InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Most Wanted Bachelors ❯ Prolouge ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N:Well this is just the newer and revised version of "Most Wanted Bachelors". I realized that the story really does have potential and I would like to work on it for a while. I understand that I have a few other stories that I need to be working on, but I want to set those stories aside for a while and work on this one. I deeply apologize for keeping you guys on hold for the other stories, but I really wanted to take this story somewhere. I decided that since I want to work on this story so badly, I should revise it for better understanding, better grammar and what not. I hope you enjoy the newer revised version of "Most Wanted Bachelor!"

Summary: Kagome is signed up by her best friend into a reality show called, "Most Wanted Bachelor." There she will compete to try to win the hearts of one of the most Eligible bachelors in Tokyo: Sesshoumaru. From the creator that brought you "Big Fat Love", "Unforgettable Truths", and "When White Doves Cry", brings to you a comical and heartwarming story of love, tradegy, and betrayal.



Most Wanted Bachelors

by: xxbabykagomexx


Nothing but snow and buzzling cars surrounded Kagome. Snow, the very definition of sadness, brought Kagome to an overwhelming depression. She cursed the snow as she made her way down the streets of Tokyo. Kagome held back tears, cursing the snow once more for its rude reminder that she was going to be alone for another year. Yes alone. Kagome had lost her mother and brother at the age of 12, leaving her to live her life by herself. Kagome was now 16 and still seldom had a boyfriend.

Her coat clad figure made its way through the bustling citizens, trying her best not to drop the parcel she held at her side. She finally made it to the coffee shop, and entered with a ring of the bell, alarming the workers that someone has arrived. A young woman about the age of Kagome looked up from the coffee bar and smiled. She waved at Kagome to come over with beaming eyes. Kagome smiled brightly at the brunette and walked over to her. She took a seat in one of the stools and set her parcel on the seat next to her.

"So how is my favorite friend in the entire world?" The brunette beamed happily from behind the counter.

"Okay, what do you want now Sango?" Kagome glared suspiciously at her friend.

"Oh what ever do you mean my dear?" Sango said while wiping the counter rapidly. "I was merely concerned for how my friend is developing in this cruel, cruel, worl-."

"What. Do. You. Want." Kagome gritted out murderously.

Sango sighed and shook her head slowly. "Nothing gets past you does it Kagome?" Kagome smiled triumphly. "Of course not, now what is it that you need?"

"Actually, I should be asking you that, What can I get for you?"

Kagome glared half-heartedly at Sango. Sighing, she ordered a pumpkin pie with hot cocoa. "Coming right up!" Sango disappeared into kitchen before reappearing a few minutes later with Kagome's order. Kagome's eyes brightened when they landed on her food, her stomach grumbling with anticipation. As soon as the treats touched the counter, Kagome wolfed them down in an un-lady like manner.

"Woah, woah, slow down!"

"Phorry, I phavent, pheaten fall fay!" Kagome spoke, her mouth filled with pumpkin pie.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that."

Kagome swallowed the last bit of her a pie, cleaning the crumbs off the corner of her mouth with a napkin. "I said,’Sorry, I haven’t eaten all day.’ Sango nodded, showing genuine concern for her best friend. "Kagome, have you eaten anything all week?" Kagome froze and plastered the best smile she could muster. "Of course I have Sango! I am not that poor." But in reality, she was that poor. She hadn't eaten a single thing for four days in a row. Her rib cage was beginning to become visible through her skin.

Your such a bad liar Kagome. Sango thought sadly. Sango sighed and changed the topic. "Hey Kagome, how about I invite you to lunch and then you can tell me what you have in your bag." Sango spoke happily, inclining her head towards the parcel in the stool next to Kagome.

"Oh no no Sango! I couldn't possibly let you pay for me! It's just too much!" Kagome said while panicking.

"Kagome, I invited you, and if I invited you, it means I would pay. Please let me buy you something to eat! I can practically see your bones through your skin!"

Kagome thought about it for a moment before nodding hesitantly. "Alright, you win."

"As always!" Sango piped happily.


"So, what do you have in the bag?" Sango asked when they sat down in a booth by the window. They had left the coffee shop to come to the nearest Wacdonalds.

Kagome flushed furiously, having forgotten all about her gift for Sango when food was mentioned. Kagome grabbed the parcel and placed it on the table. "Well you see, I wanted to give you an early Christmas present."

"Kagome, I-"

"It's alright Sango, you don't have to get me anything at all!" Kagome whispered. "I just really wanted to give you my gift before you left to Kyoto, to visit your family for Christmas."

Sango looked sadly at Kagome, noticing the crystalline drops forming around her best friend's eyes. It was true. She had to leave in a couple of days to Kyoto. She had tried to invite Kagome numerous times to come with her, but Kagome always refused. She would always answer with a smile and would say that she would only be intruding. Sango could only imagine what Kagome must be going through. Losing her entire family at a very young age, and having to work endlessly to keep herself alive. Being lonely, without even knowing what a kiss or a hug from a boy is.

Sango was snapped out of her thoughts when the waitress came and brought their hamburgers and fries. Sango thanked the young girl she recognized from school and gave her a tip. The girl bowed to Sango and left to deliver food elsewhere. Sango turned her head towards Kagome to find that she had already eaten half of her lunch. Sango smiled brightly at her friend's childish behavior and began eating her own food.

"So, Since you got me a present, why not take a moment and open it?"

Kagome nodded happily and handed Sango the parcel. Sango opened it slowly and nearly dropped the object inside. "KAGOME! I couldn't possibly- no. Take it back."

Kagome shook her head. "No it's yours, I would like you to have it!"

"Kagome, I really can't take's..." Sango looked over the medium sized canvas in her hands. The painting portrayed a young girl, about the age of eleven or twelve. She had wavy, waist length, raven hair with porcelain colored skin. She was about a foot or two above the snow covered ground, white wings spreading around her. Her naked body was pointing towards the horizon, where from there, you could see that everything was green and blooming. Like Spring. Sango thought, amazed by the beauty of the painting. Why is she trying to run away from winter.

Sango set her question aside for another time when her thoughts were interrupted by Kagome's nervous voice. "Do you like it? If you don’t, I could always get you something else." Sango stared disbelievingly at Kagome. How could anybody not like this. They would be nuts! "Kagome I lo-"

"I mean, I may not have much money, but I am sure I could find something that would suit your taste."

"Kagome, I really li-"

"Maybe I could paint something el-."


Kagome closed her mouth immediately and looked at Sango. "Kagome, I really, REALLY like this painting! It's beautiful. I don't think anyone could dislike such a beautiful painting. I was just amazed at first, that’s all."

Kagome cocked her head to the side and smiled genuinely at Sango. "I am glad you like it."

Sango smiled and began eating her semi cold lunch. "By the way dear Sango, don't forget that I am still waiting on as to why you were sucking up to me this morning." Sango froze immediately and gulped her food down loudly. "I uh, well, you see...there’s a funny story about that."

Kagome's features visibly hardened. "Sango, what did you do?"

" Well, I kinda, uh, signedyouupforarealityshowcalledmostwantedbachelorswhereyoutrytowintheheart sofoneofthemenontheshow."

"Wait, stop, rewind, and speak slowly."

Sango let out a shaky breath a began speaking slower this time. "Well I kinda signed you up for a reality show called, "Most Wanted Bachelors," where you try to win the hearts of one of the many eligible bachelors of Tokyo."

Kagome stared incrediously at Sango and screamed, "SANGO! WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU DO THAT!?"

Sango whispered nervously, "Well I figured, since you never have had a boyfriend before, and you have nothing else to do, why not give it a try."

"Sango, my relationship with someone is completely up to me and not some stupid show."Sango sighed softly and looked pleadingly at Kagome, "Please Kagome, I am sick of seeing you so lonely and depressed every Christmas. I really want you to have someone that will heal your open wounds." "Besides, chances that you could get picked are a million to one."

Kagome sighed loudly and smiled at Sango, "Alright Sango, I'll do it, after all, what are the chances that I will get picked?"



"I can't believe I got picked."

A/N: Well there you have it for chapter one. The reason I wanted to dedicate this entire chapter to Kagome and Sango was because I wanted the readers to be able to understand a little bit more about Kagome and her background. Anyways I really hope that you enjoyed this chapter and I am looking forward to hearing the review responses from you guys! Happy reading everyone!