InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mother's Love ❯ Chap 2: The funeral ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Her mother's wake was almost unbearable. Every one her mother knew was there, and crying. Kagome never did well around other's who were crying. Often she would start sobbing herself. But for this one moment she had to be strong. She knew deep down that her mother didn't want her to cry but to live her life as she always did.

No one understood what she was going through no one. They didn't have to live with the guilt of barely even seeing her. Sure they had they had their own lives but at least they would stop what they were doing to come and visit the shrine and come and talk to her mother.

Kagome didn't do that. She didn't take time off of school, or time off of her adventure to visit with her mom.

Kagome slowly crept up to her mother's casket. The funeral and wake were to be preformed on basic American terms. Her mother had wanted her funeral to be the same as her husband's had. It was closed to the wake because her grandpa requested a closed casket wake and funeral. Deep down, she was glad that it was requested. But at the same time she felt week, like she was running away from her mother. Kagome tilted her head on to the casket as if she were listening for any signs of life.

In reality she wasn't. She was tilting her head across her mother's casket as she used to tilt her head and lean against her mother's shoulder. Another silent tear ran down her cheek but she didn't burst into sobs as Sota did. Or cry proudly like her grandfather. She silently wept.

Everyone who was present wore black. True it was strange to see her brother and grandfather adorned in black seeing at they both usually wore brighter colors. Not that it mattered.

Kagome closed her eyes and gathered her strength from with in. "What should I do mom? Should I stay? And help grandpa with the shrine? Or should I go back to the feudal era and continue her adventures with Inuyasha and the others." Nothing seemed to make sense anymore. A couple days making a decision like this would have taken a mere five minutes with no second thought.

But now she was pouring her heart and soul into this decision. She had to make her decision now. She closed her eyes once again and listened to her surrounding.

The first thing she heard was crying. She heard her friends and relatives crying. The second thing she heard was the rain. The rain itself seemed to be mourning her mother's death as well.

Kagome was abruptly brought back to reality when she felt her little brother tugging on her arm. Kagome looked down at her little brother whose eyes were filled with tears. He broke into sobs and he glanced at the casket and Kagome immediately dropped to her knees and pulled him into a tight hug.

She cradled her little brother as he wept in her arms. What else could she do? She had to rely on herself now, she didn't have her mother to fall back on.

~The Next Day~

Kagome sat uncomfortable in between her brother and her grandpa. She tilted her head down allowing her bangs to shadow her face as the funeral began.

Kagome felt tears escape her eyelids as she tried to hold them back. But it was impossible! How would she be able to cope with this?

She closed her eyes in deep thought once again. And silently thought to herself. "Why did she have to leave? …. Couldn't she just have stayed a little longer?

Then something unexpectedly happened she heard someone else's voice. It wasn't hers; it wasn't her mother's was it…. Kikyou's? Was Kikyou trying to tell her something?

Kagome concentrated with all her might until she could hear Kikyou's voice clearly. "She couldn't help it; it was her time to go. It would be selfish to wish her back now. It was her time so just get over it" Kikyou scolded.

Kagome suddenly jolted back to reality. That really was Kikyou?? That really was Kikyou! But why had she reached Kikyou's voice instead of anybody else's?

Kagome pondered quietly to herself as the funeral dragged on. Suddenly everyone stood up at once including Kagome and her close family, as other family and close friends carried the casket down the isle. Kagome slowly walked forward like the others to go to her mother's burial spot, which was located right next to her fathers.


It had been heart breaking watching her mother's casket being lowered into the unforgiving earth. But Kagome dealt with it better then some of the other people.

She was used to death ever sense she first visited the feudal era. She couldn't even count the number of times they had to bury a village that was decimated by Naraku….

Naraku…. He had to be stopped no matter what! But couldn't the others take care of Naraku by themselves? Inuyasha had the Tetsusaiga, Miroku had his wind-tunnel, and Sango had her very sturdy boomerang, not to mention Kirara.

After much thought Kagome finally decided on what she would do about her predicament.


And yet another chapter finished. I have a pretty good Idea on what I am going to be doing for the rest of the fanfic. But that doesn't mean that you can't review ^.~