InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mountains Never Change ❯ Peace Out ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Realization dawned on her, she knew this demon. This was none other than Sesshoumaru, Lord of the West. Former lord of the west. she quickly reminded herself. He had most likely lost his title when the human's raided his land. Quickly noticing she was still staring into his eyes, a dangerous thing to do to any sort of canine demon, she quickly bowed her head, eyes shifting to stare at her feet. She didn't want to anger a demon as powerful as Sesshoumaru, knowing it would be the end of her miserable life.
Sesshoumaru's amber eyes intently watched the young demoness in front of him. This had been his first encounter with a demon since his homeland had been invaded, 50 years without contact of any sort with his own kind. Jaken had been killed in the battle for the West; Rin had died of a strange illness before the battle. After the battle, he had been captured, used as a test subject for the filthy humans, and put into slavery. Now, he was no longer a direct slave, but kept on a very tight leash, forced to come to this ridiculous high school, infested with dirty humans. The one thing he hadn't been told, was that there was another demon here. A female wolf demon at that. He believed that the wolf demon tribes had all been wiped out, she must have been one of the few that were taken into slavery, and had actually lived with the lack of freedom. How strange that he hadn't been informed of another demon in close proximity. After all, in the past there had been problems with two demons of different type being schooled together. There had been an incident with an bat demon and a cat demon…both had died as a result. He, himself knew that there would be no hostile actions between him and the wolf, as canines, they had a sense of mutual respect. Plus, the bitch knows her place. he noted, as he watched her head lower to stare at the floor, just like any demon would have been forced to do in the days he was a lord. Ah yes…there would be no problems at all with this one.
Ayame felt his eyes on her, studying her. Perhaps he was thinking back on the past, just like she had recently done. She didn't dare look up without his permission, it was very disrespectful to do so. She may be living in a human's world, but she would never succumb to their level of disrespect for their own kind. She patiently waited for his response to her.
Sesshoumaru noticed she hadn't look up from the ground yet, and he searched his mind for the old customs. Ah, he remembered now. He had yet to grant her the right to raise her eyes, she truly was impressive in her knowledge. A soft growl emanated from his throat, too low for a human to hear, but he knew she would pick it up easily. His clawed hand moved to her head, and lightly rested upon it for a moment, before he gracefully let it fall back to his side. Permission granted.
Her eyes rose, looking into his for a brief moment, giving her head a light nod of understanding towards him. She looked up at the hard clock on the wall behind him, making a soft noise of surprise at the time. “Sesshoumaru-Sama.” she said quickly, in respect, before rushing off. She was late for detention. Shit. she thought as she ripped open the double doors leading into the detention hall, all the pairs of human eyes swerving in her direction, staring intently at the one who had broken the silence. She lowered her head, striding to the nearest unoccupied table there, and sitting in the cheap plastic chair. Hearing the whispers all around her, she knew this was going to be a very long hour.
Sesshoumaru sat in the office of the school, being instructed rudely by a fat principle with a fat round face, about the rules of the school and what was expected of him. Being brought up in royalty, he used to have higher expectations taking a bath than going to this pathetic human school. Why in the name of Kami had he been forced to stoop this low. How his father would scowl at him, seeing him in such a state. Sesshoumaru's hand went up to the black choker around his neck…the sign of his slavery. It had a tracking device in it, so he could never get away from the humans, and they had rigged it, so if he attempted to remove the collar, he would be purified instantly. That had been their way of subduing him and keeping him in line. He couldn't help but wonder where Ayame's restraint was, for every demon alive had one, and not even he knew who could remove them.
The principle's voice had started to bore him, so he merely stood up and stalked out of the office like the superior being he was. As he walked through the main hall, he ignored the looks he was getting from the many humans filing past him swiftly, giving him over-the-shoulder glances, before continuing on their way. No doubt they recognized him as a demon. Though, his markings could have just as easily been mistaken for some of the tattoos he saw the youth of this age sporting proudly, as if it were something to be praised for. Oh yeah, stabbing yourself with an ink covered needle moving at rapid speeds…real fucking smart. Sesshoumaru couldn't grasp the concept of body piercing either. What in the name of kami was the point of stabbing a hole through your lip, or wherever else they did it nowadays. ((Have I made a decent attempt at sounding like my mom when writing this part? Hehe))
As he walked by the now open doors of the detention hall, he saw the young wolf demoness he had met in the hallway. Realization dawned on him…he hadn't personally met her, he wasn't even sure of her name. That had been extremely rude of him, and he couldn't just let his behavior slip by, otherwise she would think him improper. He didn't want anyone, especially a demon, to think he was rude by any standards.
Making up his mind, he walked into the room, long silver hair flowing behind him as he made his way to the table she was sitting at. Realizing she hadn't even noticed his demonic aura approaching him, he waited for her to look up.
Ayame was staring a hole into the table, so deeply entranced at the thoughts running through her mind, she hadn't been paying attention to what was happening around her. This could be a deadly mistake for many demons in this time and age. A time where human's despised them so much, that they would kill, and feel no regret over it. Would anyone notice her if she died? The human authorities didn't seem to care about the slaughter of demons.
Thinking back to rumors she had heard, she remembered someone mentioning a demon organization, one that helped demons escape slavery. She had only ever heard such a thing whispered about once, and if it wasn't for her enhanced hearing, she wouldn't have heard it at all. Did it really exist somewhere? Was there actually someone who could help her?
Emerald orbs shot up from the table, staring for the second time that day, into the golden ones of the one proud Lord Sesshoumaru What is he doing here? She asked herself, knowing he would have no reason to talk to her. Unless…she had offended him, and he was there to kill her. Had she forgotten some demon custom from the feudal ages? She silently prayed to kami that she hadn't, otherwise, she was dead.
She quickly bowed her head, staring once again at the table, her claws folded neatly in her lap, awaiting her fate. She was subconsciously in the submissive position of a demon awaiting death. Her eyes still holding the fire they once had, but it was now subdued, tamed to the point of almost burning out. If she was to die, she wished he would respect a fellow demon enough to do it quickly.
Sesshoumaru was taken by surprise, though his face never showed it, when she suddenly snapped out of her thoughts to look at him, only to suddenly go into a submissive position. He remembered seeing countless demons like that, right before he had killed them?Oh kami…does she think I'm going to kill her? he had no intention of doing such a thing to her. What purpose would it serve to kill off one of the few, if not only, female demons alive?
His clawed hand reached down, his index finger moving under her chin where he could feel her heart beating rapidly, before lifting her chin so she would be forced to look into his eyes. “I mean you no harm.” His passive voice stated. His let his hand fall back to his side, looking at her to see her reaction to him. If he had to spend a few years in school with her, he certainly didn't want her to be afraid of him. It would be uncomfortable for them both, something he had no intention of dealing with.
Ayame was still looking into his eyes, though her heart had stopped beating so frantically, and she wasn't petrified that she was going to have his claws shredding her to pieces at any minute. She wondered want he wanted, if he had not come to kill her. Her eyes narrowed in confusion, what in the hell did this guy want?
Sesshoumaru saw the confusion written on her face, and he quickly explained his reason for intruding on her. “I wanted to apologize because I didn't get a chance to learn your name. It was rude of me.” Normally, he would never apologize, even when he knew he was in the wrong. But now…things were different. She was a demon, and the only one he knew of. He didn't want to make enemies with her, his only possible alliance in this human populated school. Perhaps she could be useful in the future.
Ayame was shocked. The Lord of the West she had heard of would never have admitted to being in the wrong about something. Had humans changed him that much? She didn't believe it, but how could she possibly know what he had gone through? Maybe he had it beaten into him. No one could possibly know what had happened in his life, and who was she to ask? She should be happy that she was even getting a proper introduction.
Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow, she hadn't told him her name. Now she was the one being rude. He felt his ego taking a hit at her refusal to accept his apology. Whipping around on his heel, he sauntered to the doors of the café, ignoring all the looks he was getting, and whispers he heard regarding the “new demon” of the school. Just as he was about to walk out the doors, he heard a soft voice call out.
“Ayame! My name is Ayame!” she had seen him move towards the door, and had been unable to react out of the shock at how fast he turned and left. It dawned on her then, that she had offended him by not telling him her name. She hadn't meant any offence.
Sesshoumaru turned to look back at her, his golden eyes impassive as ever. “Ayame…I believe the translation is Iris, the flower? Well young Ayame of the wolves, I have now properly greeted you in our old customs. As the humans of his century say… Peace out.” And with that he turned and left the detention hall, closing the door with a loud click behind him.
Ayame stared at the place he had walked out of. Did the mighty Lord Sesshoumaru just say `peace out'? she tilted her head to the side, red pigtails brushing her cheeks. Before she could think too much about it, the supervising teacher yelled out that detention was over, and that they should all get their asses home. Ayame received a particularly cruel sneer as she walked out the doors, past the teacher, but she didn't notice. She was too lost in her thoughts.
Walking back up the stairs to the hall that her locker was in, she sharply stopped, sensing a demonic aura close to her. Lifting her head, she saw the form of Sesshoumaru at the locker beside hers, snarling at the lock that he apparently couldn't open. She giggled and walked over to him, opening her own and picking up her bag. Swinging it over her shoulder, she noticed Sesshoumaru had yet to open his own locker, and he looked quite close to tearing the lock off in his frustration.
Giggling lightly, with a shake of her red topped head, she took the paper from his hand that had his combination on it, and moved beside him, twisting the lock with expertise. Spin. Spin. Spin. Snap. The lock opened, leaving a dumbfounded Sesshoumaru to stare after Ayame as she handed him back his paper, and walked towards the stairwell, calling back to him.
“Peace out.”