InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mou Ichido Dake ❯ Chapter 7

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi-sensei.

Author notes: Sorry if they are OOC. This is my first Inuyasha fic. Sorry if there are any English grammar and spelling mistakes. Gomen ne, minna.

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Chapter 6: A Family Visit

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"Time passes so quickly eh," Inuyasha muttered to himself, standing on top of a tree gazing at Kikyou who was playing with the children. "Kagome, how I wished you are with me now."

Something about Kikyou always brought Kagome to his mind. The way they act, the way they talk, the way they react to events was seemingly different on the surface. But once in a blue moon, Kikyou would do something that was so Kagome-like that Inuyasha would just freeze there. Sometimes, if he just closed his eyes, he could even pretend that the one laughing there was Kagome, not Kikyou. It nearly drove him nuts.

"Inuyasha, you are there aren't you?" Kikyou looked up, spotting the red-clad hanyou. "Why don't you come down and play with us?"

"Keh!" Inuyasha muttered, quelling the ridiculous longing to be down there. He flushed at the invitation, not really expecting himself to be accepted by the villagers. Yet somehow, after a few months, the villagers got used to the sight of him hanging around the village. The fact that Kikyou and Kaede spoke highly of him helped of cause, since the Miko were highly revered and respected. A sudden pricky pain on his chest snapped him out of his brooding and Inuyasha instinctively slapped his chest, rolling his eyes at the same time.

"Long time no see, Inuyasha-sama!" Myouga the flea barely croaked out, before floating gently onto Inuyasha's outstretched hand.

"Myouga-jiji?" Inuyasha whispered in shock. He truly did not expect to see his retainer here. "What are you doing here?"

Kikyou raised her head up, sensing an unfamiliar youki. Immediately, she shooed the children away and approached Inuyasha, who seemed to be looking down on his palm and muttering to himself.

"Inuyasha, I sensed an unfamiliar youki. What is it?" Kikyou asked, readying her bow at the same time.

Inuyasha looked sheepish. "I don't think you need the bow, Kikyou. You won't be able to shoot this youkai."

Kikyou rose an eyebrow. "Are you underestimating me?"

Inuyasha stretched out his hand, where Myouga lie. "No, it's just that Myouga-jiji is so small that I don't think your arrow can hit him anyway."

Kikyou put down the bow and came over to peer at Inuyasha's hand where the source of youki is coming from. "I think you are right, Inuyasha." She replied sardonically at the strange sight of a flea youkai sucking greedily on Inuyasha's palm.

"Stop that, Myouga-jiji." Inuyasha cried when he felt the small pricking pain again on his palm.

"Sorry Inuyasha-sama. It's just that your blood is so delicious and I haven't had a decent meal since a long time."

Kikyou bite back a laugh. "Seems like the only person in danger here is you, Inuyasha."

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"Nani? Someone is looking for my father's grave?" Inuyasha groaned. He really cannot believe his luck. It doesn't take a genius to know that the person must be his darling brother, Sesshomaru.

Myouga nodded solemnly. "That is why, Inuyasha-sama, I came over to find you. This is a matter of grave importance."

"You mean you escaped right?" Inuyasha sighed. Myouga would always be Myouga, no matter what happened. Besides them, Kikyou and Kaede were sitting quietly, listening to the conversation without interrupting. Kikyou was also boiling some stew for dinner.

"Inuyasha-sama…..How could you say that about me?" Myouga pretended to look hurt.

Kikyou spoke for the first time. "Inuyasha, I don't understand? Why would anyone want the remains of your father?"

Myouga peered at Kikyou, as if seeing her for the first time. "Oh my, a Miko. Inuyasha-sama. Perhaps she could help us." Turning to Kikyou, he replied. "Miko-sama, the reason is because Inuyasha-sama's father is a Taiyoukai. In fact, he is the Lord of the Western Lands. Within his remains was a great treasure hidden, that is the Tessaiga, which can slew hundred youkai at one swing. Unfortunately, no one knows where the grave is."

Inuyasha snorted. "Myouga-jiji, you are really so blind. Can't you see that the sword that I'm holding is Tessaiga?"

Myouga jumped onto Tessaiga's scabbard and whispered, "Oh man. It is really the Tessaiga. How did you get it, Inuyasha-sama?"

Inuyasha fidgeted uncomfortably. "Does it matter? And I can even tell you who is the one looking for Oyaji's grave."

"Who is it?" Kaede, Kikyou and Myouga questioned at the same time.

"It's….."Inuyasha paused, catching a familiar scent in the air. "It's Sesshomaru."

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"Are you sure that this is the correct place, Jaken?" a cold voice asked, sending tingles of fear down the toad demon's spine.

"Hai, Sesshomaru-sama." Jaken croaked out, not daring to speak more for fear of his master's wrath.

:Inuyasha….holding the Fang of our father. There's no mistake about it. The smell of the wind is directing me. This is the smell of Tessaiga: Sesshomaru thought to himself as he walked through the forest calmly. :So we meet again, Inuyasha.:

As he approached the clearing, a red blur suddenly appeared some distance away, only to reveal itself as Inuyasha, holding an untransformed katana in his hand.

"Stand back, Jaken." Sesshoumaru softly commanded.

"Sesshomaru, what are you doing here?" Inuyasha snarled out, trying hard to remember that this Sesshomaru is not the same as the one in his memories.

"Worthless half-breed, need you even asked? I come for the Fang." Sesshomaru stated calmly. "Now, hand it over, or prepare to die."

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