InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mou Ichido Dake ❯ Chapter 5

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi-sensei.

Author notes: Sorry if they are OOC. This is my first Inuyasha fic. Sorry if there are any English grammar and spelling mistakes. Gomen ne, minna.

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Chapter 4: Looking after Chibis


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"Kaede, Kaede, are you there?" Kikyou wandered around their small hut, looking frantically for her small sister.

"Onee-sama, here I am." Kaede quickly ran into the hut shouting.

"Kaede, I need you to do something important for me alright? Remember the pain-numbing plant I showed you yesterday?" Kaede nodded eagerly. "Good. Can you quickly go and retrieve some for me from the forest? Michiko-san is going into labour soon and I forgot to stock up on it. I have to go and look after her now. Can you do this for me, Kaede?"

"Of course, Onee-sama. I will come back quickly." Kikyou shot her little sibling a grateful smile. Sometimes there were just so many things to be done in the village and she don't know if she could handle them all without Kaede helping her.

"Arigatou, Kaede."

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"Plant….plant….plant…..aha there it is." Kaede skipped towards the plant quickly. "It must be this. I remember the heart-shaped leaves."

So engrossed was she in her harvesting of the medicinal plant, Kaede failed to notice the swiftly approaching jaki. When she raised her head up, a scream escaped from her lips as her eyes took in the sight of a centipede youkai approaching her. She quickly took the plants and ran.

"Shikon no Tama…..heheh I will take you hostage and demand the jewel from Kikyou." The Centipede Mistress cackled evilly, her broken body floating swiftly in the air, chasing.

Just as Kaede thought she was going to be done for, a strange voice cried out. "Sankon Tessou." She lifted up her head to see a strange boy dressed in red standing before her, his silver hair flying in the wind.

Kaede was about to state her thanks when she noticed the puppy ears on that man's head. "Youkai!!" she shrieked, turning tail and running again in a random direction.

Inuyasha nearly choked on his laughter. "Hahaha…Kaede-baba's reaction was so funny." He thought to himself even as he chased after the small girl. Stupid girl, did not Kikyou tell her I was harmless? Guess not, he muttered. Why should he expect Kikyou to do that anyway? It's not as if they were very familiar with each other. They barely exchanged ten lines so far.

"Oi, oi, Chibi, don't run!!" Inuyasha cried, leaping at the same time to cover more distance. There were many dangerous animals around in that direction where Kaede ran off and Inuyasha sure does not wish to see harm come to the little girl who helped him so much fifty years later. With his inhuman speed, he caught up with Kaede within moments and held her wrist tightly to stop her from running.

"Oi, Chibi, stop running. I meant you no harm." Inuyasha grumbled.

"Liar! If you hoped to get the Shikon no Tama from my sister through me, you must be dreaming, youkai!!" Kaede screamed, bitting Inuyasha's hand to get him to let her go.

"Oww….you brat!! What the fuck do you think you are doing?" Inuyasha was totally unprepared for the attack and let Kaede go. She immediately turned and ran but another hand caught her wrist.

"Fuck, Chibi, you got a good bite." Inuyasha muttered, staring at his bleeding hand. "I'm not going to get the Shikon no Tama alright? You sister knows me."

"Honto?" Kaede questioned, her big eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"Come on, if I really want to hurt you, you won't stand a chance ok?"

Kaede looked thoughtful. The youkai was right. She won't stand a chance if it really wished to hurt her. Sneaking a look at the youkai whose face was scrunching up as he gingerly examine the bleeding hand, Kaede decided to trust the youkai.

"Gomen, youkai. I should not have bit you. Thanks for saving me just now."

Inuyasha looked at Kaede's face closely, watching for any hints of deception. When he saw the young, yet familiar face was filled with regret and guilt, he let a smile crept over his face. "Alright, you are forgiven, Chibi."

Kaede snorted. "I'm not Chibi. My name is Kaede."

"Fine, Kaede-baba then."

Kaede felt like bashing the youkai's head at that moment, even though it was a foolish and dangerous notion. "I'm not a baba…I'm just a kid. Are you blind youkai?"

Inuyasha laughed. It seems so strange that the old miko who treated him like a child then was being treated like a child now by him. "I'm not a youkai, chibi."

Kaede's eyes narrowed. "You can't be human. Not with those ears."

"I'm a hanyou. Didn't your sister teach you how to sense aura? You should have realize by now that my youki is slightly different from normal youkai."

Kaede lowered her face. "Onee-sama taught me, but some things I don't understand. Some are too advance for me to learn now."

Inuyasha ruffled Kaede's hair. "It's ok Chibi. You are still young anyway."

"I'm not Chibi. I'm Kaede!! Ka-e-de!!"

Inuyasha laughed. "Fine, take your pick. You want me to call you Kaede-baba or Chibi?"

Kaede pouted. "Why can't you call me Kaede? Just Kaede, three syllabus will do anyway."

Inuyasha shrugged. Somewhere though their conversation, he had loosen his grip on Kaede's hand and they were now sitting down on the grass chatting as if they had known each other for a long time. Inuyasha poked at his bleeding hand, trying to see how severe the wound was.

Kaede observed the hanyou sitting opposite her. She had never met a hanyou before. Kikyou-onee sama said that hanyou were rare and often mistreated. Some hanyou can be quite violent but most were kind and shy. The hanyou in front of her now doesn't seem shy but he doesn't seem violent either. He looked like a normal human being, except for those fluffy puppy ears that were twitching now and then. A sudden urge caught hold of Kaede as she stared at those ears, fascinated.

Inuyasha felt unnerved by Kaede's sudden stare, or rather the direction she was staring. Her face took on a curious and dreamy expression, one which he recognized from his travels with Kagome. Kaede opened her mouth but Inuyasha beat her to it.

"Don't say it….Don't even say it." Inuyasha growled.

Unfortunately, the lure of the forbidden was too strong. Kaede opened her mouth all the same anyway.

"Mister hanyou, can I touch your ears?"


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It's the ears. Something about his ears seemed to attract females to him. Inuyasha grumbled as Kaede happily pet the soft fur covering his delicate hearing organ.

"Don't shout into them, got it?" Inuyasha warned, before grudgingly allowed Kaede to climb unto him and feel the soft velvet fur.

"Wow…they are so soft. And they can move." Kaede giggled as she tried to hold still one ear which was twitching madly in her grasp.

Inuyasha sighed. His hand had stopped bleeding but the blood crusted over. "Shouldn't you go back to the village now?"

Kaede froze. "Oh no!!" Inuyasha winced at the high-pitched voice so near his ears. "I forgot to give Onee-sama the medicinal plants!! She's going to be so disappointed in me!!" Kaede's eyes started to tear up at the thought of failing her sister.

Inuyasha started to panic. Tears were bad. Tears by girls were even worse. Inuyasha quickly tried to pacify the small kid who was just short of brawling her eyes out. "Okay okay Chibi. Don't cry okay. Don't cry. I tell you what, I carry you to the outskirt of the village now alright? You'll not be late this way."

"Honto?" Kaede's eyes widen, not believing her luck. A kind-hearted hanyou is willing to send her back?

Inuyasha nodded. "Hold tight Chibi." He instructed as he carried Kaede on his back and began the familiar trip back to the village.



"Kaede! What took you so long? What happened?" Kikyou asked worriedly, even as Kaede handed the herbs to her.

"Gomen onee-sama." Kaede mumbled.

"I'm not angry with you, Kaede-chan. I'm worried for you. Tell me what happen later alright? I have to tend to Michiko-san now." Kikyou hugged her sister tightly and kissed the top of her head softly.

Kaede nodded. She went over to the pouch to wait for her older sister to finish even as she thought over the day's events.

I don't even know his name. Kaede thought. Will I see him again?



Author notes: Well in case you are confused, Inuyasha called Kaede chibi in episode 147 - 148 (A fateful love song before we met). And don't worry, it's not Inu/Kaede. Though the thought is pretty funny and twisted. Lol.

