InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mou Ichido Dake ❯ Chapter 6

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi-sensei.

Author notes: Sorry if they are OOC. This is my first Inuyasha fic. Sorry if there are any English grammar and spelling mistakes. Gomen ne, minna.

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Chapter 5: A Small Talk

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"Inuyasha! Inuyasha, you are here aren't you?" Kikyou shouted into the seemingly empty air, while sitting on the lush green fields. "Why don't you come down?" She invited, guessing that the strange hanyou would be on one of his favored branches. Sometimes, she could have almost swore that Inuyasha behaved more like a cat than a dog.

"Keh! What do you want?" Inuyasha grunted as he landed beside Kikyou.

"Kaede told me what happen already. I just want to say thank you."

Inuyasha flushed uncomfortably. Somehow the events that are happening now are paralleling too closely with what he remembered fifty years ago. Although being in Kikyou's presence brought a small measure of comfort to him, he feared that history might repeat itself again. That was why he tried to distance himself emotionally from Kikyou by acting cold and rude. But he could not help himself, being drawn to the soul that resides within Kikyou. Somewhere along the line, he decided that maybe he just was cursed by the fates.

"It's nothing." Inuyasha replied, dusting himself and preparing to go.

"Matte." Kikyou whispered. "Inuyasha, can I asked you something?"

Inuyasha grunted. "Ya, what?"

"Why do you not desire the Shikon no Tama? You are a hanyou, surely you know that the Shikon no Tama can make you a full youkai?"

Inuyasha sighed. "I know. Would you rather me seek out the jewel from you then?"

"If you do, then I have to kill you. Make no mistakes I will not hesitate to defend the jewel from corruption. But I don't wish to fight you. But I cannot understand your motives, why you do not wish for the jewel."

"And that disturbs you right, Kikyou?" Inuyasha concluded. "If I tell you the reason why I do not wish for the jewel, you won't believe me anyway. I used to desire the jewel very much, to find a place to belong. But someone taught me that true acceptance is not like this. If you really accept someone, you would accept that person totally, flaws and everything. You won't expect that person to change just to suit your tastes." As Inuyasha said this, his hand unconsciously wandered to the prayer beads, his mind floating to a girl who came from the future, who loved him for who he was.

Kikyou's eyes widen at Inuyasha's words. Never would she expect a youkai, or a hanyou to say something like this. Her gaze was drawn to Inuyasha's neck, where the prayer beads reside.

"Those Kotodama beads, those were the works of a Miko. Was she the one who taught you this?"

Inuyasha snapped out of his reverie. "Ya. She was the one who put the necklace on me."

"You were subdued before?" Kikyou rose an eyebrow, finding it hard to believe that Inuyasha would bow to anyone.

Inuyasha blushed. "Well, I tried to kill her. So an older Miko put the necklace on me and asked her to subdue me." He tried to explain things without giving away too many details.

"So you were dangerous. Maybe I should ask this Miko more about you and your character then. Where is she now?"

"You won't find her anymore." Inuyasha whispered, a hint of sadness crept into his eyes unnoticed. "She's gone."

For a moment, Kikyou entertained the possibility that Inuyasha had killed this mysterious Miko. But his tone and his expression seemed to say otherwise. Yet something about the Miko was intriguing. There are few who had the power to create Kotodama beads and she almost knew all of them. Inuyasha's past seemed to be filled with secrets. And suddenly, Kikyou had the urge to want to know them all. But she knew Inuyasha would only be driven away if she pushed on with her questions.

For a moment, silence seemed to filled up the whole place. The breeze gently swayed the tall grass. And Kikyou just sat there, looking at Inuyasha, who fingered the beads. Inuyasha started to rose again, when a voice interrupted him.

"Inuyasha, what do you see when you see me?" Kikyou asked softly, not really expecting an answer.

Inuyasha paused. It was the same question again from fifty years ago. Immediately, his reaction was the same as before. "Huh?"

"I'm a human, but I cannot act as a human. I cannot hesitate, cannot show any weakness for fear of youkai seeing them. You remind me of myself. That was why I couldn't bear the thought of fighting you."

"Don't say that Kikyou. It's not in your character to say that." Inuyasha whispered, feeling like an actor that is rehearsing his lines. He knew Kikyou's reaction to his words, and he knew if he turned back, and saw her lonely expression, he might fall in love with her once more. That was why he froze there, not moving, not daring to turn back.

"Is that so? Indeed that's not in my character, huh?" Kikyou smiled, yet the smile seemed melancholy, resigned and bittersweet at the same time.

Perhaps it was instinct, or perhaps it was fate. But the moment those words leave her lips, Inuyasha was struck by a déjà vu so strong that he automatically turned his body to face Kikyou. And the same expression now gracing Kikyou's face sent something unknown through his heart. He remembered his first reaction upon hearing those words. At that point of time, he lost the will to do bad, to be mischievous. And now, hearing the same words again, he had another epiphany.

:Kikyou, I cannot fall in love with you. Cause my heart now belong to Kagome. But I will help you find your peace. I promise you. :

Kikyou rose up too, brushing the grass stains away from her red hakama. She turned and prepared to leave, cursing her foolishness at spilling her heart to a hanyou whom she don't even know well. Yet a voice stopped her in the tracks.

"Matte, Kikyou." Inuyasha opened his mouth, not daring to believe what he was going to say. "Tomorrow, would you like to come here again?" At Kikyou's disbelieving look, he stammered. "Erm, I would like to give you something tomorrow."

"Really?" Kikyou sounded skeptical. He couldn't blame her, he would be too. But she nodded and left, leaving him with a sense of relief.

But that relief only lasted for three seconds before he slapped himself on the forehead. Where on earth was he going to get Kikyou a present?

:Baka..baka…..Where on Earth am I going to get a present? Cursed my stupid big mouth.:

In the end, Inuyasha could only think of a possession that he owned besides his clothes on his back and the Tessaiga. :Ofukuro's rouge. But where on Earth did I keep it last time? Oh yeah, I buried it at Ofukuro's grave. I guess it's destiny that I give Kikyou that afterall. Keh! :

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