InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Morte Ombra (Death Shadow) ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
**Disclaimer: I do not any of the Inu Yasha characters*

Symbols: "..." Talking
'...' Thoughts
~*~...~*~ Dream

~ Morte Ombra: Chapter 2 ~

"Oh pretty!" Came the squeal of delight from what sounded like a little girl. The pain in her head subsided a little as the squeal slowly died out. Listening to get an idea of what was going on, Kagome could hear birds chirping and she could see the light from the sun behind her closed eyelids. 'Where am I?' She thought as she tried to sit up only to find her body not responding to her orders.

"Rin." Another voice that was oddly familar drifted to her ears, "Go play." A shadow blocked out the light that had been shinning on her just before an arm wraped around her waist. She went to protest but when her mouth opened nothing came out. Kagome felt the roughness from the bark of a tree dig into her back as she was leaned up against it. She tried to move again but still nothing happened. She went to growl mentaly only to have it cut short when she felt a cool wet cloth being run across her forehead.

Her face had been wiped down completely. The once warm breeze that blew across her face was now cool from the moisture left on it. Now she could feel whoever it was picking up her right hand. A searing pain shot through her hand from her fingertips to her wrist as cold liquid dropped from the cloth onto it. She winced and opened her mouth to scream, but only a hoarse whimper escaped her lips. Tears rolled down her face as the cloth was moved from her right hand to her left. After her hands were wiped down she felt fingers gently apply what felt like a cream to her hands. More tears fell as the once cold cream began to warm.

The body in front of her moved away. She dared to take a peek at who was helping her and was not surprised to find that she could not open her eyes. Kagome felt the person near her again. Suddenly she felt something on her lips and a silken voice came from in front of her.


Her dry lips parted slightly when the piece against her mouth tilted up so that the liquid would pour into her mouth. A rush of ice cold water filled her mouth and she began to gulp it down greedily. She whimpered in protest when it was tilted back down so she could not drink anymore. After what seemed like an eternity the water flowed back into her mouth again. Kagome managed to get a couple more gulps down before the thing holding the satisfying liquid was completely taken from her lips. "Thank you" she managed to rasp out.

"Can you move."

It was more of a statement than a question, the voice stern but still soothing. Kagome tried once again to move and again she failed. She sighed as fresh tears gathered in her eyes. "No, I can't move. I can't even open my eyes." A trail of warm tears flowed down her cheeks. She gasped slightly when she felt a thumb wipe away the tears gently. After a long period of silence, she timidly asked "Who are you? And why can't I move?"

"Do you remember anything about what happened three nights ago." He watched her eyes move under her eyelids as she franticly tried to recall what had happened. Getting up he moved across the small camp to the large yellow bag sitting on the ground. He opened it and pulled something out then made his way back over to Kagome.

She felt him raise her hand again, but this time something was placed in it. A hand covered hers to keep whatever it was from falling as her hand was lowered back down to her lap. Trying desprately to open her eyes to see what it was she felt her fingers twitch slightly. The movement wasn't very big, just a slight jerk that one would have missed if they were not looking for it. Though she was happy about the small unexpected movement, her eyes still remained closed. Letting out a defeated sigh Kagome spoke again, "What is it?"

Kagome heard the person shift their weight before speaking. He had apparently gotten closer to her and she was starting to become nervous. "You are still too weak to hear what I have to say." Was all she heard before she felt a sharp pain then nothing.

He watched as her body slumped forward. Gently he picked her up and carried her back to the make shift bed she had been sleeping on. 'I had hoped that the cloth would have triggered some memories. She has lost too much power.' He looked down at her sleeping form and shook his head before going to fetch Rin. On his way out of camp he dropped the cloth back into the bag he had gotten it from.


Kagome popped her head up out of the well, her eyes squinting from the brightness of the sun's light. Yanking one last time on her bag she tossed it up and over the rim of the well. "Where's Inu Yasha when I need him" she mumbled heatedly to herself. Quickly she pulled her body up out of the well. Sitting down on the rim she tried to catch her breath. A movement to her right caught her attention. Looking up her grey eyes locked with golden ones.

"You're late, wench!" He huffed as he rocked back on to the heels of his feet. Crossing his arms he glared at her through silver bangs.

"Nice to see you too, Inu Yasha. Good of you to help me with my bag" She retorted, anger seeping into her voice. Hefting the bag up off the ground she started towards Keade's Village, ignoring the half dog demon's growl as she passed him.

Suddenly the bright sky turned to black. Kagome spun around to look at Inu Yasha when she heard a yelp. Not seeing him she took a timid step forward. "Inu Yasha?" Came her whispered voice as she slowly walked back to where she had last seen the hanyou. Slipping, Kagome landed on her rear with a slight splash. Her hand that had come out to catch her was now covered in something wet and warm. Bringing up her hand to her face she could barely make out the red fluid in the dim light. Her scream rang through the air, "Inu Yasha!"

She could hear someone laughing evily. Her eyes darted to the left then right, scanning the area for the owner of the laugh. She couldn't see anything. The slightest light that had been there now gone, sucked up by the blackness that surrounded her. Kagome felt a hand on her shoulder. Her mind going into a panic when she couldn't move. "You are mine, Miko. You can not run from me. Nor can you hide from me. Your power will not save you the next time we meet." The seductive voice coming from lips close enough to touch the outer shell of her ear. As if to prove a point, the clawed hand on her shoulder gripped her tighter. She winced as the claws punctured her skin and blood began to seep out from the wounds.


Sesshoumaru watched as Kagome tossed and turned fitfully as she slept. This was the fourth night since he had knocked her out and every night she was plagued with nightmares. He sighed as he got up and made his way over to her. Gently he lifted her head from her pillow and placed it in his lap. His long elegant fingers worked their way through her raven hair. Concern began to etch it's way into his eyes as the young woman continued her thrashing. 'This must be a particularly bad one, she should have calmed by now' He thought as he removed his hand from her hair and placed on her chest trying to still her.

Kagome's eyes shot open as a scream of terror escaped her lips. She frantically tried to sit up only to find that she was being held down. Her struggles increased, trying desperately to get away from whatever it was that had ahold of her. She never felt the weight leave her chest as her body shot forward. Her hands and knees scrapped against the ground as she fell forward. Time froze momentarily as she stayed on all fours, her head hanging slightly, trying to catch her breath. She heard something run towards her from behind. Not even looking back she bolted into the forest in front of her.

"Where's the pretty lady going, Sesshoumaru-sama?" Rin asked in a timid voice as she stopped dead in her tracks.

A growl of frustration slipped from him as he looked to his retainer. "Jaken." Not saying anymore he took off after the woman. He had known that she was frightened. Being a preditor he saw the stance she was in and could smell her fear. Her nostrils flared with every breath taken. Her body ridged, on alert, and ready to run should the need arise. His ward could not have picked a worse time to come running into the camp. He could smell her distinct scent laced with fear, sweat and blood. 'She is traveling fast for a human.' He thought as he picked up his pace trying to close the distance between them.

Her mind was in a panic as she raced through the trees. Dodging uncovered roots, low hanging branches and vines all to easily. A movement to her right caused her to turn her head. Catching a glimpse of something in white closing in on her another fear enduced burst of speed hit her. Too focused on escaping whatever it was, she did not notice the speed she was going. Nor did she notice when her feet left the ground and she began her flight through the high branches of the trees.

Sesshoumaru came to a hault abruptly when she disappeared right as he went to grab her. When he saw her appear again, she was a ways ahead of him and had picked up her speed. Kagome was begining to fade beyond his view quickly. Right before she disappeared from his line of sight he saw he leap into the trees. The look of confusion broke through his stoic facade as he continued to stare off in the direction his prey was last seen.

Slowly he mentally went over what had happened recently with the human woman that had travelled with his now deceased half-brother. 'First the amount of power she was able to use through the Tetsusaiga. Just being able to use it as a human is impossible, yet she could. Then moving so fast the eye can not see to escape me.' He let his thoughts trail off as he began to walk at a leisurely pace. 'I will give her time to calm down. When I find her she will answer the questions this Sesshoumaru asks.' Following only her scent he continued his chase, only this time at a much slower pace.

Kagome's body began to tire and slow down. Stopping on a branch just wide enough to support her weight, she crouched down trying to catch her breath. Her panic and fear draining from her mind. The wind picked up, blowing passed her causing her hair to flail about wildly. The bitter cold now cutting her to the bone and clinging to her sweat soaked clothes. As she blinked, her clouded unfocused eyes cleared.

Shaking her head she took in what was around her and where she was. A loud 'eep' noise escaped her lips as she began to lose balance. Scrambling to the tree's trunk, she wrapped her arms around it. 'How the hell did I get up here? Better yet where the hell am I?' Were her thoughts as another gust of wind rushed passed her almost knocking her from the branch. She tightened her death grip on the tree trying to hold on the best she could.

A sharp pain shot from her shoulder down her arm. She whimpered and looked to her shoulder. Four small blood stains could be seen on her shirt. 'I thought that was just a dream... ' She closed her eyes as her thought drifted off. A voice next to her caused her eyes to snap open and a scream to fly from her mouth. She watched as he narrowed his eyes at her and leaned in closer. "Sesshoumaru... "


Her brows drew together as the look of anger consumed her features. Going to put her hands on her hips she felt herself slip. Remembering where she was she quickly corrected herself and brought her arms back around the tree. A blush of embarrassment colored her cheeks. Not being able to look the demon in the eyes she turned her head. "Um, could you help me get down?"

A smirk played on his lips, "I will help you get down, but it will come with a price. Do you accept, Miko?"

Anger flared once again within Kagome, but she quickly quelled it. She knew that he was the only way she was going to get down. She was to high up in the tree to do so herself. "Alright, I accept." Something, she couldn't determine what, flashed in his eyes right before he picked her up carelessly and jumped from the tree.