children will snuggle in on top of him and us. This will ensure his protection and health,” I said and he grunted as I shifted allowing Rin to follow me and curl up, once I was comfortable against Sesshoumaru and me. Kohaku then shifting Sesshoumaru's legs apart slightly so his slim, almost feminine hips could lie between and his head rested on the lords' chest.
InuYasha and Shippo followed, InuYasha pressing as close to Sesshoumaru as possible without…more intimate contact, and Shippo cuddled into the space between InuYasha and Kokahu, letting out a small contented sigh. Strangely as the heat of our group and the…touch of family flesh against mine I feel to sleep, but not before feeling Sesshoumaru shift slightly, getting more comfortable in his slumber.
Soubi POV
Master lay pressed against our Lord, who I had to admit was a stunning specimen but what got me was the way that once they all were comfortable, and warm they all drifted off to sleep. First the children, Shippo and Rin, then Kohaku and Master Satsukamaru and lastly, and not all that surprisingly the hanyou Prince.
Then as I watched a bubble, a barrier surrounded them, a mixture of all their souls, all in a bid to protect one they all held close to their hearts and dear in their minds. A sweet sight especially since this had to be the first time I'd seen any but our Master Satsukamaru and the two wards of Sesshoumaru care for the demon.
InuYasha's spirit was a burning red, filled with passion, determination and most of all love, and it dominated the barrier, along with Masters cooler green spirit colour, his heart filled with patience and nurturing, kindness and hope. The children's smallish swirls of blue, pale pink, much like a Sakura blossom and a rich bright green, like that of the deepest lack in the southlands.
`Nisei,' I called to my mate, my dark half, `Yes my love?' he answer and I said, `come and look at this…marvellous sight.' He sighed and looked into the hut his expression changing instantly from one of ice to shock then curiosity then finally innocent awe.
`Mate who is the blue? I know the red is our Master and Lords little brother and the colours of the lords wards souls,' he said and I held back the need to roll my eyes, he'd just elimiated all but one and still he asked.
`The fox kit, Master InuYasha's young son, adopted of cause, he cares for the Lord much,' I answer and he glance at me then the pile again and smiled. `I shale stay on guard, rest my love, I shale wake you when the sun dies,' he said and I smiled back moving over to him and did something I knew I shouldn't, something I knew could get someone killed.
I kissed him, even though we were meant to be on guard, even though we were meant to be aware of everything and his taste filled me, his scent enchanted me and I drowned in him until he pulled away. It was only then that I noticed our position, arms entangled, pressed close our hips fitting together like a puzzle and my whole being felt hot and needy.
“Not now my love…later when Sesshoumaru is ready to protect our Master,” Nisei whispered to me and I nodded stepping back and we didn't stop touching until we were out of reach. Our fingertips sliding together until we could touch no more and he turned leaving me to my need and the room filled with warm power.
Sesshoumaru POV
I woke to warmth, and the best sleep I'd ever had, oh I knew who was pressed close to me, and could feel each individual warmth as if they varied in some way, which I guess they did. The fox kit was the hottest, his little body almost burning me as he lay against my left shoulder and throat his head tucked under my chin.
InuYasha lay on my left pressed in as close a he could be without being part of my very being, his bare flesh a nice, comforting heat against my side.
Satsukamaru on my right the third hottest, I think because wood nymphs run cooler than even humans do, his dog demon blood making him run hotter though not as hot as I or InuYasha could reach. He lay cuddle close to my side, as we used to and at times still do when we slept in the same bed, needing comfort only the touch of flesh could give though we had never had sex, we had never kissed.
No we just held each other on those nights when our monsters came back to haunt us, only when they came you could not slay them with sword or poison, no caporal thing can destroy ones memories. And though at times one may wish to forget at time to forget ones past is to forget your self and lose who and what you really are.
Then little Rin who had some how managed to squeeze against my right leg, her little body squished between Satsukamaru and my legs.
The one who ran the coolest was Kohaku, my undead ward and `son'. Truly at times I wanted to remove the shard in his back and revive him with Tensaiga but I had always had the feeling that it wouldn't work and I would just lose the son I had never known I wanted or needed.
He lay between my thighs, not the best position for my peace of mind but the way he draped himself over all vital areas but my throat made me feel protected and so I didn't try to move him.
As if I could though I felt horrid, my body ached in places I hadn't even known I had and I wanted to sleep for a month.
“Ye is awake, good, ye had us worried for a time my lord,” the old priestess voice came and I opened my eyes to glance over at her, how she had known I was awake I had no clue. “How long was this Sesshoumaru resting?” I asked wanting to know, time had no meaning in my head, no meaning when I was a hairs breath from death.
“It is the noon of the second day my lord, ye feels better I hope,” she said as the jingle of the monks staff was heard on the other side of the hut moments before he appeared in my line of vision “My lord, InuYasha was most fretful,” he informed me.
And I had to stop a blush from flooding my cheeks, he knew of our kiss, and he knew it was my first, and here he was telling me that the one who had taken it was worried about me, though I guess that is good. One should never kiss without emotion, a kiss was a symbol of caring, `love' if you will and was not to be shared with just anyone, just like ones body.
Both things are sacred and were to be held above all frivolous pursuits of pleasure.
“Hmm, stop talking, you guys are so noisy,” InuYasha grumbled snuggling closer his hand, which I just noticed was on my hip, flexing and I turned my head carefully and irritation flooded me. Wanting a small measure of vengeance for him humiliating me I blew a burst of air into his face, an act that always woke me, even when I was comfortable and safe.
He jerked away and his eyes shot open his whole being startled, his eyes, that looked like warmed honey, too wide, taking up more of his face than they normally did, their expression a mixture of shock and irritation.
“What was that for?” he demanded and I scowled at him, my eyes telling him all he needed to know and he huffed sitting up, my eyes latching onto his chest, the bare muscles rippling and clenching as he moved. Heat flooded my face and I looked away, knowing my eyes were huge on my face.
“Lord Sesshoumaru, do you feel better now?” Satsukamaru asked and it was my turn to jump my head darting in his direction as the monk, priestess and my brother chuckled, those golden and brown flexed eyes open as my elder watched me. Nodding I tipped up my lips and let my gratitude show in my eyes, never one for words and he knew this and could read me like a book, better than anyone else.
“That is good my lord,” he murmured as if I had actually spoken and moments later I was propped up against the wall, once again in my spot. Satsukamaru sat on my left, our shoulders touching if we moved too much. InuYasha at my right, though unlike Satsukamaru who always gave the illusion of space InuYasha made sure our shoulders and forearms where pressed together, as if he needed to touch me and was doing it so it wasn't to…bluntly obvious. Rin and Kohaku playing with Shippo just in front of us and Soubi and Nisei on either side of Satsu and InuYasha.
I'm pretty sure it was an intimidating sight that could have been even more so had I been in my demon form and not looking like I hadn't slept in over a hundred years, which I was pretty sure I did as it was how I felt.
The monk was staring at us once again and I held back the urge to growl at him, then as if feeling or just knowing it was annoying me InuYasha growled at him and snapped, “Monk quit gawking, it ain't like you've never seen us before!”
Miroku POV
“Well my friend, I must say I have never seen three inu-demon, no matter how diluted, sitting together, nor have I had the…fortitude to be in the presence of a demon lord who was trying to intimidate. Human lords certainly but not demonic. As a matter of fact other than Lord Sesshoumaru, I have never been in the presence of a demon lord,” I said and InuYasha rolled his eyes.
“Master Miroku, if you believe this is a show of intimidation, perhaps once our lord is himself once more we will give you a show of intimidation,” Nisei said his teeth flashing, and rather frightening against his dark complexion.
“Nisei,” Sesshoumaru said his eyes focus on the fire in the middle of the room and the guard glanced at him, nodded and looked forward falling silent. And I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, one word, just his name and he fell silent, just as Jaken, Rin and Kohaku did, if this wasn't a show of power I didn't really want to see one.
Looking over the brothers again I realised that Sesshoumaru, though currently human, was the slightest, the most feminine out of the three, InuYasha the next, though probably because not only was he the youngest but human blood also moved in his veins.
He was stockier, more muscled and shorter, though he would probably grow in the next few centuries. His face rounder, with more puppy fat than either Sesshoumaru or Satsukamaru.
Satsukamaru was a stunning vision of masculinity, tall and broad, his face made up of chiselled plains and sharp angles, his hair silver with a tint of green, his eyes golden with small flexes of brown. His skin a rustic bronze.
And strangely though he was the largest, the strongest looking he was the gentle one, I knew this from the way he spoke and moved, the `purity' of his aura which even I don't have. And it drew me in, made me question what I was and how I behaved.
As if feeling my gaze on him Satsukamaru looked up, his eyes widening as they met mine, as if he was shocked that someone, anyone was paying him any attention, it was strange. His `innocence' or perhaps ignorance of how attractive he was. And I couldn't help by frown as he blushed lightly looking down and away only to glance up at me again his eyes showing his confusion.
Satsukamaru POV
Why was the monk staring at me? I didn't get it, if he was looking at Sesshoumaru or InuYasha I would understand but not at me…maybe because I was new in his world, a new face and name to add to his memory to be later forgotten and left behind as the years past. A shadowed figure of history, unimportant and in time imagined to be a dream.
Glancing up at him, meting those velvet purple eyes, an odd colour for a mortal to have, deep and almost hypnotic. His eyes older than his years, his face showing promise for a very male face. His robes, the dark blue black and rich deep purple suiting him well, just as red did InuYasha and Nisei while paler colours worked well for Soubi and Sesshoumaru when he was a demon anyway. As a mortal he would look good in black and gold's, mayhap greys and small amounts.
Miroku's skin looked rough, tempting, his tan rich, his skin yet to weather. “Uncle Satsukamaru look!” Rin called and I glanced at her, smiling when Shippo spun his top and made it fluctuate, going from small to big then back again.
“Wow, what control, have you been training long little fox?” I asked and the red headed child's chest puffed up his eyes beaming at me, thought InuYasha snickered.
I apologise for the wait, school and homework, and my new series along with writers' block as to what to do in this chapter kept it from you. (This was actuality mostly written during my Psychology and Business Management classes Tehe.)