InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mou Ichido Dake ❯ Chapter 8

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi-sensei.

Author notes: Sorry if they are OOC. This is my first Inuyasha fic. Sorry if there are any English grammar and spelling mistakes. Gomen ne, minna.

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Chapter 7: The Fight


Even without looking, Kikyou could also see how strong the stranger's youki was. It swirled around him, in shades of silver and blue, preparing to strike out at the opponent in a split moment. The stranger's name, apparently, was Sesshoumaru.

"Who is he?" Kikyou whispered, not really expecting an answer.

"He is Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha-sama's half brother." Myouga replied, hopping onto Kikyou's shoulder at the same time.

"Half brother?" Kikyou whispered. "So da. He is a full youkai."

Kikyou observed the stranger closer. He shared some superficial resemblance with Inuyasha, both having long silver hair and amber golden eyes. But whereas Inuyasha's features gave him a boyish, innocent charm, Sesshoumaru's features lend him a cold, regal look. Sesshoumaru stood calmly, waiting for Inuyasha to make the first move.

Inuyasha, on the other hand, was frustrated to no end. His brother Sesshomaru was standing there, not moving nor making any other actions after his statement of wanting the fang. Should he attack first? Or should he risk waiting for Sesshomaru to make the first move?

Sesshoumaru's gaze was drawn however, to the Miko standing somewhere behind his younger brother. This is the Miko that guards the Shikon no Tama, he realized. Her spiritual powers were legendary.

"Inuyasha, how fitting it is for you, consorting with humans. Is it that dirty blood of yours attracting you to them? The blood which comes from that pathetic creature you called mother? " Sesshoumaru taunted, knowing his half brother's temper. "Why know them? Why love them? Why protect them?"

Kikyou bristled. This youkai was more arrogant than she first thought. She turned to look at Inuyasha, whose face turned red from anger.

"I won't give you the fang no matter what you say, Sesshoumaru. Oyaji meant it for me and it's mine. For goodness sake, he even hid the portal to his grave in my eye. Can't you just take the hint and give up?"

Sesshoumaru smiled. "So you rather fight huh, half breed? Fine, I shall grant your wish."

In a movement far too swift for human eyes to follow, Sesshoumaru took out his whip of light and strike Inuyasha, sending him flying backwards and crashing onto the floor. Inuyasha quickly stood up and unsheathed the Tessaiga, transforming it into the giant fang.

"Sesshoumaru, even if you get the fang, you also cannot use it. Oyaji placed a barrier on the fang, preventing all youkai from touching it."

"It doesn't matter. Barriers can always be removed. But you, you are not worthy to hold that fang."

Inuyasha sighed. This is bad. If he went all out, Sesshoumaru would surely sense that there is something wrong with the Tessaiga. Yet, he doubted he could survive unscathed against Sesshoumaru if he don't give his best. Either way, things are going to turn ugly.

Sesshoumaru send the whip flying again. Inuyasha managed to snap out of his thoughts in time to parry to blow. However, the whip wound itself against the blade of Tessaiga with Sesshoumaru pulling hard on the other hand. Inuyasha tried to prevent the blade from being jerked out of his hand. Sesshoumaru, sensing Inuyasha's distraction with protecting the sword, used his speed to cover the distance between them and raised his poisonous claw towards Inuyasha.

Inuyasha, seeing the blow at the last minute, barely managed to dodge. Sesshoumaru's claw grazed across his chest, leaving three smoking lines on the fire rat robe. Blood began to seep out from the wounds. Sesshoumaru grinned, a sadistic smile on his face even as he licked his brother's blood from his claws.

Kikyou, however, could not bear to stand there and do nothing anymore. She raised her bow and quickly fire a shot in Sesshoumaru's direction. The purple light of the arrow trailed across the air, creating beautiful sparkles. Yet Sesshoumaru managed to catch the arrow in time and melt the arrow away, leaving Kikyou speechless.

Sesshoumaru, however, was slightly impressed. The woman's arrow had managed to burn his fingers slightly even as he melted it. "Inuyasha, tell her to stop." Sesshoumaru advised. "If you have even a single drop of demon blood within you, you should rather die than to receive aid from a human."

Inuyasha groaned. As if it was not bad enough that Sesshoumaru had to repeat the same actions that he did the last time he fought with him and Kagome, he even had to repeat the same lines. Geez, talking about lack of originality. And Kikyou, she's behaving in the same way as Kagome did. And now, Inuyasha grumbled, I have to repeat the same lines that I said the previous time. What the hell, are the fates screwing me or something?

"Stand back, Kikyou." Inuyasha said, "Sesshoumaru is not the kind of enemy that you can defeat easily."

"You should try to say it in a more convincing manner, little brother." Sesshoumaru commented, amused at the monotonous tone Inuyasha used.

"Fuck you, you even have to control the way I talked?" Inuyasha bite out. "That's it. You are so gonna get it from me." With that, Inuyasha charged towards Sesshoumaru.

"Fool. Where do you think you are aiming?" Sesshoumaru taunted, moving so fast that he was behind Inuyasha in an instant. His whip flew outward, catching Inuyasha by his wrist, fracturing Inuyasha's wrist bone at the same time. Inuyasha swung the sword anyway, heedless of the pain in his wrist and sliced the whip into two.

Sesshoumaru growled, rushing towards Inuyasha. Inuyasha dipped his hand into his blood and cried, "Hijinkessou."

Sesshoumaru dodged all of the attacks at except one, which graze his left cheek. Enraged, he struck Inuyasha across his face, sending Inuyasha flying backward. Sesshoumaru took the opportunity to grab Tessaiga, which was knocked out of Inuyasha's hand during the fight. Kikyou tensed, ready to fire another shot again.

The moment Sesshoumaru's hand touched the fang, white light began to sparkle from the hilt, burning his hand and throwing him off some distance away. Sesshoumaru snarled, angry at being denied his prize and disgusted that what his little brother said is true.

Inuyasha stood up. "I told you, Sesshoumaru. There's no point. You can't use it anyway."

Sesshoumaru turned to face Inuyasha. "If I can't have it, then a worthless half breed should not have it either. Prepare to die, Inuyasha." With that he rushed towards his half brother, hand raised to kill.

Inuyasha, sensing his brother's anger, quickly ran towards Tessaiga at the same time Sesshoumaru was rushing towards him. The relief at holding the hilt of Tessaiga was so great that he forgot his back was exposed to his brother.

"Fool." Sesshoumaru muttered as he plunged his hand through his brother's back. Inuyasha swung the sword at the same time. "Kaze no Kizu!" He screamed, unleashing the attack. When the light disappeared, Sesshoumaru was nowhere to be seen.

Kikyou gasped and rushed towards Inuyasha who sank down to his knees, covered in blood. She quickly rushed over, just in time to see Inuyasha succumbed to darkness.

