InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mountains Never Change ❯ Home Sweet High School...Not. ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Alright, this is my first fic on this site. I used to write on, under the username nutmeg, so if you've seen this story there before, and are wondering why I would repost it here, it's because I am under the age of 18 and my account on there was deleted. So I'm starting fresh here! ^_^ Hope everyone enjoys this fic!
Disclaimer: I don't own shit.
Ayame's bright emerald eyes were glazed over, a blank expression on her face as she stared at the chalkboard that her history teacher was scribbling notes all over. She wasn't reading the words that were being written swiftly, so messy that it was barely readable ((anyone else have a history teacher with writing you can't read?)). She was more interested in the way the white script would appear and stand out on the black surface of the board.
She was sitting at the front of the dim classroom, her teacher believed she paid more attention when she was at the front…as if. When she was sitting at the back she merely amused herself differently, she would instead stare a hole into the back of someone's head. History wasn't a subject that interested her in anyway…she had seen all of history before.
Back to the feudal ages when she had run free with her pack, the wind and leaves blowing through her red hair as she jumped from a mountain ledge, landing in a grassy plain below. Ah yes, Ayame remembered it well. Those had been the days worth living, the only times she had been truly happy.
That was a long time ago though, and now, here she was in the year 2005, modern Tokyo, surrounded by humans…the humans that enslaved so many of her kind.
As the world evolved around them, and humans became bolder by building villages in the demon's territory, she and her pack remained untouched by the civilization and wars that were breaking out all over. She received word that Kouga's pack had been wiped out by the humans, and that Kouga himself had been taken as a slave. Her pack, so enraged by the human's arrogance, had left the safety of the mountains, only to be captured themselves, most of them dying within days of their capture.
Ayame had been on the brink of insanity, knowing she was truly alone on that mountain, and that eventually she too would be enslaved or killed. Which one would be worse? That was the question she had debated over and over, during every lonely night. Certainly she wanted to live, but could she truly live if she wasn't free? No. Came the answer in her mind every time that question arose. She was a wolf demon, and without her freedom, she was nothing.
Too fearful to travel far from her mountain home, Ayame stayed there alone, hunting the prey that had taken shelter there as the humans took over their own territory. She lived like that for 50 years, never aging a day as she was still a demon, even if she lived like a coward.
Soon…the humans came for her.
They had built their towns and cities all over Japan, and now the only place that was yet to be populated was her beloved mountain, the mountain that had watched for centuries as the world grew and changed, yet it had never changed itself. Once the humans had come exploring, she knew she was finished. She would be caught, and forced into slavery of some sort. It was the fate of all demons.
She knew nothing of what other demons had been captured, or what ones may still be alive. She had at first attempted to escape her human captures, it only ever ended in failure, and a world of pain for her. After 21 failed attempts…she gave up all hope. That had been a long time ago though, and that was all behind her.
She was brought out of her thoughts when a paper airplane landed on her desk. Curious, she picked it up, unfolding it carefully and reading the message inside. Her eyes became pained when she read the messy writing.
Demon Whore.
Sighing, she crumpled the note up a bit, dropping it into her bag. Even if she was no longer a slave to humans, she was still hated by them, which was something that would never change for her, or her kind. She was so far, the only demon in her school, and when she had been accepted into Tama High school, no one was happy. After all, these were people that since they were old enough to read, had read stories that spoke of how demons were evil creatures that left nothing but destruction in their wake. This was true for only some demons…Naraku for example. He had been an evil creature that was neither demon, nor human, and yet most of the blame was put on the demon race because of his actions. Ayame didn't expect acceptance from humans, but she did wish for tolerance. There had been another demon at Tama High a few years before she came…the humans had brutally murdered him only a few months into the school year. How did the humans justify their actions? They lied. According to them, the demon had lunged at one of the boys in the change room, attempting to maul him, which Ayame knew for a fact no self respecting demon would do unless they were somehow provoked. Whatever had started the fight, it had ended with the bloodied corpse of a panther demon. The only people in the school who even pretended to tolerate Ayame, were a few select teachers. Yet, some of the staff members didn't care that they were supposed to be the authority of the school, and turned a blind eye to the verbal abuse she tolerated, sometimes even being the root of the abuse itself. For Ayame, being called something such as a demon whore, was a daily occurrence.
Her dulled eyes focused on the dark brown clock that was hanging on the right side of the classroom. The end of the day was the most enjoyable time for her, and it was only 10 minutes away. This brightened her mood, as she tapped her claws against the hard wood of the desk, staring so intently at the clock, she didn't notice her history teacher stalking over to her, a scowl on his wrinkling face.
A loud CLAP could be heard as a ruler connected with the desk's hard surface that Ayame's fingers had been tapping against impatiently for the good part of 5 minutes.
“Ayame</b>” the teacher practically spat out her name. “Care to explain why</b> you've found it necessary to disturb the class with that noise?” his voice was strained as his face twisted the further he got into his sentence.
Ayame stared at him blankly for a moment, before realizing what was going on. “I'm sorry sir…I didn't realize I was doing it. It was a subconscious thing…” she knew no matter how good her explanation was, she would still get in trouble, so she figured she wouldn't waste her time thinking up a good one.
His face had formed a smirk. “Well now I'm subconsciously giving you a detention for your disruption.” He turned on his heel, swiftly walking back to the chalk board and scribbling her name down on it and writing `hour long detention' beside it, the smirk never leaving his face.
Green eyes merely watched the words being written on the board, not paying attention to the content of them. She wouldn't bother arguing like most would, hell, if she did that she was more likely to get a weeks worth of detentions, and that wasn't something she honestly had the time for.
The bell sounded sharply in the classroom, chairs and desks being pushed as the students all attempted to cram out of the classroom at once. Ayame got a few snickers and giggles as the students look at the note on the board about her detention. Standing, Ayame picked up her bag, stalking out of the room slowly, knowing she could be 20 minutes early for detention and still be accused of being late, so why bother rushing? She received a couple of shoves from people as she attempted to open her locker. It took her three times to get the combination right due to the fact that her hand would slip and turn the dial too far every time someone shoved past her. Once the locker finally opened, she put her bag into it, knowing she could just drop by and pick it up after her detention. Shutting her locker, snapping the lock back into place, and giving the dial a good spin to reset it.
Ayame started walking down the hallway, only to stop suddenly, her demon senses picking up the aura of another demon. Where could that be coming from… her eyes closed, and she used nothing but her instinct to follow the aura she was picking up. Her feet carried her down many hallways, up a flight of stairs, through the main lobby of the school, and right into the source of the aura. Her eyes snapped open when she felt her chest connect with something hard, her senses screaming at her to back away, to flee from the impending danger of a stronger demon. Looking up, her eyes met the harsh gold eyes of the demon she had run into, an impassive face the complete opposite of her shocked one. Silver hair framed an angel face, falling down the creatures back.

And I'll leave this chapter off here! ^_^ I bet you all know who the demon she ran into is, ne?