InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mother's Love ❯ Chap 1: The stormy night ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The black dress fell to the floor as Kagome tried to grasp it off the hanger. Kagome looked at the dress were it laid. It wasn't just any black dress, it was the dress she would be wearing to her mother's funeral.

Time seemed to go by ever more slowly. It seemed to almost stop as Kagome knelt down to pick up the dress. "Mother…. How could you leave me?" Kagome nearly crashed to the floor while trying to pick it up but leaned onto her bed for support.

She couldn't deal with it. She loved her mother to death (Quite literally) and it was just to soon to say good bye. "It looks like it's still storming…" Kagome said to herself lost in thought.

It had been two days, and during those two days Kagome had not seen the sun once. Ever sense the day of the accident the world seemed elapsed in dark days and even darker nights. The unforgiving weather did not help Kagome's coping at all. It seemed that the weather itself was reflecting Kagome's feelings.

Kagome suddenly jumped violently when lightning crashed outside. "Kagome, get a hold of your self for your mothers sake!" Kagome told herself as she slowly walked to the bathroom to change.


"Were the hell was she! It had been four days sense she left and she promised only two!" Inuyasha mumbled to himself as he jumped through the well.

For once he was lenient and actually let her back through the well with out the "sit" command uttered more then once. But he even let her have double the time she promised. What the hell was wrong with her? When Inuyasha finally appeared at the bottom of the well on her side he was "kindly" greeted with thunder.

"Great…" he mumbled to himself as he jumped to the top. First she's gone and now this! Inuyasha quickly sprinted out of the small well shrine and over to Kagome's window. The light was on and he saw a mere shadow of Kagome walking around her room. What the HELL was she DOING?

Inuyasha losing his temper made his way toward the front door and bust through. (Ok maybe not BUST but he opened it very loudly) and he made his way upstairs to Kagome's bedroom.

He opened her door a lot more quietly then the front, (Remembering last time he burst in he was commanded to "sit" a good unnecessary times) Inuyasha slowly crept his way over to Kagome were she was crouched down on her floor next to her bed and was alarmed when he detected the scent of fresh tears radiating from Kagome.

Inuyasha quickened his pace and knelt down beside the broken Miko. Kagome suddenly detecting the presence of Inuyasha quickly looked up at him in shock then quickly tried to wipe her tears away. "Kagome, what's the matter?" Inuyasha questioned while looking down at her.

"I hate it when she cries, she knows that right?" Kagome looked up at Inuyasha and simply stated, "She's gone…. And she's not coming back" by now Kagome was trying to hold back her sobs but it was of no use. Inuyasha silently pondered to himself before asking. "Who's gone?" Silence fell upon the room before Kagome began crying again. "My mom….. she's gone and she's… not coming… back… I didn't even get to say good bye!" Kagome choked in between sobs.

Suddenly memories of Inuyasha's mother came into his head and how painful it had been when he lost her. He felt like it was he who died.

"Inuyasha can you do me a favor?" Inuyasha looked back at Kagome who was starting to calm down. "Huh? Do you want me to leave so then you can have some time alone?" Kagome looked up at Inuyasha with a tear-stained face and nodded slowly, almost painfully.

Slowly Inuyasha stood up, and then slowly made his way toward the window, he opened it half way, letting the sound of thunder and rain pour through into Kagome's Bedroom.

He looked back at his best friend and nodded a brief good-bye before fully opening the window, with his back turned to her he simply stated, "Take as much time as you need here, I won't drag you back" And with that he left closing the window behind him.

He knew what she was going through and knew it wasn't easy for what she was going though. After he left Kagome made her way toward her bed and then collapsed on it. She buried her face into her pillow and started to cry once more.


And that would be Chapter ONE! I still don't know what I am going to do with this fanfic, but I am planning on writing it all the way through. W00t! Well ::Ahem:: REVIEW!