InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mou Ichido Dake ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi-sensei.

Author notes: Sorry if they are OOC. This is my first Inuyasha fic. Sorry if there are any English grammar and spelling mistakes. Gomen ne, minna.


Chapter 3: Taking the road less travelled


When Inuyasha reached the Feudal era, the sun had just risen. With a swift leap, Inuyasha jumped out of the well and began making his way to the Goshinboku.

"Where should I go from here? I can go anywhere now, yet there's nowhere for me to go. Naraku was gone, Miroku and Sango won't be born for another few decades and Kagome cannot remember me. What should I do?" Inuyasha pondered.

As he was walking deeper and deeper into the forest, so lost was he in his thoughts that he did not realize that someone was behind him until he heard the sound of a bow snapping. Years of ingrained reflexes saved him barely from being pierced through the heart but the arrow still managed to hit his shoulder. With a snarled of pain, he gripped the purifying arrow and pull it off swiftly, burning his hands in the process. He twirled around, only to see Kikyou behind him, with another arrow notched.

Meanwhile, Kikyou's eyes widen as the silver haired figure turned around. She expected the youkai to attack her immediately for wounding him yet the youkai stared at her with an unreadable expression. Was she mistaken, or was there a look of hurt on his face. Yet within moments, the features schooled themselves into a mask of indifference. But still, the youkai did not attack. The familiar red robes and long hair caused something in her mind to click.

"You are the boy from yesterday, aren't you?" Kikyou stated coldly. "You are a hanyou."

"So?" Inuyasha countered. His shoulder was bleeding but it was not a major wound since none of the arteries were hit.

"Are you after Shikon no Tama too? Is that why you lingered around this place?"

"No." Inuyasha answered flatly. Kikyou could sense no deception in the boy's words yet something in the way he answered sent vibes of unease through her.

"I told you to stay away already, didn't I?" Kikyou countered. "This place does not welcome your kind."

Inuyasha paused. How many times had he heard that phrase since young. "So? This forest does not belong to you anyway. Who are you to tell me to go?"

"Fine. But if I catch news that you are creating trouble around here, I will not hesitate to exterminate you, understand." Kikyou snapped coldly before she was gone.

Inuyasha was torn. Should he chased after Kikyou or should he just leave? :I shouldn't stay. She would be better off without me. But if I stay near, I can protect the jewel. Then Kikyou won't have to suffer so much. Who knows, perhaps she might have a chance at happiness too.: The idea of relieving the burden of his first love made a small smile crept onto his face. :Kikyou, I don't want you to be so lonely like when I first saw you. I hope that you can find happiness too.:

With that silent resolve, Inuyasha decided to stay near the village and protect the protector of the Shikon no Tama.

Several months passed. Most of the demons attacking the village were all intercepted by Inuyasha. Soon, rumors of an unknown spirit protecting the Tama spread. Some said it was a kami, others claimed it was the spirit of Midoriko. Meanwhile, Kikyou herself was puzzled. The number of youkai attacking the village lessen dramatically. Moreover, she could sometimes sense a familiar youki near her, or a flash of silver and red. Could it be the hanyou?

For Inuyasha, life was as great as it could be. He gets to vent his frustration on those pathetic youkai, sit on his favorite tree without being bothered by Kouga, Naraku or even Sesshomaru. (Though he was quite sure Kouga and Sesshomaru were somewhere around, he never bothered to look for them.) As he was about to doze off, a strange whizzing sound woke him up and he quickly jumped down, narrowly missing the arrow that flew past his head. Inuyasha was getting seriously pissed off.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing, teme?" Inuyasha ranted, feeling extremely grouchy that he could not get to enjoy his afternoon nap.

Kikyou stood out from the shadows. "So it's you who went around killing the demons? I thought you left?"

"Keh!" Inuyasha grunted, "I killed those stupid demons because they were irritating me. Anyway it's none of your business, bitch."

"You are really rude. But what can I expect from an uncivilized hanyou anyway." Kikyou retorted.

Inuyasha bristled. "Hanyou, hanyou. I have a name you know. Stop calling me a hanyou, bitch."

"Fine. Tell me your name. And I will never call you a hanyou again." Kikyou promised. A part of her wondering why she was conversing with a demon and another part of her feeling a strange sense of familiarity at the words that flew past her mouth.

Inuyasha paused. For a second, memories assaulted him. :Kikyou once said that to me too. Before we fell into Naraku's trap. :

Kikyou frowned at the reaction of the hanyou before her. At first he seemed so rude and obnoxious, but now his face became so gentle with a bitter sweet smile playing on his face. The rays of sunlight caught his hair, turning him into a creature of ethereal beauty. Kikyou blushed at her own thoughts, while scolding herself mentally for thinking such things about a demon.

"Inuyasha da."

"Inuyasha..ka?" Kikyou repeated his name, tasting the feel of his name on her lips. Somehow it fits. Inu being dog, and yasha being forest spirit. He seems like a forest spirit to her, wandering around in the company of trees. "My name is Kikyou. Use it and don't call me a bitch again, got it?"

Inuyasha did something really childish right then. He stuck his tongue out at her. Before she could react however, he leapt away, disappearing from sight.

Yet something strange happen from then on. It was as if an unspoken bond form between the two of them. Inuyasha would quietly trailed behind Kikyou, and Kikyou would pretend she does not know he existed. It was a strange and delicate balance, and one which neither wished to break.


Hi people, please read and review. No flames please, they will be used to roast marshmallows. Well, I know it seems as if it's going to be Inu/Kik, but it's not really confirmed yet. I just want to explore the possibilities if Naraku's not going to be formed. I'll try to incorporate all the major characters from the show into the fic, so hopefully Miroku and Sango can make their appearances soon too. Well, either that, or Sesshomaru. Or maybe Kouga? We shall see how where it's gong to go from here. And right now, some scenes are taken from the anime episode 147 - 148 and twisted around to fit the story's purposes. It's the same road, taken twice, with different steps.
