InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mou Ichido Dake ❯ Chapter 11

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi-sensei.


Author notes: Sorry if they are OOC. This is my first Inuyasha fic. Sorry if there are any English grammar and spelling mistakes. Gomen ne, minna.


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Chapter 10: Answers About The Past






"What do you mean you remembered?" Inuyasha questioned warily, not really understanding what his brother meant.


Sesshoumaru sighed impatiently. "Are you truly so dense or what? I meant what I said, that I remembered. I remember everything, about your Miko wench, that lecherous monk and that youkai taijiya, that kitsune cub and most of all, I remembered Naraku and that stupid wish you made."


Inuyasha paled. "How can that be possible?" He whispered.


"Apparently, because I was with you while you made that wish, it did not affect me. However, my mind was thrown back to my body of fifty years ago, hence I got my arm back but lost Tokijin. Initially I almost thought I went crazy, suddenly waking up to a world of fifty years ago with strange memories that no one could prove true for me. However, when I heard of a half-demon wielding Tessaiga, I thought that you might prove me right and that everything is not a hallucination."


"You bastard! If you remembered then why did you still come after me for Tessaiga? Why didn't you say anything in the first place?" Inuyasha snarled, feeling like a fool.


"I got to test you, to make sure you are the Inuyasha that I remembered." Sesshoumaru replied coldly.


"So that's why you repeat the same actions and words that were spoken? To mock me?"


"To test you." Sesshoumaru countered.


"What if I cut off your arm again?" Inuyasha taunted, inwardly smiling. Suddenly everything seemed better, now that he was not alone.


Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow. "Do you think you can? I made sure I won't underestimate you this time round."


"Sesshoumaru, I…." Inuyasha started, yet feeling oddly unsure of what he was about to say. "Do you blame me for making that wish?"




Inuyasha nodded, not daring to speak. Somehow, he should have known that his brother would never agree with his desire to turn back time.


Sesshoumaru continued. "I do blame you initially. Because of you I have to relive my life of fifty years ago again. Do you have any idea how wearisome that is? And because of you, Rin is not with me right now. I really want to kill you at first. But then I stopped and think about it and accepted it. Afterall fifty years is nothing to a youkai anyway. But that doesn't mean you are entirely forgiven, little brother."


Inuyasha grinned. "So you want to fight?"


"Of course, but I can tell you now I will definitely win you." Sesshoumaru stated.


"Well, you never know until we fight it out." Inuyasha smirked, readying his claws. Sesshoumaru smirked and repeated the same actions too yet suddenly he stiffened, inhaling a strange scent that the wind suddenly caught up.


Sesshoumaru froze when he realize the scent came from his brother. "Inuyasha? Is that the miko I smelt on you?"


Inuyasha blushed. Sesshoumaru sighed and came over to Inuyasha, clutching him by his arms.


"Do you intend to live out a mortal life with that miko named Kikyou? Is that why you made that wish?"


Inuyasha tried to push Sesshoumaru away but he held on tight. "Of course not! My heart is only for Kagome."


"Then why did you kiss her?"


"It was an accident. I didn't meant for it to happen."


"Listen, little brother. Maybe you don't know the seriousness of the situation here at all. Whatever you do, don't make the Miko fall in love with you."




Sesshoumaru growled in frustration. Does his brother truly not know anything? "Because," he stated slowly, as if speaking to a dim-witted, "She is a Miko who cannot fall in love. If Miko have desires, their heart and soul will be unbalance and their spiritual powers will weaken. Now, Kikyou guards the Shikon no Tama, doesn't she? Do you truly think she could afford such weaknesses? Maybe if she's an ordinary miko, she could renounce her vows. But she is the guardian of the jewel and the most powerful candidate to keep the jewel pure. I don't know about you, but I would advise you to stay away from her to avoid a repetition of Naraku. Or have you forgotten why you were sealed in the beginning?"


Inuyasha paled. "I never intend to make her fall in love with me again. I never want to continue where we left off. But…."


"But you cannot help it right?" Sesshoumaru continued. "It's destiny, the fact that your souls are intertwined. Whether she is Kagome, or Kikyou, you felt something strange in your heart, ne?"


"No." Inuyasha mumbled. "I love Kagome only."


"But Kagome and Kikyou share the same soul."


"The soul is the same but the heart is not." Inuyasha countered. "I love Kagome's heart."


"Whatever you say. But don't you dare make the mistake that you made fifty years ago. I don't want to see you sealed on a stupid tree just because you refuse to heed my warning."


Inuyasha managed a weak grin. "Do you care, Sesshoumaru?"


"Half-breed. Don't be even more of a disgrace than you are right now."


Inuyasha would have continued to say something more but a sudden increase in jaki overwhelmed his senses. "Nani? The village is under attack?" Inuyasha began to sprint in the direction of the village, leaving Sesshoumaru behind wondering if revealing himself to Inuyasha had been a good idea after all.



Meanwhile, Kikyou was walking alone in a deserted path, gazing at the fallen red leaves that decorate the fading sunset.


"Why? Why did I kiss him? Don't tell me…..I'm falling for him?" Kikyou gasped. "I…I can't. I have a duty to the people and the jewel. I can't be falling for a hanyou."


:But if I'm not in love with him, why does it hurt so much to hear him call out that name Kagome? Why should I care?:


Kikyou's mind flew back to three days ago, where Inuyasha mistook her for Kagome and kissed her. For a moment, she felt as if she was in heaven, hearing the declaration of love, until she realized that it was not for her.


It was for Kagome.


At that moment, she felt as if her mind was soaked in agony. It should not have hurt so much, but that was exactly how she felt.








Who was she? Kikyou wondered. Who was this mysterious woman that Inuyasha seemed to love so much? That brought pain and comfort to the hanyou at the same time?


Do I love him?


Suddenly a cold voice broke her out of her musings. "Standing here looking at momiji? Kikyou, it's unbecoming of you?"


Kikyou spun around only to see the Miko Tsubaki standing there. Yet something seemed wrong, her aura mingled with youki. It seemed that Tsubaki had turned to the evil ways and become a black Miko.


"Kikyou. Are you thinking of that filthy half-breed pet of yours? Is that why your spiritual powers are so weak now that you can't even sense my presence?" Tsubaki sneered, a malice grin on her beautiful face.


Kikyou did not say anything. But inside her heart, chaos was reigning.


My powers weaken? Is that why I did not sense Tsubaki?


Tsubaki continued, "Kikyou, you are no longer worthy to be the guardian of the Shikon no Tama now. Hand it over to me." With that she sent her snake youkai servant flying towards Kikyou.


Kikyou's body react instinctively even without her thinking. Her hand spun the bow and infused it with her spiritual energy, sending the snake back into its owner. Tsubaki screamed as the shikigami entered into her.


"Leave." Kikyou coldly commanded. "The Shikon no Tama would not be given to the likes of you."


Tsubaki snarled. "Curse you, Kikyou. Do you really think yourself so powerful? Even now, I have made an alliance with the surrounding youkai to attack the village. Your powers have grown so weak that you didn't even detect them breaking through your protection barrier. You may have win for now, but the Shikon no Tama would be mine."


Kikyou froze. True enough, the sky began to darken and a huge volume of evil energies could be felt. She quickly ran towards the village, heedless of the fallen dark Miko laughing behind her.