InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Most Wanted Bachelors ❯ Chapter 002 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: I just wanted to thank all of you who sent me some reviews! Each and everyone of you made me bounce with joy! Im glad that the majority of you found that the fact that Kagome is scared of trains, funny. It was intended to be funny LOL. Anyways, enough of my worthless speech and I hope you enjoy this next chapter! Happy Reading!

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the Inuyasha characters. This is a non-profit fanfiction, made for the sole purpose of entertainment.

Summary: Kagome is signed up by her best friend into a reality show called, "Most Wanted Bachelor." There she will compete to try to win the hearts of one of the most Eligible bachelors in Tokyo: Sesshoumaru. From the creator that brought you "Big Fat Love", "Unforgettable Truths", and "When White Doves Cry", brings to you a comical and heartwarming story of love, tradegy, and betrayal.

Most Wanted Bachelors
by: xxbabykagomexx

"Spring is coming, snow is leaving."

"Well, maybe someone could hear me. Even if it isn't an actual person."

"Calling all passengers for train 36B, Calling all passengers for train 36B."

"Well I never really got to give you your Christmas present, and well, here it is!"

"Thank you Sango, I don't think I could ever live without you."

"Don't worry, I am sure you would be able to."

"Well I am certainly not used to this."

"Shit. She's afraid of trains."


Kagome sped out of the train, nearly forgetting her bag. She threw her luggage onto a nearby bench and leaned against it for support. She began heaving in and out loudly, people coming out of the train giving her dirty looks. Kagome fell down on her knees and put her cheek against the concrete floor. Short shaky breaths came out of her air chapped lips, probably from breathing too fast or too much. "Gosh, I don't think I've ever missed solid ground so much in my life."

Kagome had demanded several times to the stewardesses, to let her see the captain of the train. The stewardess tried to tell Kagome that these type of trains were automatic, and didn't need drivers. Kagome just made a big scene demanding that the train be stopped. She had even gone as far as to wake up everyone from their naps, asking if they had an axe in their luggage so that she could chop down the door that led to the 'captain.' In the end, Kagome ended up huddled under the sink in a dirty old bathroom.

Suddenly, a red blur ran past by her sluggish figure. Kagome felt a small weight being lifted out of her rear jean pocket. Kagome moved her hand to the said area and gasped. "Hey that kid has my wallet!" People passing by continued on their way as if Kagome had not spoken at all. "Selfish bastards..." Kagome muttered while getting up. She looked around and spotted a man on a bike, obviously waiting for someone. Why he was riding a bike in a train station? Kagome didn't know. All she knew was she was going to need to borrow that bike or else she wont be able to get on the show. Why do I even care? Oh yeah, that’s right. Because of Sango. Sango's voice ringing in her mind, And remember, I expect you to bring home a boyfriend that you can spend next Christmas with!

Kagome sighed and ran over to the man. She asked him if she could borrow his bike, and without even letting him answer, she took off. Kagome sped through the people walking around her. She let out a frustrated yell as her feet pumped faster on the petals. Finally she spotted the red head several yards away. He looked to be about the age of eleven or twelve. He had light red hair pulled up in a pony tail and wide green eyes. The boy finally took notice of Kagome speeding towards him. Startled by her speed, he jumped and began running.

"Come here you little brat!" Kagome yelled as her feet pumped away on the petals.

"No!" The red haired boy yelled back in defiance.

Kagome began slowing her pace, soft pants coming out of her chapped lips. She was beginning to feel weak, not eating much must be catching up to her. ..And remember...I expect you to bring home a boyfriend that you can spend next Christmas with! Kagome felt her energy draining fast, her pace on the bike becoming even slower. The boy was beginning to get away from her field of vision. Christmas ... Kagome's back straightened as she looked straight ahead with renewed determination. I will keep my promise Sango. I will not be lonely any longer. Kagome pumped harder on the petals. Everything around her becoming blurs of colors. Spring will come!

As Kagome got nearer to the boy, she noticed he was wearing a dirty brown t-shirt, its original color probably white. He was wearing soiled jeans with shoes that seemed to have a hole everywhere you looked. Kagome suddenly felt sorry for the kid. Was this what led him to steal her wallet? Of course it was.

Suddenly, instead of her dodging people, they all spread apart when she came forward. Kagome looked them with a confused look, when someone from the crowd yelled. "Look out!" Kagome looked in front of her. Her eyes widened as she realized that she was heading towards a five-foot wide, brick wall. She jumped off the bike before colliding with the wall. She landed on her rear, and without a second glance back, she began running once more.

She was deadly close to boy when he gave a sudden leap. He attempted to jump over the train tracks to land on the other side of the train station, but instead fell halfway on the tracks. He tried running away but to his disappointment, the end of his pant leg got stuck on one of the metal clinks on the tracks. Suddenly a loud horn was heard as Kagome turned her head towards the sound. Her eyes widened as a rapidly approaching train was coming in from one of the tunnels.

The young boy gave a panicking glance towards that train and back to Kagome. He tried his best to remove his pant leg from the tracks, but no avail. Kagome let out a cry as tears began falling from her eyes, genuinely worried for the boy's life. She looked in panic towards the train once more to notice it was getting dangerously close to the boy. Leaping down to the train tracks, she scooped the boy into her arms and struggled to free him from the train tracks. Kagome let out a frightened cry as she glanced at the train getting closer, its headlights blinding the both of them.

Kagome pulled as hard as she could, the boys pants ripping. Kagome made clumsy leap over to the other side of the train station. Her bottom half was hanging off the edge. She pushed the boy on the safe platform and prepared for the worst. I guess this is it...this is how I am going to a train no ironic. Fat tears began leaking from the boy's eyes as he let out a mournful cry. He began struggling to bring out Kagome from the danger zone. Kagome's hands began slipping away from his smaller ones.

The world to Kagome seemed to be as if it was playing out in slow motion. In the last critical seconds, Kagome felt her hand slipping away completely from the boy, the blaring white lights of the train blinding her completely. All she saw was the red-hair boy screaming out to her, with a scared and panicked look on his face. Loud screeching sounds filled Kagome's ears. She closed her eyes as she felt herself falling freely in the air. Out of the white abyss from above, Kagome watched as two delicate pale hands, reached out for her. The hands grabbed Kagome's shoulders, lifting her up from danger in an upward fashion.

Time seemed to speed up once more as Kagome was pulled out of danger. The train nearly taking away one of her legs as she felt herself falling on top of a hard body. Kagome raised her eyes to the person she was laying on top of. A soft gasp escaped her lips when her eyes landed on the man. Th-thump, Th-thump. Blank amber irises stared down at her with a barely noticeable hint of concern in them. The man's amazingly pale skin glowed in an ethereal manner. Th-thump, Th-thump. His flawless white-silver hair was spread around his body like a opened fan. Th-thump, Th-thump. Kagome felt herself become dizzy as her entire chest was becoming warm. This man couldn't be a human, it's just not possible...

"An angel..." Kagome whispered softly before she was consumed by still darkness.


Sesshoumaru Taisho cursed his personal driver, Miroku, for being so late. He had arrived from Osaka about three hours ago. He was suppose to be preparing for the beginning of the damn show his younger brother, Inuyasha, made him participate in. Inuyasha said something about him becoming an old fart, and needing to simmer down his arrogance a bit. Even if he is only twenty-three years old. He says that, that is the reason why he can't keep a woman for more than two weeks.

Sesshoumaru laughed humorlessly at that. Right. The real reason why he couldn't keep a woman for more than two weeks was because he got bored of them too quickly. They were all just..what do you call it? Shallow. That was the right word. Shallow, power-hungry, and of course, wanted to get into his bed. Sesshoumaru smirked arrogantly at that. Of course. He was completely irresistible. He has never come across any other man that could surpass his beauty. Yes beauty. Sesshoumaru was the most beautiful man you could ever meet. It was a miracle that such a lovely young man could stay straight for so long.

Sesshoumaru was suddenly knocked out of his musings when someone bumped into him. The person seemed to be a middle age old man, with a frightened look on his face. He looked once towards Sesshoumaru and scurried away. Sesshoumaru stood there with a scowl on his face. How dare that worthless man bump into me and not apologize. Sesshoumaru looked towards the way the man left, his thought completely set on ripping the mans eyes out of his socket.

A delicate eyebrow raised when his eyes landed on a large crowd. Screaming and crying. Why didn't he notice the crowd before? He walked over to the crowd with curiosity. Sesshoumaru tried to push himself through people. He was beginning to become frustrated when more and more people piled in. Finally he was able to squeeze himself through, his ears ringing with the cries of people. His cold eyes widened a bit when he saw a raven haired girl pushing a young boy on the platform. The girl and the boy were all the way on the other side of the train station, making it impossible for anyone to help them.

The girl's bottom half was hanging of the edge of the platform, while the boy was attempting to pull her up. The girl's hands were beginning to slip away from the younger boy's smaller ones. A sudden fire lit in Sesshoumaru's stomach. As if on automatic pilot, Sesshoumaru sprang to action and leaped over the train tracks, the train's headlights nearly blinding him. He landed gracefully on one knee and foot. He stood up quickly and turned towards the girl. He pushed the young boy out of the way and, just as the girl was falling, he reached towards her. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up just as the train was about to tear away one of her limbs.

He fell over with a thud, the girl landing on him safely. He felt the adrenaline rushing through him quickly as he felt himself breathing rapidly. He felt the girl shaking with fright. Sesshoumaru looked down at the girl on his chest, his eyes meeting with liquid blue. Th-thump, Th-thump. He felt his heart beginning to speed up a bit. Blue? That’s odd. The girl had wavy raven tresses circling her petite body. Th-thump, Th-thump. Her white skin looked as fragile as porcelain. Her cheeks were tinted pink from exhaustion. Th-thump, Th-thump. Sesshoumaru was highly aware of the rapidly beating heart in his chest. His entire chest was become warm with something unrecognizable.

Sesshoumaru was snapped out of his thoughts, for the second time that day, when the girl whispered something. "An angel.." The girl fell onto Sesshoumaru's chest once more. Sesshoumaru's body instantly froze. The girl had called him an angel?

A sudden applause was heard from the other side of the train station. People all around him where cheering for him. Sesshoumaru stood up with the girl in his arms and looked all around him. Everyone was crying with happiness, even the young boy next to him was clapping, relief written all over his face. Sesshoumaru turned his gaze to the girl once more, the burning in his chest returning. His eyes roamed to her body. How little and fragile it looked in his arms. His eyes went back to face. His calculating eyes observed her every feature. No beauty mark or curve of her face was left un observed. He stared down adoringly to the girl he just saved, never taking his golden eyes off of her.

Slowly, people started to depart, leaving the trio by themselves. Sesshoumaru looked down to the boy. The boy 'eeped' and looked down at his shoes. If you could call them that. Sesshoumaru's baritone voice echoed through the platform. "What is her name?" The boy jumped at the question and stuttered softly. "I-I do-don't kno-know who she-she is.."

A delicate eyebrow was raised. "You don't know who she is?" The boy shook his head rapidly.

The girl risked her life to save someone she did not know? "Interesting."

The boy's shaky voice reached his ears once more. "Shou-shouldn't we s-set her d-down s-somewhere?

Sesshoumaru looked towards the girl once more. "Indeed."

Sesshoumaru and the boy sat on a bench, the girl laying down next to him. The young boy had led Sesshoumaru through the train station, taking him to where her luggage sat, unattended. It had been 30 minutes since the whole incident, and the girl had yet to wake up. Sesshoumaru snapped his gaze towards the boy next to him when he heard a sigh.

"What is it?" Sesshoumaru asked nonchalantly.

The boy looked down dejectedly to his hands on his lap, another sigh escaping his lips. "It's just that I don't understand."

Sesshoumaru raised his slender brow. "Understand what?"

The young boy's bangs covered face, shadowing his eyes. His small shoulders beginning to shake. "I just don't understand that after I stole her wallet, she jumped down to save me."

Sesshoumaru turned his head completely towards the boy, staringly at him with interest.

"She didn't turn her head in disgust and leave me! Instead she jumped down on the tracks and held me tightly, telling me everything was going to be ok!" The boy exclaimed, crystallized tears dropping from his shadowed eyes.

Sesshoumaru looked confused for the slightest second but then realized what he was talking about. The way the boy is dressed. Nothing but rags.

The boy made fists in his lap, yelling out. "WHY COULDN'T SHE JUST LET ME DIE! WHY DID SHE-"

"Why did I save you?" a small voice rang next to Sesshoumaru. It sounded like a beautiful melody in Sesshoumaru's ears. The boy immediately seized shaking as his eyes came back into view.

The girl lifted herself up on one elbow and reached across Sesshoumaru's lap. Not even noticing Sesshoumaru was there. Her fragile fingers shook as she touched the boy's face, touching away the boy's tears with her fingertips. "Because everyone deserves another chance." Sesshoumaru's eyes widened at her words. How could a girl be so understanding, so selfless, so.....


The girl collapsed on Sesshoumaru's lap, darkness consuming her for the second time that day. The red haired boy seemed to be frozen in place by her words. His fingers tracing the spot Kagome touched.

Ring Ring

Sesshoumaru looked around him. What was that?

Ring Ring

He felt the vibration in his suit's pocket. Oh right. Miroku
Sesshoumaru reached for his pocket and flipped open his cellular phone. "Your late." Sesshoumaru spoke coldly.

"Sorry boss, there was a bit of traffic."

"Well get your lecherous arse over here!"

"Already here, waiting at the entrance actually."

"Fine, I will be there soon."

Sesshoumaru closed his phone and put it back in its place. He looked towards Kagome, reluctant to leave. Of course, he wouldn't show it. "I have to go, can you stay with her until she wakes up." Sesshoumaru said, never taking his eyes off of her.

The boy nodded rapidly, but then realized that the older man wouldn't be able to see it. "Sure thing!"

Sesshoumaru nodded and took Kagome's head off of his lap gently. He set her head down on the bench as he was standing up. Looking at her once more, he nodded towards the boy before turning and disappearing in a crowd of people.

The boy sat down and looked towards Kagome, "How long can it take for a girl to wake up?"



"Almost three damn hours and the girl hasn't woken up!"

Suddenly the boy heard a groan next to him. The boy jumped and looked happily towards her. She turned to lay on her side and began snoring.

The boy sat back down and put his face in his hands. "What have I gotten myself into!?"



Kagome shot up from her laying position, sticking her hand out to the boy.

"So, where's my wallet?"


So there you have it! An extra long chapter for all of you who wanted it. This is also where Sesshy made his entrance. Anyways, until next time...Happy Reading!