InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Most Wanted Bachelors ❯ Chapter 001 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Well I just wanted to thank all those of you who sent feedbacks! They were all absolutely wonderful and made me incredibly happy! I particularly enjoyed reading the review from serasvictoria666 /u/1061915/. You have made me incredibly happy with your comment! Thanks a bunch :D! Anyways I hope that you all enjoy this next chapter of "Most Wanted Bachelors!" Happy Reading!

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the Inuyasha characters. This is a non profit fan fiction made for the sole purpose of entertainment.


Most Wanted Bachelors
by: xxbabykagomexx


"Well I kinda signed you up for a reality show called, "Most Wanted Bachelors," where you try to win the hearts of one of the many eligible bachelors of Tokyo."


"Well I figured, since you never have had a boyfriend before, and you have nothing else to do, why not give it a try."

"Alright Sango, I'll do it, after all, what are the chances that I will get picked?"

"I can't believe I got picked."

Chapter 1

"I can't believe I got picked." Kagome grumbled under her breath. She cursed all the lords from above who bestowed her with this "wonderful" gift. She continued packing her garments into her backpack miserably, homicide plans for a certain brunette forming in her head. Kagome sighed, realizing that she in fact, had only 3 outfits. Hardly enough to be on national tv. They weren’t even fit to be in the presence of some of the most powerful and richest men in Asia. "What am I going to do now?" Tears welled up in her eyes, her back slowly sliding down the wall until her rear touched the floor. "What am I going to do now mom?!"

Kagome let out a mourning cry as she realized that no one could hear her cries. No one ever would. She immediately wiped her tears and ran into her kitchen, grabbing a cutting knife. She held it to her heart and sang softly, "Spring is coming, snow is leaving." Kagome plunged the knife towards her heart when-.


Kagome stopped in midair and looked towards the source of the sound. Buyo sat lazily on the counter, genuine concern in the cat's eyes. Kagome smiled down at the cat and set the knife down. Kagome picked up Buyo with a bit of struggle and petted him lovingly. "Well, maybe someone could hear me. Even if it isn't an actual person."


"Sango, Please! It's only going to be for 16 weeks!" Kagome cried as she tried her best to pry the groveling Sango off her arm.

"But Kagome! Sixteen weeks equals four months! A few more weeks and you get half a year!"

"Okay Sango, I get it! It's a going to be a very long time before we see each other again, but please! Can you let go of me!"

"But Kagome! I skipped school just to come and see you off!" Sango whined.

Kagome sighed and was about to speak, when a croaky voice began speaking over the intercom. "Calling all passengers for train 36B, Calling all passengers for train 36B."

"I guess it's time for me to go." Kagome said while giving Sango a sad smile.

Sango gave out a cry before she launched herself to Kagome. Kagome began to rub Sango's back soothingly, before she too, erupted in tears. Kagome and Sango held each other tightly while crying loudly. "I can't believe your actually leaving for so long, I don't think I could take it."

"Last call for passengers from train 36B, Last call for passengers from train 36B." The croaky voice interrupted.

Kagome gave Sango a last squeeze before wiping her tears away. Swinging her backpack over her shoulder, she turned to Sango and spoke reassuringly. "Don't worry, 4 months will go by in a flash. Plus, you'll be seeing me on TV everyday!"

Sango smiled at Kagome while wiping her own tears away. "Your right! And remember, I expect you to bring home a boyfriend that you can spend next Christmas with!"

Kagome gave Sango a wink and a victory sign. "You can count on that!"

Turning around, she began walking when Sango called out to her once more. "WAIT KAGOME!"

Kagome turned towards Sango and looked at expectantly. Sango ran up to Kagome and gave Kagome the large rolling suitcase she held at her side. "What's this?"

"Well I never really got to give you your Christmas present, and well, here it is!"

Kagome dropped her backpack on the ground and zipped the suitcase open. Inside there were many elegant clothes, shoes, jewelry, and hair products. "Sango I don't know what to say, It's as if you answered my prayer. I can't accept this. It must have cost you a lot of money!"

"Please accept it Kagome! I went to the mall this morning to pick up my mother's suit when I heard a beautiful voice in my head, urging me on to get you this."

Kagome looked at the things for a moment before smiling and thanking Sango. Thank you, Oka-san. Kagome slung her backpack over her shoulder before giving Sango one last hug. "Thank you Sango, I don't think I could ever live without you."

"Don't worry, I am sure you would be able to."

"Train 36B will departing in 5 minutes, Train 36B will be departing in 5 minutes."

Sango smiled at Kagome and pushed her towards the awaiting train. "Now go and I wish you good luck!"

Kagome smiled and began jogging towards the train. She stopped by opening of the train before turning once more and giving Sango a wave. Sango waved back, silent tears rolling down her face. Kagome turned towards the train once more and climbed in. She looked at her ticket, and found that her seat was in first class. "Well I am certainly not used to this." Kagome smiled as she sat in one of the cushiony seats by the window.

As soon as she sat down, the train began departing. Kagome felt a sudden bolt a nervousness as she remembered something.

Sango was beginning to walk home when she remembered something.

"Shit. She's afraid of trains."
A/N: Well I decided to cut this chapter into two chapters because it was long. And well to be blunt, I hate long chapters. But don't worry. I'll put chapter 2 tomorrow, so it doesn't really matter. I am sorry if I bore you with such a long chapter about Sango and Kagome's relationship, but it is quite significant to some of the future chapters to come. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it! I look forward to reading those lonnnnng lovely review of yours! (hint hint). Happy Reading!