InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mountains Never Change ❯ The Demons Within ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ayame was fighting her way through the crowd of students that were all piled in the main lobby. “What in the hell is going on?!” she snarled out in frustration as she got shoved backwards for the 5th time by the numerous students. Then her sensitive hearing picked out the words “come on you worthless demon! Think you're so tough?! Fight me!” she shook her head softly He's been here for less than a day…and already he's the cause of a mini riot. Nice. Beats my record of two days. Ayame mused to herself, using a bit of demonic power to shove her way through the crowd. She finally broke through to the front, and saw Sesshoumaru standing in the center, his eyebrow raised slightly in amusement at the 5 human males standing in front of him. Ayame knew better than to get involved unless it was necessary, so she stood by to watch.
Sesshoumaru was quite amused. It had taken a total of 10 minutes for the 5 human males to spot him, and then another 5 minutes for them to build up the nerve to approach him. Humans are such lowly creatures…why does this Sesshoumaru have to be exposed to their imputance? he thought to himself, cursing the people responsible for putting him in this position in the first place. He listened to the humans around him chanting `fight' over and over. It was starting to bother his sensitive hearing, and the smell of body odor emanating off the crowd was nauseating to him. “Could you please hurry up with this? Your disgusting human stench is bothersome.” He drawled out silkily.
One of the guys, a grade 12 with a bad attitude and a hate for the demon race that had killed his family, lunged at Sesshoumaru. The chains that hung off his baggy Ecko Jeans jingled as he launched himself at the dog demon, intent on delivering a devastating blow. His fist lurched out, the sharp ring on his middle finger sparkling, as he attempted to make contact with the emotionless being in front of him.
Sesshoumaru's senses had picked up on the human's motions before they had even been completed. He could hear the slight sound of the chains rattling against eachother. He could smell the hatred pouring off this creature more than any of the others. He could also see the dazzle of the ring as it came towards his face in what seemed like slow motion. Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Sesshoumaru merely side-stepped, causing the human boy to send his fist flying into the crowd. Right into the presence of a demon he hadn't realized was there before. Right into Ayame. Sesshoumaru didn't even have time to react before the human's punch connected with the unaware Ayame's lip.
Ayame let out a sound that could only be described as a howl when she felt the fist of the human come into contact with her lip, causing it to be rammed into one of her canine fangs. Blood spurted from the wound, filling her mouth so it was all she could taste. Her demonic instinct took over her, and she snarled savagely at the boy who had thrown the punch. She looked almost rabid as blood dripped from her mouth, and the whites of her eyes tinted pink.
The human backed away instantly, he hadn't even realized what happened until he found himself staring into the eyes of an enraged wolf demoness. His friends stood behind him, some of them shocked, others afraid, and some were cheering. He may not have hit the demon he aimed for, but he still got one. He grinned back at his friends, not even realizing the pink tinge in Ayame's eyes had turned completely red, and her irises were shrinking. When he did look back up at her, his own eyes widened in fear at what he saw. He did the only thing he knew how to do in a situation such as this, he reached into his back pocket, and pulled out a knife.
Sesshoumaru had fully turned, looking at the young wolf demon as blood spurted from her lip. He hadn't noticed her there. He thought the human would hit one of his own species, not a demon. He noticed Ayame's stance had changed from defensive, to offensive. She was going to change. Her blood lust had been provoked, and her demonic nature was now awakened. He could sense her lethal intents towards this humans, and his mind instantly went back to a time when he had attacked a human. He had been severely punished by means of the damnable collar around his neck. He wasn't sure if Ayame had a restraint on her, but he knew she wouldn't be in a human school if she had a free will. He decided to just sit back and watch, surely she wouldn't be able to cause any damage to this human with a device like he had.
Ayame's blood red eyes stared into the boy's, her fangs lengthened and her claws got their edge back. She felt herself growing taller by a few inches, making her height match that of Sesshoumaru's. Red markings appeared on her face, think lines around her eyes that looked like crimson eyeliner, her lips turned the color of the blood that still seeped from them, and at the center of her neck a star appeared. Her hair grew from it's normal shoulder length, down to her waist, and the pigtails that held it back snapped, unable to confine it's new thickness. Throughout her hair little purple flowers could be seen, giving her a beautiful scent so strong that even a human could faintly pick it up. Her claws had turned a deep red, as if they were painted with nail polish, and violently, she struck out at the human before her with them. Now they were coated with actually blood. His blood.
The boy clutched his throat desperately, as blood spurted out through his fingers. He whipped around, his eyes begging from someone to help him. His eyes were wild with fear. The demoness they had all believed to be harmless had transformed and lashed out at him. He wasn't even sure how this was possible, all demons were supposed to have a restraint on them that kept them from turning violent towards humans. Why was she different?
Sesshoumaru's eyes had widened in supreme shock. Had she struck a human in her demonic form? His eyes had to be playing tricks with him. But no, it was true. She had used her claws to cut deep gashes in his throat, nearly tearing it out. He found himself studying her body in it's natural demon form. She was beautiful. He realized suddenly what her scent was for, the smell of irises was meant to attract a mate. She hadn't been mated 50 years previously? He had been under the impression that she was mated to Kouga, another wolf demon. He snapped himself from his thoughts, he shouldn't care if she had found a mate previously or not, it was none of his concern. He watched her as she approached the frantic human that was backing away from her.
Ayame's eyes were still focused on the human. She stepped past Sesshoumaru, and towards the boy as he ran into the crowd. A snarl erupted from her, that soon turned into a full blown howl. She watched as the people around scattered, running down hallways, attempting to get away from her. Seeing them running only set her instincts to hunt on a rampage. She took off in the direction most of the people had dashed off in, attempting to shred them all with her claws. She was stopped when she felt volts of electricity running through her veins. She let out an ear piercing shriek of agony, and started clawing at her own throat. Her slim frame had started to spasm and she fell to the ground, going into the fetal position as her body was assaulted by the electrical currents flowing through her. “NO MORE!” she shrieked, her voice raspy “MAKE IT STOP!” she felt herself becoming smaller, her markings disappearing, and her claws and fangs shrinking back to their normal size. She was soon reduced to her weaker form, clutching her throat as blood flowed from her lip again, merely conducting the electricity even more. “N-n-no..” she managed to stutter out before she blanked out, her mind registering only blinding white pain.
Sesshoumaru had watched her take off faster than even he could keep up with, and start attacking the humans as they ran from her. He had debated on whether he should chase after Ayame, but then realized that it would only get him in trouble as well. So he stood his ground, then watched as she suddenly stopped in her tracks. She had screamed, and started to shred her own throat. What in the hell is this psycho woman doing? he couldn't understand what was happening to her. She had crumpled to the floor and started screaming like she was in agonizing pain, until she finally blanked out. He faintly heard people running from the main office towards her, their footsteps thundering against the marble floors. He noticed her scent of iris flowers was gone, and now replaced with blood. Her body was jolting even in her unconscious state. He felt someone grab him and attempt to pull him towards the office. He looked over at the face of the fat principal, who's face was red with rage. He allowed himself to be brought there, and pushed down into a chair.
The principal stood there, his eyes focused intently on Sesshoumaru. “What in the hell happened?! Why did she suddenly attack a student?!” he was prying for the truth, wondering why he was now going to be getting dozens of lawsuits against the school because of this incident. “Did she just randomly decide to attack him? Is that what happened?” he was interrogating Sesshoumaru, demanding a confession.
Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow “Do you expect me to answer those questions? You're a lowly human. I will not recount anything for you.” He turned his head dismissively, and looked at the pictures lining the walls of the room.
The principal merely smirked and said “Then I will simply take your lack of cooperation to say that you find Ayame guilty of all the charges that will be laid against her, and deserving of all the punishments that will be brought down upon her. Thank you for your help in this matter.” He looked over as the door was opened and a crying Ayame was brought in. She was still holding her throat, which now had blood pouring in torrents from the shredded artery. The fat man raised himself with effort from the chair he was sitting, and stalked over to Ayame. A harsh smacking noise could be heard, and Ayame was thrown backwards into one of the walls.
Ayame had been brought back to awareness by a harsh kick to her ribs, her history teacher stood over her, and dragged her into the main office. She was crying and holding her neck, attempting to stop the blood that leaked from it. She looked up in time to feel a hand connect with her cheek with enough force to send her into a wall, knocking a few pictures from it. She cried louder, not understanding what was happening. “P..please…It wasn't my fault…he struck out at me first…” she whimpered out.
The principal laughed cruelly and said in a deep raspy voice “You effectively brought hell onto yourself girly. You're going to pay for what you did today. You sent over 25 students to the hospital, and there were 8 fatalities. You're in serious trouble little Ayame. You're just a worthless little demon whore who deserved to be killed long ago when you failed to produce offspring for the lab.” He once again raised his hand, this time it was folded in a fist, he let it fly towards Ayame's delicate face, just before it made contact, it was stopped and held in a iron grip. He looked down at the claws that were so dangerously close to his skin as slim fingers wrapped around his closed fist, magenta stripes could be seen around the wrist of his captor.
Sesshoumaru stood beside the man, his hand wrapped around his entire fist squeezing it. He was dangerously close to transforming himself. He felt protective of this woman. She was hurting, and she was severely distressed. His demon instincts simply told him that he needed to defend her, because she was a female demon, she had no mate to protect her, and she was helpless at the moment. He looked over at Ayame and let out a soft growling noise, not one meant to intimidate her, but one meant to sooth her and cease the sobs that wracked her small form. He tossed the fat man backwards, letting him flip over his own desk while the history teacher who had dragged Ayame in attempted to help him up. Sesshoumaru moved closer to Ayame and gently picked her up, carrying her out of the office with lightning speed, and eventually out of the school. He kept going until he reached his small apartment. He put her down on his couch and sat down beside her. “Calm yourself woman. No one will harm you here.” he looked at her emotionlessly, reacting only on what his inner demon was telling him to do.
Ayame's jade eyes look up at Sesshoumaru, she was still distressed, but her tears were calming and the wound on her throat was already healing itself. She sniffed a few times, before whispering in a broken voice “Thank you for your kindness Sesshoumaru-Sama. I am in your debt.”
Sesshoumaru looked at her, and couldn't help thinking No…I was the reason this happened. I let him strike you and set your inner demon off. I didn't stop you. But I will take this opportunity to make things work my own way… he looked at her and nodded “Then you shall repay your debt to me soon. I will find a proper way for you to do it. Then we shall see where your loyalties lie, wolf.” He stood and say “Go take a shower before you drip blood everywhere.” And with that he stalked off to his own bedroom.
Ayame slowly stood after Sesshoumaru's departure, and after sniffing out the contents of shampoo, she made her way to the bathroom and turned on the water. She stripped and stepped under the warm current of water, letting it wash the blood from her lips, hands, and neck. She looked at herself in a small mirror, staring at her various wounds as they slowly healed before her eyes. She took some shampoo into her hands, and lathered it into her hair. It had the scent of strawberries. She loved strawberries. Some used to grow outside of her cave over 50 years ago. It was the scent that had awakened her to a new day every morning. She sighed contently and let off an almost moaning type noise as the scent overwhelmed her senses, and she felt as if she were home again. Eventually the scent faded as it was washed from her hair, and went down the drain. She smiled softly, turning her head to look at the shower curtain. She let out a tiny gasp of surprise, when she realized it wasn't there anymore, and that she was met with the sight of two golden eyes, with blood red seeping into them. She whimpered, realizing she was looking into the eyes of Sesshoumaru's inner demon. “Sesshoumaru-sama?” she spoke softly, hoping he was still in there. Her hopes were shattered when she felt his hand painfully grab her wrist and start applying pressure.
Sesshoumaru had been in his room, attempting to calm his inner demon down, as it seemed to be in a lust filled rage after seeing Ayame so helpless, defenseless, and mateless. An unmarked female looked like she had a neon sign that said “screw me” to him. He knew he had to get away from her, or he would lose his mind.
Then it hit him. He heard her soft moan-like noise. He smelt the scent of strawberry shampoo, mixed with her natural scent of iris flowers. He felt his eyes bleed red, and stood, running towards the bathroom with unmatched speed, he opened the door, and pulled the curtains apart, only to realize she didn't even see him there. A feral grin appeared on his lips.
He saw her turn, and then gasp. Her gasp made his manhood harden. He could smell her innocence. Her personal scent. The smell of irises that would drive him mad until he took it, and made it his.
“You will be mine.” He snarled out in a voice that was barely his, it was too deep, too coarse. The demon in him was awake, and ready for action. The grin never left his face as the grip he had on her wrist tightened.
She belonged to him. No one but him. And he would have her…now.