InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moth to a Flame ❯ Lies ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kohaku! Don't leave me!” Sango screamed out in her heavy slumber, tossing and turning viciously in a crazy panic that left her completely mortified. Her heart was constantly beating out of her chest, and beads of sweat were already tearing down her face, at the quick speed.
“ Finally home…” Kohaku signed grabbing the rusty key from his pocket, feeling the left over change and vaguely remembering the scare of his life, that still was fresh in his mind. He felt like he had a near death experience; feeling for that moment he died, and remembering all the fear, and the fact he had a second chance.
The streets were completely empty, and wet with all the downpour of rain. Only sounds from crows were heard in the distance, laughing and almost mocking like. He finally, had the door half way open hesitating whether or not he really wanted to step in and take the chance of getting caught. His neck was burning, almost like it was burning a huge hole right through him. His hands gently touched the open sore, realizing now how noticeable and how raw it was. “ Damn.. I should find something to cover this up.. Last thing I need is to be questioned on how I got it…” Kohaku bitterly thought to himself, slowly shutting the door that creaked with his every move.
He realized everyone was asleep. The house looked as though nobody had been home for years. He just observed his surroundings, noticing the stitched blanket laying on the couch, and noticing the green light that only came from the kitchen stove clock. He expected Sango to be waiting there patiently at the small coffee table, flicking on a light as though he had stepped into the spotlight. He imagined her glaring at him hatefully, integrating with every single question that she had in the back in her mind. Instead, there was no trace of her; something that amazed him. He noticed the single white mug laying there with the a ring like stain, from the coffee that his mother had earlier on. “ Surprised that Sango wouldn't come in here and bitch at me. That's a first.” Kohaku laughed to himself, knowing usually if anyone would stick him in his place, it would be his sister, Sango.
He managed to get himself quietly to the main floor, struggling to keep the floorboards from creaking underneath his weight. His one foot stepped into her room in curiosity, seeing her hand underneath the pillow, and her blankets all wrapped as though they were trying to strangle her. “ There's gotta be something she has to cover scars. Wait.. her make-up bag!” Kohaku feeling it just striking him that her concealer would be the perfect thing to cover up scars. and especially burn marks.
He gently placed on foot on the lush carpet, trying to be quiet as possible. He was amazed by all the stuff she had stacked on her dressers, especially the awards that hung proudly on her wall. He took a second glance at the top awards she had gotten for self-defense, and the huge red boxing gloves hanging from the side of her mirror proved that she was a strong fighter, and meant exactly what she said. He glanced at Sango with eyes of sadness, when he grasped the white note that laid against her digital clock.
Well I'm sorry we couldn't find your brother. I know we looked all over for him. You looked pretty exhausted anyways, so I brought you home. I wouldn't worry too much Sango, after all, Kohaku will be likely back in his bed by the time you awake. Don't feel sorry for calling me late last night. You know I'd do anything for you. I'll call you tomorrow and check if you want to do some things I have in mind…
Love, Miroku
Kohaku stared at the note longer, reading through every word realizing he did cause quite a huge stir, from what Miroku had written down on the small slip of paper. Usually, he felt sick seeing those little “ love notes” but instead that wasn't the first thing that struck him.. it was the fact his sister went searching for him.. and in a panic. “ I really worried her enough, for her to search for me? Since when did she take the time and effort to search for me?! Usually she comes home and bitches at me. I really need to find money before the weekend ends. No way in hell am I letting her get hurt…” Kohaku whispered to himself, watching his sister in a deep slumber, hearing her soft breathing that startled him.
Kohaku quickly began looking through all her dressers, knowing she had a lot of money and hid the somewhere in her room. He had felt bad enough being a thief, for stealing money but also he needed that money unless, he wanted his face on those milk cartons and his sister raped and killed in a blink of an eye. “ God, she has enough clothes!” Kohaku thought seeing her thick pink sweaters, and her gym like clothing that he kept seeing in all different doors. His eyes widen when he realized she had hid her money simply underneath in a small storage place, in the back of her dresser. He carefully pulled the money out, realizing he had enough twenty stacked in his hands knowing he'd need it all. “ There's at least 200 dollars here! It's exactly what I need..and exactly I'm going to take. Until, I get enough money to pay her back.. sorry Sango, but I need this more than you do.” Kohaku thought grabbing her thing of consealer placing a small dab on his neck, slowly shutting the door until his eyes opened wide.
Kohaku! You asshole!” Sango screamed, feeling now it was the time to transform totally bitchy seeing him even being in his room without waking her up was enough to send her flying through the rooftop. Kohaku could see her violet eyes glaring at him so strongly, and hatefully afraid he had already been caught in the act for stealing the money. Sango swiftly grasped him by the collar, threatening him with the look of her eyes.
I can't believe you! Do you know how much hell I went through because of you being late?! I don't think you realize the harm of this whole picture! You didn't just get me all worried.. oh hell no.. You got all of us in a panic.. mom, me, and especially Miroku! You made me call him up in the middle of the night, to go searching for you! You may not think it's a big deal, but you could of at least called or something! Next time he comes your apologizing to him. How would you like it, if I didn't come home the one day!?”
Kohaku could see her neck straining, her hands flying in the air seeing as though she was awaiting for this moment to explode on him. Sango's grip tightened, leaving him to straighten up and having his sister's face pressing up against his. “ I'd feel completely bad…” Sango smacked her hand away, leaving him to back away and hiding the money he stole, stashing it into his pocket. “ Exactly. I've been pretty good with you being late Kohaku. I've covered your butt a lot. But.. tell me.. just tell me why were you so late?”
Sango crossed her legs on her bed, with her fully awake and motived to hear his story, or his excuse he could come up with on the spot. “ I was out with a few friends Sango! It shouldn't be a big deal…”
Sango eyes narrowed, slowly getting up, entranced by the noticeable mark that stuck out like a sore thumb directly on his neck. Her finger just gently touched it, then looking back at him with a confused look. “ How come you have my consealer on that mark? Where did you get that from?” Kohaku swallowed, touching it gently and staring back at her with barely any confidence. “ I used it.. for the same reason you always have. And not too look pretty either.” Sango knew it was a complete insult, and she knew why else she used it, and she just continued to laugh harder and harder. “ Awww.. Kohaku has as girlfriend. That explains why you were out late but still…That isn't an excuse!”
Kohaku laughed harder, seeing that his sister actually bought his tiny white lie, while she just placed her arm around his shoulder, and digging her knuckles into his head leaving Kohaku blushing at the thought of it. “ Sis! I saw Miroku's note and how you were worried about me. Look I'm sorry. I was being an idiot. I promise I won't do that again.” Kohaku looked at her wide eyed, while Sango's outraged expression grew weak, leaving her embracing her brother for a moment while a smile that grew ear from ear. She smacked him hard in the back, noticing how black hair all tangled and his face basically pale. “ Hopefully I can believe you this time Kohaku. I want to believe you….Just prove me wrong…
Kohaku laughed harder, placing a wide smile on his face making his sister believe his word, that just made her laugh as well letting herself believe him this one last time. Sota slowly stepped towards the door to get out of her room, while she threw herself on the edge of the bed in deep thought. “ Kohaku..I know you don't want me to hold your hand and everything I can understand. Sometimes I act like mom don't I? Look your right, this is all your own decisions not mine. I'm just trying to be a sister to you, and maybe I'm doing this the wrong way. I just care about you a lot and I don't want you to do the same things I use to do. You remember how scary that was for me don't you? I know you'll do bad things but I use want you overall to be ok. Just keep in mind I'll be here for you whenever, and I promise I won't hold your hand anymore.” Sango looked down, playing with her red good luck bracelet feeling like an idiot about the speech she was making, but bleeding her heart out to prove to Kohaku how she truly felt. The last thing she wanted to see was for him to go down the wrong path, and that's what she truly worried about. Whether she took his word or not, the worry still ate her up.
Kohaku saw her head was staring at the ground, remembering her past and gave a cheerful smile towards her before he headed out the door. “ Thanks Sango. I know what I'm doing believe me. I know when I need you I'll come to you. Good night Sango.” Kohaku smiled, a smile that was completely fake that was already turning his stomach for even making a white lie to his sister when they were always truthful to each other. He just looked at his sister in pity, imagining the dull expression she would have if that guy ever gotten her and that's what scared him the most. “ Goodnight Kohaku…..”
Sango just quietly rolled over on her back, staring straight at her sky light that was directly above her, seeing the stars at their best and brightest that brought her alittle bit of comfort. She just grabbed Miroku's note reading it over, while her eyes lit up in delight as though she saw his face. “ I was lucky to have them to believe in me, when the tough times came didn't I? They pushed through for me, and has never backed down either. I should give my brother the same respect to do things on his own. I'm all worried about my past, and I just don't want to see the same in Kohaku. Maybe it's time to stop my worrying, and let things happen on it's own.